66-001 - RESOLUTION NO. 66R-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A. CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, .FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING' ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT. AND' COMPLETE' THE EOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT :. THE PATT STREET AND CnM- MRRr.TAT. STRRRT gRWRR TMPRnvRMRN'T.. TN TAR r.T'I'V OF ANAHEIM, JOB. NO. 1296. WHEREAS, th~ City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim :aulJetin , on the 16th and 23rd dau- ~ember. 1~65 . a notl.ce IiiVffing seale proposals for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: The Patt Street and Commercial Street Sewer Improvement, con- sisting of the construction of a 15, 12 and 10-inch V.C.P. sewer line in Patt Street, from Commercial Street to La Palma Avenue, and in Coumercia1 Street, from approximately 577 feet east of Olive Street to Patt Street, in the City of Anaheim, including manholes, jacking of 30-inch steel casing; trenching, backfill and compaction, and appurtenant work as more particu- larly set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, Job No. 1296 .'-' in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the. Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed p~oposa1s for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 'o'clock P.~. on ..1.._ ~n....1.. ~...__ _& n____'-__ 10';'-: 4=^... ..10.. 4=u..-n4 a 10. " no n-f -- pazticu1.U'ly _tioDeeI and de.cr1bed, ad whicb DOtlce dld .tate ... declare 'that Cr.uant to tbe ~ovl.1OD. of 8eet:l.oD 1770 of th. J..IIor Cod.. t . C1tHCouDc11 of the Cit, of ....,.111 bad ....talDed the ~eva11 rate of ..... lD the locality iD _lab tbl. t". of 1abo1' . to be ...fo~ fo1' ..b e1'aft or c". of wol'klDaD or .ecbaDla Deeded to aecute the cODtr_t. .. _leb .... 8Oa1. 1. OD f:L1e 1n tb. GfflaM of tbe Cic, Clftk aDd City ",lu.r. . 1IRIJI.IA8, tbe C:LtI Clerk of tb. City of Aaab.ta dlcI rec.ive tb. fol1owlDa ... ed propo.a1. prior to ,2:00 08clock '.11. OD the ---3.O.th.... Clal of~, 1'.....65.-. ill 1'8...... to CIle DDtla.....-afiiii"..:LiI iDVlttiil ...led pnpOiiIi. ~o .wit: . - GINO A. CAPALDI, dba CHRIS-MAn ORANGE COUNTY PIPELINE, INC. ANRO CONSTRUCTION CO. E. L. SELLARS CO. STANLEY SURINA FAR WESTERN PIPELINE, INC. SCOTT BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. RALPH DE LEON CONSTRUCTION, INC. ~ liD $46,933.50 $49',019.20 $52,716.90 $54,141.74 . $56.196.30 $62,944.35 $65 ~.3"76~'81 $73~260.75 - AID WIIIDA8. the Cit, _iu_ did t.... ....,c... ad tabulate ..id ..1ed pmpo.a1. aDd did 1'epC)1't to the City Couaci1 tb. Z'..li1t of hi. ...~..f...tloD ad tallillatloll; .. 1r.~, the C1t, Council flDd. that' the ...led pnpo- ..1 .ubllltted by GINO A. CAPALDI" dba CHRIS-MAn. 22206. Cantara St., . . owe.t r..poa. e 'pnpo.a .u t 1'. . . of all plaDt. labOr, .e1'ViCe., mat_:La1. aDd'..u:L~t.,a11 utilitl.. ad t1'..portatlOD. :LIIcladlD8 ,... fuel ad wt. ad p..f01:'ld.D8 a11_zk nec....l'J to COD.tnct ad coilp1ete lD . 1004 aad ~ikMD11k. maDDer. iD .trict accordaDc. wltb th. 8f8C:Lflcatioa.. pl.. aDd dr~. tbe1:efo1' OD fi1. ill the Offla. of th. Cit, Clerk of the City of ADabela. th. public 'bIpny...t ber.i..... IMmtiODeeI ad de8C1':Lbed. toa.tbel' With the 'appurt.- ...... tb.eto, ad a. .p8Oif:Led iD th. DOt:Lc. lD9ltiDa ..1ee1 . '1'O".a1.. ... tut .a:Ld pmpo.al of .aid above-"...... tii..... .boia1cl be accepted &ad a CODt1'act _rcleeI to .aid bldd. lD acccmIaac. tb.rewltbj aDd WBlUAS tb. CltJ' CoUDcl1 ft.DCI. tbat th. above-..at1oaed ...led p1'Opo.a1 I. the l...t 1'..pcna.:Lb1. propo.al nO.l".. aDd that the pet'HD. fina OZ' corporatlOD .ubldttiDI ..id p1'Opo.a1 i. . r~.pOD.lb1. ~.OD, fin or c01'~1'atlOD aDd chat th. p1'O,o- N1 aubIIltted i. th. beat .ulted ad fitted fOZ' the public iIIpEn...t to be. cOD.tnated. _. Dec....rI tp construct 'and comp-1et...' ill a fOod 'and workmanlike liIaDii.r ~ D' strict accordance with the spec fieations,' plan_ and drawlD&_ tberefor on file in-the Office of- the Cit, Cleft of the Cit7 of ,Anabe1m and the notice inv:Ltlq ...led propo..1.t' the . ' public work. aDd illpZ'OvemeDt hereinabove. ~re particular 7 ..