69R-303RESOLUTION NO. 69R -303 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1102. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a request for a Conditional Use Permit from Robert J. Marshall to establish a 157 -unit mobile home park with waiver of required setbacks on R -A zoned property located at: PARCEL 1: A portion of Section 4, in Township 4 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as beginning at the West one quarter section corner of said Section 4, and running thence South 89° 16' 45" East 1980 feet; thence South 1° 24' 15" West 330 feet; thence North 89° 16' 45" West 230.57 feet; thence South 1° 19' 45" West 94 feet; thence North 89° 16' 45" West 429 feet; thence South 1° 19' 45" West 82.45 feet; thence South 60° 07' 45" West 389.81 feet; thence South 79° 51' 45" West 582.94 feet to a point in the center line of the right of way for road purposes conveyed by J. W. Walls and wife, to the County of Orange, by deed dated March 29, 1926, recorded April 9, 1926, in Book 645, page 44, Deeds; and thence Northwesterly along the center line of said right of way for road purposes, 950.97 feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPTING THEREFROM the North 12 feet; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the portion included within the following: A portion of Lot 3 of Section 4, in Township 4 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 3, and running thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 3, a distance of 882.8 feet; running thence Easterly and parallel with the Northerly line of said Lot 3, a distance of 429 feet; running thence Southerly and paral- lel with the Westerly line of said Lot 3 to the Southerly line of said Lot 3; running thence Southwesterly along the Southerly line of said Lot 3 to the Southwest corner, the place of beginning; ALSO EXCEPTING all mineral rights from a portion of said land as reserved in the deed from Frank H. Ayres and wife, to John W. Walls, recorded May 13, 1922, in Book 421, page 266, Deeds; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following: A portion of Lots 3 and 4 of Section 4, in Township 4 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian more particularly described as follows: A. Beginning at a point 231.84 feet South 1° 24' 15" West of a point 1980.00 feet South 89° 16' 45" East from the West one quarter section corner of said Section 4, said point of beginning also being a point in the East line of a parcel of land conveyed to Clarence W. Jordan and wife, by deed recorded March 28, 1935, in Book 743, page 120, Official Records, 231.84 feet South 1° 24' 15" West from the Northeast corner thereof, and running from said point of beginning South 1° 24' 15" West along said East line 98.19 feet to the Southeast corner of said land conveyed to Clarence W. Jordan; thence North 89° 16' 45" West 230.57 feet; thence South 1 19' 45" West 94.00 feet; thence North 89° 16' 45" West 257.90 feet; thence North 69° 20' 05" East 526.96 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.526 acres. B. Beginning at a point 711.48 feet South 69° 20' 05" West from the point of beginning as used in the descrip- tion of Exception A, and running from the point of be- ginning South 1° 19' 45" West 15.16 feet; thence South 60° 07' 45" West 389.81 feet; thence South 79° 51' 45" West 583.80 feet to the center line of a right of way for road purposes conveyed by J. W. Walls and wife, to the County of Orange, by deed dated March 29, 1926, and recorded April 9, 1926, in Book 645, page 44, Deeds; thence North 29° 04' 35" West along said center line, 67.81 feet; thence North 81° 55' 05" East 258.50 feet; thence North 76° 02' 50" East 350.96 feet; thence North 69° 20' 05" East, 373.50 feet to the point of beginning; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of said land as granted to the State of California, by deed recorded March 19, 1953, in book 2472, page 286, Official Records, described as follows; Commencing at the West one quarter corner of said Section 4, being a point in the center line of Jefferson Street, 60 feet wide, described in deed to the County of Orange, recorded in Book 645, page 44, Deeds; thence along said center line South 2° 13' 06" West, 202.03 feet to the beginning of a curve therein; thence South 87° 46' 54" East, 30.00 feet to a point in the Easterly line of said Jefferson Street, being the true point of beginning; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said street along a curve therein concave Easterly having a radius of 170 feet, through an angle of 41° 10' 12 an arc distance of 122.15 feet; thence tangent along the North- easterly line of said street, South 43° 23' 18" East, 223.39 feet; thence continuing along said Northeasterly line, along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 430 feet, through an angle of 15° 01' 20 an arc distance of 112.74 feet; thence along the Northeasterly line of that portion of said Jefferson Street described in deed to said County of Orange, recorded in Book 1000, page 512, Official Records, South 32° 10' 23" East, 211.07 feet, more or less, to a point in that certain course in the Northerly line of the parcel of land described as having a length of 258.50 feet in Parcel 2 of deed to Orange County Water District, recorded in Book 984, page 110, Official Records; thence along said certain course North 82° 43' 54" East 211.20 feet to the Easterly terminus thereof; thence continuing along the Northerly line of said Parcel 2, North 76° 56' 11" east, 10.35 feet; thence North 47° 05' 00" West, 162.47 feet; thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 2071 feet, and tangent to last described course, through an angle of 7° 23' 11 an arc distance of 266.99 feet; thence radially North 35° 31' 49" East, 15.00 feet; thence. Northwesterly from a tangent which bears North 54° 28' 11" West along a curve concave Southwesterly having a radius of 2086 feet, through an angle of 7° 26' 11" an arc distance of 270.74 feet; thence along a nontangent line North 28° 50' 09" West, 105.31 feet to the true point of beginning; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM all right, title and interest in and to those portions of said Jefferson Street appurtenant to the land granted to the State of Cali- fornia, by deed recorded March 19, 1953, in book 2472, page 286, Official Records. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following Commencing at the West quarter section corner of said Section 4; thence along the West .line of said section, South 2 15' 57" West, 50.98 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 45° 11' 02 East, 168.14 feet; thence. South 41° 01' 56" East, 249.85 feet; thence South 46° 59' 03" East 529.35 feet to the Northeasterly prolongation of that course described as "North 76° 56' 11" East, 10.35 feet" in deed to the State of California, recorded in Book 2472, page 286, Official Records; thence along said prolongation South 77° 03' 06" West, 50.76 feet to the Northeasterly boundary of said land conveyed to the State of California; thence Northwesterly along the various courses of said North- easterly boundary to the most Northerly corner of said land described in said deed; thence leaving said North- easterly boundary and at right angles to said West line, North 87° 44' 03" West, 30.00 feet to said West line of said section; thence along said West line, North 2° 15' 57" East, 150.31 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING that portion thereof included within the. West 30.00 feet of said section, which was condemned for freeway purposes by final decree of condemnation, entered in the Orange County Superior Court, Case No. 130297, a certified copy thereof being recorded Decem- ber 23, 1965, in Book 7784, page 694, Official Records. PARCEL 2: The right of way for ingress and egress over and across the following described land: That portion of Section 4, in Township 4 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the West one quarter section corner of said Section 4; running thence South 89° 16' 45" East 1980 feet; thence South 1° 24' 15" West 12 feet; thence North 89° 16' 45" West 1980 feet to a point in the West line of said Section 4; thence North 1° 19' 45" East 12 feet to the point of beginning, as conveyed to Clarence W. Jordan and wife, by deed dated March 13, 1935, and recorded March 28, 1935, in Book 743, page 120, Official Records, said right of way not to be for the exclusive use of the grantees therein, but to be for the joint use with others as provided in the deed to Ben Danker and wife, dated November 6, 1930, and recorded January 8, 1931, in Book 447, page 326, Official Records. PARCEL 3. All mineral rights in and to that portion of Parcel 1 above included within the following: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 3 of Section 4, in Township 4 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 1, page 29, Record of Surveys, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; running thence West along the North line of said Lot 3, 653.4 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said lot, 330 feet; thence East parallel with the North line of said lot to the Easterly line of said Lot 3; thence North 7 -3/4° East along the said East line to the point of beginning. AND, WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said request on March 24, 1969, notices of which said public hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of Title 18, Chapter 18.76 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investi- gation and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, did adopt its Resolution No. PC69 -58 denying Conditional Use Permit No. 1102; and WHEREAS, thereafter, within twenty -two (22) days from the date of the adoption of said resolution, a written appeal was filed with the City Council protesting the action of the City Planning Commission in denying said Conditional Use Permit and said appeal was set for public hearing on May 27, 1969, at the City Hall, in the City of Anaheim, and notices of such public hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of Title 18, Chapter 18.76 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such hearing and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find after careful con- sideration of the recommendations of the City Planning Commission and all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, that Condi- tional Use Permit No. 1102 should be denied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the action of the City Planning Commis- sion denying Conditional. Use Permit No. 1102 be, and the same is hereby denied, and that the request of Robert J. Marshall to establish a 157 -unit mobile home park is hereby denied. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 27th day of May, 1969. ATTEST STATE. OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 27th day of May, 1969, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Pebley, Clark NOES: COUNCILMEN: Schutte ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 27th day of May, 1969. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 27th day of May, 1969. (SEAL) OF THE C OF ANAHEIM 4 �i�c- Gc/ CI CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM