71R-279 RESOLUTION NO. 71R-279 ."'-" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIXING WATER SERVICE CONNECTION AND ~mTER INSTALLATION CP~GES, FIXING WATER !4AIN EXTENSION CHARGES, &~D FIXING RATES FOR WATER FURNISHED TO CONSUI\I}ERS AND FOR ALL SERVICES RENDERED IN CON- NECTION THEREvlITH, AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTIONS Nm.mERED 70R-82, 70R-l21, 70R-559, 7lR-9, AND 71R-94. WHEREAS, the City of ~laneim maintains a water distribu- tion system for the furnishing of wate.r to residents and inhabi- tants of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, the City sells water outside of the City limits; and WHEREAS, it is desirable and necessary that certain rules and regulations be established and that charges for installa- tion and service be fixed; and WHEREAS, the City nas by ordinance and resolution made certain covenants with bondholders in connection with issuance of water revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the city Council that Anaheim's water utility shall be self-supporting from charges made by the city for installation of water mains, for water furnished to consumers and for all services rendered in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the city Council that sufficient water utility revenue shall be made available to the City1s General Fund to equal the annual principal and interest payments needed to retire outstanding General Obligation Bonds of the City which were used for construction of water utility capital L~provements; and WhEREAS, the basic water rate has not been changed since 1959 except for conunodit.y adjustments and it is desirable to re-establish the oase year for commodity charges; and WHERBAS, u1e costs of many individual items of labor, materials and equipment used by the water utility have nearly doubled since 1959; and WHEP~AS, it is estimated by the utilities Director that existirlg charges made hy i:~le City :Eor ins.::allation of watQr mains, for water furnisned to consmners, and for all services rendered in connection therevJ"itll vJill no"t produce annual revenue suffi- cient -c.o meet all tIle foragoing conditions in the 1971-72 fiscal year and in subsequent fiscal years; and .......... WHEllliAS, Section 10.16.420 of tne Ananeim 11unicipal Code provides -that t.i.1e City ..:::ouncil shall, by resolution, fix installation ci1arges aile estal:,1isi~J. rates t:o be charged iJY the City of l:..nailcira for ~Alater installa.tion and water furnished to consumers and services rendered in connection therewith. -1- ..............., - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT P~SOLVED by the City Council of t~'1e City of l\na:lei:n that. t~1.3 folloVlil1g rules and regulations for water installations heretofore or hereafter made and rates for such installations and for water furnished and services rendered in connection there\'li -en be 1 and tile same art~ hereby established as follovlS, to vIi t :: -- DOI.1ESTIC tiATER SERVICE SCHEDULE W-D (31) Service: Applicable to all consumers of water within the city limits of Anaheim. For general domestic and household purposes in a single family accomodation. Metered Rate Monthly: Commodity Charge First 750 cubic feet Over 750 cubic feet $0.32 per 100 cubic feet .195 per lOa cubic feet ~~inimum Charge: 5/811 X 3/41t i.leter $2.40 per month 1 ii Ii 3 . 60 - fI II 1 1/2 11.1 5 . 7 0 I: i~ 2 ii IE 8 . 40 if If Special Condition: This schedule is subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. DOi~STIC WATER SERVICE MULTI-FAMILY ACCOMODATIONS SCHEDULE W-D~ ~32) Service: Applicable to all consumers of water within the city limits of Ananeim. For general domestic use to two (2) or more dwelling units using water through a common service and occupying premises neld under one ownership such as apartment houses, housing courts, mobile home courts, also to planned units and condominium develop- ments served through a common service. r.ietered l~ate r"'ront111y: Commodlty Charge First AllOver 550 cubic feet 550 u ., $0.32 .l95 per 100 cubic feet Ii II II ;1 The above rate blocks sllall be multiplied by the number of dwelling units served. . ....