66-097 .--' RESOLUTION NO. 66R-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 'ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT! LABOR, SERVICES MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, , FUE.L AND WATER, AND PERFORMING' ALL WORK NECES- SARY TO CONSTRUCT' AND COMPLEn:" THE gOLt:QWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF ORANGE- WOOD AVENUE FROM STATE COLL~GE BOULEVARD TO ANAHEIM BOutEVARD" IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. PRO.TEeT NO. SS 389-B WHEREAS, th~ City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin ,on the 20th and 27th da~s of January, 19bb, a notice inviting sealed proposals for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public improvement, to wit: The Improvement of Orangewood Avenue, from State College Boule- vard to Anaheim Boulevard, in the City of Anaheim, consisting of excavation, including haulaway, disposal and compacted embankment; construction of asphalt concrete pavement, aggregate base, P.C.C. cross gutter and spandrel, and P.C.C. drive; application of prime coat; installation of l2-inch C.M.P.; adjustment of manhole to grade; clearing and grubbing; removal of miscellaneous highway facilities, and appurtenant work as more particularly set forth in the plans and specifi- cations on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, Project No. 55 389-B. --- in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public impr~vement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and ' WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed proposals for said public improvement did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 3rd day of February , 19 66 , for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials ana-equipment, all utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfprming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- .-.. par:tlcular17 .atioDed aDd deRr:ibed. and which notic. dld .tat. iaDcI declar:. 'that Cr.uat eo th. ~O'd.iOD. of 8ect:l.oD 1770 of tb. tailor: Cod.. e . CitHiOUIlCil of th. Cie, of Anahalllltad ucer:taiDed the ~ev.il r:.t. of ..... lD the 1oc.lit7 tD _lob thi. e". of labor: . to be per:fo~ foz ..b craft or t". of wodalm or: .-cbaDlc D.eded eo __ate the c..tJ:_t. .. whlab "... sc.l. i. .. flle in th. Offle_ of th. Clt7 Cleft aad City ",iDe.r:. ' tRlPl.... the Clt{ Clerk of tb. Cit7 of Aaabeta did rec.i". the followiq ... ed propo..l. prior: to .2:00 0 · clock .... .. tbe ~ Clal 'of ~. l' 66 ,ill r:....-.- to the aotlc'i""i!'iiii..lit 1Dv1t1Dl ...1._ propiiiri, to .vlt: . .. 'J.'01'AL ~ICB SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING COMPANY o. E. HENDERSON CONSTRUCTION R. J. NOBLE COMPANY GRIFFITH COMPANY $12,476.30 12,752.10 13,685.35 13,.8.22.95 ,- AID ........ tbe Cit, BIIIiMer: did t__poIl ...... ad tabulate .aid a..leet propo..l. aDd did r:.~r:t to th.' Clt7 CouDcl1 tb. r:..ult of hi. _~..tiGD ad ta1IialatiaD; .. 1Iu4U. the Cit,. Coaacil fiDeI. that' the ...led ~po- ..1 .ubld.tted, bJ SULLY-MILLSR CONTRACTING COMPANY, P. O. ~ox r n e California, ' . . ...t r:..pcm. . ',upo...u t r:. . a of .11 ,laDt. l.bor. ...iC... _ter:ial. ad' ..ui~t., .11 utiliti.. ad tra.por:t.tloD. lDc:ladiDI ,... fuel aacI water: ad ,er:fcmdD8 .llvoa nece..a9 to CODItr:uet ad c:ailplet. iD . 1004 aDd ~ikmaDlt.k. maDDer:. , lil .tr:ict accor:daDc. with th. ....ific.ti.... pl__ and dr:awiIW. tber:.for: - fil. ill the Offlee of th. Cit, Cl.rk of the Cit, of ADabela, the ~blle .iIIpny....t ber:.iaallove ..tioDed _d descr:ibed. toaetbel' With tbe '.~t.- ........ tlter:eto. ad .. .pecifled, iD the aotic. laritlDa ...led . ~~..l., '... tbat ..id propo..l of ..id above-a...' ildder: .baiald be _cepted and . a..tr:act _rd_ to ..id bidder: ill acccmlaac. tber:_itb; ad 1II8DAS the CitJ CoUDCil flDd. that the ~-~tiOD8Cl aea1ed '1:Opo.a1, I. the lowe.t r:e.pcmllbl. pr~..l r:ee.t.ved aDd that tbiI pez'8OD, fina or: cor:por:.tloD aubldttiDI said ~po..l i. . r:~'pOD.ibl. ,er:.... fin or: cor:~r:.tiala aDd that th. ,ropo- ..1 ...tted i. th. be.t .aited .. fitted for th. pablic ' illpEo~..fllt to be. c..atncted. ' .. uarcJalB. . IT D80LVD bJ the City CouDcil of tile Cie, of 1Ub.