RES-2006-143RESOLUTION N0.2006- 143
WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted a fee schedule for services
rendered by the Anaheim Fire Department; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to approve a revised fee schedule and
establish the effective date of said fees; and
WHEREAS, the fees so established and the categories so modified have been
considered at a duly noticed public meeting or hearing as required by law; and
WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that said fees, in the amounts
hereinafter set forth in Exhibit "A" are less than or equal to, but in no event greater than, the
actual direct and indirect costs and expenses incurred by the City in performing the services
connected with such fees; and
WHEREAS, the City Council further finds and determines that this establishment
and amendment to fees is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality
Act pursuant to Section 21080(b)8 of the California Public Resources Code.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Anaheim as follows:
1. The fees set forth in the fee schedules attached hereto as Exhibit "A" shall be,
and the same are, hereby adopted.
2. The fees established herein shall become effective sixty (60) days following
the date of adoption of this Resolution.
3. The fees established herein shall, upon the effective date of said fees,
supersede fees set forth in Resolution No. 2005-122 and any previously adopted fees for the same
permit or approval.
4. The City Council hereby declares that should any one or more fees
established by this Resolution or any portion of this Resolution be declared for any reason to be
invalid, it is the intent of the City Council that it would have adopted all other fees and portions of
this Resolution independent of the elimination herefrom of any such fee or such portion as may be
declared invalid.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council
of the City of Anaheim this 20th day of June , 2006, by the following roll-call
AYES: Mayor Pringle, Council Members Sidhu, Hernandez, Galloway, Chavez
NOES: None
..:, EXHIBIT "A"
... ..... .....,.y................, .. ... ..
_ _
~ -
L Mnual Flre Coda Permits br Speehle ttasards ~ ~ ~ ~
Thew psrmR fees ere not drerged to occupanclss 'md by the Fis Preventlon Bureau. AI pemdls h aamrderrce erNh 8re CaAlomia Fie Cade. Section
1115, and AnaheM MuNcipal Code.
a. Aerosd Pmduch 575
b. AicraR Refuettng Vehldas i75
c. AicreR Renelr Hanger i75
d. Automotlve Wrecking Yens i75
s. BeRerv Svatam 576
E Celubae Nitrate Fin i75
g. Ceirlow NYrate t3foraga i75
h. Cambuetrble Fber Storage i75
t. 575
J. Commercial Rubhiah+landling Ooemdorr 575
k. Drv Cl~nina plank S75
4 i75
m. i75
To store sxplosNas or trlastirg agents.
n. Flammable or Combust6le Lloulds 575
o. Fret Rloening 575
p. Fumigstlon or Thermal Irroectlcldal Fogging 575
q. Heardous MNarlala. Cnrogerra and Comoreswd CaBws 1.3 chemists 1100
4~ chemicMs 5350
7~ cherrrkak 5800
10-12 chemksb 5860
13-15 chamk~le 51,000
1830 chemicals 12,000
30 plus etrsmieaN 53,000
r. S75
e. 576
~ 575
u. LunrberYeNs 576
Pepe 1
~ S75
w. AAaI. Covered S75
x Nblor Vehk:k Fuel Disoenalno Sfafipns S75
y f)rpeillc GOatlrlaa S75
i 575
z rv
Ovens. Industlal Bakkrp or
bb. Refifoeretlpn FArrkxnent S75
rx. Reoat Garsaaa
ee. Tire Storeoe
R Wood ~~ S75
L SIngN Event fln Code PerrrrMs for SpseMe Aetlvltlss
8Yrpb event fire code psrmR fees are based on a bees rate and average tfine krdlceted bekav. M addNbnal fee of S50 per'/. hour w1 be charged for tlrrre SASE RATE TSAE
tllat exceeds the base rale Isbd bekwr.
I ~ ~ ~~~
b. Candles and Ooan Flames h AssembN Amas S5a'/.hour
bl 51153. hour
c. ul
Gambrels. Falra end
d. Chrisbnas Tree Lot 5700-3~, hour
e. F.~kftfL
5100-K hour
To dledrarge explosNes.
f. FYrsrrorlre. Speclal Effects. Pvrplechnk: Devlee Pennt Fas 550-'/.hour
Doubled rappYcaffo-r b nos rsceAred Iburlesrr (f4) days prbr ro everd.
g. Fiawprks. Special Effects. Pvmtechnic Device Insoaribn Fae 5100-54 hour
For knpec0on fees albr mprrlar business hours. sae Sectlon VIIIStandby Fee.
n. Hegl>>
s115-3. hour
t ~ 5700-'~4 hour
j, open BumiwA2eaastlonal Flres ~-'~ hour
k. Open flame Device 5100-'/~ hour
I. Parade Floats 1100-Y, hour
Pape 2
m. Pumpkin Patch Lot 1100-y, hour
n. Special Actlvkbs Pernik 1100-~, hour
p. Temoorarv Membrane Stnrcbrres. Tents and Canopies
Doubted Napp6caUon is apt nreelrad Ibwteen (14) days pdor ro event
1. A tent or at supportsd sbucbee used for assernbbs (aocupant bad 60 or mac). i1g5-1 hour
lncbdea pemrR anal hspscfbn Ibe
2. N o01er bnb; or carropbs. CaKamia Flre Code. Ardde 32. 1145'!. hour
Irreludss Per-af and 6spscbOn lee
M. Plan ftavbw Fass - Fin Protsctlon Systems:
Plan revbw foss era based on a base reb and average ttme krdicated bekxr. Pbn rovbws, krckdfng re-wbmktals, that exceed the tlmes shown bebw, w11 be ~E ~~~
kwok:ed et an addkbnal 527 par'/. hour therselbr.
s. Aboveground Stomoe Tanks i10tF1 hour
Cafanb Fire Code. Artlds B0.
b. Akemale Matarleb and Metlwds Revlerv S10E1-1 hour
To revlsw proposab to use elbnwle materlab and metlads per Catifomb Fire Cade 108.1.2.
c. i5&X hour
Maetlrrgs to dbcuss dwebpmerd proJeeta and pro-submkbl plans.
d. i27-Y. hour
To review EIR's, Pre-fke cases. CUP's and other devabpmeM rebled cases.
e. Fire Abrm Svalems 0-10 devices 560•'1. hour
CaAfomis Fke Code. Artlcb 10. 11-101 devices 5108-1 hour
101~0o devbea u12,x horns
401+ devkxa sale-3 bows
f. 559-'~S hour
Calfomb Fke Code, ANde 10.
g. ~~ 559-3~G hour
Glfomie Fire Cede, Artlde 10.
h. 050 sprinkbre i69-Y, hour
Cafomb Fka Code. ArSde 10. 51-100 spdnklere i7g-'1. hour
101-200 sprkrklsre 110&1 hour
20100 apritkbre i1~-1.5 hours
501-1,500 splklkbrs 1212-2 hours
1,501+ spriNrbre i285-2.5 houB
L EYo Spdnlder Tenant Improvements 0-60 sprbklere i69-3S hour
51-100 sprbklsre i60''/. hour
101+ aprinkbre 5108-1.5 hours
Page 3
J. Undemround Firefinas St08awur
k Fuel MgdHkatlon S108fiour
I. Higher CamhualErle Storage I~vlew S108awur
m. LlausBsd Pebolsum Gas Tanks 553-X hour
553-YS hour
F 1125 per hour
o. t
Plan Check F_xged
p. Plan Chock Laser tielrs Fee .75 per papa
q. Pubic Waler Imgrovsrnant Plena
527-'ti hour
Irrckrdes 8re rrrasler ptrrs.lfre access plans. hydrant ktcatlon plans. residantlal eNs plena, pat plans. and bmporary plane for new project.
i53-X hour
s. Sbndgloa Svelems f WetlDrvl
t Wabr Flaw MonbrMrg For FYa Sorkrlder Svslems 527=/.hour
N. Inspactbn Fessfka Probdbn sysbms:
Inspeclbn fees ors bseed on the toes rob and everaps tlme Indkated bekrw. Inapeclbns tlrat sracesd the tkrraa drown bektw wE be invoked at an addMbrrel BASE RATE TIME
tss of 550 for each'i4 of an hour Ihomeller.
a. Aboveground Storage Tanks 51484 hour
b. Fire Alarm Svdsms 0.10 devkes 5100-3b hour
g. Fire ExtlnguYhin Svalams
d. Fire Pumga
e. Flro Sgrinkbr 3vabma
11-25 dsvkes 5195-1 hour
260 devkes;389.2 hwrs
51-75 dsvkes 5584 hours
75-100 devkes sno-a hours
101-150 devkaa 5974.8 hours
151-200 devioas:1,952-7 houB
201-250 dwkss 11,658-8 hours
25100 dwkes 11,750.9 hours
300+ 57,960-10 hours
X2-35 hour
51951 hour
060 aprinlden 5100-~, horx
51-100 eprlnklars 5146'!4 hour
101,200 eprlnktrs i19ti-1 hour
20100 epArdders 5292-1.5 hours
301400 aprlnklera5389-2 bows
501-1,000 sprirtkbra 5589-3 hours
1,001-1,500 aprlnkbrs 5778 hours
1,501+ apdnktra 5972 hours
Page 4
f. Fke Sorlnkla r Tenant Imwrnremam
p. Undarororrr d Freltres
h. Fuel t~Aod'di mtlon
L l.loue5ed Pe troleum Gas Tanks
k. Standofoe S
ystems 1VUetIDn1
L Water Flow Monitorkra For Fire Sorlnklar Svstams
Page 5
0-60 sprinkler 5100-75 hour
61-150 aprlnklers i1~ hour
151-250 aprlnkbrs i1p4-1 hour
25100 sprkrlders 5291-1.5 hours
40150 sprrtklers i3t6N2 hours
551+ sprinklers S~8tF2.5 hours
5700-'A, hour
51ps1 hour
1100-15 hour
5100-1 hour
5700-yL hour
5100-X htwr
n n F -N n•
eye urns rrue.ruw weer. rrur wreane, ^p.elurry ~e-w~numrw. YIY\ W1,V1711 YIO 11100 MlYwll YOYM, wr w rwu~.w a~au auuwur~ ~ci ~a i~ ~ww~i
Mrersaller. Inspeclbn Ease are based on Mre base nits and avere0e Mme indkalsd bsbw. Inspsdbns Meat exceed the Mmes sham bebw rri be Invoked et an additlonal fee of S50 for eaeh'ti of an hour
~eW~Y Square Feotaye Pin check Iite Mspeetfon Fw
ASSEMBLY 0 -19,998 164-35 hour 19&35 hour
20,000 -49,999 5707-1 hour 114&35 hour
50,000 -89,999 5107-1 hour 1195-1 hour
100,000+ 52132 hours 5292-1.5 hours
BUSINESS 0 -19,999 554-3, hour 595-yi hour
20,000 - 49,999 180-'.G hour S74tF'Y. hour
60,000+ 5107-1 hour 1195-l hour
EDUCATIONAL 0 - 9,999 554-3+ hour i98-3s hour
10,000 - 49,998 Se0-'1. hour 5748-'/.hour
60,000 -99,988 1107-1 hour 1196-1 hour
100,000+ 5213-2 hours 5292-1.5 hours
FACTORY 0 - 9,998 554-35 hour 198-35 hour
10,000 - 49,999 i80a. hour 57485 hour
60,000+ 5107-1 hour 1195-l hour
FIAZARDOUS 0 -10,999 5707-1 hour 5195-1 hour
20.000 - 49,999 1213-2 hours 1292-1.5 hours
50.000+ 5213-2 boon 5369.Oti-2 hours
INS7TTU710NAL 0 -19,988 5707-1 hour 1195-1 hour
20.000 - 49.989 1213-2 hour 1292-1.5 hours
60,000+ 1213,2 boon 5369.08-2 hours
MERCHANT 0 -19.999 554-3+ hour 598-35 hour
20,000 - 49.999 180-'J4 hour 1148 :4 hour
50,000+ 5107-1 hour 1196-l hour
PLAN CHECK EXPEDITE 8ERVICE Avaisbb e< 5725 per hour. Please eel (714)7115-4040 tD enan0e for thk servke.
RESIDENTIAL R3 Arry square toofa0e 154-35 hour 198-35 hour
RESIDENTIAL R1 0 - 49,980 5707-1 hour 598-35 hour
50,000+ 5213-2 hours 5196-1 hour
gTORA(;E 0 - 9,989 564-34 hour 198-35 hour
10,000 - 49,998 5107-1 hour 1148-'Y. hour
50,000+ 5707-1 hour 5108.39-1 hour
TENANT IMPROVEMENT - 0 - 2,498 554-35 hour 586-35 hour
2,600 - 9,999 5707-1 hour 5746 hour
10,000+ 1107-l hour 1195-l hour
Pttpe B
HN. Inspsctlorr Fess br Annwl Fire Inspeetbns Conducted By bspsctoro H 1M Fin Pnrrerrtlon Bureau
InMial kripeclbn of annual firs Inspactlons caducled by the Fire Preventlon Bureau for complence wNh the CaYfomla Fire Code. 160-'/. hour
a. Relnacectlcn
AM relnepectlons b patn complance witlr InBel conecdon natlca.
i50-Y. hour
b. Pre-Inspecton for Raeiderttlel Care for the Elderly or Chid Dav Care
A fee b corrdud a pre4rapeceon of a prbr b 9re final ftre cbererrce request from the Stale of Calfomla. Inckdes a communlly care fedYy, residen8sl
care radNy br the eldery or a chid day care tacBty w18r:
1. 25 or fewer persons 5100
2. 28 or more persons
55o-'b hour
c. Ineoectlon Service Durkra Recular Business Hcure
Requsged Nrspse8ons.
