72R-060 RESOLUTION NO. 72R-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXAT~ON TO THE CITY OF ANAHElivl OF THE TEP.RITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED ANAHEIM HILLS NO.4 ANNEXATION. WHEREAS, said Local Agency Formation Commission author- ized the City of Anaheim to annex said territory without notice and hearing and without an election pursuant to the authority vested in said Commission by Section 54797.1 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, said territory proposed to be annexed to said City of Anahe~ is situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and is contiguous to the City of Anaheim, and is uninhabited territory. That said consent contained a description of said territory in words and figures as hereinafter in this resolution described; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim is authorized to approve said annexation by resolution without notice and hearing pursuant to the approval of said Local Agency Formation commission and section 54797.1 of the Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the city of Anaheim finds: That the City of Anaheim submitted proof satisfactory to the Local Agency Formation commission that all of the owners of land within the territory proposed to be annexed have given their signed consent to such annexation. That said territory proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim is situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and is contiguous to the City of Anaheim, and is uninhabited territory. That said consent signed by all of the owners of land within the terri~ory proposed to be annexed contained a description of said territory in words and figures as hereinafter in this resolution described. That the City of Anaheim filed said request to annex said territory, containing the specific boundaries of the terri- tory to be annexed, with the Local Agency Formation Commission and said Local Agency Formation commission approved said annexa- tion request of the City of Anaheim pursuant to Section 54797.1 of the Government Code. That on the 12th day of January, 1972, the Local Agency Formation Commission duly adopted Resolution No. 72-5 in which said Commission authorized the City of Anaheim to annex said territory in accordance with section 54797.1 of the Government Code and further approved such annexation of said territory with- out notice or hearing. That the Local Agency Formation commission further by resolution, authorized the City Council of the City of Anaheim to annex said territory without notice or hearing by ~e City Council and without the requirement that an election be held by ThA ~i~v on the question of said annexation. .. ............ \ f. a . . . \ PROPOSED .'~ AI.1AlIElt4 I-IILLS I:!O. 4 M{NEXi\'l'IO~1 , ~..o '!'iIE. CITY' OF A~rAlIEIM .~'hat pCJrcel of land loca.ted in the County of Orange, Stnte of California~ described as follows: . PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point in the existing City limit line of the . ,.- City o~ Anaheim~ as established by the Anaheim Hills No. 1 Annexation, . . said point of beginning being at the. southe~sterly terminus of the line described in' said annexation, as having a bearing and a distance of North 730 35' 00" if~st, 1,581.09 feet: thence folloTtling along a po~tion of the said city limit line the following courses and distances: (1) lTorth 120 261 3611 West;., 315.45 feet:. (2) North 770 00' 5511 East, . . 872.30. feet: . (3)- North 270 291 46" East, 660.62 feet: (4) North 690 261 38~1 Eas t,. 341. 76 feetJ (5) North 830 "571 00" East, s8a. 28" feet; (6) Nort:l1 520 051 48" East, 354.86 feet; (7) North 475.00 feet to an iingle point i.n the "existing City limit'line of t11.e Cit~ of Anaheim, as ~stablished by the Walnut Canyon Annexation to the City of Anaheim; thence leaving the City limit line per aforementioned Anaheim Hills No.1 - Ann~xation and following along a portion of the City of Anaheim City limit line per said \'lalnu.t Canyon ~nnexationJ the fol1o\'ling courses and distances: (8) South 40002121"" East, 220.20 feet; (9) South 410 041 51" East, 261.13 feet: (10) North 680 251 35" East, 612.29 feet to an intersection wi th the existing Ci ty limi t line of tlle Ci ty of Anaheim, as established by the '~lnut Canyon Reservoir Annexation to the ., ~ .~~~ 1 vI ~ ~. ---. . . ., ..- .Propo::icd Anahcirn IIi lIs 110. 4 Annexa tion to Ci ty of Anal1eirn ..",--. City of Anaheinl, said point of intersection hereinafter referred to as Point Al thence 1~avin9 the suid City limit line per said Walnut Canyon Annexation and following along a portion of the City limit line per said tlalnut Canyon. Reservoir Annexation, the following courses and distances: . . ().l) South 261.11 feetl (12) North 8eo 00 I 00" ""lest, 90. 