-~. lvlinimum Charges: s/aH x 3/4 Ii l'!leter $2.40 4 Iii l/leter $l9.20 1 ,. ~ ~ 3.00 611 II 38.40 1 l/2Ei 5.7U 811 n 66.00 2" 8.40 lO Ii n 90.00 3 ;: 13.20 -2- The above minim~~ charges shall be increased by 90 cents for each dwelling unit connected in excess of one. Special Conditions: 1. For purposes of this schedule, laundry rooms will not be counted as dwelling units. 2. This schedule is subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. 3. A customer shall not resell water to another person at any charge higher than his pro rata share of the total charges as rendered by the City of Anaheim. This paragraph shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a portion of the rental of the premises or space occupied. 4. For the purpose of computing charges, each meter upon the comsumer's premises shall be considered as a separate service and no readings of two or more meters shall be combined for billing purposes. GENERAL WATER SBRVICE SCHEDULE W-G (33) Service: Applicable to all conswners of.water within the city limits of Anaheim for all water service not covered by other specific schedules. Metered Rate Monthly; Customer Charge (per service per month) 5/8~.; X 3/4H llieter $1.20 3 I~ lYleter $12.00 1 ~I il3 2.40 4 ~. r: 18.00 1 1/2a . . 4.80 611 n 36.00 2 .; .. 7.20 8 J; i~ 60.00 1011 n 90.00 Commodit~arg~ (in addition to customer charge) : First 50,000 cubic feet $ .195 per 100 .cubic feet Next 50 , 000 .. II . 1 7 5 u n H n Over 100,000 .. ;. .170 U HUll i'-'linimwn Charges: 5/8H X 3/4" l\ileter $2.40 1 ~; ,~ 3.60 1 1/2 :r 7.20 2H . i 10.\30 3i1 I\leter $21.60 411 !, 30.00 6u .. 60.00. 8 ~~ r; 90.00 10n . . 120.00 ..........., Special condition~; 1. This schedule is subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the city of Anaheim. 2. For the purpose of computing charges, each meter upon the cOl1sumer ~ s premises shall be considered . -3- as a separate sarvic2 and no readings of two or :alorc me-t:.ers s~lall De combined for billing purposes. ..-. 3. A customer shall not rasell water to another person at anv charae hia~ler tllan his pro rata share of the total'" crlarg~s as~' renderaa ~y -tne City of Anal1eim. rrl"1is paragraph shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a por-tion of tile rental of tIle premises or space occupied. GENEP~ WATER SBRVICE ~CHEDULE W-:U~~iL.__ Service: Applicable to all consumers of water outside of the City limits of the city of l~aheim for general domestic and housenolQ purposes in a single family accommodation, or to two (2) or more dwelling units using water through a common service and occupying premises held under one ownership such as apartment houses, ilousing courts, mobile home courts, also to planned units and condominium developments served t~rougn a common service. r--letered Rate Ivlonthlv;; Commodity Charge ~- First 750 cubic feet $.345 per 100 cubic feet l~ext 3,OJ0 .. H .285 n Ii n n Next 7,000 ~ ! H .245 H (I n II All Over 10,750 h a .195 il II 51 II The above rate iJlocks shall be multiplied ny the nUllL"Jer of dwelling units served. !;liniInum Cllarges; 5/8l; x 3/41: ~leter $3.GO 2H l.ieter $12.00 1.- Ii 5.40 351 n 21.60 .. 1 1/2" ., 9.uO 4H ii 36.00 6ct 11 54.00 au Ii 84.00 1021 Sf 120.00 The above minimum cnarges shall be increased by $1.20 for each dwelling unit connected in excess of one. Special Conditions: - l. For purposes of this schedule, laundry rooms will not be counted as dwelling units. ..) ~. This sClledule is subject to COIll.\llodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. 3. A customer shall not resell water to another person at any charge :higher than his pro rata share of tile total cnarges as rendered by the city of Anaheim. . ...... -4- .~ This paragrapn shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a portion of the rental of the premises or space occupied. 4. For the purpose of computing charges, each meter upon the consumer's premises shall be considered as a separate service and no reading of two or more meters shall be combined for billing purposes. In territory capable of being annexed to the City of Anaheim where proceedings have been commenced in good faith for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim, and ytl1ere a petition for annexation is filed "tJ[ith the City Clerk for tIle City of Anaheim, signed by a majority of the registered voters register- ing and residing in said territory proposed to be annexed to the City, and by the owners of 51% of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll, and said proceedings are diligently advanced, then in that event, the water rates in sucn territory outside the ci ty limits shall be tkle same as the rates ''l7i thin the city limits for a period of not to exceed six months. If said proceedings are not diligently prosecuted to completion within said period of time mentioned, or such further time as the City Council may grant, the rates for the sale and delivery of wa"l:er outside the City of Anaheim shall be put into effect. 