66-015 ,- RESOLUTION NO. 66R-1S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A. CONTRACT TO THE IDWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIAL~. AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, .FUEL AND WA~R, AND PE;RFORMING ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT AND"COMPLETE. T:HE llOLtOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT:' RELOCATION OF HOUSES' ON KATELLA AVENUE--1021 AND 1201 EAST KATELLA A:~N~4 IN T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM. S. S. PROJECT N___ -A: UN 'r NO.1. WHEREAS, th~ City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be i' ublished in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, pub ished and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin ,on the 23rd and 30th day ~ecember. lJ6S, . a notice IiiVlting seale proposals for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: Relocation of houses on Katella Avenue, in the City of Anaheim, consist- ing of the relocation of the Tank House and Main House at 1201 E. Katella Avenue and of the Garage and Main House at 1021 E. Katella Avenue, including installation and connection of electric, gas and water services, and sanitary sewer house laterals; reconstruction of miscellaneous concrete steps, porches and walks and appurtenant work as more particularly set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, S.S. Project No. 304-A, Unit No.1. in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and . WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed p~oposal$ for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk __ of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 6th day of Januay , 19 66 , for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, .all utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perf9rming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- - . . pacticalarl,. _t:l.oDed aDd deaccibed. ad *ieb DOtie. did .tat. ad declar. 'that pur.uant to th. ~ovi.ioD. of 8ectiaD 1770 of the LUoc Cod.. tb. Cit!iOUllCil of the Cit, of .......iII bad ..utalaed the ~...il cate of ..... iD the 1ocalit7 ill wblcb thi. t7P. of laboc . to be pufo~ for each craft or tn- of workIIiID or MCbaDlc needed to __ate the cOIltl:-=t. aDd whlcb .... acal. i. OIl fil. iD th. Offic.. 'of th. CitJ CJ.ea aad Cit7 BDaiuer 8 ........ the City Clerk of th. Cit7 of Aaab.ta did rec.i". the follOld.Da ...led propo..l. prior to .2:00 o'clock '.11. OIl the ---6.th.- aal ~f ~. l'-.6.L, lD r........ to the DOtic......-afOZi..iil.1DYll:tiI ..1..- pnpOiiIi, 1:o.wit: . .. ~ JRICI SNOW HOUSE' MOVERS B & Y HOUSE MOVERS dba B & Y'S~ANTON HOUSE MOVERS $30,ZOO.00 31,970.00 - AID VIP"'. th. Cit1 "'iDeu did t_.poD .......ft. aad tabulate .aid ...led pnpo.al. aDd did r.port to tile Cit7 CouDcil tb. re.lt of his ..~......t1aD aDd tabialatiaD; aDd ......... th. City COUDCil fiDels that th. sealed propo- ..1 .a'bldtted 1>>7. SNOW HOUSE MOVERS. 11611 Westminster Avenue, e ro e C81ifornia . S . ..st r..poas . 'propo.. sa tt r. ~.... of .11 'plaDt. labor. servlC... _tuia1s aDd .....a1~.:.: all atl1ltl_ ad tr.sportatlOD. iDcladilll ,.er. fuel " .atu aDd perfond.ll8 all work Dea....~ to CODStruct aacI cOIIplet. ill . 1004 aDd voikMDlik. mamer.' In ~trtat .:cordaDc. with the 8f8Cific.tioas. pl.. ad dr~s ther.for OIl fil. ill the Office of th. Clt, Cl.rk of the Clt, of Aaabe:ta, th. public lIIpny...t bu.....". .-mtlODeeI aDd deac:ribed. ~.th_ Witb the ..~t.- ....... ther.to. ad .s specified in tb. DOtic. IDritlila ...led . ~..l.. .. that said pnposal of ..id Uove-D..... ildcler .boia1cl be -=c.pted aDd a .cODtract _relad to ..id bidder .lD .:ccms.ac. th.rewith. ad 1IIIDAS the Cit)' Council fiDeI. that the above-_tiODed .ealed proposal. Is . tile lowest respon.ibl. propo.al nOel". .... that th. peraoa. fin or corporatloD sablllttiDI s.id ~po..l i. . ~.poDsibl. ~8OD. fim or corporatlOD aid that th. propo- ..1 .abld.tted i. the best .uited ad fitted for th. public . illpnv'.'II:1: to be. COD.tructed. .. DIA..... . IT D80LVD b7 the City c:ou.il of tile City of lUb.s.., that the ...led propo.al s..bldtted ~ SNOW. ROUSE K>VERS .. . ~r tile DarDls&liii o:f al~ f1.aDt. J.abor. MftI.CM. _tRial. aDd equlplDeDt. all aCl~iti.. aDiI transporta- tlOD, iDoludiDI poIfH. fuel ad _t_, ad perfonlBl all.work -2- - Dec....ry t~ construCt. and cOllp-lete',' 11i' a t' Ood and workman1ik. __.1' ~ iD" strict accorclaDce with the .pee fie.tloa.,' p1.s and dr_i.... tli.refol' on file in' the Office of", the City Cl.rk of the Cie{ of Aaab.lII aDd the notice ioviti. ...led ptopo..lsl' th. --- pub ic worki aDd illprovement hereiubove. ~r. particul.r "I .