52 feet~ (13) . Sou.th 20 00 I 00" tlest, 11S.'77 feet to the beginning pf a tangent curve concave nor~heasterly and having a radius of 60 feet; (14.) thence Southerly, Southeasterly and Easterly a1o~9 said curve. through a central angle of 113~ 31.' 3111 an arc distance of 158.51 feet to the beginning of . , a reverse curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 222 feet; . . . (15) thence Northeasterly and Easterly along said reverse curve th~ough a cent;ral angle of 160 12' 21" an arc distance of 62.79 feet: (16) thence North 84~ 40' 50" East, 331.80 feet tangent .to said revers.e curve .to the beginning of a tangent curve concav~ northwesterly and having a radius of. 120 feet; (17) thence Northeasterly along. said.curve through a central angle of 320 10' 5011 an arc distance of 67.40 feet; (18). thence North 520 30 '0 00" East, 149.12 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave so~theasterly and having 'a radius of 280 feet; (19) . thence North- easterly, Easterly and Soutl:lea-sterly along said curve through a central angle of 560 3D' 0011 an arc distance of 276.11 feetl (20) thence 'South 710 00' 0011 East, 447.56 feet tangent to the last PS!8 ~ ef 9 " ." ,. .".. ~.. - ,.....-... , .- . ~ ~ Propos2d Anaheim Hills'No. 4 Annexation to ...;""'- Ci ty of A~laheinl . . .mentio~l.cd curve to the beginning of a tangent cl1"rve concave north- westerly and having a radius of 525 feet; (21) thence. Southeasterly 1 and l-Tortl1easterly.along said curve through a central angle of 840'10' DO" an arc distance of 771.22 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave southeasteriy and having a ,radius of 220 feet; (22) thence Northeasterly along said reverse curve through a central angle of 750 10.. '00" an arc distance of 288.62 feet; (23) tl1ence South 800 OQ. 00" East, 186.00 feet . . ta.ngent to .said reverse curve to the beginning of a tangent curve concave' west.erly and having: a radius ..of 120 feet: (24) thence Easterly, l,\Torth- easterly, Northerly and Northwesterly along said curve thro~9h a central angle ot 2100 00. 00" an arc distance of 439.82 feet to the beginning of a reverse'curye concave northeasterly and having a radius. of ~20 feet; " . . "(25) thence Southwesterly, Westerly and Northwesterly along said reverse curve through a centx:al angle of 520 OO.,OOIl.an arc distance of 108.91 feet: (26) thence l~orth 580 00' 00" West, 250.00 feet ta}1gent to said reverse lcurve to the begi~ning of a tangent ~urve concave southwesterly . and having a radius 'of 100 feet: (27) thence Northwesterly along said curve t.hrough a central angle of 470 30' DO" an arc (listance of 82.90 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave easterly a~d having ~ radi~s o~ 80 feet; '(2~] thence l-lesterly, llorthwesterly, l--Tortherly and Northeasterly al~ng. the last mentioned curve through a central angle o~ 1750 OQ' 00" . iln arc distance of 244.35 feet; (29) thence }!orth 690 30' 001' East, . ., .., pagcr-5 of 9.4 L ..... Propo~{cd Anaheirn IIi lIs' lio. 4 Annexa ti.on to , ............ Ci ty of Anaheim 199.00 feet tangeIlt -to the last inent"ioned curve to the beginn~ing of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of 130 feet: (30) thence Northeasterly, Northerly and Northwesterly along said curve . '. . . through a central angle of 1030 151 00" an arc distance of 234.27 feet: (31) thence North 330 451 DO" ~1est, 74.00 feet tangent to said curve to ~he begi?ning of a ~angent curve ~oncave southeasterly and,?aving a . .-. radius of 9~ feet~ (32) thence Northwesterly, Northerly, Northeasterly a'nd' Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 1460 151 00" an arc:-:distanc.e of 242.49 feet; (33) thence South 670 001 00" East, 69.00 ~eet tangent to said curve. to the be'ginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a ra9ius of 115 feet: (34) thence South- easterly, Easterly .and Northeasterly along s~id curve through a ~entral "angle of 1070'451 00" an arc distance of 216.27 feet: (35) "thence North 50 15' 00" Eas't, 42.50 feet tangent- to 'said curve to the beginning of'a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius ~f 140 feet; (36) thence Northeasterly~along said curve through a central angle of . - . 720 30 I OO~I' at:l arc distan<;:e of 177.15 feet_; (37) thence North."770 4,,?'. 00" East,. 88.00 tee.t tangent to said curve to the beginning of a tangen~ curve concave south~esterly and having a radius of 210 feet:~ .(38) thence~Northeasterly~ Easterly and Southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 520 00' 00'. an:.:arc distance of 190.59 feet; (3'~) thence South SOO 151 00" East, 96.00 feet tangent to said curve' " . ~ Page " _! 9 ~ ., Pz:opo::; eel Anah~i:-ll lIills No. 4 1\nncxa tion to Ci ty of Anaheiril .