59R-5684 RESOLU'rIOl~ NOo.6Bh A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO THE CO~illENCEMENT OF PRO~ CEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF INHABITED TERRITORY have filed with the City Council a written request9 requesting the consent of the City Council of the City of Anaheim to the commence- ~ent of proceedings for the annexation of the hereinafter described terrlT,ory to the City of AnaheimD and stating that said territory is inhabited terr,1tory and is contiguous to the City of Anaheim, and 'NHEREAS9 the City Council does find and determine that it would be to the advantage and benefit of the City of Anaheim and to the qual\'f':l,ed electors residing within said territory to permit the above named proponents to commence proceedings for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim, upon the conditions herein~ after set forth, and WHEREAS" said request has been referred to the City Plan- n:ng CommIssion and its report and recommendations received recom~ mending the granting of consent to commence proceedings for annexa- tion of said territory to the City or Anaheim. NOW" THEREFORE 9 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the consent of the City Council be9 and it is hereby given to said proponents to commence proceedings for the a'nnexation of the hereinafter described territory to the City of Anahe.JI't upon the following conditions: First: That the proposal for annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim shall be submitted to and reported upon to the proponents by the Boundary Commission of the County of Orange>> with respect to the definiteness and certainty of proposed boundarieso Second: That no petition be circulated for the annexation of .said territory until after notice of intention to circulate such pet;:l. ti on has been publ i shed as required by law 9 and a copy of such notice and an affidavit of publication has been filed with the City Clerk of t.he City of Anaheim within ten (10) days after the date of p.1bLlcation of said notice9 and a re.solution has been adopted by the City Council of the CILY of Anaheim acknowledging receipt of said notice and approving the circulation of said petition. Third: That the circulation of any petition for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim shall not be commenced untntwenty<~one (21) days after the publication of said notice of intention to circulate the same. The boundaries of the territory for which proceedings are proposed to be commenced for the annexation thereof to the Clty of Anaheim are described as follows: -1= BROADWAY - LA PALMA ANNEXATION A parcel of land located in the County of Orange, State of California, being a portion of Sections 6, 7, 8, and 18 of Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the existing Anaheim City limits line as established by the Orange Avenue Annexation to the City of Anaheim, as passed by Ordinance Noo 914, on August 10, 1954, and fi led wi th the Secretary of State, October !d, 1954, said point being 40 feet East of the West line of said Section 8 and 30 feet North of the South line of said Section 8; thence, 1. Following the existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim easterly to the West line of the Lincoln Annexation to the City of Anaheim as passed by Ordinance No. 888 on March 23, 1954, and filed with the Secretary of State on Apri I 26, 1954; thence, 2. Northerly following the last mentioned City limit line to the North I ine of the South ~ of the South ~ of said Section 8; thence, 3. Westerly along the last mentioned South line and the existing City of Anaheim City limits line 20 feet to the Southeast corner of the Richfield Annexation to the City of Anaheim as passed by Ordinance No. 997 on June 14, 1955, and fi led wi th the Secretary of State on July 15, 1955; thence, 4. Following the existing City of Anaheim City limits line as established by said Richfield Annexation, Westerly and Northerly to the point of intersection with the South line of the Crescent-Brookhurst Annexation to the City of Anaheim, as passed by Ordi nance No. 1226 on March 25, 