71R-356 ~...-., RESOLUTION NO. 71R-3"5.6 A RE.SOLUTJ:ON OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE C1:TY 01' ANABE:rM PINDING AND DE'l'ERHINING THAT ',TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNJ:CIPAL CODE RELATING TO. ZONING. SHOULD BE AMEND- ED AND THAT '.THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. WHEREAS, 'the City Planning Commission of 'the Ci.ty of Anaheim did hold a publ.ic hearing in Reclass"ification Proceed- ing:8 No. 7'O-.7'l:~6l to: c:onsi'der an amendment: '1:0 Tit.le 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating- to zoning, and to consi'der a Change in t:he boundaries of the zone or zones' hereinafter. men- tioned and described, and at said hearinq did receive evidence and reports from persons interested 'the.rein and from its staff; and WHEREAS, within a per.iod of forty. days 'following said hearing, 'the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolution conta.ininq a report of its' findinqs, a summary of the evidence presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that the proposed ameDdmen.t: be adopted by 'the City Council and that a certain zone or zones be. changed as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of said res'olution, .s11J1ftflry of evidence, report of findings 'and recommendation of the 'City Plan- ninq commission the. City Council did fix the' "lOth '.day of' Auqust. , 19' 71, as the time, and ~e City Council 'C~'in Che 'City Ran-of the City of Anaheim as the place for a public he.aring upon said proposed amendment boo Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the exclusion of said property, hereinafter describe.d, from 'the zone or zones in which it is now sit.uat.ed and the 'incorpora- tion thereof in the zOne or zones hereinafter set forth, and did give notice thereof in the manner and fo~ provided in said Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code: and WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing the Ci.ty Council did hold and conduct 'such 'publ.ic hearinq and did qive all persons 'interested therein an opportuni.ty 1:0 be heard, and did recei ve evidence and reports', and did thereupon consider ~e summary of evidence presented at .said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report of findings and recom- mendation; and WHEREAS, 'the City Council does find and de1:erlDine that 'the amendment to Title' 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code sho.uld be adopted and ~at the proper'ty hereinafter described shOuld be excluded from tha mODA or IODaR in which .it 'is now .situated and incorporated in the zone or zones. as hereinaf~er set 'for~. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. by 'the City Council of 'the. City of Anahe.im 1:h'at Title" 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be., and the same is hereby, amended and tlult 1:J:1e. following des- cribed property., situated in 'the Ci.ty of Anahe.im, .County of Or~ge, state of California, to wit: -1- 70-71-:61 Parcell: .,..- That 'portion of Lots 2 .and 3 in Blo'ck 23 of 'the Go.lden State 'Tr.act, in the. City of Anaheim, as shOwn on a map ther.eof recorded in bo.ok 4, .pages 66 and 67, Misc'e'l.laneous Maps, records "of Orange County, described as 'follows:' Beginning at a point on 'the Northerly' line 'of sa'id Lot 2, whiCh 'said point is 401.10 feet Westerly 'from the 'Nor~- easterly corner of sa'id Lot 2, thence . Southerly , parallel wi.t.h the Easterly line of Lot 2, 124.4.68 feet; 'thence at right 'angles Westerly 337.70 .feet to a point on ~e South- westerly line of Lot 3 of said Block 23.; thence NorthWest- erly', along said Southwesterly line, 17'4.'90 feet to a point .in the East'erly line of land described in deed to George P. Yoakam recorded August 30,. 1906. in book '138, paCJe 13'5, of Deeds; thence Northerly, parall"el to the Easterly line of said Lot 3 and along' 'the. said Eas.t'erly line of Y~akam, 11'41. 90 feet to. a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 3; thence 'East"erly along said Northerly line 476.50 feet to the point of ~qinnin9. EXCEPT THEREFROM any portion of said land lying .Northerly of the .Sou'therly line of Prontera Street .as des.cribed in the .Deed to tne state of California recorded MarCh 26, 1963 in book 6480, page 466, Official Records. Parcel 2: That porti:on of Lot 3, Block 23 of the .Go~deJi State, Tract, in 'the Ci.ty of Anaheim, Coun-ty of Orange, St.ate. of Cali- fornia, as 'shown on the map recorded in bo,ok 4,. pages'. '66 and 67, of Miscellaneous 'Maps,' records 'of said Orang'e . County, lying Southerly of the Westerly prolonqation of the line describe.d as "North 910 48' 04 II East' 660 ft.", on a map of Tract 17185 as recorded in book .268, pages 49 and SO, of Miscellaneous Maps, records 'of said Orange County. . Note: Said land is described on the Co.unty Tax Assessment Roll for the fiscal year 1969-70 as A.P. No.. 74~17-3-13;' CA 1-03.9. be excluded from the R-A(O.), ~9ricult:ural (Oil 'Product:ion) Zone and incorporated in the R-3, )lUl t'i'ple 'Family Resi'dential 'Zone, subj.ect. t.o the following conditions:' 1. That the 'owners of subject proper.ty. shall deed t.o 'the City of Anaheim a str.ip of 1and 71 fee~ in wi.d1:h :.from 1:he north curb line along 'Prontera St.reet, and a .s'i:rip of land 64 feet in width .