Staff Report
200 S. Anaheim Blvd.
Suite 162
Anaheim, CA 92805
Tel: (714) 765-5139
Fax: (714) 765-5280
City of Anaheim
DATE: JULY 17, 2023
LOCATION: 2780 East Wagner Avenue
APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER: The agent is Joseph Smith of California Coastal
Works, LLC, the applicant is Enrique Diaz of Red Hook Capital Partners, LLC, and the
property owner is Calvary Baptist Church of Anaheim.
REQUEST: The applicant requests approval of a conditional use permit to establish an
Educational Institutions-General use (public charter school) with up to 480 students
between Transitional Kindergarten to 8th Grade at an existing church and pre-school site.
The project includes the remodel of existing buildings for classroom and school
administration use, the construction of a new 5,633 square foot two-story classroom
building, and various ancillary site modifications and landscaping improvements
(Proposed Project).
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine
that the Class 1 (Existing Facilities); Class 2 (Replacement or Reconstruction); and Class
3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) Categorical Exemptions under
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code, Sections
21000-21189.57) as set forth in Sections 15301, 15302, 15303, and 15300.2 of the State
CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, Sections 15 000-
15387) are the appropriate environmental documentation for this request; and approve
Development Application No. 2021-00218.
BACKGROUND: The property is 1.93-acres and is fully developed with a mix of one
and two-story buildings, including a 4,800 square foot sanctuary building, three classroom
buildings totaling approximately 15,500 square feet, a parking lot, utility service, and
playground equipment. The property has been actively used for religious assembly and
school purposes since 1967. Existing site operations include religious assembly for The
Cove Church within the sanctuary building, and a pre-school with approximately 36
students and four staff. The property is in the "T" Transitional Zone and designated for
Low Density Residential land uses in the General Plan. Surrounding land uses include
single-family residential to the west and north across Wagner Avenue, and the Anaheim
Coves recreation area to the east and south.
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Prior City Actions:
In 1967, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit No. 952 to establish
a 215-seat sanctuary and 33-student Sunday school at the subject site.
In 1970, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit No. 1183 to expand
the existing church complex to include the addition of a 4,800 sf, 420-seat sanctuary, and
a pre-school.
In 1976, the Planning Commission denied CUP No. 1661 to permit expansion of a church
complex to include a private school and pre-school with a maximum enrollment of 140
students in addition to the religious assembly use.
In 1982, the Planning Commission denied CUP No. 2347 to retain and expand an existing
private day school with a maximum enrollment of 300 students (grades 1-12) in addition
to the religious assembly use with a waiver of minimum number of parking spaces.
In 2003, the Planning Commission approved CUP No. 2003-04705 to permit a
telecommunications antenna disguised as a 46’ tall bell tower with accessory ground-
mounted equipment.
PROPOSAL: The Proposed Project includes the following components:
Grades and Student Capacity: The applicant proposes to establish a public charter school with up
to 480 students ranging from Transitional Kindergarten (TK) to 8th Grade. The proposed
breakdown of maximum student capacity by grades is evenly split between Kindergarten - 8th
grade (50 students per grade) with 30 students allocated to TK. The school anticipates enrollment
to be phased in over a five-year period per the following schedule:
2024-2025: 220 students
2025-2026: 320 students
2026-2027: 380 students
2027-2028: 430 students
2028-2029: 480 students
As outlined in the Applicant Letter of Request (Attachment No. 2) the school anticipates that
students will come from the surrounding community and greater Anaheim area. The primary
recruitment efforts will focus on the community within a one to two-mile range of the proposed
school site.
Operational Days and Hours: The school would operate Monday to Friday from 6:00 AM to 6:00
PM (evening custodial as needed up until 11:00 PM) under the following operational components:
Educational instruction hours:
Monday to Thursday: 8:15 AM (school begins) to 3:00 PM (dismissal).
Friday: 8:15 AM (school begins) to 12:15 PM (dismissal).
Drop-off/Pick-up hours:
Regular drop-off would begin at 7:30 AM.
Regular pick-up would run for 30 minutes past the school day (to 3:30 PM Monday
to Thursday, and 12:45 PM on Friday).
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Afterschool program hours:
The applicant anticipates that approximately 25% of the students would attend an
afterschool program with staggered pick-up times until 6:00 PM Monday to Friday.
Program options would include homework assistance, tutoring, art classes, and
sports/recreational options.
Breakfast would be provided to participating students beginning at 7:30 AM and
ending at 8:10 AM.
Lunch would be provided to all students on a staggered schedule between 10:45
AM and 1:00 PM.
Students would be offered recess on a staggered schedule. At full capacity (480
students), five 15-minute rest breaks would occur. In addition to recess and lunch,
other outdoor activities include P.E. and electives. The school anticipates an
average of 114 students outdoors at any one time during the typical school day
(between the hours of 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM Monday to Thursday). No student use
of outdoor areas would occur along the west property line near adjacent residential
uses; activities would be concentrated toward the central and front portions of the
School Staffing: The school would have up to 40 total employees comprised of up to 24 full-time
and 16 part-time employees. The staff mix is anticipated to be comprised of the following:
21 teachers
6 office/other staff
5 paraprofessionals
3 administrative staff
3 coaches
2 custodians
The total amount of staff members at any given time period is reflected below:
7 staff before 7:30 AM
35 staff between 7:30 AM – 4 PM
6 staff between 4 PM – 6 PM
1 staff after 6 PM
Building Improvements and New Development. The proposal includes the following site
improvements as outlined in the Project Plans (Attachment No. 3):
Remodel an existing 3,029 s.f., one-story building with basement (Building 1) to provide
three classrooms, a multi-purpose room, administration offices, restrooms, and new
accessible lifts. No modifications to structure footprint or height are proposed.
Remodel an existing 8,927 s.f., two-story preschool building (Building 2) to provide ten
classrooms, one small group room, two administration offices, and restrooms. No
modifications to the building footprint or height are proposed. The existing height of 24
feet, 6 inches (building) and 46 feet (enclosed cellular tower) would remain unchanged.
Replace an existing 1,217 s.f., one-story school building with a new 5,633 s.f., two-story
building (Building 3) and 741 s.f. 2nd floor walkway to provide six classrooms, community
office, warming kitchen, restrooms, and an elevator to match the existing two -story
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building (Building 2) in height. The proposed height of the replacement building is 24 feet,
6 inches. Proposed replacement Building 3 would be attached to existing Building 2.
Use of the existing 4,800 s.f., one-story sanctuary building (Building 4) for
temporary/limited religious assembly use on Sundays for a duration not to exceed 24
months; following 24 months, the sanctuary building would be used for school-related
assembly and daily activities. No modifications to the building footprint or height are
Installation of ancillary site improvements including site accessibility improvements,
landscaping improvements including additional screening trees in west landscape setback
adjacent to residential uses, hardscape improvements, parking lot striping, fencing,
driveway gates, parking lot and building security lighting, and outdoor recreation space in
the north/central portion of the site.
Parking Lot Improvements. Parking lot improvements and pick-up/drop off areas would be
provided including the following:
Existing 33-foot wide driveway leading to a 20-foot-wide drive aisle would be provided
for ingress/egress, and on-site vehicle queueing for 31 vehicles prior to drop-off/pick-up.
A designated drop-off/pick-up location would be near Building 4.
Vehicle circulation would be provided through the parking lot, including sufficient access
for larger emergency and waste collection vehicles.
A total of 59 vehicle parking spaces would be provided. three stalls would be located at the
front (north) of the school and designated as two visitor parking standard stalls and one
ADA van stall; the remaining 56 spaces would be located behind the school, to the south.
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A passenger/commercial loading/unloading stall would be provided at the front of the
Student Drop Off and Pick-Up. The applicant has submitted a Parking and On-Site Circulation
Plan (Attachment No. 4) which outlines the parking, drop-off/pick-up, and circulation procedures
to be implemented by the school. Student drop-off will begin at 7:30 AM and end at 8:15 AM.
Pick-up will occur from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. On Fridays, pick-up will occur from 12:15 PM to 6
PM. The following outlines key components of the parking and onsite circulation plan:
Staff, including teachers and administrators, would carry and communicate via two-way
radio devices which would allow staff to locate students and help them efficiently and
safely arrive and depart the school.
During drop-off, six to ten staff members would be on-site assisting with students and
traffic flow, four staff members would assist students with exiting their vehicles, and four
additional staff members would assist in keeping the on-site circulation of cars flowing.
Additional staff would be monitoring vehicles along East Wagner Avenue to observe and
note any violations to Scholarship Prep’s parking and circulation plan. The school would
take appropriate measures to ensure that no parents/visitors park in any neighborhood street
as feasible.
During pick-up, two staff members would assist and greet parents, acquire students’ grade
and name, and then alert teachers as to which student is ready for pick up. The respective
teacher would then send the student to their vehicle at their pick-up area.
Pick-up and drop-off would be contained on-site at all times. Parent pick-up or drop-off
would not be permitted on Wagner Avenue and Rio Vista Street.
There would be on-site queuing capacity for approximately 31 cars leading to the drop-off/
pick-up area, with a separate exit circulation lane to leave the property. The queuing lane,
during peak drop-off or pick-up times, is expected to take approximately ten minutes for
vehicles from start to finish with implementation of the school’s drop-off/pick-up
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All parents would be required to participate in mandatory training for pick-up and drop-off
procedures and routine updates would be provided to families if adjustments are necessary.
The school anticipates the following modes of transportation for their student population once the
school is established at capacity with 480 students.
30% carpool (siblings - 2 or more students)
10% neighborhood students/walk or bike to school
30% picked-up in Scholarship Prep owned vans/buses
30% single driver parent
Roadway Improvements: The Proposed Project would include the following roadway design
features in conjunction with development of the site: 1) restripe the existing striped median along
Wagner Avenue/Rio Vista Street and install Tuff Curb and raised delineators to restrict access to
the median; 2) restrict the project driveway to right turn-in only and no left turn out; and3) install
“No U Turn” signs at the intersections of Rio Vista Street at Lizbeth Avenue and Marjan Street at
Wagner Avenue.
Temporary Use of Sanctuary Building for Religious Assembly. Temporary and limited use of the
site would continue for the existing church use as permitted under the existing CUP for a period
not to exceed 24 months after the expiration of any appeal period associated with City entitlements
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to authorize the proposed school. The church use would not occur on the site Monday to Saturday
with exception of office use (with up to three employees) for church administration during
weekday daytime hours and use of one classroom one evening per week after 5:00 PM for
religious educational use. All religious assembly uses would cease following the 24-month period.
During the 24-month duration, the proposed educational use would not utilize the sanctuary
(Building 4) for school-related activities. Once the 24-month duration ceases, the sanctuary would
be used for school-related activities.
Conditional Use Permit: Before the Planning Commission may approve a conditional use permit,
it must make a finding of fact that the evidence presented shows that all of the following conditions
1) That the proposed use is properly one for which a minor conditional use permit or a
conditional use permit is authorized by this code;
2) That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses, or the growth and
development of the area in which it is proposed to be located;
3) That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full
development of the proposed use, in a manner not detrimental to either the particular area
or health and safety;
4) That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the
streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area; and
5) That the granting of the minor conditional use permit or conditional use permit under the
conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the health and safety of the citizens
of the City of Anaheim.
Conditional Use Permit: The Proposed Project is located in the “T” Transition Zone which allows
Educational Institutions-General as a conditionally permitted use. Section of the
Zoning Code (Code), states “Conditional uses shall only be considered to the extent that the
proposed use is consistent with the property’s underlying General Plan Land Use Designation.”
The School designation in the General Plan Land Use Element states “Future schools may be
developed in other land use designations through procedures established in the Code”. Since 1967
the Property has been continuously used for religious assembly and school use. The Proposed
Project is an Educational Institutions-General use which is a conditionally permitted use in the
“T” Zone. As such, the Proposed Project is compatible with the General Plan, as described, and
the use can be developed through the conditional use permit as established in the Code.
Compatibility: The Proposed Project, subject to the recommended conditions of approval, would
not adversely affect the adjoining land uses, or the growth and development of the area. The
Property is fully developed with a mix of one and two-story buildings, parking lot, utility service
and playground equipment on a property that has been actively used for religious assembly and
school purposes for nearly 56 years. Existing site operations include religious assembly within a
420-seat sanctuary and various classrooms, and pre-school with approximately 36 students and
four staff. The proposed use is a conversion of the site’s existing use from religious assembly and
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school to exclusively educational use for children in grades Transitional Kindergarten (TK) to 8th
grade. The proposed use would operate on a Monday to Friday schedule during typical daytime
hours, except for half-days on Fridays. The proposed use would utilize existing structures and
ancillary site improvements. A one-story building would be replaced with a new two-story
building to provide classrooms and administration that would match the height of other buildings
on the site.
The proposed use includes several operational and design features to ensure compatibility with the
adjacent residential neighbors and nearby community including staggered outdoor student hours
for recesses, electives, and lunches throughout the day. Further, no student use of outdoor areas is
planned along or adjacent to the west property line and outdoor activities would be concentrated
toward the easterly and central portions of the site. The site would not utilize intercom or bell
systems for class transitions and classroom instruction generally occurs indoors. The site would
provide a 10-foot landscaped setback along the west property line that would include a solid row
of screening trees in front of an existing 6-foot high solid masonry wall between adjacent
residences and the project site. Outdoor lighting would be downward directed with shielded
fixtures designed not to spill on to adjacent properties.
