900 S BRUCECity of Anaheim BUILDING DIVISION INSPECTION RECORD SWIMMING POOL ADDRESS: 900 S BRUCE ST, ANAHEIM, CA 92804 OWNER: PHAN DAVID PHAN HANNAH PERMITM SWI2023-00036 DATE ISSUED: 05/0312023 DESCRIPTION: Pool Demo: 450 sq It remove top 2 feet and shell to remain with (3) 3 x 3 holes POST THIS CARD WITH THE APPROVED PLANS IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ON THE JOB SITE Inspection Code Date Inspector 1. Mein Drain ' 504 " 2. Electric Bonding 506 3. Steel 508 4. Approval to Gunite 510 DO NOT GUNITE POOUSPA until all the above inspections have been signed. 5. BLD -Steel and Electric bonding (Rock Structures,Siides Etc) 506 DO NOT GUNITE ROCK STRUCTURE (water feature, rock slide, fountain, waterfall, grotto etc.) until the above inspection has been signed. 6. Underground Electric 512 7. Gas Piping Test 514 B. P -Trap Receptor 516 9. Backflow 518 " 10. Deck, Deck Drains, Equipotential & Accessory ondino 520 DO NOT OUR FLATWORK until all the above Inspections have been signed. 11. Rough Electrical 522 12. Fencing/Door Alarms 524 13. Piaster approval 526 DO NOT PLASTER until all the above inspections have been signed. 14. Final Electric 528 Sub -Contractors List MUST be approved and pool cover on site PRIOR to Pool Final Inspection request FINAL INSPECTION CODE Rough Demo 527 ftDATEIINSPECTOjt15. 16. Final 599 MISC.INSPECTIONS DIn est fbidjobcards Insosctlom 14: 1. All plumbing to be completed and the system pressurized to 35 lbs. with water or house pressure. 2. All metal within 5 feet of pool water, and all pool equipment, must be bonded to pool reinforcing steel with NB solid copper wire. Niche light shell, deck Inserts, etc. shall be bonded to pool rebar. 3. Pool equipment is not required to be set at this time. 1. Underground electric Inspected prior to baddlling. 2. Gas line test at 100 for 15 minutes with 15N gauge. 3. When polyethylene gas piping to used, a certificate from a corliled Imstager and tracer wire shall be provided per CPC 1210.1.7.2 APPENDIX I. Inspections 11.13: 1. Rough eledrk inspection when all wiring Is completed and ready prior to the plastering of poolispe. Failing compound In place at plastic light niche. 2. Current Code requires that any pod, spa or water feature contacting water 18 Inches or more in depth shall be enclosed by a barrier adequate to prevent entry of small children. The barrier shall comply with section 3109 of current CBC and CRC APPDENDIX V specifying the height of any fence provided as barrier to the pod &- shall be 60' above grade on the outsid of the fence. 3. Doul from a garage shell meet Bre requirements for a gets. Glass windows within 5' of pool water shag be tempered glass. 4. Prior to pre-plester inspection, streets, curbs and dry sidewalks will be Inspected for any damage due to construction of pod or spas. 5. Grading complete with positive drainage to street or public way. All exposed plastic pipe shall be pointed to protect from sunlight Inspections 1416: 1. Gas and Electrical completely removed and 2x2 holes at bottom of pod and/or Isolated elements. 