71R-375 RESOLUTI.ON NO,. 7'lR- 375 A RESOLU'l'iOH OF THE. CITY COON.elL OP THE, ,CITY OP AHABBDI AtrmORIZ ING TIiB lU\YOR Atm ern, CLERK :TO EXECUTE A GRANT 'DEED (LA PALMA AVENUE.) . 1IBERBAS, J1ereto.fore on the .17t:h. ,day of HOY81Ibe:r., 19'64, the :City Co1illCil a,reed' to. sell' a s'urpl1l. -tr.ian.g:le' 'of 'land to Dan '.L. Rowland; and . WHEREAS, said sale has not: 'as yet: been cOnBUDlU.1:ed, but: the 'City Council 'finds .that it 'is 'in the bes~ -interest. of ,the Ci1:y to. conclude .said sale of surplus. property. NOW, TBEREPORB, BE IT RESOLVED by. the ".City Counc'il of the 'City, of Anahelm that 'the'Mayor aDd City Cl"erk be~ and they are her.eby authorized and directed to eXecuta 'a grant deed on behalf- of 'the. .Ci;ty- of AnaheiJII 1:0 Dan L. Rowl,and' and/o~ Verlee J. Rowland ooveri~g the .fo11owinq described 'property., .'to'. wi.t:~ That portion of Lot ,39 of Anaheim EXtension, .as shown on a map t:hereof aade by- Willi.. Haael 'and' f.iled for reCord in the office .of the 'Co.unty 'ReCorder of. Los Angeles,' California, des'c'ribed as followa: Beginning at a point distant: N .890 39' 4511 E, 572.'.89 feet and s '15.0 20. t. 50 '1. E, 5l.77 feet '.from the ,ceIiter,- line int.ersect.ion of La Palma Avenue and Nor1:h 'Wes''t . Street, as 'said intersection is 'shOwn on a Map of Survey file'd in Book '70, .p~ge 24, Record. of surv.ys, in the office of the County' Recorder of said Orange 'County, SAid point of beginning' being a point 'in t.he 'easterly line 'of t.he land des.cribed in t:h:e '.deed 1:0. Rowl:and and Johnston, a partnersh1p, recorded January .7, /19'60, in Book 504,4, pag'e '506, Official Rec'ords of Or~ge County ~ then.ce'S 150 20' 50" E, 28.56 fee,t . to' an intersection wit:h .the northwesterly line of the easeDi.en't des,cribe'd in document recorded in Book 5977, page 58, as 'shOwn on said ReCord of Survey; thence N 720 45' 42n E, 94.89 feet to an intersection wi.th 'a line' parall'el with '.and 50 .fee't southerly' of 'the. 'cen'ter.line of sa'id La: Palma Avenue~' thence S 890 39' 45" W, 98.l9' feet. 'along said parall'e'l line to the point of be'ginning. Reserving ther.efrom an easement. ',for road ~d publ,i,c utility' purposes. over, under and across' .t,4e northerly three .feet .thereof. The. 'southerly line '.of wldch '.is parall'el with .and 53 fee.t southerly of the celiterline of La Palma Avenue. BE IT FURTHER RE,SOLVED that said Deed, when executed, be t.ransmitted to the Office of the City Attorney 'SO that ~the . agreed consideration of Three Hundred and Thirty Doll-ars "($'330..00.) may be. 'eXchanged for said Grant Deed. THE .PORBGOING RESOLUTION .is 'approved .and s~'9'ned by me this '~~day of' August , 19'71.' JT: :i )r ~ C, . ~K&" OP . ern. OF ANAHEIM JBD/ms STATB 01' CALIFORNIA ) COUlft'Y OP ORARGE' ) SS . CITY OP AHABB~ ) ~ I, DEHE M. DAOUST', .City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby: ,cert.ify 'that t:Ile .foregoing' Resolu'tion Ho. 71R":375 was passed and adopted at 'a . '-_:_-~~..;'- .' regular mee'tinCJ 0% .the C1ty Council M.ld on 'the 17th day of Auaust, 1'9'..1l., by the following vote of the membe'rs thereof: AYES: NOBS: COORCILMEN: Roth, St~phenson, Pebley,' 'Thom 'and Dutton COUNCILMEN: None ABSEN'.r : CODRCndCER: None AND I PUR1lBER CBR'f.rPY t:hat the Mayor of the' 'CLty, of Anaheim approved and si9Ded sa:1d resolution on tile 17th. day of' . Augus't , 19 71 _ - IN III~BSS -RBOP, .X have hereun1:o set my' hand and affixed the '8e'&1 of the Ci.ty 'of ADaheiJD this' 17.th day of August , 19-1.!.- ~~~ OF ARABBIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. "DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 7lR-375 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 17, 1971. ~ n . _ 'pt-N~ City Clerk . '. .---... M/H .6;~,v