Parking and On-Site Circulation: The Proposed Project is subject to the following Code parking
Educational Institutions-General uses:
Classroom: 1 space/classroom
Office: 1 space/250 sf
Non-office Employee: 1 space/1 staff
Religious Assembly use: The Code requires a parking demand study for religious assembly use.
The applicant submitted a Parking Evaluation (Attachment No. 5) that determined that the existing
religious assembly use would require three parking spaces during the weekdays for church
administrative office use and 38 parking spaces on the weekend for church services.
Proposed Project Required Parking:
Classroom: 19 spaces (19 classrooms)
Office: 9 spaces (2,132 sf)
Non-office Employee: 10 spaces (10 non-office staff in addition to teachers; 19 teachers
are counted in classroom parking ratio)
Religious Assembly Weekday: 3 spaces
Total Parking Required Weekdays: 41 spaces
Total Parking Required Weekend: 38 spaces
Total Proposed: 59 spaces
The proposed school anticipates having a number of special events during the school year
including open house in the Fall and back to school night in the Spring, twice a year awards
ceremonies, and kindergarten and 8th grade promotion days. The special events would be limited
to students and their immediate families. The school proposes to provide off-site overflow parking
for special events as needed at nearby parking lots. The school would provide a shuttle service
from the offsite lot(s) to bring guests onto the campus for the special events.
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As outlined in the Traffic Circulation Letter (Attachment No. 6), the project site provides sufficient
on-site drive aisle widths of 20 feet to accommodate emergency vehicle/fire apparatus and waste
services and includes sufficient drive aisle lengths to accommodate vehicle queueing during
morning drop-offs and afternoon pick-ups from the site. The site provides sufficient on-site
parking with approximately 44% more spaces than required by Code. Parking for special events
will be located both on-site and off-site with shuttle service from an off-site lot(s) to bring guests
onto the campus. As conditioned, the Proposed Project will be required to comply with a strict
parking and onsite pick-up and drop-off plan. Parents/visitors will not be permitted to park in the
surrounding neighborhood to the maximum extent feasible. All parents will be required to
participate in a mandatory training for pick-up and drop-off procedures and routine updates will
be provided to families if adjustments are necessary to ensure the use does not have any negative
parking impacts on the adjacent residential neighborhood.
Noise Study: A Noise Study (Attachment No. 7) was prepared for the Proposed Project to evaluate
future noise levels on the site (compared against existing conditions) resulting from outdoor
student activities associated with the proposed educational use. The noise assessment evaluates
how future noise levels would affect adjacent residential properties west of the site based on the
Code noise standard that the project noise levels shall not exceed 60 decibels (dBA) at the property
line for an extended period of time. Based on noise modeling for the proposed outdoor uses, site
and building orientation, the existing 6-foot high solid masonry wall along the west property line,
the westerly landscape setback, and noise studies at existing schools, the noise assessment
concluded that the noise levels at the adjacent residential properties are expected to be less than 60
dBA and comply with the Code without any modifications to the proposed design.
Traffic: The traffic generated by the Proposed Project would not impose an undue burden upon
the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the anticipated traffic generated by the
Proposed Project. The City’s Traffic and Transportation Division of the Public Works Department
has approved the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Evaluation (Attachment No. 8) and
the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) (Attachment No. 9) prepared for the Project. Based on the
Project’s anticipated daily trips and the City’s VMT Guideline criteria for local serving e ssential
services (e.g., public schools, religious assembly), the VMT screening evaluation found that the
project meets the City’s Project Type Screening and therefore, no further VMT analysis is
required. The TIA evaluates the potential circulation system deficiencies that may result from the
project and recommends necessary onsite and offsite improvements to achieve acceptable
operations consistent with the City’s General Plan level of service goals and policies. Based on the
recommendations in the TIA, the project would include the following design features in
conjunction with development of the site: 1) provide on-site vehicle queuing for at least 31 vehicles
during drop-off/pick-up; 2) restripe the existing striped median along Wagner Avenue/Rio Vista
Street and install Tuff Curb and raised delineators to restrict access to the median; 3) restrict the
project driveway to right turn-in only and no left turn out,, 4) install “No U Turn” signs at the
intersections of Rio Vista Street at Lizbeth Avenue and Marjan Street at Wagner Avenue; and 5)
implement a traffic management plan to ensure efficient traffic operations during drop-off and
pick-up periods. Additionally, the parking layout will be improved to provide additional loading
and unloading parking spaces located adjacent to the proposed building to enhance the vehicle
circulation of the site. Based on the approved VMT and TIA analyses the Proposed Project will
not exceed the anticipated volumes of traffic or daily trips, and the Project’s circulation p lan
demonstrates sufficient onsite vehicle queuing through the parking area.