(32 .feet 'from each side of the 'centerline) along the 'estab11shed all'gnment ot Jackson Aven.ue 'for street widening- purposes. 2. That. all en9ineering requirements of the City of Anaheim aloDg Frontera Street and Jackson Avenue,' including pre- parat.ion of' improvement 'plans and install'ation of all iaprovements, such as curbs. and gutters, sidewalks, street. .qradinq and p.Bving, drainage facilities, or o~er appurtenant. work shall be complied with as :required by the City Engineer and in accordance wi.th standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities along Frontera Street 'and Jackson Avenue sh-all be inst'alled as requ'ired by the Director of Public Oti1ities and in accordance with standard plans and spec'ifications on file in the. office of the 'Director of -2- Public Uti'lities.; and that a bond in an amount 'and form satisfac- tory to the City of Anahe.im shall be posted wi.t:h .'the Ci.ty to quarantee the installati:on of the above-Dlentioned requireDient:s. . . 3. That ,~he owner,s of subj,ec'l:: property shall pay to the C11:y of AnaheJ.D1 the ,sum of lS-' per front foot 'along Fron,tera street .and Jackson Avenue for tree planting pu,rPoses,. 4. That .trash storage areas 'shall be provided in accordance with approved plans 'on file' with. ',the 'office of the Director of Public Works. s. That: 'fire hydrants 'shall be installed as required and determined to, be necess'ary by the Chief of the 'Pire Depart- ment. .' 6. That. a 6-foot masonry' wall shall- be. ',constructed along the west 'property line. 7.. That all 'air-conditioning facilities. 'shall be properly shi,elded from view and the .soUnd bUffer,ed' 'from adjacent properti.es. 8. Thai: subj.eot: propert.y shall be' ,served wi.1:h 'under- ground utilities. 9 . That the owners of subj~ec.t property ,shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate 'park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the 'City Council, said fees .to be. 'paid at the, 'time .the building permit ,is 'issued. lO . That drainage of subject .proper.ty shall be. dis- posed of in a manner that' is sa~isfactory to the City Engineer. This may include obt,ainin9 a drainage ,easement 'ove,r the. .property to the we,st 'of subje'ct 'property to take 'the 'drainage 'to Park Vista, Stree.t. ll'. That the owner of subj.ect property shall pay' ,to Reiohert , Son as reimbursement ,for offsi~e drainage facilities in Park Vista Street and installed by. Reichert , Son, a SUJI to be computed as the ,same ratio to the 'total construction cost as the area of subje'ct property i.s to' the total 'area t.o: be: served by sa'id drainage facility. The owner may not .proceed with 'his development until he. has furnished the City Engineer a receipt fram Reichert ~, Son as evidence that said payment has been' made. Said receipt shall be furnished to the City Att'orney prior to issuance of a building pe~it. 12. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subj,ect .property, Condi ti'ons 'Nos. l, 2 and 3, above' menti'oned, shall be completed,. The provisions or ri9hts' 'granted by this resolution shall become null and void by action of the City Council unless said conditions 'are complied with within 180 .days from 'the date hereof or such further 'time as .the. City Council may. g'rant. 13. That Conditions Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final buildin9 and zoning inspections.' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED 'that the City Attorney. be, and he is hereby .authorized and directed to prepare. ,and submit '.to the Ci.'ty Co.uncil 'an ordinance amending Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the objects' herein found and deter- mined to be necess'ary and proper. -3- THE. POREGOING. RESOLUTION is 'a.pproved and signed 'by. me this 10~ day of August, 1971. ....--.. ATTEST : ~~,~ OP ARABEIM 1M STA!'E OP CAL,IPORHIA. ) COUIfrX OF OMAHGB ) SS. CrlY .01' AKABB~ ) I~ DBNE M.' DAOUST', City Clerk of the City of Ana,hei.m, do hereby. cer1:ify 1:h.at. '1:he foregoing Res'o'lution No,.' '. '7'lR'-:.356. waS passe'd .and adopted at a' . --;_:~'. ' r~gular meeting of, t.h:e City coUncil heJ.'d on 'the. "l'O'th day of '.uqus'1:' , 197'1 ~, by' t:h:e 'following vote. of the, members '~eof: AYES: COURCILMEN :. St.ephenson, Peb.1.ey and ,Dut.ton NOES: COUNCILMEN : ABS'l'AIBED : COUNCILMEN : ABSBH'f: CODRCILMEN. : None Ro.th . IJ.'hOm AND. I PURTBER CER'!',IPY tha.:t t.he Mayo.r of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the. l'Oth'day of' ' Augus:t. , 19'7'1 '. IN Wn'BBSS WBBREOP, I have hereunto sei:' my hand and affixed the .seal 'of 'the 'City of Anaheim thi.s 'l"O'th " day of' Auqus;t ,. , 19'!L. .~ p.LP~. . . C . CLERK OF THE 'C, OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 71R-356 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 10, 1971. .,,"-" L.f)~ City Clerk -4- WPH :ms