66-202 .- RESOLUTION NO. 66R-202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the State of California, in connection with the acquisition of land for the. Orange Freeway has acquired three parcels of land which have been declared to be excess land by the State of California; and WHEREAS, said parcels o'f land lie between the parking lot of the Anaheim Stadium and said proposed Orange Freeway; and tiHEREAS the State of California has indicated that it is willing to sell said parcels, being a total of 2.324 acres, at a price of $21,000 per acre; and t~EP~S, the City Council finds that it would be in the best interests of the City to purchase said parcels from the State of California, and further finds that the price there- of is reasonable and in line with contiguous property acquired by the City in connection with the construction of the Anaheim Stadium. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that it authorize, and it does hereby authorize and direct the purchase of said parcels of land, described by State of California designations as set forth below, for the following amounts: Parcel A 6288 1.044 acres $21,929.78 Parcel A 6285 0.95 acres 20,054.71 Parcel A 6285 Unit 1 0.33 acres 6,903.69 Total $48,888.18 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Finance be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to forward to the office of the City Attorney a warrant in the amount of $48,888.18 made payable to the State of California, to be delivered by the City Attorney to the appropriate state offi- cial when he has deeds from the State of California covering each of the aforementioned parcels. TH3 FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by 15th ciay of March, lS66. ~ MA~:~~ m~ ';:1-.i8 .- ATTEST: Jy i~ ~~~e'.1m-' . C ~ t . lr TH~ C TY F ARE IN - r' , - -- -.. STATE OF CAi.lFORNIA )- COUNlY OF ORANGE ) . ss. CITY' OF ANAHE:m ) - t (. I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, . .Ci ty Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that '.the' foregoing Reso:lution No. 66R-202 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided.by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 15th day of March, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: .. -AYES: Ca.JlCIctMEN: Dutten, Pebley, 'Schutte,- Chandler and Krein. ( . NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT, comcILMENI' None.' AND I FURTHER -cERTIFY .that the Mayor of the City of Anahei~approved and signed' said Resolution No. 66R-202 on the 15th day of March, 1966. : IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, I Qave hereunto~ set my hand and a ffixed "the official 'seai of ihe City of 'Anaheim this. 15th day of MarCh,' 1966. . .: ~. ~.~- ~~'._-~ CIlY..CLERK OF THE CIlY OF ANAHEIM . . (. '. (~) (. . . '. .. . . . '. . : I. DENE M. WILLlAM5~.C~i~y'tle~k of the City of Anaheim, do.he1'~~y_"certJfy 'th~t the "foregoing ~s the original of R"esolution No. 66R-202 duly pas~e9 and adopted at the Anaheim City Council on March 15, 1966. '. 12' 'L~ ~. 2'~_',u.........-'" C lTY CLERK - M/lI . HO .6l:l:lY ..