1958, and fi led wi th the Secretary of State on May I, 1958, sa i d poi nt of i ntersecti on bei ng 20 feet Southerly of the South line of the NWt of said Section 8; thence, 5. Following the existing City of Anaheim City limits line as established by said Crescent-Brookhurst Annexation, W~sterly, Northerly, Westerly and Northerly to the point of intersection with the South line of the Murray Manor Annexation to the City of Anaheim as passed by Ordinance No. 1307, ,)n December 9, 1958, and fi led wi th the Secretary of State on January 12, 1959. said point of intersection being 30 feet West of the East line of said Section 7; thence, _..e~_ 14. Easterly along the last mentioned parallel line to the point of intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the West line of Tract No. 1633. as shown on a map thereof fi led in Book 47. Page 50 of Miscellaneous Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence. 15. Northerly along the last mentioned prolongation and West line to the North line of said Tract 1633; thence, 16. Easterly and Southerly along the Northerly and Easterly line of said Tract 1633 to the point of intersection with the North line of Lot 1 of Tract No. 1569 as shown on a map thereof fi led in Book 47, Page 17 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence, 17. Easterly along the North line of Lots 1,2.3,4 and 5 of said Tract No. 1569 to the Northeast corner of said Lot 5; thence, 18. Southerly along the East line of said Lot 5 to the point of inter- section with the Westerly prolongation of the North line of Tract No. 2587, as shown on a map thereof fi led in Book 80, Page 41, of Misce1 laneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence, 19. Easterly along the last mentioned prolongation and North line to the Northeast corner of said Tract No. 2587; thence, 20. Southerly along the East line of said Tract No. 2587 to the North- east corner of Lot 54 of Tract No. 1851 as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 56, Page 26 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder )f said Orange County; thence, 21. Southerly along the East line of said Tract No. 1851 to the Southeast corner of Lot 66 of said Tract 1851; thence, 22. Westerly along the South line of said Lot 66 and its westerly pro- iongation to a point, said point being the beginning of a curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 50 feet; thence, 23. A long sa i d curve through a centra 1 ang Ie of 1310 24' 35" a di stance of 114.68 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve having a radius of 50 feet; thence, 24. Along said reverse curve through a central angle of 410 24' 35" a I q 6. Fol lowing the existing City of Anaheim City limits line as established by said Murray Manor Annexation, Northerly, Westerly and Northerly tJ the point of intersection with the Southwesterly right-of-way of the Southern Paci fic Rai lroad, said point also being in the existing City of Anaheim City limits line as established by the Gilbert Street Annexation to the City of Anaheim as passed by Ordinance No. 868 on November 24, 1953, and filed with the Secretary of State on January II, 1954; thence, 7. Following the existing City of Anaheim City limits line as established by said Gi Ibert Street Annexation, Northwesterly and Westerly to the point of intersection with the East line of the Barrows Annexation to the City of Anaheim, as passed by Ordinance No. 1011, on August 23,1955, and filed with the Secretary of State on September 23, 1955; thence, 8. Following the existing City of Anaheim City limits line as established by said Barrows Annexation, Southerly and Westerly to a point in the existing City of Anaheim City limit line as established by the aforementioned Gilbert Street Annexation; thence, 9. Following the existing City of Anaheim City limits line as established by said Gi lbert Street Annexation, Southerly, Easterly Southerly, Westerly and Southerly to the point of intersection with the Westerly prolongation of the South line of Lot 11 of Tract No. 2001, as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 82, Pages 