Attachment 2 - Letter of Request and JustificationATTACHMENT NO. 2
Project: SEC of Romneya & N. East St.
Location: 1190 N. East St., Anaheim
APNs: 073-396-21 & 073-396-22
This letter's intent is to describe the proposed project of a new construction of a PAD building drive -
through restaurant and minor changes to the existing site plan parcel.
The existing 5,060 SF PAD building will be demolished and a new 1,200SF PAD will be constructed at the
North/ West corner of the site. The restaurant service will be drive -through or customer pick-up at the
front window for pedestrian transit. A walk-up window will be located near the front of the building. The
drive through lane is designed to accommodate 18 cars.
The restaurant's hours of operation will be 24 hours. Serviced by 4-6 employees per shift. No alcohol will
be sold on the premises.
Project: SEC of Romneya & N. East St.
Location: 1190 N. East St., Anaheim
APNs: 073-396-21 & 073-396-22
The new PAD building use is for a drive -through restaurant only with customer pick-up for pedestrian
transit. A small patio will be located near the front of the building. The drive through lane is designed to
accommodate 18 cars. The proposed building will be part of the existing overall site which the current
use is commercial business for retail, restaurant, and services. We do not anticipate any major effect on
the adjoining properties as the development of the area.
As a DT facility only, we do not anticipate unexpected growth of the development. A more detailed
narrative will be followed up by the tenant during T.I. applications.
The traffic generated on the site will be mostly via the drive through lane carefully planned to have the
vehicular entrance and stack at the eastern portion of the site away from the major streets with main
traffic. We do not anticipate traffic issues and overflow with the current site layout.
The use of the proposed facility does not inflict any harm to the Anaheim citizens. The intent of the
project is to serve the customers at its best, bringing interest not only to the site, but to the
neighborhood area. No alcohol will be served on the premises.