16 (6) Susana Barrios From:Deborah Felin <catpaws.deborah@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, June To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Orange County Animal Shelter Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Greetings, I am writing in reference to the requested assessment to the City of Anaheim by Orange County Animal Care Services. Our non-profit cat rescue has been a partner with Orange County Animal Care Services for years. We directly rescue cats, our volunteers participate in the Pet Food Pantry and we have provided at no cost to OCAC thousands of dollars worth of kitten care kits to in turn give to people who find and bring in kittens in an effort to engage the community in taking care of those kittens and diverting them from shelter intake, saving taxpayer money and often also the kittens who are at risk of being euthanized if sick or not yet of adoptable age. Additionally, we have operated our own spay/neuter voucher fund for years providing financial assistance to residents of Orange County, many of whom are from Anaheim, to get cats fixed in an effort to stem the tide of unwanted litters and the consequent suffering and death of too many of those kittens. In recent years, specifically since OCAC abandoned its TNR support, demand on that program of ours has exploded to the point we can no longer offer it and have had to suspend it. In one year we gave out over 900 vouchers, over half of which were redeemed at a cost of over $50,000 to our small non-profit organization, which was not sustainable. A recently issued Orange County Grand Jury report outlined many of the concerns and reached the conclusions those of us in animal rescue have expressed for years, to deaf ears at Orange County Animal Care administration. Namely: 1. Orange County Animal Care services is killing more animals as a percentage of intake. 2. Staff shortages, lack of animal behavior assessment is resulting in more animal deaths 3. Abandonment of the TNR program has resulted in a statistically significant increase in cat deaths. OCAC hides behind threat of a lawsuit as reason for abandonment of that program despite other cities and counties in CA still offering it. I guess those other agencies have smarter lawyers. 4. There is no form of spay/neuter support, either vouchers or clinics at the OCAC shelter itself. 5. The shelter remains largely closed to walk in traffic long after other CA shelters have reopened. Now OCAC comes to the City of Anaheim to ask for more money to do less and produce worse results. That is cheeky. Small non-profit organizations are breaking under the weight of trying to address the animal suffering and death left in the wake of OCAC administrative negligence and incompetence. We're the ones who should be asking for more money. This is not just about animals. This also impacts the people - and there are many - in your community who care for animals and are trying to do the right thing but so often lack the means. We have 1 found it is often those people who have the least who care the most. We try to help them but we cannot take on what OCAC should be doing. I would urge you to reject OCAC's demand for more and more money to do less, and in fact hold them accountable for the poor performance and inadequate service delivered to your residents. Sincerely, Deborah Felin Magaldi Director www.helensanderscatpaws.com The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location. 2