3 and 4 of Miscellaneous Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence, 10. Easterly along said Westerly prolongation and said South line and its easterly prolongation to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of said Tract 2001; thence, 11 Southerly along the Southerly prolongation of the East line of said Lot to the point of intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet North of the South line of the North t of the Northeast ~ of said Section 18; thence, 12 Easterly along the last mentioned parallel line to the point of intersection with the East line of the NW~ of the NE~ of said Section 18; thence, 13. Northerly along the last mentioned East line and its Northerly prolongation to the point of intersection with a line parallel with and 40 feet North of the South line of said Section 7; thence, - ".- distance of 36.14 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 25 feet West of the center line of Bircher Street as said street is shown on said map of Tract No. 1851; thence, 25. Along the last mentioned parallel line to the Southeast corner of Lot 9 of said Tract No 1851; thence, 26. Westerly along the South line of said Lot 9 and its Westerly prolongation to a point in a line parallel with and 40 feet East of the West line of said Section 8; thence, 27. Southerly along said parallel line to the point of beginning. 'THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is signed and approved by me this 8th day of December. 19 59 . /-- -.. " :!~;><.// MAYOR o~rT~i' CITY OF"/;;:r~EIM PRO TEM ATTEST: -\' '_..' /)1 ~ .......-"1- -<'-<:-~.:::~t-et:--?-;J.1._---''''.~'' ~OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sso CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T9 DENE Mo WILLIAMS9 City Clerk of' the City of Anaheim9 do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a reqular meeting of' the City Council held on t;he 8th day or December p 19~9 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES': NOES COUNCILMEN '. Pearson, Thompson, and Fry. eOUNC ILMEN ~ None. signed 19 59 ABSENT" COUNC ILMEN ~ Coons and Schutte. PRO TEM AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayoi of the City of' Anaheim and approved sald Resolution on the 8th day of' December 9 o IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the C1 ty of Anaheim thi s 8th day of December 19~~o . '''--- ~JcL'<- f/!. ~//~~IR .' CLER OF THE CITY A HEIM (SEAL) . ,le3p~0 and Mory Lou Gillespie =-\Di ff E~ ~eri R.olClff ~h~lllD ~uggerl & C~therine Ruggeri Alber! E Hagan, Jro & Barbara A Hagan obert P. Bauer & Katherine L3 Bauer =Ll~s F. Jame3 ~ June James Gr3ce G~ ~iessen - Albex.t J~ Niessen Jar s ,-Jager Roy C. Lippett 3. Barbara Lippett Janet E. Shaffer & Phillip G. ShaffeI Peggy Van Valer & Lloyd Van Valer Robert W. Lynn & Carol J Lynn AllIson R. Lynn - Lsura J. Lynn Ellen Massey, William C, Massey Jean E. Cox & George A. Cox Harrison 10 Dare & Melba Mo Dare Ray & Eva Williams Mr. & Mrso Stanley Lehmann James J. Burns, Audrey R. Burns Joseph A. Bond, Margaret M. Stanley and Barbara Smith B'll and Nancy Hogarth Frank 2 Ellen Nicol Sylvie SL John K~thryn E. HelmstetleI & Russ H. Helmstetler '~r. & Mrs. Marvin. Ha3kenson ~r. & Mrs. Wallace L. Wroten ~r. & Mrso Clarence H. Hoon N,r.& Mrs. Willi3m VcchoJ1 Mr. & Mrs. C. ]. Rusling, Jr. Mr. & Mrs~ Garrie Brown Mr, & Mrs. C L. Barnard Mrs. L,., Whi ttington Mrs. Primillla I. May Mrso Lorraine E. Kellogg & William C. Kellogg Mrs~ T" C.. Eubank:; Don V.J. Wiese Mr. & Mrs. To Pickler Warren D. Lol1ich & La Nor L. Lollich Mr. & Mrs. F. H2rold Harker Mr. & Mrs, F> J> Munz Merl E. Shields & Daisy 8. M:> & ~,\rs., Dale E., Betchel Mr. & Mrs. Marvin W. Mog Mr. & Mrs. A. 1. Lehman, Jr. George F. Kaufmes & Geneva B. Koufmes Susan Reisman jernice Fetters : hn W. Sawyer, Jr. Mrs. Helen Waldridge & R. A. Woldridge Dee Perry & Frank Perry Mrs, Walter Mapel & W. F. Mapel John S. Weaver & Katherine J. Weaver . R. Bouchard Babette Merlo Bobette Merlo , ';"~'':'l'i~l@J1~~'' 10211 Sunrise Avenue 10191 Sunrise Ave. 10182 Sunrise Ave. 10192 Sunrise Ave. 10212 Sunrise Ave. 10181 Sunrise Ave. 