General Susana Barrios From:coralreef52@juno.com Sent: 2023 2:59 PM To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Fw: AGAINST "HILLS PRESERVE PROJECT Attachments:ATT00001.txt; ATT00002.htm; BOBCAT XMAS EVE 2020 (4)(1).mp4 Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Please note: forwarded message attached From: " To: ashleighaitken@anaheim.com Subject: Fw: AGAINST "HILLS PRESERVE PROJECT Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 21:57:38 GMT Please note: forwarded message attached From: " To: NJTaylor@anaheim.net Subject: AGAINST "HILLS PRESERVE PROJECT Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 21:24:44 GMT I live 2 houses frm border of proposed huge housing project since 1983. *** SEE ATTACHED WILDLIFE PICTURE WHICH WOULD BE DESTROYED TRAFFIC- horrible as it is. I have to get down the hill Mohler loop, before of after school starts in am or pm gets out, or sit at the stop sign on Mohler or long time wait to turn so I can home, while the whole school El Rancho is picked; Today is Friday so have errands but the Friday night traffice uses SA Cyn Road bumber to bumper, going by your proposed project; It took 2 hrs to get thru Imperial intersection frm Lakeview on 4th July fireworks. FIRE AREA- Major insurance companies are pulling out all together. Great American and State Farm no longer will write new policies my area. ONE WAY OUT OF Mohler Loop in event of evacuation for fire, school will be evacuating at Mohler and all parties frm Loop will have horrible time evacuating in emergency; and likewise for fire trucks or emergency vehicles. QUALITY OF LIFE DESTROYED- all the congestion traffic and noise to adjaent housing, i would be able to see this monster project from my porch. WHAT IS THE CALLING OF 'EUCALYPTUS" DRIVE, CURVING AT TAIL THRU MY BACK YARD. Destroy home value all around. BOTTLE NECK- now of traffic trying to get on freeway, Disaster if an evacuation. WATER- City of Anaheim now is saying before any newproject, how and that people have to SAVE WATER, GARBAGE -City can't seem to handle the existing garbage as it is now without adding more burden, City telling people bury their garbage. Collect maggots for a week before have to dump it on top of garden debris; Flies and magots transported everywhere. I do bury so not a bad idea. Plants love it...so only good thing about that. T HE BIGGEST COMPLAINT OF ALL - LOSS OF WILDLIFE AND NO PLACE TO GO FOR ANIMAL THAT NEED HABIT. BOB CATS, KNOW ARE AROUND VISITING MY HOME ON NUMEROUS TIME, OWLS USED TO HEAR, TREES REMOVAL CAUSE BIRD AND MIGRATORY DISTRUPTION AND WB RUN OVER IN STREET NO CONCESSIONS TO PROTECT WILDLIFE. LIZARDS SNAKES, RACOONS, COUGER, BOBS CATS 1 BIRDS- Orioles come every year to my trre to nest for years and years...The hawks and orioles as it is are Fighting for the same trees in my yard.. BICYLE PLAN SEEMS TO HAVE DISAPPEARED AND CONNECTION OF RIDING WALKING PLANS Where did they go \[Pam Galera at Ciity produced plan for canyon\] THERE ARE PLENTY OF NON PRODUCTIVE HOUSEING NEAR DOWNTOWN ANAHEIM, BUILD THERE AND PRESERVE THE LAND ON SANTA ANA CYN AND PUT SOMETHING TO IMPROVE COMMUNITY INSTEAD OF DESTROYING IT. i HAVE 2