1968-713RESOLUTION NO. 68R -713
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Anaheim did hold a public hearing in Reclassification Proceed-
ings No. 68 -69 -37 to consider an amendment to
Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to zoning, and
to consider a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones
hereinafter mentioned and described, and at said hearing did
receive evidence and reports from persons interested therein
and from its staff; and
WHEREAS, within a period of forty days following said
hearing the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolution
containing a report of its findings, a summary of the evidence
presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that the pro-
posed amendment be adopted by the City Council and that a
certain zone or zones be changed as hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of
evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City
Planning Commission the City Council did fix the 19th day
of Nove er 1968 as the time, and the City Council
Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place
for a public hearing upon said proposed amendment to Title 18
of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the exclusion of said
property, hereinafter described, from the zone or zones in
which it is now situated and the incorporation thereof in the
zone or zones hereinafter set forth, and did give notice there-
of in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of the
Anaheim Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public
hearing the City Council did hold and conduct such public
hearing and did give all persons interested therein an oppor-
tunity to be heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and
did thereupon consider the summary of evidence presented at
said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report
of findings and recommendation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine
that the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described
should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now
situated and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter
set forth.
of the City of Anaheim that Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal
Code be, and the same is hereby, amended and that the following
described property, situated in the City of Anaheim, County
of Orange, State of California, to wit:
68 -69 -37
PARCEL ONE: That parcel of land located in the
County of Orange, State of California, described
as follows:
Beginning at a point in the existing City Limit
line of the City of Anaheim, said point being
the intersection of the Northerly right of way
line of White Star Avenue, formerly La Palma
Avenue (40 feet wide) with the Westerly line of
Lot 159 of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shown
on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of
Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County,
California, as established by the Blue Gum
Coronado Annexation to the City of Anaheim,
passed by Ordinance No. 2309, July 12, 1966 and
filed with the Secretary of State August 15, 1966
and recorded August 22, 1966 in the office of the
County Recorder of Orange County, California; thence
Following along the said existing City Limit line
of the City of Anaheim the following courses and
distances: North 16° 17' West 401.67 feet, more
or less, along the Westerly line of said Lot 159
and the Northerly prolongation thereof to an inter-
section with the centerline of Santa Ana Street, 40
feet wide, as shown on the Map of said Eucalyptus
Forest Tract, recorded in Book 5, pages 29 and 30
of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County,
California, said Santa. Ana Street having been
abandoned by Order of the Board of Supervisors of
Orange County, January 16, 1917, recorded in Book
12, page 317 of Deeds, records of Orange County,
California; thence
North 73° 43' East 115.87 feet, more or less, along
the centerline of said Santa. Ana Street, to an inter-
section with the Easterly line of that certain parcel
of land conveyed to the County of Orange by deed
recorded August 7, 1962 in Book 6204, pages 797
through 801, inclusive, of Official Records of Orange
County, California; thence
Following along a portion of the Easterly line of
the land conveyed to said County of Orange in the
last mentioned deed, the following courses and
distances: North 43° 31' 42" West 64.65 feet, more
or less, to the beginning of a tangent curve concave
Northeasterly and having a radius of 550 feet; thence
Northwesterly and Northerly along said curve through
a central angle of 27° 12' 50" an arc distance of
261.23 feet to an intersection with a line parallel
with and 50 feet Easterly, as measured at right
angles from the centerline of Blue Gum Street; thence
North 16° 18' 52" West 391.81 feet, more or less,
tangent to said curve along the last mentioned
parallel line and the Northerly prolongation thereof,
to an intersection with a line parallel with and 32
feet Northerly, as measured at right angles from the
centerline of Coronado Street, as shown on said
Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