2. Pool badd fled: A.) With future build - self-compadkg sand 95% with recelpt B.) Nofubure build -any fit. 3. After pod is operating and In working condition with approved pod cover on site. Inspection requests made prior to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday will be scheduled on the following workday. To schedule your building Inspection aline, please go to httpsJ/aca.anaheim.neUCitizenAccess Inspection can normally be reached between 7:30 - 8:00 A.M. (7141765.5153 + 0 To access your Inspection timeframe: Please go to www.anaheim.netlbuilding after 7:30am on the day of your Inspection. Under Online services, dick on the link "Inspection Timeframes' or call (714) 765.5153 + 0 Or ANAMr-INAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR City of Anaheim C be leased UILDIP 0 DIMONPlicable items below must low W&MOC-est Permit N 011riffFf"Min AN Issued: 05/03/2023 714) 10 -0-120 U ELctrical Final www.anaheim.net/building Plumbing Final Maw (714)765-4626 - 00 Quarter Section: 28 OEVV) �u Mechanical Final Site Address: 900 S BRUCE ST, ANAHEIM, CA 92804 Cross Connection Control (714) 766-4280 Engineering Final (714) 765-5126 cLoobWoupdoUbnbWRIbKMBtVaLf&Til*spections have been made. APN: T-2-912NSPECTION I—DATE— F -INSPECTOR- . Fire-Sprinkler-(ONLY)-(7-14)-76Se5C4l— A%jgfovi&WM:4pbbltoiMsw450%W�FWR&X%04Lv%MlhdVgI to re i IralmoofsW8066765-5041 Plumbing (Ground/Underfloor Drain Waste) Water Engineering (714) 765-4591 Fill- EmplIMICarMid Effiech. Sub MsVBus. Ide. I?q4) ?65 5494 (Allow 40 bli tees days) Measures SlI11111MIt/Forms/Trenches; (F@6111NP�VID PHAN H4ANN H 900 .3121611111111111@1tion Do not install subfioar or pour floor slab until the follwing applicable items have been I signi nil# Affor Ali P pi how for them Ii I loni W 0 olleated be!--.-.- bo lh&— ------ Umbnwm(Eloll&% J1111111116d next to the applicable Iterri Re. 7031.5 iTliina a and Profs slons Code: any city or county which requires a permit to m co stm=mWe d 011sh or repair any structure. or to Is a ance, also requ as the applicant for the permit e RATKNIM"Ims nis tho pi 9 (commenting with Section E1111161heal fV*8W"IWQ@NftWt he or she Is emplifromlicen nd the basis GUIiiiiihili MillipgIftdift violation all' Section 7031.5 by any ISO appiivant IN a painful our ano appiivans tu a trowu punnigi ' nut Inu dollars 111599). f1gluto :nut P , py N"h mi Sm SOIA ca )allnr( I nndions of tha work- a Unt 1% nnt FlinVitif000fteIM"le (Sec. 7044 Business and Pimfessle is Code: ctorwe StWa License Law does not apply to an owner of property who, through a sea — Is , Dull or im ves m improvemen 311111T35170170111173T oyierso lor sale. if, nowever, ine oullulng or UnRloor n y1elly W� ation 8PT IrteuraPiaoriff(ralse ounr FlUrNptiUo@WAbodfiguj"mmQWviiveiy ni with Ilcen d Contractors to c )nstruct the pli (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: 2 a La does not apply to an omwmn of prope o builds or Impi was thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a licensed ",;Play I Mors" New Narqlhm- been sinned: is3&ipor,5near Signature of Propeli Owner or 40ortzed Agent FFe—sprinkler (Rough) (Fire Dept.) WOR COMPa SM.10AWW-Imeaws; a 294lfrjMpj~der penalty of Dedury one of the fidilowing d larations: '1 ii compensation, R& (SheathidgMiq9takgrieffiftimeof consent to seff4n uree for wo a compensation Issued by the Director of Industrial Relations as providei by It s ssue, Sei Ofiffgai the ance of the a permit Is Issue 1. . on ,.&erfoiniance of the w a M ona. elm. IMP ML d wi GI OR OROMFOM i, 11S.-Saii h"6-OUBRO;Igg 4111% 6ei Gods, (OF the lieFlannei 61#10 ili 116111VAIGN li Eperm --rouVA- -1 RWA& RWfi*rW46PBVAI4mpensaflon insurance carder nd policy a 'r R6W"rDudI%ftVfthnl&#rafion Date: 00) 0, less. This noi be completed If the permit Is for one hund id dollars 15, 00) or less. R 9 Q g A `0 nc I III&I c a die RUM"n" vial In Ulu pV1lurMullce 01 me wuWldrWMWM P0111111111111L 1115 15 ell, 1511112111 nut em Iloy ally Poison In ally liedilliet CU all ull ouguiiiu SWIM& UP & --GMhtlon laws of California, and acme that, N I a ould becom toes compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the