---." to the beginning of a tangent curve concave north\-Iesterly and having .' .' a radius of 200 feet; (40) tl1ence Southeasterly, Easterly, ~Torthcasterly, Nortperly and, Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 1870 451 00" an arc distance of 655.37 feet to the beginning 9f a curve . . . . concave soutllwesterly and having a radius of 78~ feet; (41) thence . . North\-lzsterly along said cu;-ve tllrough a cent~~l angle of 70 00 I 00" an arc dista.nce of 95'.29 feet to a point, .a rad~a1 line bearing . . North 250 \',00 ~ OO~1 East. passes thro~gh said point: (42.) thence leaving the existing ~ity limit line of. the city of Anaheim, pS estab~ished by . said Walnut Canyon Reservoir Annexation North 870 461 2711 East, 1,381.30 feet; ~ (43) South 1,800-.00 feet; (44) South 330 11.1 4811 West, 2,084.38' feet; (45). South 6~0 471 16" West~ 175.71. feet to ~he beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly.and having a radius of 200 feet: . . (46) thence south""esterl~ along said curve through a central angle of 450 151 36" an arc distance of 157.99 feet to a reverse curve concave . . . northwesterly and having a radius of 200 feet; (47) thence Southwesterly, We~.terly and Nor.thwesterly along said reverse curve through' a central . . angle of 980 .511 37" an arc.distance of 345.09 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve concave southerly and having a radius of 400 'feet~ (48) . . thence Northwesterly, Westerly and Southwesterly along said reverse curve through a central a?gle of 690 231 1311 an ar~ distance of 484.41 fee!:; (49) t.hence'South 490 00' 04" Wost~ 167.66 feet tangent to said ,. ~ Page i af 9'3 ~. .. ...... t . Propol:iec1 " Anallei~l J-lills 110. 4 Annexation to ~........... Ci ty of Anaheirn curve to the beginning of a' .tangent curve concave northwe~t:-er~y and ... having a radius of 600 feet; (50) thence Southwesterly along said curv:e through a central an~le of 130 32' 5511 an arc distance of 141.88 zeet to.the.beginning of ~ reverse curve concave south~~sterly and hav.ing a radius of 300 feet; (51) thence South-=.iesterly along said r~verse curv.e through a centr~l ~ngle'of 560..38' 01" an arc distance of 2~6.53 feet; (52)" thence South 50 54' 58" tlest, 190.00 feet tangent \ " to said re~erse curve to the beginnin~ of a tangent curve concave northweste~ly 'and having a radius of 400 feet; (53) thence Southerly ~nd -Southwesterly along 'said ~urve through a central angle of 410 09~ 40" !J.n arc distance of 287.36 feet to the beginning of a.reverse curve concave southeasterly and having a .rad~us of 400 feet; (54) thence Southwesterly along. said reverse curve through a central angle of.lgO l:i' 0811 an arc distance of 134.17 feet;' (55) thence South ~70 51' 30'~ West, 160.00 feet tangent to said reverse curve to the beginning of a tange~t curve concave northwesterly and having a' ~adius of 300 ~e~t: (56) thence Southwesterly along said curve through ~ ~entral ~n91e of 49~ 381 30~ an arc distance of 259.92 feet: (57) t.hence South .77" 30' oqn West, 4'55.00 feet tangent: to said cu:rve to . . the beginning of ~ tangent curve 'concave northwesterly and having a ~aaius of GOO feet; (58) thence.Southwesterly along said" curve through II c.cntral ansle" of 120 221 4811 an arc distance of 129.64 feet; (59) . ., -I l>age ~ ur ~v . ,,' .. .... ..~ . PropOt;ed AnallCin\ IIi lIs l~o. 4 Annexa l:ion to Ci ty of Anaheim thence South 890 52' 4811 l-lest, 151.10 feet tangent to said curve to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 300 feet: (60) thence Southwesterly along said curve through a central" angle of 620 081 ~5" an arc distance of 325.40 feet: (61) tllence South. 270 441 0311 WestJ 277.05 feet tangent to said curve to the beginning of a tangent curve conca~e northwesterly and having a . radius of 300 feet. (62) th~nce Soutllwester1y along said curve through a central .angle of .660 561 3211 an arc distance of 350.51 feet; (63) thence North ~50 19-1 2511 West", 490.63 feet tangent to said curve to the beginning of a tangent.curve cQncave northeasterly and ~aving a radius of 300 feet: (64) thence Westerly and Northwesterly along said curve througll a .central. angle of 32.0 111 3711 an arc distance of 168.'57" feet, (65) thence North 530 071 48" West, 195.00 feet tangent to said curve to the b~ginning of a tangent curve concave southerly and having a . - radius of 300 feet= (66) thence 11.orthwesterlYJ Westerly 'and f?outhwesterly alo?9 sa.id curve through. "a central angle of. 730 131 0711 an arc distance of 3B3.37 .feet; (67) thence South 530 39' 0511.. West, 115.00 ~eet: ("6'8) th~.nc~ l'Torth :36.0.20' 5511 West, 25.00 feet; (69) thence North 100 271 5711 East, 625.44 feet: (70) thence North 310 16' 00" West, 544.85 feet: (71) thence South sao 441 00" ~West, 31.00 feetr (72) thence North 310 161 00" West, 620.64 feet to the begi~ning of ~ tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius of lJ031 feet; (73) thence' ~ Page. 7 of 9-) ---. ," .. - i. Pr()posi:~d . - Anah~im Hills No. 4 Annexation to ...