5. GEI'lERAL t'lATER SERVICE SCHEDULE W-Q-G (39) Service: Applicable to all consumers of water outside the city limits of the City of Anaheim for all water service not covered by other specific schedules. Ivletered Rate Monthly: Custaner Charge tp.er Service per i>llonth) 5/8 ,: x 3/4 ~i lvieter $ 2.40 3u !vleter $ 21.60 1 r: h 4.80 4n n 30.00 1 1/2" .. 8.40 6" n 60.00 2H li 13.20 8" , ! 90.00 lOB L f 120.00 Commodity Charge (in Addition to Customer Charge): First 10,000 . feet .325 100 cubic feei: CUDJ.C per Next 40,000 Ii ~ ; .285 t I H f1 II Over 50,000 ;l .235 ilE n n n l\iinimum i.lonthly Charge: .~ 5/8 t; X 3/4 ~f 1,1eter $ 4.80 3[1 1v1eter $ 32.40 Iii .. 7.20 411 .. 60.00 I 1/211 .. 11.40 6" \ ~ 90.00 2 ~~ ii. 18.00 8 ;, I; ; 120.00 10 Ii .. ls.a.oo -5- ...'$..-~.~.I..~ Special Conditions; ...-.... 1. This sCl1edule is suoject to commodity adjustmen"t and rules and regulations of the city of &1aheim. 2. For the purpose of computing charges, each meter upon the cons~~er;s premises shall be considered as a selJarate servic(-: and rlO readings of t\vO or more me':cers shall be corn.:Jin(~d for Dilling purposes. 3. 1~ CU;3to:;~n~~r s!.lall Hot resell \"later to another person at any charge higher than his pro rata share of the total charges as rendered by the city of Anaheim. This paragrap~1 s:i1all not apply to a flat rate cilargl.::~ as a :?Ortioi1 of "ell(;; re:i.1tal of the premises or space occu~Ji~(.L . ~. In ~erritory capaDle of being annexed to the City of Anaheim where proceedings have been commenced in good fait:l for "tile annexation of said territory to tile City of Anaheim, and where a petition for annexation is filea witn t~e City Clerk for the city of Anaheim, signed by a majority of the registered voters regis- tering and residing in said territory proposed to be an.nexed to the citv', a11u bv the owners of 51% of the value of the territory 9roposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll, and said proceedings are diligently advanced, then in that event, the water rates in such territory outside the City limits snall be the same as the rates within the city limits, for a period of not to exceed six months. If said proceedings ara not diligently prosecuted to completion within said period of time mentioned, or such furtner time as the City Council may grant, the rates for the sale and aelivery of water outside the Ci ty of A11aheim shall be put into effect. IRRIGATION WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE_ W-I (35) Service: Applicable to all areas served by the city of Anaheim for irrigation of agricultural, horticultural, or floricultural crops produced primarily for the market, and shall 110t be supplied for combined irrigation and domestic use. &~nual Customer Charge: Customer charge will be based upon size of serving meter. 2 inch 3 H 4 II $36.00 54.00 72.00 6 inch 8 II $108.00 144.00 ,''-'' Customer charge is payaole in six equal monthly install- ments during the months of i~ay to October, inclusive. &,nual irrigation year will be from April to April. Metered Monthly Commodity Charge: (In Addition to customer Charge) $60.00 per acre foot .1377 per 100 cubic feet -6- ....-.. Minimum Use Commodity. Any month in which meter shows use, minimum billing for commodity shall be twelve (l2) dollars. ~ecial Conditions: 1. This schedule is subject to commodity adjustment and rules and regulations of the City of Anaheim. 2. Prorating customer charge (a) No adjustment of customer charge billed to date of change. (b) New customers starting service after April and before october will pay a pro rata charge of 1/6 for each month left in the season. After October, customer will pay no customer charge until the new season starts. (c) Not less than one full year's customer charge will be billed for any fraction of a year. 3. A customer shall not resell water to anoth.er person. Each meter point will be considered as one customer. Water associations or companies taking delivery of water hereunder must take delivery at one point, and distribute and account for each of their members' usage. 