66-140 BESOLUTION NO. 661.- 140 A RESOLUTION or THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY 01' ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS IN'l'ENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON A CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOR WATER LINE AND POWER LINE PURPOSES UPON, ALONG, OVER AND TRllOUGB THE BDEINAI''l'ER DESCRIBED REAL PllOPEl.TY; I'IXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR It.. BEAl.ING TREIBON. DDBCTING THE POSTING or NOTICES THEREor Arm THE PUBLICA- TION 01' THIS RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, a request has been made for the abandoDllleDt of a certain public utility easement for water line and power line purposes upon, along, over and through the property herein- after described; and WHEREAS, the City Council does elect to proceed under the provisions of the Public Service Easement Vacation Law, Title 51 Division 1, Article 5 of the Government Code, to abandon said pUD1ic utility easement. NOW, TBERD'ORE, BE IT IESOLVED by the City Council of the City of ADaheim that it does hereby declare that it intends to vacate, abandon and close to public use that certain publiC utility easement for water line and power line purposes upon, along, over and through the following described propert~ situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, to wit: . That certain public utility easement for water line and power line purposes over a strip of land 15 feet wide, located in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, acquired by the City of Anaheim, by deed recorded May 8, 1957 in Book 3901, page 299 of Official Records of Orange County, California, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly prolongation of the Bast line of Lots 11 and 18 of P. A. Stanton Tract, as shown on a Map thereof recorded in Book 5, pages 23 and 24 of Hisce11aneous Maps, records of said Orange County said point of beg~Dning being distant North 890 141 54" Bast, 512.84 feet from the Northwest corner of Section 19, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, as shown on a Map thereof recorded in Book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps records of said Orange County; thence South 00 38' 40" East along said East line, 1139.93 feet to a point 160.91 feet Northerly of the Southeast corner of Lot 18; thence South 880 441 45" West, along the boundary of Parcel 2 of the land conveyed to Frank M. Doyle et al by deed recorded March 15, 1951 in Book 3838, page 116 of Official Records, 12.90 feet to an angle point therein; thence South 10 111 35" East along said boundary, 160.21 feet to a point in the South line of said Lot 18; thence South 890 171 55" West along said South line, 15.00 feet; thence North 10 111 35" West, 175.14 feet; thence North 890 441 45" East, 73.04 feet North 00 381 40" West, 1125.06 feet; thence North 890 141 54" East, 15 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPUNG THEREFROM tbe Northerly 441.50 feet thereof. -1- ~....-..... and tbat it does elect to proceed under tbe provisions of tbe Public Service Easement Vacation Law, Title 5, Division 1, Artie le 5 of the Government Code; and BE IT I'URTHER BESOLVED that reference is bereby made to a map on file in the office of the City Clerk for further particulars as to the proposed vacation, abandonment and closing to public use of said easement; and BE IT IUllTHER BESOLVED that a time and place for bearing all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation and abandonment shall be fixed not less than fifteen (15) days from the date of the passage of this resolution. That the 15th day of March , 1966, at 1: 30 0 I clock P. M. , in the Council Chamber in the Clt{ Hall in the City of Anaheim is .hereby fixed as the time and p ace for a public hearing on tbe matter of such vacation, abandonment and closing to public use of said: public utility easement for water line and power line purposes, for all persons interested in or objecting to such proposed vacation, abandonment and closing to public use to appear and show cause, if any they have, why such easement and the use thereof for the purposes hereinabove mentioned should not be vacated, abandoned and closed t(;) public use; and BE IT I'URTHER RESOLVED that notices of such proposed vacation and abandonment of said easement and the use thereof for the purposes herein mentioned shall be posted conspicuously along the line of said easement at least ten (10) days before the date set for said hearing. Such notices shall be posted not more than 300 feet apart, and at least three (3) such notices shall be posted. Such notices shall state the passage of tbis Resolution of Intention and the time and place of the hearing upon the matter of such vacation and abandonment of said easement; and BE IT I'URTRER BESOLWD that proof of publication of any notice required by this resolution shall be made by affidavit as provided in the Code of Civil Procedure, and proof of postiD8 of any such notice shall be made by affidavit of the person postiD8 the notice, setting forth the facts regarding such posting; and BE IT ruRTHD RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this resolution and shall cause the same to be published in the manner prescribed by law, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City of Anaheim. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 23rd day of February , 1966. ........-a.... ATTBST: -2- - - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ). ss.. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) -.. I, DENE M. WILLTAMS,'C~ty Clerk of the City of Anaheim, .do hereby certify that the. foregoing Resolution No. 66R-140 Was" introduced-and adopted a~ a tegular meeting ~rovided 'by law, .of. the City Council of the City of'Anahe~m, .held on the 23rd day of Febru~ry, 196?, by th~ fo.~lowin~ vote of the members thereofa AYES a COUNCILMENI Dutton,- Sshutte., Chandler- and Pebley " ~ . NOESa . COUNCILMENi" None ;....,:.\ ABSENTa COUNCILMENt . Krein' . ANIP I FURTHER CERTIFY 'THAT 'the "Mayor Pro. Tem of the City. of Anaheim 'approved and si~ned'said R~solution No. 66R-140 on the 23rti'day of -Febl-uary," 1?,66.- -' ~..' , . c ,. . _ . IN WI':!"NESS WHEREOF, 1- :~ave hereunto set my. hind and affBced the official seal' 'of the City 'of Anaheim -this 23rd day of -Fe'bru'ary, 1966. G...; . '.' '. ~ . ". '. -. ~ ~. :_"~1&a?: ~)~~;;~ ..... . ':'" -0.. r" . ,... . :. , .(SEAL) ~- : . - . ... '. ~ :;1 , . , ~ . . .. ... . .. . ~ . ~. I, ;,J}E~ M.' WILLJAMS., Ci:t;y Cler.k .of the C~ty of Anaheim,. ~ do hereby certify~that the 'foregoing is .tne origina~,o~ Reso1~~on No.. 66R':"14t> duly pas'sed and a.dopted by _the Anaheim G.i ty Gounc~,l on February 23, 1966. n ....' . '. . '.' ' ^ ..- ..- . · ~A:, )J:-'--<.. m- --' - ~ - _ CITY CI,ER.K.. 1. r - ~ " , . .. - ~ . ~ .. . ." ... - ~ .. . - . .. .. _ a a .. .. . _ _ _ _ _._ . , . . . . - - . ... ~ . ... - .. .. . .. a . .... . .. . .. 0 . _ .. .