Leaving the Easterly line and the Northerly prolonga-
tion thereof of the land conveyed to said Orange County,
North 73° 43' East 166.00 feet, more or less, along
the last mentioned parallel line to an intersection
with the West line of the East 48 feet of Lot 100 of
the aformentioned Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
South 16° 17' East 12.00 feet, more or less, leaving
the said existing City Limit line of the City of Anaheim,
to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet
Northerly as measured at right angles from the centerline
of said Coronado Street; thence
North 73° 43' East 1784 feet, more or less, along the
last mentioned parallel line to an intersection with
a line parallel with and 20 feet Easterly of the
centerline of Red Gum Street, said point of intersection
being, for the purpose of this description, at the
Southwest corner of Lot 86 of the said Eucalyptus Forest
Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 29
and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County,
California; thence
South 16° 17' East 350 feet, more or less, along the
last mentioned parallel line to the Southwest corner
of Lot 124 of the said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
North 73° 43' East 1042 feet, more or less, to an
intersection with the East line of the West 6 feet of
Lot 132 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
North 16° 17' West 310 feet, more or less, along the
Easterly line of the West 6 feet of said Lot 132 to an
intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet
Southerly, as measured at right angles from the center-
line of the aforementioned Coronado Street; thence
South 73° 43' West 132 feet, more or less, along the
last mentioned parallel line to an intersection with
the Southerly prolongation of the East line of Lot 80
of the aforementioned Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
North 16° 17' West 680 feet, more or less, along said
prolongation and Easterly line of said Lot 80 and the
Easterly line of Lot 73, and the Northerly prolongation
thereof to an intersection with the centerline of
Orange Street, as shown on the Map of said Eucalyptus
Forest Tract, said Orange Street having been abandoned
by Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Orange
County, California, recorded January 23, 1948 in Book
1613, page 340 of Official Records of Orange County,
California; thence
South 73 43' West 904 feet, more or less, along the
centerline of said Orange Street (now abandoned) to
an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet
Easterly, as measured at right angles from the center-
line of Red Gum Street, 40 feet wide; thence
North 16° 17' West 640 feet, more or less, along the
last mentioned parallel line to an intersection with
a line parallel with and 20 feet Southerly, as
measured at right angles, from the centerline of
Miraloma Avenue, formerly known as Anaheim Road, said
point of intersection being a point in the existing
City Limit line of the City of Anaheim, as established
by the Northeast Annexation No. 2 -A to the City of
Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No. 1269, August 12, 1958,
filed with the Secretary of State September 12, 1958 and
recorded September 17, 1958 in Official Records of
Orange County, California;
North 73° 43' East 970 feet, more or less, along the
last mentioned parallel line, being a portion of the
last mentioned existing City Limit line of the City of
Anaheim, to an intersection with the East line of the
West half of Lot 2 in Block 14 of the Golden State Tract,
as shown on a Map recorded in Book 4, page 66 of
Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California,
said point of intersection being a point in the existing
City Limit line of the City of Anaheim as established by
the Coronado Street Annexation to the City of Anaheim,
passed by Ordinance No. 1494, August 9, 1960, filed with
the Secretary of State September 12, 1960 and recorded
September 15, 1960 in Official Records of Orange County,
California; thence
South 16 17' East 640 feet, more or less, leaving the
existing City Limit line of the City of Anaheim as
established by the aforementioned Northeast. Annexation
No. 2 -A and following along a portion of the existing
City Limit line of the City of Anaheim as established
by the said Coronado Street Annexation, being the East
line of the West half of Lot 2, Biock 14 of said Golden
State Tract to the Southerly line of said Lot 2; thence
North 73 43' East 330 feet, more or less, along a portion
of the Southerly line of said Lot 2, Block 14 of the
Golden State Tract, being a portion of the last mentioned
existing City Limit line of the City of Anaheim, to an
intersection with the Northerly prolongation f the
Easterly line of Lots 76 and 77 of the Eucalyptus Forest
Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 29
and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County,
California; thence
South 16 17' East 680 feet, more or less, along the
last mentioned existing City of. Anaheim City Limit line,
being the said prolongation and Easterly line of said
Lots 76 and 77 and the Southerly prolongation thereof
to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet
Southerly, as measured at right angles from the center-
line of Coronado Street, 40 feet wide, said point of
intersection being a point in the existing City Limit
line of the City of Anaheim, as established by the
Dowling Street Annexation to the City of Anaheim passed
by Ordinance No. 1404, October 13, 1959, filed with the
Secretary of State November 13, 1959 and recorded November
20, 1959 in Official Records of Orange County, California,
said point of intersection being at the Northwest corner
of said Dowling Street Annexation, said Northwest corner
of Dowling Street Annexation being the intersection of
the said Southerly line of Coronado Street with the
Westerly line of the East half of Lot 14, Biock K of
the Kraemer Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book
12, pages 87 and 88 of Miscellaneous Records of Los
Angeles County, California; thence
South 16° 17' East 1320 feet, more or less, along the
last mentioned existing City of Anaheim City Limit
line, being the said Westerly line of the East half
of Lot 14, Block K of said Kraemer Tract and the
Southerly prolongation thereof to an intersection
with a line parallel with and 20 feet Southerly,
as measured at right angles from the centerline of
La Palma Avenue; thence
North 73 43' East 660 feet, more or less, along
the said parallel line being a portion of the last
mentioned existing City Limit line of the City
of Anaheim to an intersection with the centerline
of Dowling Avenue, now known as Kraemer Boulevard,
said point of intersection being in the existing
City Limit line of the City of Anaheim, as established
by the aforementioned Northeast Annexation No. 2 -A;
South 16° 51' East 33 feet, more or less, leaving the
said existing City Limit line of the City of Anaheim,
as established by said Dowling Annexation, following
along the existing City Limit line as established by
said Northeast Annexation No. 2 -A, being the center-
line of said Dowling. Avenue, to an intersection with
a line parallel with and 53 feet Southerly, as measured
at right angles from the centerline of La Palma Avenue;
South 73° 43' West 1566 feet, more or less, leaving the
last mentioned existing City Limit line of the City of
Anaheim, along the last mentioned parallel line to an
intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet
Southeasterly, as measured at right angles from the
Northwesterly line of Lot 21, Block K of the Kraemer
Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 12, pages
87 and 88 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles
County, California; thence
South 29° 24' West 690.29 feet, more or less, along
the last mentioned parallel line to an intersection
with a line parallel with and 20 feet Southwesterly,
as measured at .right angles from the Northeasterly
line of Lot 22, Block K of the aforementioned Kraemer
Tract; thence
North 60° 50' West 1,524.25 feet, more or less, along
the last mentioned parallel line to an intersection
with a line parallel with and 20 feet Southeasterly,
as measured at right angles from the Northwesterly
line of said Lot 22, Block K of the aforementioned
Kraemer Tract; thence
South 51 24' West 887.01 feet, more or less, along
the last mentioned parallel line to an intersection
with the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line
of Lot 159 of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shown
on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of
Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California;
North 16° 17' West 43 feet, more or less, along said
prolongation to the point of beginning.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described parcels:
Parcel A: Lots 114, 189, 190 and 191 of the Eucalyptus
Forest Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5,
pages 29 and 30 of said Miscellaneous Maps.
Parcel B: Lot 182, the Southerly 55 feet of Lot 181,
the Easterly 28 feet of Lot 183, and the Southerly
55 feet of the Easterly 28 feet of Lot 180, all in
the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shown on a Map recorded
in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of said Miscellaneous Maps.
Parcel C: All that portion of Lots 197, 198 and 199 of
the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shown on a Map recorded
in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of said Miscellaneous Maps,
lying Southerly of a line parallel with and distant
Southerly 53 feet from the centerline of La Palma Avenue,
formerly Corona Street as shown on said Map.
PARCEL TWO: Lot 114 of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as
shown on a Map recorded in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of
Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County.
PARCEL THREE: Lots 189, 190 and 191 of the Eucalyptus
Forest Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5,
pages 29 and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of
Orange County.
PARCEL FOUR: Lot 182, the Southerly 55 feet of Lot
181, the Easterly 28 feet of Lot 183, and the Southerly
55 feet of the Easterly 28 feet of Lot 180, all in the
Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in
Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of said Miscellaneous Maps.