4. Effective July 1, 1971, the irrigation water service rate is closed to new customers with parcels of land where less than one acre is utilized exclusively for irrigation of agricultural, horticultural or flori- cultural crops produced primarily for tile marl;.et. PRIVATE FIRE LINE SERVICE SCHEDULES W-P.F.L. (3.6) Service: Applicable to all consumers of water within the area served by the City of Anaheim for private fire lines used exclu- sively for fire protection whether said lines are connected with automatic sprinkling system or hose attachments. ~~letered l1ate I,ionthly:: Customer Charge Based on pipe size of service Within City limits Outside n .. $1.20 2.40 per inch size of service :r!l I!!: a Commodi ~L Charg_~: ",.......... For all wa"ter supplied as recorded jJY the detector check valve by-pass meter. .305~ per 100 cubic feet -7- "~~~I.'. ",----- r.'ii:nimUlllw .Ci1argr;:: The minimum monthly cnarge shall be the customer charge. Special Condition: This schedule is restricted to use for fire extinquishing purposes. If consumer, in the opinion of the City, is using water in a volume that cannot be recorded on the by- pass meter, tile City will discontinue service until a meter is installed (at customer's expense) to record all water used. TEI~1PORARY OR COIJSTRUCTIOi'j WATER SCHEDULE W-T Service: Applicaole to area served D:{ "the City of Anaheim. All rate charges quoted herein are for use within City limits of Anaheim; all water used outside the City limits is to be double the quoted ~jrice. Rate A: Subdivision Construction. All water used in construction for compaction, flooding of ditches, sprinkling, etc., shall he-paid in advance prior to tract approval at the rate of $30.00 per acre of land within the subdivision. Service is to be rendered out of existing fire hydrants nearest tract or development. Eddy valves are required and pe~its must be obtained from the Water Division. Time limit on this service is 90 days. The utilities Deparonent Water Division shall have the authority to stop all irregularities that might affect the use of water or fire hydrants. Rate B: Spacers. Upon application of a tract developer -to the utilities Department Water Division, a permit may be obtained to install spacers in meter boxes in tracts in lieu of meters during construction of houses. Maxim~~ period of use 90 days, su:Dject:. 'co exi:ension upon approval by the utilities Director. This permit must be 9resented to the Utilities Department Customer Service Division stating tract and lot numbers, and time period of use. .~.-.. The rate charge shall be $1.50 per month per lot for a single unit. Each unit in excess of one per building shall be chargea 25 cents per unit. The Water Division shall regulate these spacers and if tl1ey are not removed by t.lle time period of permit, the -8- .,..... City shall have the right to remove and charge developer for removal. <~ A meter must be installed before any landscaping is done or tIle. house is occupied. Rate c: Tanker Wagons. All spray rigs and tankers shall obtain permits at the Water Division office for a time period of 30 days to fill rigs and wagons at tile rate of 4 cents per lOa gallons. The Water Division will regulate this type of service. Special Condition: In territory capable of being annexed to the City of Anaheim where proceedings have been commenced in good faith for the annexation of said territory to the City. of Anaheim and when approved by the City of P~aheim, charges for outside service may be as quoted for service within the City limits. RULES AND REGULA'rIONS #1. WATER Commodity Adjustment Clause Applicability Applicable to all areas served by the City of Anaheim water utility and to all schedule rate charges. Purpose To provide for the automatic adjustment of the City of Anaheim water schedule rate charges per lOa cubic feet whenever the cost per acre foot (A.F.) of water is increased witn respect to the base year of 1971-72 due to changes in the Orange County Water District (OCV1D) pump ta..r~ and/or 'che t.letropolitan Water District of Southern California (pMn) acre