~, that the I..led pr:opo..l .abldtted b7 SULLY-MILLER CON"J:KACTING COMPANY .. ~r: tile bml..6Iiii o~ al~J.ac. J.aIIOt'. 8eftI.C-, _c.na1.. aDd eqQi~t. .11 utlliti.. ' tr:a.porta- tlaD, :l.Dclwlq pover:. fuel ad _e.. ad per:fonlea 811 work '. -2- ."- n_~.s~ry to construct'and comp-lete. in . foOd 'and vor1aaaDllke __e:. in strict accordaDce with the. s~ fieatioD',' ,lane and dr:awi...s tllerefor on file in- tbe Off~. of-'.tbe City Cleo of the Cief of ADabeim aDd the notice invitiDl s..led propo.als1' tbe -- P'!'blic .ork' and improvemeDt ber:eiaabove. mor, particular, MD- tioned and d.scribed.. to.ether with the a,~r:t8ll&DCes'tber:eto. be. aDd tbe s_ is. hereby. accepted. ad tbat a contr~t for' " tbe constractloa aDd coaapletion of said ~llC 'l1Iprove.Dt be. . aDd the s_ i. hereby, ..arded to the, ...i~ a~-uaH ~icld~. - . . .- . ' AIm . IT ruaTBD. DSOLVED .that tb. 'succes.ful bidder: or blclder:s upora eacb contract awarded .. 'ber:elaabove set fo~tb' sball bel and they lire berebI required to ex_ut. a CODtraCt in tlae r:e- qu red fom wltb . the C. ty of Anaheim upon the tenas _d cODC1iticms .pecified in the notice invitins s..lea propos.18 aDd the ,roposal .~tted by .ald 8ucces8ful blader or bidders and lD ac;cordance wltb'the plans and specifications for said public 1mprov_ent he~e- 1nabove described. and in.accordance with the terM. conditl~.. .and pzoovl.10l1s of this resolution. and that '8aid succe.sful bidder or bic1der. . to whom eacb contract is ..arded shall be requlred to f.sr- Dish a surety bond in an amount equal to one bUDd~ed ',er c_t(lOOl) of the contract price for 811 labor. _teriall ad eqQipD*lt to be - famisbed and perfoaaed. as .et forth in the s..led ,r:oposal sub- Idtted by .aid bidder for the constructiOD of .aid ~blic lmprove- IleDt. to.ether witb the appurtenances ther:eto. or such portlon thereof.... is covered by sald contract. .. security for the faitb- ful' p.rforMace ~f s.id contract and a s~p8r.t. sur:et, bond in aD arount equal to one hundred per: cent (1001.) of the cODstructlon co.t of .ald publ:lc improvement covered by 8aid .ccmtr8Ct, .. .ee..- rity for the payaaent of all per.ons perforaiDI labor and fumieht.. _ter:lal for .said .projeCt. AID . IT 11J&!BB1. USOLVID that .ald s&JOce..ful bidder or bic1ders be. aDd they are hereby requir:ed to fuRish to the City of ADabalaa in companies satisfactory to the Citl of ADabeim. public llabilit" property d_e. compens.tion. ail otbeE lD.ur~e in the eMftUDt8 and for the purpose. .s 'set fortb ... specified in the notlc:e iDvitiDi sealed proposals. and .ubject to tbit approval of tbe C,l~y Attorney a. to form and sufficiency. . . aD . IT I'Ul.TRD USOLVID that the "'JOr ... thli City Clerk of tbe Clty of Anabeim be, ad the, are bereby, authorized aDd direCte4 to laake, exec.ste aDd enter iIlto, for aild on bebalf of the .City of ADabeim, a written ccmtract with said S&JOces.fal bidder or bidders for the fu~i.hlDl of all plat, ~abor} ~te- rials. and equi~t and perfondDl all work, as ber:eiuD0V8 mor. par:tlc:ularly descri'*'t for the. construction, in.tallatlO1l and COIII'letion of 8aid pub 1c ilBpr~t hereinabove deRribecl upon the tenas and coaditlcm. a. specified in the 1\Otlc:e iDV1tiDl s..led proposals. the detal led , deslaD. plans, ,rofil.s, dr_iDl8. aDd leD.r:al specif1eatiOD8 .cad detailed speciflcatioa. and draw- iqs. aDd all addenda thereto. aDd all .&Iific.tloas incorporated ther:elD prior to the date of the o,_i1!l of bids, OIl flle iD the Office of the City Clerk of the City of ADabeim and in. strict accordance wlth the tens. condltlO1ls aDd provisions of this r:esolutioa. _d in IICcordaace with 811 of the cODtr.ct cIocwaents herelD spec ified . TIB rauaoUG UsourrIOR i. .~ed and a,pmvecl by - t:bl. 8th day of februar~./~. . / . ~clm&~~ -3-