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Community Outreach: The applicant has conducted a number of community outreach activities
beginning in April 2022 to the present. The outreach included in-person (door to door) contact,
informational mailers to properties within a 500- foot radius of the project site, phone calls with
individual neighbors, in-person meetings at local residences, email, and text communications, and
two on-site community meetings. The applicant has provided a Community Outreach Log
(Attachment No. 10) documenting their community outreach efforts.
Environmental Impact Analysis: The Proposed Project is Categorically Exempt from the
requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per CEQA Guidelines, Section
15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities); Section 15302, Class 2 (Replacement or Reconstruction); and
Section 15303, Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). The Class 1
exemption consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, and/or minor alteration of existing public
or private structures or facilities, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing
at the time of this determination. The Proposed Project includes the conversion of a religiou s
assembly and private school use on an existing developed site to an exclusively public educational
use. The proposed project includes the remodeling and ongoing utilization of three (of four)
existing buildings and ancillary site improvements, with no physical expansion beyond existing
conditions. The Class 2 exemption consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures
and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and
will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced. The exemption
includes the replacement or reconstruction of school facilities to provide earthquake resistant
structures which do not increase capacity by more than 50 percent. The proposed project will
retrofit all existing buildings to meet Category 3 seismic requirements and will not increase
capacity by more than 50 percent. The Class 3 exemption consists of construction and location of
limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures up to 10,000 square feet in urbanized areas
on sites zoned for such use if not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances
where all necessary public services and facilities are available, and the surrounding area is not
environmentally sensitive. The new 5,633 sf, two-story building would meet Category 3 seismic
requirements and would match the existing 24’-6” height of other buildings on the site. The
Proposed Project will not use any hazardous substances, is located on a fully developed site that is
serviced by all public services and is not located in a designated environmentally sensitive area.
Pursuant to Section 15300.2 (c) and 15301, 15302, and 15303 of Title 14 of the California Code
of Regulations, there are no unusual circumstances in respect to the proposed project for which
staff would anticipate a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, the Proposed Project
would be categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA.
CONCLUSION: Staff believes that the granting of the conditional use permit, subject to the
recommended conditions of approval, would not be detrimental to the health and safety of the
citizens of the City of Anaheim. The proposed school use includes various programming and
design features to ensure compatibility and balance the needs of the school use with the need to
protect the residential community to the west and north across Wagner Avenue from any
significant impacts. The Proposed Project would include weekly educational use during daytime
hours, Monday to Friday, with Fridays limited to half days and no school uses proposed on the
weekends. Outdoor student activities would be staggered throughout the day and oriented away
from the westerly residential neighbors as feasible. Measures will be used to reduce light pollution
and ensure that the minimal amount of lighting required for security is provided. Various site
improvements would be provided including new landscaping (including ample screening along the
west boundary) and play areas would be concentrated in the center and easterly portions of the
site. The project site provides sufficient on-site vehicular circulation to accommodate drop-
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off/pick-up, queueing, deliveries and emergency and waste collection access to the site. Roadway
design features will help eliminate potential ingress and egress traffic conflicts at the site. As
conditioned, the Proposed Project will be required to comply with a strict parking and on-site pick-
up and drop-off plan. Parents/visitors will not be permitted to park in the surrounding
neighborhood to the maximum extent feasible. The proposed use would be consistent with the
applicable zoning standards and the General Plan land use designation for the property. Based on
the analysis included in this report and the findings in the draft resolution, staff recommends that
the Planning Commission approve this request.
Prepared by, Submitted by,
Thomas Gorham Scott Koehm, AICP
Contract Planner Principal Planner
1. Draft Conditional Use Permit Resolution
2. Applicant Letter of Request and Project & Operations Summary
3. Project Plans
4. Parking and On-Site Circulation Plan
5. Parking Evaluation
6. Traffic Circulation Letter
7. Noise Study
8. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Screening Evaluation
9. Traffic Impact Analysis
10. Applicant Community Outreach Log
11. Aerial and Vicinity Maps
12. Public Comments