10172 Sunrise Ave. 10161 Sunrise Ave. 8741 Valley 8771 Valley 8751 Valley 8811 Valley 10142 Sunset 10222 Sunrise Ave. 8781 Valley St. 10172 Sunset Ave. 10222 Sunset Ave. 10226 Sunset Ave. 10221 Sunset Ave. 10201 Sunset Ave. 10181 Sunset Ave. 10171 Sunset Ave. 10161 Sunset Ave. 10132 Sunset Ave. 10162 Sunrise Ave. 10162 Sunset Ave. 10182 Sunset Ave. 2380 Mall Avenue 2370 Mall Ave. 2382 Mall Ave. 2346 Mall Ave. 2342 Mall Ave. 2339 Mall Ave. 2331 Transit Ave. 2363 Mall Ave. 2371 Mall Ave. 2377 Mall Ave. 2381 Mall Ave. 2381 W. Broadway 2377 W. Broadway Ave. 2371 West Broadway 2361 W. Broadway 2380 Transit Ave. 2376 Transit Ave. 2370 Transit Ave. 2366 Transit Ave. 2362 Transit Ave. 2346 Transit Ave. 2341 Transit Ave. 2345 Transit Ave. 2351 Transit Ave. 130 Land Lane 131 Land Lane 2369 Transit Ave. 2369 Transit Ave. " Ci~lespie and Mary ,r 1 Ff &3eri Pola ff ~h~lllc RGggeri 8. Catherine Ruggeri Albert E. Hagan, J1'o 8. Barbara A, Hagan Rebert P. Bauer & Katherine L. Bauer Ell~s F. James & June James ;race G. Niessen - Albert J. Niessen Dcri~) Hagel Roy . Lippett 8. Barbara Lippett Janet ~. Shaffer 8. Phillip G. Shaffer Peggy V2n Valer & Lloyd Van ValeI' Robert W. Lynn 8. Carol J, Lynn Allison Ro Lynn - laura J. Lynn Ellen Massey, William Co Massey Jean E. Cox & George A. Cox Harrison 10 Dare 8. Melba M. Dare Ray & Eva Williams ~r. & Mrso Stanley Lehmann James J. Burns, Audrey R. Burns Joseph A. Bond, Margaret M. Stanley and Barbara Smith Eill and Nancy Hogarth Frank Ellen Nicol Sylvia SL John Kathryn Eo Helmstetler 8. Russ H. HelmstetleI Mr. 8. MIS. Marvin o. Haakenson Mr. 8. !hso Wallace L Wroten Mr. ~ Mrs. Clarence H. Hoon Mr. 8. Mrs. Wiiliam V~chon Mr. 8. Mrs. C. J. Rusling, Jr. Mr. '" Mrs. Carrie Brown !!ir 8. Mrs C L. Barnard Mrs. Ao Whittington Mrs. Prlmillia I. May Mrs. Lorraine E. Kellogg 8. William C. Kellogg Mrs. J. C. Eubanks Don W. Wiese Mr. 8. Mrs. I. Pickler Warren D. Lollich 8. La Nor l. Lollich Mr. 8. Mrs. F. Harold Harker Mr. ~ Mrs. F. J. Munz Merl E. Shields 8. Daisy Bo M~ 8. MTs. Dale E. Betchel Mr. & Mrs. Marvin W. Mog Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Lehman, Jr. George F. Kaufmes & Geneva B. Kaufmes Susan Heisman Vernice Fetters ] hn W. Sawyer, Jr. Mrs. Helen Woldridge 8. R. A. Woldridge Dee Perry 8. Frank Perry Mrs. Walter Mapel 8. W. F. Mapel John S. Weaver & Katherine J. Weaver .:. H. Bouchard Babette Merlo Bobette Merlo 10211 Sunrise Avenue 10191 Sunrise Ave. 10182 Sunrise Ave. 10192 Sunrise Ave. 10212 Sunrise Ave. 10181 Sunrise Ave. 10172 Sunrise Ave. 10161 Sunrise Ave. 8741 Valley 8771 Valley 8751 Va lley 8811 Valley 10142 Sunset 10222 Sunrise Ave. 8781 Valley St. 10172 Sunset Ave. 10222 Sunset Ave. 10226 Sunset Ave. 10221 Sunset Ave. 10201 Sunset Ave. 10181 Sunset Ave. 10171 Sunset Ave. 10161 Sunset Ave. 10132 Sunset Ave. 10162 Sunrise Ave. 10162 Sunset Ave. 10182 Sunset Ave. 2380 Mall Avenue 2370 Mall Ave. 2382 Mall Ave. 2346 Mall Ave. 2342 Mall Ave. 2339 Mall Ave. 2331 Transit Ave. 2363 Mall Ave. 2371 Mall Ave. 2377 Mall Ave. 2381 Mall Ave. 2381 W. Broadway 2377 W. Broadway Ave. 2371 West Broadway 2361 W. Broadway 2380 Transit Ave. 2376 Transit Ave. 2370 Transit Ave. 2366 Transit Ave. 2362 Transit Ave. 2346 Transit Ave. 2341 Transit Ave. 2345 Transit Ave. 2351 Transit Ave. 130 Land Lane 131 Land Lane 2369 Transit Ave. 2369 Transit Ave. '":'" ... .... David Kindstrand & Mildred Kindstrand Mr. & Mrs. James H. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Fred Graves Mr. G Mrs. Norman West Mr. & Mrs. Martin Martelli Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Beeker Mr. & Mrs. Haller H. Henkel Mrs. Freda I. O'Quinn Mrs. & Mr. C. Anisodon Mr. & Mrs. Marquis R. Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Dean Wells Virginia Bannister Mr. & Mrs. O. L. Underwood Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Sharp 8962 Aladdin Drive 8791 Aladdin Drive 8812 Berniece Drive 8741 Berniece Drive 8781 Berniece Drive 8801 Berniece Drive 8841 Berniece Drive 8861 Berniece Drive 8901 Berniece Drive 8911 Berniece Drive 8841 Carol Drive 8772 Carol Drive 8962 Dahlia Drive 8911 Dahlia Drive 8802 Dahlia Drive "