71R-413 ............ RESOLUT.ION NO.. 71R-'4l3" A RBSOLUT:tOH OP THE' CX'l'Y COURC.IL 'OP THE. ern OP ANABEDI GRANTING .VARIANCE HO. 2280,. .IN PART., KBEImAS, 'after a request 'for variance by. MOBrL on. COllPORATION was' received, a pubU'c hearin9 bef.ore :the 'Plannin9' Cdlmliss'i'on of the 'City of Anahe.im was 'held- upon due and 'proper Do~ice .as 'a result of wbi.cn Vari~nce No. 2280 was 'granted in part, coverin9 the 'following described property: . parce'l I:' .,."",...... That portion of Blo'ck "C" of Kroeg.er's, 'Subdivision of Vineyard Lot D-1, Anaheim, as' per map reCorded in Book 5, p~9'e .34 of Mi'scellaneous Maps 'in 1:he . Office of the County Recorder of said County. Beg.inning on the. .Southe.rly line of sa'id Block ,"C" at '.a pOint '2 '..50 .feet West"erly 'from 'the: Sou1:heasterly corner of said Block "e"; thence Northerly paral1e'l wi.th ..the . eas1:er.ly line of said Block -.C" 13'5 fee,t ..to the 'South- easterly corner of said land conveyed .to. Fred Samua1 and wife 'by. deed recorded April 27, 19'46., in Book 14'0,2, page 4SS of Official Records1 thence Westerly .alon9 the Southerly line of said land conveyed to Pred Samual, a distance of 99.1S' feet to the Northeasterly corner of Lot 1 of Tract No.. 1157, as per map recorded in Book 40, pages 34 and 3S of Miscellaneous Maps,' records of said County; tb:ence .Southe.rly along the Eilst'erly line of said Lot. 1 'of sa'id Tract. No. 115'7, ,a distance of 135 feet to the ,Southerly line of said Blo'ck "C".; thence Eas'terly along the. Southerly' line of said Block IICn to the point of beginninq. Parcel: 2:. Lot 1 'of Tract No.. 1157 as per map recorded in Book '40,. pages. 34 .and 35 of Mi.scellaneo.us Maps,' in the .Office of the 'Count.y ReCorder of said Count.y. WHEREAS,' t:h8reaft.er, wi.thin the t.ime 'pres~cribed by law an intereste'd party. or the .City Council on its own motion cause'd the review .of said Plannin9 Commission action at a pub1ic he'ar- ing noticed and held as prescribed by law and as 'a result thereof 'the Ci'ty Council does. 'hereby make 'the followin9' finding's:' 1. That there are special circumstances applicable to the, .property, including size, .shA,pe,. top~9raphy, locat:i.'on 'or sUJ:'roundin9s, which do no't apply t.o' other property under identical zonin9 classifica- tion in the vicinity. That, because .of sp'e.c.ial circumstances 'shoWn in (1.) ab.ove, st.rict appli'cation of the zoning code deprives the. property of privile'ges. enjoyed by other property under identical 'zonin9 classifica- 2.