R6" those DMVISIOFIS. Plumbin-g Inspections Fr§Wg (Only atter P[bg., Ele., Mecsiffni of Applicant InVffi1flW(§&W8V& M URE WORKERS'COMPENSAION COVE E IS UNLAWF L, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND elvit 11i 4, DAMAeE-3 """" QA _RNEYS FEES. D6wall CONSTRUCTION L11 NDING ENCY LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION DOAI"yp@kgMdgnrpMfMftr&tlr4t"relsaconstruc :onlending encyfortheperfarmance I hereby affirm under penalty of pejury that I am ln~_kjpjmafion: I lirellbOd U11111101 PIUVIDIU11115 U! 0111110 VAUl Section 70001 of Division 3 of the Business and E)l1WIft bN* that I have read this application and state that I is infbrmado above Is correct. I rAtei Cal Inspect" )rWf8sslons Code. — g constructic n, and Hereby 1171 iortze Date: 0510312023 bullIRMli mentioned pmperly for Ins pection purposes. Construction Contractor Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) Number: SW12023-00036 Expiration Date T-WIF (Struct., Ele., or Mec.) Signature of Applicant or � gen TYPE: GrUAWIMP811 Y 11111111111811U11 Und UUGUl11V 11U11 12FIU VUIU I Ulu UU11U1ni Ul VVU1K nub nut p lbr2UU .—fi I Ini 4@yA#RA to com ce or (Liu K - I - %fate of permit Issuance. A n iw permit Is i squired 1, continue wom. sewer dLfar li 1water Engineering Backfiow (Testable Only) lWater Service � TORO 5O, INTERNATIONAL 96 ! GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING June 5, 2023 TI Project No. 17-00.12.76 Mr. David Phan 900 S. Bruce Street Anaheim, California 92804 Subject: Limited Geotechnical Observation/Testing for Proposed Pool Abandonment, 900 S. Bruce Street, Anaheim, California In accordance with your request and authorization, we have provided limited geotechnical observation/testing based only on your calls. The limited scope of work consists of observation/testing prior to placement of backfill of the pool located at 900 S. Bruce Street, Anaheim, California. It is our understanding that three holes of 3 by 3 feet had been made at the bottom of the pool and the upper minimum 2 feet of pool's had been removed. Broken -up concrete to a maximum 6 -inch size were used only at the bottom of the backfill by windrowing. Compaction was done by wheel -rolling of a small back -hoe (Bobcat) and water was sprayed as necessary. The -fill materials consist of brown sandy clayey silt. The laboratory test results of the representative soil sample of the fill materials indicate that the expansion index is 19, which falls within the very low expansion potential classification according to CBC Test Method 18-2. Based on the laboratory test results of the representative soil sample of the fill materials, the maximum dry density is 113.5 pcf and the optimum moisture content is 10.5 percent. Based, on our probing and field density tests, it is our opinion that the fill has been placed in with a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction based on maximum dry density performed in accordance with the ASTM D-1557. Therefore, it is our opinion that the backfill for the pool should be sufficient for the intended purposes of pool demolition. Site-specific geotechnical investigation needs to be conducted to evaluate the subsurface soil conditions for future improvements, if any. If you have any questions regarding this report, please call us. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, TORO INTERNATIONAL QROFEss/Da h���0 ORo INAt 14 Py LU PJo.2164 A Hantoro Walujono, GE 2 Principal 1 LEAGUE # 61614 EXP. 3/31/25 1* �FOF CAUf OR� 0 IRVINE, CA 92602 9 TEL. (949) 559-1582 • FAX: (949) 266-8911