--.... Ci ty of Anaheim Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 40 59' 36" an. arc distance of 89.85 feet: (74) thence I~orth 260 161 24" i'lest, 381.45 feet; (75) thence North 730. 351 00" West, 1,206.65 feet: to the point of beginning. ." " PARCEL 2:': .~. - ".1'. - (76) Be9iru~in9 at a point distant. 'north 2.55 feet from Point A above - . described, said point of beginning being a cpmmon boundary point in the "rlalnut, Canyon Annexation boun.dary and .the..lfalnut Canyon' Reservoir Annexatio-'l- boundary' to the city of Anaheim; thence lea~Ting said l1alnut Canyon Reservoir Annexa tion bOU!ldary and follo\"ing along' a portion of said .Walnu.t Canyon Anne~ation bou:'ldarYJ the. following courses and distances: (77) North 250 56~ ,56" West, 53.12 feet; (78) thence . . North 61.0 .231 0711 East, 26.47 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as PoinC'" B, .said poi"nt B being a conunon boundary point in. the above last mentio112Cr annexation boundaries; thence leaving said Walnut C.anyon . Ann~xa ti<:>n boundary and follo\'ling a long a portion of the said Wa Inut Canyon Reservoir Annexation bou~dary (79) south 53:06 feet ~o the point of beg' inning .: .~CEk2: " . (80) Beginning at a point distant, l;rorth 610 231 07" East., 62.99 feet from Point B above desc~ibed, said point of be9i.~ning being a common boundary point in the above mentioned annexations referred to in Parcel 2 . -:-' --Da!e 8 ef 5) v ., ," "# - t 1. P.t:'oposed .. . An~llei.ILl IIi lis 110. 4 Annexa tio41 to "-..... Ci ty of P~naheim above described: thence leaving the above mentioned Walnut Canyon Reservoir Annexation boundary to' said City and follow-ring along a portion of the above mentioned l'1alnut Canyon Annexation boundary (81) North 61 ~ 23" 07" East~ 132.51 feet to an intersection with the l-'lalnut Canyon Reservoir Annexatio~ boundary to said City~ said point of int.er- section being a.point of COffinl0n boundary of said annexations; thence leaving said i-lalnut Canyon Annexation boundary and following along a portio~ of\said Walnut Canyon Reseryoir Annexation, the following courses and distances: (82) S.outh 560 00' 00" West~ 83.59 feet to I .. . . the b~ginning of a t.angen~ curve concav~ northwesterly and having a radius of 100 feeti (83) thence; SouthwesteJ;ly'. along said curve. through a central angle of 280 53 ~ 3811 an arc distance of 50.43 feet t:o the point of beginning. . (his descr~ptio~ an map of pr~posed . cnllcxotion ~ meet the ~ppro\'aJ of f e Surveyor's q~f!e, _.., ~.~~ . ,:1-" . . Page wSJ of ~ ., ~ ",. ...44..,.... is hereby approved and said territory is hereby annexed to and incorporated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, and is hereby designated as the ANAHEIM HILLS NO. 4 ANNEXATION to the City of Anaheim. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that fram and after the date of the adoption of this resolution and the filing of a certified copy thereof with the Secretary of State of the State of California, the annexation of the territory herein described shall be deemed to be and shall be complete and thenceforth such annexed territory shall be, to all intents and purposes, a part of the City of Anaheim, and fram and after the effective date of such annexa~ion, all property therein shall be subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim and shall be taxed to pay its proportionate share of the existing indebtedness and liability of said City of Anaheim contracted prior to or existing at the time of such annexation pursuant to the written consent of the owners of property in said annexed territory filed wi~h the Clerk of the City of Anaheim prior to the adoption of this resolution. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 15th day of February, 1972. AT~ST: / . /" ~)(~ CIT CLERK OP THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ,--. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SSe CITY OF ANAHEIM ) --...... I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 72R-60 was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 15th day of February, 1972, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Roth, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the MaYCDr of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 72R-60 on the 15th day of February, 1972. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 15th day of February, 1972. ~ kt [)~ CI CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ( SEAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 72R-60 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on February 15, 1972. JL-L hi il#~~ City Clerk ~