66-053 .- RESOLUTION NO. 66R-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROpOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESpONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, . FUEL AND WA~R, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT.' AND COMPLETE. THE r.OLEOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT :. FURNiSHING AND INSTALLING OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING ~T THE= INTERSECTION OF EAST Snu.:ET ANl! LA p~~ AVENUE. IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. PROJECT NO. 110. UNIT 3. cause to All plant, labor, services, materials and "equip- ment, and all uti1it~es and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accord- ance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: Furnishing and installing traffic signals at the intersection of East Street and La Palma Avenue, in the City of Anaheim, including safety lighting and appurtenant work, as more particularly set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, project No. 110, Unit 3. - in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specific.a- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, saia notice inviting sealed p~oposat$ for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 20tti day of . January , 19 66, for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, all utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfprming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- .- ~tlcularl,. -Clcnled acI descl'ibed. and wb:Lcb aot:Lce did .tate iIDd declal'e'that pur.uat to tbe ~ov:L.:I.oD. of 8ect:Loa '1770 of tba t.bol' Cod.i tbe Cit,. CouIlcil of the Cit,. of .....w.bad __utaiD.. the ~."ail1aa I'ate of ..... iD the 1ocalltJ' iD wld.cb tbi. t". of labol' 1. to be perfol'.-d for ..b craft 01' t7P8 of wol'kMD 01' .-cbaD:Lc D..... to __ute tb. cODtr_t. .. _lab .... aaal. i. OIl fll. :I.D tbe Off:Lc.. 'of th. CitJ' Cleft aDd CitJ' "iDeeI'. .. 1nIP1.... tb. CitI Clerk of th. Clt, of Aaab.ta did I'ecel". the fo1101d.Da ... ed propo.a1. priol' to .2:00 o'clock .... 011 the 20th CIa, 'of ~. l' 66 . ill 1'8.....- to tile DOt:Lc. alor..aU iIWlHiiI ...~.. 'l'opOii[i. .to ..s.t: ' .. ~ alCl STEINY AND MITCHEL, INC. SMITH ELECTRIC SUPPLY WILLIAM R. HAHN E. D. JOHNSON AND COMPANY $6,.580.00 6,704.00 6,767.00 6,8~~.00 - AID 1IIPUI. the Cit,. _Iou did t....,. ..-e.. aDd tabulae. .aU ...led 'l'Opo.al. aDd did r.~re to tile. 'Clt,. Couacll Cb. r..ult of bi. ~aat:l.oD ad tabialatlaD; .. 1nI1J-1~. th. City(:ouaci1 fiDd. chat the .ealed pnpo- ..1 .ubIrltted bJ' STEINY AND MITCHEL. INC. I 221 North Ardmo~e Avenue Los A eles ~aL1rorn1a . . . e owe. r..poa.. e . pl'Opo.a ." 1'.. .. D8 of all plaDt. 1abol'. ..n:Lae.. _e_ia1. aDd ...."l~t I .. all "tl1Itl.. .. tra.pol'tatloD. :LIIclud:l.D8 ,... fu.l .... weu .. ,ezfcmdDI all wozk Dec....~ to COD.tnct aDd aoilp1et. :I.D a ad aDd ~ikllaD11ke maDDft. :I.D .tl'kt _col'Claace w:Lth th. 8peciflcatlOD.. ,1.. aDd drawlDp tbel'.for OIl fll. ill the Offic. of the Clt, C1e1'k of tbe Clt,. of ADabe:la. th. publ:Lc .IIIpZ'OY....t hU'.:lDa1lo9ia _tlOD" aDd deaaribed. ~etb_ 1r:Ltb the 'a""l't.- 'MIlO.. tltueto. aDd a. .pecified i. th. IlOtiae t.ari.tiDa ...led . po~.a1.. .... that .ald pl'O,o.a1 of .aid. Uove-a.... itAidel' .boDld be _cepted ad a cODtract ...... to .aid b:Lddu lD aacOI'CIaace tbel'ewithi aDd 1IIIIBA8 the C1CJ' CoaDcl1 f:l.Dcl. tbat the abow__t:l.oDed .ealed 'l'Opo.a1 I. the l...t 1'..pOD.lb1e propo.al nO.l". ancI tbat the pel'.OD. fin at" corporatlOD .ubldttlill .aU ~po..1 :I.. . ~.poD.lb1e ~I'.OD. fin 01' cot~ratiaD aid that the papo- ..1 ..uJll!d.tt" :I.. the ..t .u:l.ted ... fitted fOl' the pabllc . blpEo~.Ullt to ...c..tncted. .. b-'~. . IIf U80LVD b7 th. City CoaDc:i1 of tile City of lUb.ta. that the ...led propo.a1 ...bldtted 1tJ' STEIttY AND MITCHEL. INC. . for tile Dll'DS..DS.... of a1~J.aDt. labOr. 8eftIA:... _c_s.a~. aDd eq\ll~t. all utl11tl.. cr.. porta- . tlOD. :l.DcludiDI power. fwi1 Del _tel', aDd perfoZld1l8 .11 work -2- - Dec~.'