59R-5654 RESOLUTION NO. Sb54 -. P hE~,()Ll.!-:I()N Cf THE CITY mUNCIL OF THE CITY CF l\Nf,HEIlI:. .tUTHOEIZlNG THE PURCHASE AND ACQUI- S ITlm, OF CEl:TAIN EEt'.L PHOPERTY FOR IVfUN ICIPAL PURP()SFS. 'v.HEFEP.S, SOUTHEHN COUNTIES GAS COf.'IPANY OF CALIFORNIA, 8 corporaticn organized and existing under and by virtue of the Im,..s of the St::itE of California, i~. the owner of the herein- after described real property sitt:ated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran(::e, state of CCllifornia; and hIiEFEI::, sa id ovmer'1,' ,: offEred to sell said property to the City of P.naheilT, tos:ethcr kiU the ilT:provements thereon, ~ubject to the sec\1rins of a r(le2se by the Trustee from the rreVision,,, of the Tr\1,t Indenture, for the sum of $50,000.00 cash, 18"f111 money ,)f the United States; and hHEEEIS, the City Council dces find and deter.mine that public convenience and necessity require the purchase and aCGulsltlon of said parcel of real property, together with the Improvements t~ereon, for municipal purposes, and that the priCE which the owner thereof Is willing to accept is reason- able and not out of proportion to the fair market value of said property; NCiVI, THEEEfUF.E, 8f IT PF50LVED by the City Council of the. City of Anaheln that the cJffer of Southern Counties Gas Company of California, 2 corporation organized and existing under and b~' virtUE of thE 121N~ of the State of California, to se 11 to the Ci ty of Anahe:im 21] th2 t cert a in rea 1 property ,ituated in the City of Anahein:, County ef Orange, State of California, described as folle1.-1s, to wit: Lot 3M in Blecl\ lIBII of the "Center Tractll, in the City of Anaheirr" 2S sho\CD on a /Viap recorded in Book 14, Page 13 of ~iscellanecus Records in the off:cr of thE County "ecorder of Los Angeles County, California. to~:ether v,ith the improvEr;,ent s thereon, subject to the securing .')f 2 release by the Trustee frem the provi sions of the Trust Indenture, for the sun of $50,000.00 cash, lawful money of the United States, De, and the samE is hereby accepted, subject to the following conditions: 1. That subject property shall be conveyed to the City of l.n8heim freE' and clear of all encurr,- brancos, except 211 general and special taxes for the fiscal year 1959-60, including any special district levies, payment of which is i~cluded therein 5nd collected therewith; and covenEnt~, condition~, restrictions, reserva- ti~n5, risht" right! of way and easements of :!"f"'rc;rd. -1- ~. 0cndlng the tEr~ination of this escrow, Seller ~hall maintain and keep the property and ImprDvement~ thereon in geod condition and repair, normal wear and tear excepted. -. . That tlll: e:crO"J ,'hell be closed on or before I c'~' 1, I 9tO. t<f: IT r'UFTHEF RrSC!L\/EL~ nat the City !\~anager of the CI t:/ of J:i.!1chE iL be, and he i, "'ere!::y, ",uthori zed for and on behalf cf the City of Anaheiv to ~Ign escrow instructions for the pureh.a,,, ref ~a Id rea I property, and to enter into an escro", \dth the o":ner of said prc:perty at California Bank, Anaheim ffice, Jl.n8hcin, Ccllferni8.. Sf IT f1JFTHH RESOLV'=L U~2.t the City Auditor be, and he Ie hcrety, authorized to deposit in escrew at California Bank, J'.naheirr. C:ffice, Ji.nahEirr;, Calif'Jrni2, thE sun of $50,000.00 cash, lawful money of the United States, to be p8id to Southern Counties Gae Corcpmy of Cc:1lIforr:ia j,:hUl a rElease from said Trust In- denture and a dEed conveying ~aid property to the City of Anaheim, fr('(' and clear 0f all cncumbr2.nce', except 2S hereinabove set f'Jrtll, C2n be rEcorded and '3 r'c:'lI'-:~, of title insurance issued by ;0 reputeblc title company s1:wv. In,] :aid rroperty vested in the City of Anaheim free Rnd clear 0f pI] encumbrances, except as hereinabove specified. t3E IT fU!, THE c.. wI::J'L\/EI thet the ~,el1er shall pay the usual 8r:d CJstofYc.r2. Sellerl'i C112r(E" for furnIshing a polley of titlE i[1~urancE. necessary tc shoH titlE vested in the City of J,,-nchcim, as herein provided, and that the City of AnaheIm shall f'a~J the usual E.<uycr's share in the pur-chese of said property. n'l FC"UGi.)H.,C IL.UUJT] 'Jl, is apTToved and signed by me tili' cL!th day cf NCVEfibcr, 19~:c;. PTTl:::. T: L~-Jn ~)~~'~ CITY CLEEK uF THE CITY OF PNAHEIlv :)Tp.T1:; (;f CALl Fcrd'.iJJi. ) COUNTY OF OrANGE ) ss. CI TY OF JLI\JAHE H', ) I. LITH fl. ihlLLU\fJS, City CIE'r1< of the City of Anaheim, do hereb~ certify that the foregcing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting rrovided by law, of the City Council of the City of J\nahEii!l, hlld on the 2LLth day of NovE'mber, 1 ,b) t h ( fell 0", in (> v (> t c : i\l'r':.::., : CDUIICIU:l-N: Coons, Fry, Pearson, Thompson and Schutte. COWJCIUiEJ\: None. CDUNCIUEN: None. :IJC ES: Jl HSENT: Ai'D ] FURTHEf. CfTTlfY that the IJiayor of the Ci ty of Anallcin 2uproved and ~ignc~ ~aid ro~olutian on the 24th day of NovernbEf'... 1955'. H. 'd TNESS affixed the official f ~ovemb(r, 1959. i'.HEhECF, I have hereunto set my hand and c.02l of thE Cl t:/ of Anaheim thi s 24trJ day /. ~. ~ ~trEP0)F THE -iri:; 6r~';;P:HEI!Vj (::.,UL)