foot charge for filtered water. Also, to estaolisn the method for determining the cost of water per acre foot and any resulting change (to the nearest mill) to the schedule rate charges per lOa cu:Oic feet. Cost of ~vater The cost of \tlater silall be the sum of the percent water pumped times ti1e p~~p tax plus the percent of \V'ater purcJ;-lased times the acre foot price. For tlle base year 1971-72, 70 percent of the \'vater was pumped and 30 percent \Vas purchased. Based on the pump tax and acre foot cnarges indicated belo~; for 1971-72, tne cost of water for the ~ase year is $25.00 per A.F. for all water except irrigation and $l5.10 per A.F. for irrigation water. .Al1-~~heaul~s _~r::~c~..l~~_~~r ig-a tioIJ. s~~"yices~~~ 71-7 2) 7 0 % :~ 30% ~{ $13. :jU (OC~!D :;n.llll.~~; 'J:a~' - dornestic \.va"ter 53.00 (~rnrD A.F. price - filtered domestic water Cost per A.F. = $ 9.10 = 15.90 = '~25. 00 -9- Irrigation servic~~.__t!.~~_~~.? 2) .,.-.." 70% 3 j) t:'~ '..J '0 ~.,. $10. 00 (OC~'i.i) i)'Ut.'7l::) tax - agricultural water) = $ 7.00 x $27.00 (~MD A.F. price - filtered irrigation water = Cost per A.F. 3.10 = $15.10 AnlOullt of l),c;,jusi:rnell-t Computation of the amount of commodity adjustment to be applied to the schedule rate charges is illustrated in ~~e following example~ If, in the fiscal year starting July 1, 1973, 60% of tne water is to be pumped and 40% is to be purchased, and the tax and price are as ShO~VIl, - then - 60% x $14.00 (OCWD pump tax - domestic) = $ 8.40 40% x $57.00 (~n1D A.F. price - domestic)= 22.80 Cost per A.F. = $31.20 Then $31.20 - $2S.00 = $6.20 increase per A.F. compared to base year. And since one A.F. = 43,560 cubic feet = 435.6 hundreds of cubic feet, then the commodity adjustment = $6.20/435.6 = $.01423 or $.014 ~er 100 cUDic feet (adjusted to the nearest mill). Adjustment for irrigation service would be computed in a similar manner using the base year average cost per acre foot of $15.10. Application of Commodity Adjustment The commodity charge for all rate schedules shall be adjusted July 1 of each fiscal year to reflect the estimated cost of water for tnat fiscal year compared to the cost of water for the base fiscal year 1971-72. The increased cost of water shall be rounded to the nearest mill per 100 cubic feet and added to the. com- modity charge for eacn rate block of each water schedule rate charge. RULES ~iD P~GULATIONS #2 WATER i:1aximwn Deposi ts : As required (See Municipa1 Code 10.16.120) deposits shall be equal to twice the average Dilling (as estimated by the Customer Service Division utilities Department). Minimum Deposits; Single Family Accomodation Multi-family Accomodation All other water service $IO.DO 2.00 per unit or $25.00 whichever is greater Twice the applicable minimum nlonthly ch,arge .....,-.... -10- ............ Deposits for water service outside City limits: Deposits outside the City limits shall be twice the amounts indicated above for water service inside the City limits. RULES AND HEGULATIONS #3 WATER Meter Readings ana Bi11il~; 1. All rates call for monthly charges, however, the City at its option may have meter readings made and bills rendered bi-monthly instead of monthly. 2. The charges for service rendered bi-monthly shall be computed by doubling tile mOl1thly rate blocks arld minimum charges. 3. \tJhen no reading call be obtained on damaged or stuck meters, billing will be rendered on an estimated basis not to exceed two billing periods. 4. Bills for metered service will be based on meter registration. No~al billing periods for monthly accounts will be on a 30-day basis; bi-monthly periods on a 60-day oasis. No pro rata computation will De made unless there is a permanent change in reading dates. No more than 12 bills on a monthly basis, or 6 bills on a Di-monthly basis will be made in allY 12 1110nth period. Pro Rata Computation: - 1. Closing bills, opening bills, and special billings will be computed in accordance with the applicable rate schedule, hut the size of tile rate blocks and the amount of mininlUIU cnarge or service cllarge spe- cified will ~e prorated on the basis of the ratio of tne number of days in the period to 30 days on Inontilly, or 60 days on bL-rnonthly, or as othen,qise stated in rate schedule. 