66-054 .-. RESOLUTION NO. 66R-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE IDWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, . .FUEL AND WA~R, AND P~RFORMING. ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE. THE llOLWWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE tMPR.~~MENT OF .KATELLA AVENUE, FROM MASTER STREET TO PPROXIMATELY i350 FEET EAST OF ~~S S~~T, IN THE CITY OF ANAHE 1M. PROJ'EC NO 0 4-A - UNIT 2. cause to All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: The improvement of Katella Avenue, from Raster Street to approximately 1350 feet east of Lewis Street, in the City of Anaheim, consisting of excavation, including compacted embankment and haulaway; construction of asphalt concrete pavement, aggregate base, PoCo Co curb and curb and gutter, PoCoCo spandrel and cross gutter, traffic signals and safety lighting, PoCoCo steps; adjustment of water valve boxes to grade; furnishing and installation of paddle boards, and appurtenant work as more particularly set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, Project SS Noo 304-A - Unit 20 ...- in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the. Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed proposals for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock Po~o on the 13th day of January , 19 66 , for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, all utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfQrming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- - - "'~ ~ .-.. .-. paEtloularl,. _tioDecI ad deacEibecl, and wblob DOtie. did .tat. aDd d-=ler. 'that Cr......t to the ~ovi.ioD. of 8-=tioD 1770 of the z.boE CocI.i t e CitHCouDci1 of the Cit, of ~"'Ia'bad uc_taiDed th. ~"ail rate of .... In the 1acalitJ ill _icb thi. t". of laboE I to be perfon.d fft MOb craft or type of workIIIID or .-c"-"tc aeded to __ut. the cODtJ:-.ct. ad _lob "... aca1. i. OIl file ill th. OfficM of tII. CitJ Clezk ... CitJ lDaiD..E. . ..IlIA.. th. Cit, Clerk of th. CitJ of ......111 cU.d rec.i.. tb. followiDa ...led propo.all prior to .2:00 o'clock '.11. OIl the 13th -I ~f ~. l' 66 . iIlr..poa~ to the DOtie. a~or...1d '1DvI.ttiil-j-.aDir propi'iili, 1:0 ...,f.t: ' .. -rq:w. 1!1CB ORVILLE E. HENDERSON R. J.' NOBLE COMPANY SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY GRIFFITH COMPANY $41,'251.10 41,585.85 43,024.65 46,36~.OO .. .- . .. . -.. .- AID 1IBIUA8, the City Baai_- did t__poIl ......". .. tabulate .aid ...led propo.a1. aad did r.~rt to tile. Cit1 Couacil * r..lt of hil "~DatioD ad tUialatiaD; aDd "lAS, the Ct-N COUDCil f:llull that" the I.led propo- .al .ullld.tted. bY ORVI E. HENDERSON. 1905 East 17th Street. Santa Ana Cal{forn1a . . . . owelt r..poal e 'pEopo.a I tEe . I of all 'pJaat, labOE, l.niCe., _teEiall aDd ....II1~.:.: all util1tlM ad tr.lportatloD, 1Dcluc1la8 "'1', fuel _ter ad ~fOJ;ld.Dl all won Dec....~ to CODltruct ad coiIplet. ill a loOcI ad. ~i1aImlik. ___., :l.Q ~trtct .:cordaDc. witb th. 8f8ClfieatiODI, pl._ ad dEawt.IW. tbftefoE OD fll. III the Offie. of th. Cit, CleEk of the Cit, of "bela, tb. publlo .illpnv...t ....ua... ..tioDecI aacI described, ~.tber With the .~t.- UIIC.I tb.eto, aDd .. .peclfied. ill the DOtice ilW1tlila ...led . ~..l.. ..... that ..id propo.al of .aid ""'-0.." iiAider .boiald be -.ccapt" aDd a c_tract _rded to uid b1clder Ia MCcmIaac. th.r_itbj ad Vl8UAS the City CoUDCil fiDeI. tbat the abow__tlaaed aealed pl'Opo.al I. tba l...t re.poa.lbl. pr~.al ne.1Ved and that the per.OD, fim or corpoEatloD .ubIalttiaa .aid '1'O,o.al 1. . ~.poDI:l.bl. ~r.OD, fim or cOE~ratioD aDd that th. 'I'OPO- u1 IUllldtted i. th. 'belt .uited aDd fitted for th. public ~1_llt to be, cOD.tnated. .. "&"_M~, . 1'1 USOLVBD b1 the City CoaDell of tile Clt~ of lab.ta. tuC tbe ...led pEopo.al .ubllltted ., ORVI~ E. HENDERSON ' ~or CIle Dani.n... o~ all ,lat, laDOI', lenlGM. _Cen.al. aDd equ:l.,.eDC, all util:l.ti.. aDiI cr.8porta- ti_. :l.DClwIq pcNft, fuel aDd. _C_, aDd ,..fon:l.aa .11 'work -2- - - ..-... .