-n- tioned ad deacrlbed tOKether witb the '.p~teDac:.. thereto, be, and the .... is" hereby, acc.pted, and: th.t . cOlltr~t for' , . the con.truction aDd completiOll of .aid ~lic illprov...t 'be,' ad the ._ i. bereby, ..rdecl to the, ....id .~-1UIMd bidd~. .. ' , - . . MD II IT IVRTIID. IBIOLVID 'that the '.acce..fu1 bidder' or bidderl upon eacb contract _arded a. hereinaltove .et forth" .b.ll be aDd they are bereby required to aecut. . cODtraet iD tne re- quIred for. witb . tbe City of Anaheiaa UpoD the t.ru _d conditiOQs .pecifi.d in tbe notice invitlns sealed proposals and the propo..l li.JbId.tted by .aid luccessful biader or bidders and in ~corda1lCe with'the plaus 'and specifications for ..ld public illprovement here- inabove described, and In ,accordance witb the terM, cODditl~., .and pt:ovl.ions of this resolution, and that said succe..ful bidder or bidder. to whoaa each contract is ..rded sball be r~uired' to fur- Di.h . lurety bond in an AIIIOUDt equal to one bDdJ'ed 'per cent(lOO1) of tb. contract price for all labor', _t.ri.ll _d ....ipl*lLt to b. - familhed and performed, as let forth in the I..led propolal sub- llitted by ..id bidder for tbe constructi_ of liaid ~b11c improv.- ..t, ~.tber with the .ppurteaances thereto. or luch portion tbueof"As is covered by ..id contract, .1 lecurity for the faith- ml" perforunce ~f s.id contract and a l~pa1!'ate surety bond in . ...,.t equal to eme hanclr:ed per cent (1001.) of the cODstruction COlt of I.id public ilDprovement covered by s.id ccmtr8Ct, .. secu- rity for the payaaent 0l,a11 persems pezfond.D& l.bor and fuml.~ _teria1 for ,sald .project. . AID . IT ruB.TIIII. IBSOLVID that said l&lCe.,sful bidd.z or bidders be, aDd tbey .re bereby zequlred to fumilb to the City of Aaabeill in cDllpan:Les latisfactozy to tbe Citf of ADahel., pub11c liability. property d...., compea.s.tiOD, ail otb_ inlurance iD the aK)unts and for the purpose. a. 'set fortb acI specified :Ln tbe IlOtice :Lnvitiaa sealed propo..1., and .ubject to tbe approval of tbe C,ity Attorney .s to fona 8DcI lufficiency. AD . IT PURTBII. IBSOLVID that, tbe .,.yor ad the City Cl.rk of tbe City of ADab.i.. be, ad they are bereby, autboria8cl ad directed to Iuk., execute and eIlt.r iDto, for aDd on beh.lf of th. ,City of AIlabelm, . written cOIltract with said successful bidder or bidderl for tbe furnishi. of .11 plat, labor} mate- , rial., and equipll8Dt and perfonal. all work, as bereiuD0V8 amre particularly d.scriNdI for tbe construction, installation .nd c0llp1etion ,of said pub ic illprO'V8D8llt berelaabove deacribed upon the tenll aDd conditions .s specified in tbe notlee iDVltiD& 1.1ed prorealS, the deta'l1ecl, d.llaD, p1.I, profiles, drawi.s aad lener. specifieatiGns and detailed specifications and dr..- ~I, and all ac1d8llcla ther.to, aIlLCi all modificationl incorporated therein prior to the date of tbe open:LI!l of bidl, OIl file in tb. Office of the City Clerk of the City of ADabei. and in, stzict 8CcordaDce with the tens, condit:Lonl &IlCI provillonl of this re.o1ution, ad in Kcord81lCe witb all of the ccmtrllCt docwaents herelD lpecified 0 'fIB ftUGODG DSOLU'lIOB is li&Ded and apprOved by - chis 11th clay of anuar lt 66 . . -3- - - STATE Of CALIFORNIA l COUNTY Of ORANGE SSe CITY Of ANAHE 1M ..-...... I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-15 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 11th day of January, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte and Chandler AND I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-15 on the 11th day of January, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOf, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 11th day of January, 1966. ~ ),,-. 2~ CI Y CLERK Of THE CITY Of ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-15 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 11, 1966. .Q-- - )r ~, - . rr,.AI../ CITY CLERK ..-..