1711 S STATE COLLEGE BLVD (5)CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Anaheim This structure has been inspected pursuant to the appiicabie provisions of the CBC-2013 Edition as adopted and amended by The City of Anaheim. Any change in the character of occupancies or use of this building whtdi would place the building in a different division or group of occupancies requires a new Certificate of Occupancy. Change of Use:Convert portion of existing warehouse into new office and restrooms.DESCRIPTION OF OCCUPANCY: .7'f///'H (7.\t it.(LDINGpERMfT;BLD2021-03134 FLOOR AREA:4714 BOCCUPANCYCLASSIFICATION:\7NO.OF STORIES: \/ CONSTRUCTION TYPE:ilB / BUILDING OWNER: 1711 S STATE COLLEGE BLVD,ANAHEIM,CA 92806BUILDINGADDRESS DATE OF ISSUANCE 02/23/2023 TERRANCE ALFORD PROCESSED BY MARYM BUILDING OFFICIAL