-.... - nec....ry t~ construCt 'and coaap-1ete.' in . fOOd 'and worbian11ke MIlDer. in' strict accordance with tbe spec fieatloD..' plans and drawlnas tlierefor on file in" tbe Office of', tbe City Clerk of ~he Citf of ADabeim aDd tbe notice lDvitlna s"led propo..1s1 the - ,- pub lc "ork. and lIIIprov8lll8llt hereinabove. .r.. partlc'ular 7 ..- tiODed 8Dd d.scribed} tOlether witb tbe'.ppurtenaaces'thereto. be. .Dd the ._ is,. hereb,. accepted. ad that. cODtr_t for' tbe cODstructiOD and completion of .aid public '1IIpr~t be. ' ad the s_ i. bereby. ..rdecl to the ..id above-UMd bidcl_. . .... .. . ... ..- . . AID . IT ruRTBD IBSOLVID 'that tb. .uccessfu1'bidder or bidder. u~ each contract ..rded .. 'ber.iaabove s.t.. forth .ba11 bel &Del they are hereb, required to execute a cODtract 1a the re- ' qu red fona with, the City of ..beiDI UPOD tbe terms _d cOlUlitiOQs specified iD tbe notice f.uvitins sealed proposals ancl the proposal s~tted by s.id .uccessfu1 bidder or bidders and tD ~cordaDCe witb -"'tbe plans and specifications for said public improvement be~e- inabove clescribed. and in ,accordance with the terM. cODditi~., .and provi.ions of this resolution. anci that said successful bidder or bidders to "holD each contract is .arded 8ha11 be r~uir,ed to mr- nish . surety bond in an aIOUIllt equal to one bUlutrecl 'per cent(100l) of the contract price for all labor'. _terie1s ad eq...iplMDt to be - famishad and perforaecl. as set forth in the s..led proposal sub- IIltted by said bidder for tbe cOIlstruction of .aid public improve- aaent, t~letber witb the appl1lrtecance. thereto, or such portion thereof'.s i8 covered by said contract. a. s.c,ity for the f.ith- fu1' performance ~f ..id contract and a .~paZ'.te saret,. bond in aD .-ount equal to eme hundred per CeDt (100'1) of tbe cOD.traction COlt of .aid public improv-.nt covered by .aid ccmtr8Ct. .. secu- rity for the pa,ment of. all perlons performtns labor aDd fUrDisbl~ material for ,.ald project. ' AID II IT I1JllTBIB. IBSOLVED that I.id sacce.sfu1 bidder or bidders b.. and tbey .re bereby required to furnish to the City of ADabeill in companies satisfactory to the Citl of ADabei.. pub1lc 1i.bi1ity. prop.rty II........ Comp...tiOD. ail otbft insurance in the ~~ts aDd for the purpose. .. 'set ~ortb aDd specified in the notice invitiaa .ealed proposals. .d sabj ect to thit approv.l of the C,ity Attomey .. to fona and lufficiency. AD II IT PUB.TIII1l RESOLVED that tbe "-YOI' ad the City Clerk of tbe City of Anaheim be. and they are b.reby. autboriz8cl ad directed to uke. execute and enter into. for aDd em behalf of the ,City of ADaheiDI. a written contract with s.id successful bidder or bidder. for the fumisbi. of all plant . labor} mate- rials. and equipaent md perfond.q all work. a. bereiuDOYe IIIOr. particularly de.crib""! for the construction. in.ta1lation and coqt1etion of s.id pub ic illprovemeDt her.lubove described upon the t.rms and conditions a. specified in the notice iDYitiDl ...led proposals. tbe deta~lect, deslaD. p1aDs., profile.. drawi.s 8DcIa_era1 specifieatlODs and detailed .pecifications and dr.- i.s. ad all addenda thereto. and 811 _dific.tiems incorpor.ted therein ,rior to the d.te of the opemil!l of blcls. on file in tbe Off1ce of tbe City Clerk of the City of Dabeim and in strict 8Ccorclance with tbe terM. cOllCiitions ad provi8ioal of tbis resolution, and in accordance witb 811 of the contract documents herein specified. TII IUlIGODG RBSOLUTIOR is 8laDed and approved by - cbis 25th cia, of January . 19 66 . , - -3- - ..... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ....-.... I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-54 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 25th day of January, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUle ILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-54 on the 25th day of January, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 25th day of January, 1966. LA,: '2J:.~...,; _/ CI CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-54 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 25, 1966. 12~ 2-t. ~~..;-./' CITY CLERK ..-..