PARCEL FIVE: All that portion of Lots 197, 198 and 199
of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shown on a Map
recorded in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of said Miscellaneous
Maps, lying Southerly of a line parallel with and distant
Southerly 53 feet from the centerline of La Palma Avenue,
formerly Corona Street as shown on said Map.
(OIL PRODUCTION) ZONE, and incorporated in the following zones
upon the conditions hereinafter set forth:
That Parcels Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 hereinbefore
described shall be changed from R -A, AGRICULTURAL
That Parcel No. 5 hereinbefore described shall
be changed from R-A(0), AGRICULTURAL (OIL PRODUC-
That said change of zones shall be made upon the following
conditions, which shall apply to the parcels indicated:
1. That dedication shall be made to the City of Anaheim
on all streets within the area, in accordance with
the Circulation Element Highway Rights-of- Way of
the General Plan, prior to the adoption of an
ordinance reclassifying the property.
2. That all engineering requirements of the City of
Anaheim, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks,
street grading and paving, drainage facilities,
or other appurtenant work, shall be complied
with as required by the City Engineer and in
accordance with standard plans and specifications
on file in the Office of the City Engineer, at
the time the property is developed.
3. That the owners of subject property shall pay to
the. City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front
foot, for street lighting purposes, said amount
to be paid at the time the property is developed.
4. That a preliminary title report shall be furnished
to the City of Anaheim showing legal vesting of
title, legal description, and containing a map
of the property, prior to the adoption of an
ordinance reclassifying the property.
5. That plans for the development of subject property
shall be submitted to and approved by the Architec-
tural Control Committee on the basis of compatibility
of development, both structurally and architecturally.
6. That ordinances reclassifying subject property shall
be adopted as and when each parcel is ready to
comply with the conditions pertaining to such parcel;
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the word "parcel" shall
mean presently existing parcels of record and any
parcel or parcels approved by the City Council for
a lot split.
7. That trash storage areas shall be provided in
accordance with approved plans on file in the
Office of the Director of Public Works and
Superintendent of Streets.
1. That the owners of subject property shall deed
to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet
in width, from the center line of the street,
along Coronado Street for street widening purposes.
2. That paving shall be installed along Coronado
Street as required by the City Engineer, and in
accordance with standard plans and specifications
on file in the Office of the City Engineer.
1. That the owners of subject property shall deed
to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet
in width, from the center line of the street,
along Red Gum Street, including a 15 -foot radius
corner return, for street widening purposes.
1. That the owners of subject property shall deed
to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet
in width, from the center line of the street,
along White Star Avenue for street widening purposes.
2. (a) That all engineering requirements of the City
of Anaheim along White Star Avenue including
preparation of improvement plans and intallation
of all improvements, such as curbs and gutters,
sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage
facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be
complied with as required by the City Engineer and
in accordance with standard plans and specifications
on file in the Office of the City Engineer; and
(b) that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory
to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the
City to guarantee the installation of said engineering
3. That the owners of subject property shall pay to
the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot,
along White Star Avenue for street lighting purposes.
4. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accor-
dance with approved plans on file in the. Office of
the Director of Public Works and Superintendent of
2. (a) That all engineering requirements of the City
of Anaheim along Red Gum Street and La Palma Avenue
including preparation of improvement plans and
installation of all improvements, such as curbs and
gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving,
drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work
shall be complied with as required by the City
Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and
specifications on file in the Office of the City
Engineer; and (b) that a bond in an amount and
form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be
posted with the City to guarantee the installation
of said engineering requirements.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and
he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to
the City Council an ordinance amending Title 18 of the Anaheim
Municipal Code to accomplish the objects herein found and deter-
mined to be necessary and proper.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me
this 19th day of November, 1968.
I, GENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R -713 was introduced
and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of
the City of Anaheim, held on the 19th day of November, 1968, by the
following vote of the members thereof:
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R -713 on the 19th day of
November, 1968.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 19th day of November, 1968.
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the oiginal of Resolution No. 68R -713
drily passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on November 19, 1968.
City Clerk