2. When the total period of service is less than 30 days, no prorations will be wade, and the bill shall not be less -than th,z montnly minimum. Time and ~lanller of ~E.!.LE..ills: Bills are due and paya~le on presentation and become cl~linqusnt 15 dayg aftGr 9rQSentation (see Municipal Code 10. 1:5 . 140) . RULES ~~D ImGULATIONS #4 ~qA'rER Meter Test and Adjustments of Bills for Meter Error: 1. Demands for i'~eter 'rests Charges; See riunicipal Code 10.16.360. -11- ~ 2. Adjustment of Bills for Aeter Error. (a) When upon test a meter is found to be in error in the &~ount of 3% fast or slow, a correction based on rneter readings over a veriod of six preceeding months will be illade and customer will be aiven a credit or billed for the amount of the undercharge. (b) ~fuen upon test a meter is found to be not registering, tl1.e customer will be sen-t an estimated bill ~,)ased upon j?rior use. (e) When it is found that the error in the meter is due to causes, the date of which can be reliably established, the overcharge or under- charge will be computed back to that date. RULES AND P~GULATIONS #5 WATER Water ~:1ain Extensions ~ The City of Anaheim may install or extend water mains to customers. The cost of all water mains insta11ed.or extended shall be borne by the owner or owners of tne property abutting such mains according to the following policies. l. Water mains installed or extended on dedicated streets and serving property within the City limits as they existed on IQay 20, 1924, at the time of election on \vatervlorks bond issue, shall be laid at .the expense of the city of Anaheim. 2. Tile total cost of water mains installed or extended in the Helen and Lynch Industrial Tract and Commer- cial Street Annexations shall be borne by the owners of property aQutting sucb mains since said annexa- tions did not participate in the waterworks bond payments. 3. Cost of installing or extending water mains on dedicated streets and serving property within the fOllowing annexations shall be borne as shown below, oased on the degre~ of partici~ation in the waterworks bond payments. Annexations % of Cost to Property owners % of Cost to City .....-.. #7 Kirven Annexation #8 East Anaheim Extension #9 So. Palm Street Annexation #10 Manchester Avenue Annexation #11 So. Spadra Annexation #12 Kennedy &,nexation #13 i-Jest La Palma Annex.ation #14 Manchester Avenue Annexation #2 #15 South Palm Annexation #2 81.S% 85.2% 85.2% 92.6% 92.6% 92.6% 96.3% 96.3% 96.3% 18.5% 14.8% 14.8% 7.4% 7.4% 7.4% 3.7% 3.7% 3.7% -12- 4. All water mains installed or extended on streets dedicated or annexed to the City of Anaheim sub- sequent to January 1, 1950, or on any street in new subdivisions, shall be paid for by the owners of property abutting such installation or extension. The cost to each property owner served at the time of extension or installation or at scm~ future time shall be based upon acreage served. ...~"". Such cost shall be: Parcel Area Residential Commercial Industrial 1/2 acre or less Between 1/2 & 1 acre (prorated) Full Acre $80 $100 100-195 195 $120 120-235 235 80-155 155 RULES AND REGULATIONS #6 WATER 1. Service Connection and Water Meter Installation Charges (a) For service connections and water meter installa- tions under (c) al1d (d) below, all materials shall be furnished and installed by the Water Division. (b) For service connec-tions and w'ater meter installa- tions under (e) and (f) below, the service connection snaIl De furnished and installed bv the developer in accordance witn Water Division specifications. TIle meter box and meter shall be furnished and installed by the t"later Division. It is intended t:L1at (e) and (f) be 10"'1 apply to ne,...; sUDdi visions our ing ti1eir development ~'lhere .t~le developer is installing tile in-tract 't"later distribution facilities. (c) Inside city lilni ts : 1 incil service ~li ti1 5/8 x 3/4 inch meter $180.00 1 inch service vIi th 1 inch meter 230.00 ;(; inch service wi ti'l 1 1/2 incl1. meter 410.00 ~ il1C~.l service 'ftli ti1 2 inch meter 495.00 (0) Ou-tsiCi.e cit:l linli .ts : 1 incn service vJi til 5/8 ..., 3/4 inch meter ""lo, same as (c) plus $ 50. ;)0 1 inc~::. servic~ ':'!~ t...: 1 il1cl-'! nle-I:er s arn(~ as (e) plus 5U.00 . . inc ~-.. scrv:i.C',;::: . - 1-1/2 inc11 meter L '\:l ~ .Cf.i. Sal..l(: as (c) plus 7:3.00 ~ ~~lC~.-_. scrvJ.C:t~ \'Ji-t~l 2 inch !neter same as (c) plus 75.00 (e) within subdivisions being developed inside city limits;. 