~rI t~' CODltruct . anc1 coaap-lete'.' in a 100d and workmanlike MIUler.. D strict accordance Witb tbe lpec;ificatioiil,. plans and dr_iDaI tberefor on file in - tbe Off~. of" ,the City Clerk of the Cit! of .ADabeilD aucl tbe Dotice inviti. I..led p~opo.alli the -- ~b ic work' _d ilDprovement bereiubove, 1101'. particular ., .-n- tiODad aa.cl clescribeCl. toaether with the ap~rt8lia1lcel'thereto. be. and tbe 1_ is '. bereby. accepted. and that a cODtr~t for' the cODltmction and completion of I.id public illpr~t be. aDd the 1_ ia hereby. _ardecl to the ..id above-naaecI bidder. . . . '. . - .. . ,- . ' AID . IT PUa'lBl1. DSOLVED 'that the 'Iuccellful bic1cler" or bidder I upon each contract .arded .. hereinabove .et' fortb Ihall bel and they are bereby required to _ecut~ a contraCt is the re- qu red fom with, the CltI of Anaheilll upeD tbe 'teme _d conditi.s Ipecified in tbe notice nvitina s..led proposall and the propolal I~tted by said .uccessfu1 biader or bidders and in ~cordatlCe with '"the plans and specifications for said public iaaprovement bere- inabove described. and in .accordance witb tbe terM. cODditl~., .and pzovl.icms of this resolution. and that said I\JCceslfu1 bl,dder 'or bidder I to wboaa each contract is ..arded sh.ll. be requir,ed to fur- nilb . lurety bond in an aIIOUDt equal to one bUDdJ'ed 'per cea.t(100l) of tbe contract price for all labor'. _terials aDd eq..i,-nt to be - familbed ad perforll8Cl. .s let fortb ill tbe lealed propo'lal sub- Idtted by said bidder for the cOllstructioa. of ..id ~b1ic improve- ..t. toaetber with tbe appurtenances tbereto, or luch portion tb__f".1 is covered by ,said contrac t, .s a.llzoit1 for the faith- ful' performance of ...id contract and a .e~Z'.t. sllret., bcmd in an aount equal to eme hllndred per cent (1001.) of tbe con8trgction COlt of I.id public lDq)rovement covered by ,s.ld ccmtract. as secu- rit., for tbe pa~t of all persons perf01:ad.Dllabor and furni.hi. _terial for ,.ald projeCt. . am II IT ruRTBlI. IlSOLVID tbat .aid lucc...fa1 bidder or bic1ders be. aDd tbey are berebY reqairecl to furnilb to the City of ADabeia in companies satisfactory to tbe Citf of ADabeilD, publlc liabilit.,. property d.....e. cOlllpenl.tion. ail otbu iD8ur~e in tbe ........UIlts and for tbe purpose. .s 'set ~ortb ad lpecified in tbe aotice :l1lvitiaa s..led proposals, aDCl subject to the approval of tbe Cj.ty Attorney as to fom and lufficiency. aD II IT JVaTIIII. DSOLVED tbat 'the "-'JOr aDd the City , Clerk of tbe City of Anabei. be. acl they are hereb'J. authorized aDCI direCted to ilake. execute and mter iDto, for aDel on behalf of th. ,City of AnabeilD. a written contract with s.id succelsful b1clcler or bidder I for the fumilbiDa of all plant. labor} mate- ria1_, and equi~t and perfomillll all work. a. hereiuDOVe 1101'. particular11 de8CrilMdi for tbe cODstructiOD. installation and c~letion of .aid pub ic illprOV8lD8llLt berelubove described upon the tems and conditions as Ipecified in the notice inviting 1..1ed prorsals. the detailed, dellaD, ,plana. profile.. drawl.1 aDd lenera specificatlODs ,and detailed specifications and dr..- iqs. aa.4. all addenda thereto. aDd all modificatiODI incorporated therein prior to tbe date of tbe op.ilW of blds,. OD file in tbe Office of the Clt., Clerk of the City of ADabeilD and in strict eccordance witb tbe terma. conditions and provieiODI of tbis resolution. and in Kcord8DCe witb all of tbe ccmtrllCt cIocUlD8tlts ber.in lpecified. !II .mmOODG IISOUJTIOR il Itpecl and .pproved b'J - tld.1 25th da., of January . 19 66. , ~~ '). f-"';"" ~ -:;;;1~~ ~ r- .. (5('(: IlAYOIl W TI1I CIn -3- - - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) - I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-53 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 25th day of January, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, SChutte, Chandler and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNC ILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-53 on the 25th day of January, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 25th day of January, 1966. ~.L- ~. ~/...;,,_~ CI ~ CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-53 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 25, 1966. f1~ ht. ~.:..~ CITY CLERK .-..,