1260 N MONTEREY STPermit Types PLMMECELEBLD X X Permit Number: BLD2022-02411 Issued: 06/01/2022 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEIM BLVD. (714) 765 - 5153 CITY OF ANAHEIM www.anaheim.net/building (714)765-4626 Quarter Section: 30 APN: 07138329 Legal Description: N TR 2659 BLK LOT 35 Site Address: 1260 N MONTEREY ST, ANAHEIM, CA 92801 Project Description: Electrical and plumbing for (12) receptacles and repipe of whole house using PEX. Living Area: Garage Area: Carport Area: Balcony / Deck Area: Number of Stories:Valuation: Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: Fire Sprinklered: Cool Roof: 0.001 N/A Total Fees paid for Permit: 320.00 People Associated with Project: 6701 ETON AVENUE SUITE 110 WOODLAND HILLS, CAContractor DIAGONAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION INC Permit Applicant Adir Dana 1260 N MONTEREY STOwner DRESSLER HERBERT R & SHIRLEY Type QtyElectrical Fixtures Receptacle, switches, lights 12 Type QtyPlumbing Fixtures Gas System (outlets)1 Water Distribution 1 Water Heater 1 QtyMechanical Fixtures The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A new permit is required to commence or continue work.