1 inch service \.,i th 3/8 ~. 3/4 inch meter s 55.00 ~ 'T , inch servicl2 \-li -Ci-l 1 inch meter 105.00 ..... ..., incl1 servic2 -':ji ti:. 1-1/2 inch 111cter 2DS.OO ~ 2 in.C~l service vii .t~1 2 inch meter 290.00 -13- (f) "\vi thin subdivisions being developed outside city limits: 1 incl1 service ~li tl1 !""/8 "f,,~ 3/4 inch meter "-.. . ,...-..,. oJ ~~ S aL'ne as (e) plus $ 50.00 1 inch service \ifi ti: 1 inch meter S &"lle as (e) plus 50.00 ; inch service . "'*-.. 1-1/2 inch Ineter '" \..,~ ,--,1 same as (e) plus 75.00 2 inch service "\vi tJ.1 2 inch meter same as (e) plus 75.00 (g) All connections larger than two inch and any special service including fire lines shall be made at a charge equivalent to the cost less labor, but including cost anti nandling of materials, rental of equipmellot, and luiscellaneous and incidental costs. 2. Applicatio11 for Connection in Excess of Two Inches, Special Services and Fire Lines. Request for such. services sIlall be made to th.e utilities Depar~~ent, Water Division, who shall estimate the cost of said installation. Customer will be required t.O advance the amount necessary to cover this estimate sWJject to refund or charge if estimate is under or over actual completed cos.t. 3. Connections Requiring a Cast Iron !\Ieter Box Cover. There will be charged $25.00 in addition to charges under (a) and (b). 4. Title to All Equi~ment and ~~terials Installed. 'l'i tIe shall remain for all time in the City of Anai~eim. RULES A!~D REGULATIONS #7 WATER Service: Applicable to all consumers of water furnished by the City of Anaheim for 6-inch, a-inch and IO-inch meters wherein said meters are not available for installation at the time of the establishment of water service rate. 1. Flat Rate Charge All consumers of water in the City of Anaheim desiring the connection to 6-inch, a-inch or IO-inch meters wherein the meters are not avail- able at the time of connection of the service shall pay the following cllarge per monthly service: The amount of customer charge service per month per 6-inch, a-inch or lO-inch meter as established by the General Water Service Schedules plus the minimum monthly charge for 6-incn, a-inch, or lO-inch meter as estaDlisned by the General Water Service Schedules added together to create the total charge for the connection service for the interim period betvleen the time that. the service is connected and a 6-inch, 8-inch, or lO-inch meter is delivered and installed. -1"1- 2. Excess Charges .,.-.. The utilities Director is hereby given the authority to establisH temporary rates \'lhich may be higher tllan the above mentioned schedule if it appears that very large quantities of water will be used so that the minimum charge established above would be detrimental to the best interests of the city. BE IT FURThER RESOLVED that amended rates and special conditions hereunder shall become effective on all regular bills rendered to consmaers reflecting consumption for any complete billing period commencing on or after the 1st day of July, 1971, and all closing bills rendered on or after the 1st day of August1 1971. BE I'll FURTHBR RESOLVED th,e Resolu'l:.ions NUIIlDered 70R-82, 70R-l21, 70R-559, 71R-9 and 71R-94 be, and the same are hereby superseded. t11is THE FOREGOING l~SOLUTION is approved and signed by me 22nd day of June , 19 -B_. ATTEST: ) AN'AHi:: I ill r~.. -15- ARW : "::;.w STATE OF CALIFOm~IA ) COUNTY OF ORA1.~GE ) S5 · CITY OF ANAHEI~ ) .............. I, DENE ';"'1. DAOUST, city Clerk of the city of Anaheim, do ne.reby certify that tile foregoing Resolution No. 71R-279 was passea and adopted at a regular meeting of the city council held all tile 22nd day of June , 19 71, by the follo'tving vote of- the Inel1Wers tnerec)T:-~--~--- - AYES ~ COur'TCIL~1E1.>l:: Roth, Pebley, Thom and Stephenson NOES : COul:~CIL1;:IEl'I : None ABSE1'~T: CQDl'ICILI\illN ~ Dutton Pro-Tem Al~D I FURTHER CERIJ.1I~"Y t:hat the !\layo! of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 22rid day of June , 1971___ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed tIle seal of the City of Al1ai1eim this 22nd day of June , 19 71 . (SEAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 7lR-279 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on June 22, 1971. M~ At. [)~ City Clerk ...........