- tioa.ed and d..cribed, tOlether with the appurteriaDce.'tb...to, be, and the .... is" bereb7, accepted, ancI;tbat a contl:'_t for' the cOll.traction ad completion of .aid ~lic 'laapr~t be.' aDd the ... ia hereb" .ardecl to the.. .aid .bove-a.. bi~~. . , AIm . IT ruRTIIIR IlSOLVID 'that the .ucce..fu1 bidder or bidder. upon eacb contract ..rded .. h..e:LaalJove .et fortb, .h.11 be ad the, are bereby required to aeeute a contraCt :I.D tne I:'e- quIred fon with, the City of Anahe:la upon the tems and coDCIiti01ls specified in the notice invitina s.a1ed proposals .nd the propo.a1 .u~tted by said successful biClcler or bidders and in ~cordallCe with'the plan8 and specifications for said public improvement bet:e- iDabove de8cribed. and in ,accordance with the ter.., ccmditl~., and provi.ions of thls resolution, and that said succes.fu1 b-,dder or bidders to whom each contract i8 .ardecl shall be r~uir,ed to fur- nisb a surety bond in an UIOWlt equal to ODe bimcI:red 'per cent(lOOl) of th. contract price for all labor'. _teria1s ad 8qQipD*lt to b. - fumi.hed ad pel.'fomecl. as .et forth in tbe ...led pupo.a1 sub- IIltted b, said bidder for the cODstruction of .aid public improve- ..t, ~etb.. with the appurtenance. tbereto, or .uch portion thereof .,.. ls covered b, said contrac t, .. a.urit, for th. faith- ful' perforaaance of said contract and a .~p.Z'.te suret, bond in aD aouDt equal to one hundred per cent (1001) of the cOD.traction co.t of said public iaapt'ovement covered by .aid ,ccmtr_t, .a see..- 1'it, for the payaaent of, all persODs perfo1:aa:Lq labor and fuZ'Di.ld.. uteZ'la1 for ,.ald ,project. ' AID . IT I1JllTBIR USOLVID tbat ..:Ld .ucce..ful bidder or b:Ldclers be, and they are bereby required to fumi.b to the City of ADabe1aa in coaapanies satisfactor, to the Citl of ADabel.. public liability, property ,--Ie, coaapenaa.t:LOD, ail othft in.urance in the amounts and for the purpo.e. 8S 's.t forth ad specif:Led ill tbe notice invitiaa ...led propos.1s, .1lCI .ubject to thit approv.1 of tbe C,:Lty Atton.y a. to fom and .uffiCienc,. aD BE IT IVRTBIll D8OLVID, that the "-JOr and the City Clerk of, tbe City of ADabeim be. acl tbe, are hereb" authorized ad directed to laake. execute ad _ter lDto, for aild on behalf of tbe City of AIlahe1aa. . written contract with .8id successful bidder or bidders for the fumishi. of .11 p1aDt, labor} mate- 1'1&1., and equipaaent and perform11l1 .11 work, 8S bereilUlDOve mre particularly describd{ for the construction. inst.11ation and cOlll'letion of s.id pub ic ll1provement hereinabove described upcm tbe tems and condlt:l.ons as .pecified ill the notice invltiDl ...led prorsal., the det.l1ed, de.laD. pl.s, prof:Ll.s. drawi.. aDd aeDera .pecifications ,aDd detaIled specifications and dr..- i.., ad all acldenda tbereto, and all modification. incorpor.ted tbezeill prior to tbe date of tbe op_i1!l of bids, on file in the Office of the Cit, Clerk of the City of Anabei. and in strict tlCcordaDce w:Ltb the tenas, ccmdit:LOIl. aDd provielon. of this r.so1utioa, and ill accordance w:Ltb 811 of tbe contract cIocuments bere:Ln .pec:Lfied. 60....._ ,~!II..~~D~_~~~IOR i. s~~ and .pproved by - .- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 5S. I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-1 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the '4th day of January, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein , .... NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: )lone AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and, signed said Resolution No. 66R-1 on the 4th day of January, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the officia1~a1 of the City of Anaheim this 4th day of January, 1966. 'U~ (SEAL) ~ I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-1 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 4, 1966. ~ ~'--n . ,;. ~----- -.1_ . ~....~~____.~~ c~ CITY CLERK ,-'-