~-~~ hour
d. Inspection Service Afbr Reaumr Business Houre
Waw Conslnrctbn, a minkrwm of two hours wB be charged on weekends.
145 per hour
e. Standby Time After Regular Buskress Houre
A minimum of 2 houre wi be charged on weekends.
i60-Y• hour
f. Slandbv Time D~u!w Raouler Buskrass Hours
v^. TrarM Show Fees:
a. Plan Check Fees For Trade Shows
Plan Check fees are doubled ^ pima ere wbmMled less than 14 days prior b the event. PMn Check teas are based on a base rom and averegs time BASE RATE THE
Yrdicalad bekrw. Plan checks Brat emceed the IYrres sIWMm bebw, wil be krvoked at an addMiorral 527 per Y. hour 8rereatter.
1-150,OOOiq. ft 559-35 hour
150,001 b 300,000 aq. R i7g-'Y. hour
300,001 b 1!60,000 sq. R 51081-1 hour
Over 851,000 sq. R 5159-1.5 hours
b. Trade Show F_xpedMe Fee
c. Inaoeetlorr Fees Far Tnde Shows
Inspsribn fees ere doubbd Y plane are submNled krss then 14 days prior b the sverd. Inspection tees sro based an a base vale and average tlme Indicated
bsbw. Insperibrrs that srrceed tlrs tlrnes shown bebw wB be Irrvolced at an addNbnal tae of S50 for each'/. of an hour thereafter.
Sse Seelfpn VlllforStendby Fees altsrregrdsrbrniresshorne.
Leas than 30,000 sq. R
1145-'ti hour
30,001 b 150,000:4. R 1184-1 hour
150,001 b 300,000 aq. R 1291-1.5 hours
300.001 b 450,000 eq. R 1989-2 hours
460,001 b 800,000 aq. R 5488.2.5 hours
800.001 b 820.000 eq. R 1689.3 houre
820,001 b 850,999 aq. R 58803.5 houre
Over 851,000 eq. R 57783 houre
Df. False Alamrs:
e. Felee Alamra-Fairre b NdW ~
Fie department reaponw due b faYure b notify frs depaMisnt when working on or teslYq sprinkler a alarm systems.
b. InlenBonal AcBvallon 5200
Inlen8oru4 ac8va8ort of alarm vdrero no ernergerwy exkds.
Page 7
`~Y.F 1
Alarm system msfurwkon reauklrp in IYe deperbnem reaporras more tlran lteice wkhin any 90 day period. a h excess of three occurrkp wllhin arty stx month
. perbd.
>L kWeNlaneous Fees:
a. CerhYication of Cooley 62.50 per papa
.10 psrpape
b. ~1
Ptroloooplss and computer prlnbuts.
c. Dktoelch Audio Taos ~ per ~
d. 525 Per IncklmN
e. ~'el>~
.20 perpape
1. Caples made from mkxoflche, 8 Y; x 14' or kiss. ~' ~ ~~ by
2. Oversaed copies ord:lds reA-nduc-lo-r company
f. FMa Cade Perrnk Fee tale Charoes:
Per Caifamla Fire Code Ser.~tion 105.8 and Anaheim Munkdpal Code. Sec. 518
p. 45 Dav Penakv 1096 peneky
Falure b submk fie code pennk fees wkhin foAy-flue (48) days of orlpinal burp.
h. 80 l>av Penakv Addkktnal 10% penaky
FaYure b submit Ike code psmrk fees wkhln sbdy (80) days of dip.
i ~7
Falure b rebm the maFback card k;srMtd for vlola5one farad durkp the inklal flra departrnerd Inspection vdl reauk h rekrspectlon belnp conducted and
J. Weed Abatement AdminlstraWe Charoe/Fee: 5325
To remove weeds or accumutatlorre of bash. press. weeds. Mbr, flammable ar aunbustible nralsrlels from courtyard. vecam bt or space. Adminlatretlve tae b
be added b canVecbr'a bi for each paroal.
Pape 8