66-190 ..-. RESOLUTION NO. 66R-190 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEFrING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A .CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT! LABOR, SERVICES MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES 4ND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PBRFORMING' ALL WORK. NECES- , BARt TO CONSTRUC'l:':'AND '.:COMPLETE'. .THE liKlLEOWING . PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT:'" THE JEFFERSON sTREET'SEwER IMPROVEMENT, FROM APPROXIMATELY 25 FEET SOUTH Q1 LA PAI..M4 AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1305 FEET SOUTH THEREOF. IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. JOB NO. 1297. ~REAS, .th~ City Council of the City of Anaheim did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anaheim Bulletin ,on the 24th of February ~nd the 3rd of March. 1966 . a notice inviting sealed proposals for furnishing the following: All plant, labor, services, materials and equipment, and all utilities and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and performing all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance with the specifications, plans and drawings therefor on file in the Office of the City Engineer or City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, the following public: improvement, to wit: The Jefferson Street Sewer Improve- ment, consisting of the installation of an 8 and 10-inch V.C.P. sewer line in Jefferson Street, from approximately 25 feet south of La Palma Avenue to approximately 1305 feet south of La Palma Avenue, in the City of Anaheim, including construction of 4-foot I.D. manholes and P.C.C. encasement, trench resurfacing and appurtenant work as more particularly set forth in the plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Clerk or City Engineer, Job No. 1297. in accordance with the design, plans, profiles and specifica- tions of said public improvement on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; and . . . WHEREAS, said notice inviting sealed p~oposa1s for said public improvement. did provide that sealed proposals would be received by the City of Anaheim at the Office of the City Clerk ....--. of the City of Anaheim up to the hour of 2:00."o"c1ock P.M. on the 10th day of March , 19 66 , for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials anu-equipment, ;a11 utili- ties and transportation, including power, fuel and water, and perfprming all work necessary to construct and complete in a good and workmanlike manner, the public improvement hereinabove more -1- .'- puticularl,. _tioDed and deaczo:Lbed. ad which DOt:lc. did .tat. .. declaZ'. 'that Cr.....t to th. ~ov:l.:loa. of 8ect:lGa 1770 of tba I.Uft ~; t . Ci'-t Cauacll of the Cit)' of ........'-.... .._taiDed the ~..a:Ll zoat. of ..... :I.D the locality ill _:I.cb tb:l. tJP8 of lebo&' . to be pe&'forMd foz ..b el:aft 01: t7P8 of _~ 01: .ecbale needed to aecate the cODtw8Ct. .. _icb .... acal. :L. OIl f:Ll. ::I.D th. Off:l.c.. of tII. C:Lty Clen aacI C:Lt, ,,:lIl..zo. . ...... th. C:Lt, Clerk of th. City of ~.".iII did rec.i.. th. foll_D8 ..aled pro~.al. prior to .2:00 o'clock . .K. OIl the 10th Clal of March . l' 66 . ill re...... to tile DOtic. atozo..a:Lit ~propi'iiri. to .wit: " .. ~ JRICI IVAN C. SIMOVICH CITY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DATELINE PIPE CONTRACTING CO. FAR WESTERN PIPELINE, INC. A. S. fEICH E. L. SELLERS Ca.fPANY DALE CASADA CONSTRUCTION CO. $10,94S..42 $11,741.90 $12,177'.20 $12,~~:6~'S5 $13., OSO.. 65 .. ," .. $13,172.00 $13,673.00 --, AD 1IIIQA8. th. Cit, BaliHB did t__poD .....-f.. ad tallulat. .aU ...led pm,o.al. aad did r.~t to tb.' Clt, CouDc.ll tb. r.Milt of b:La ...~.......t1oD ad tabialatloD. .. 1ra,-:-IAI. th. Clt, Couacll f:l.Dcl. Chat" th. ..led ,mpo- ..1 .ubIIltted b7 IVAN C.. SIMOVICH.. W Casa Grande.. Monte~o, a1ifornia. .' . . owe.t r..poaa .'pzoo,o.a aa . a of all .plaDt. labOzo. .ent.e.a. _tRial. ad'. "'u:l~':': all ut:Llltl.. ad tr..pozotatlOD. 1Dclucl:Laa .... fuel. .WCR .... ~f01';lliDl all_a Dec....9 to ~OD.tl:UCt .. coilplete :La a 1004 aacI. ~ilaml:lk. .....' :L" .trict MCordaac. with th. al8O:Lfiaat:LOIl.. pl.. aDd dzo~. tbe1:.for: OD f:Ll. ill the Offic. of th. Cit, C1Rk of the C:Lt, of Autwill. th. ~lic .iIIpny....t be&'.ualloft ..tlODed aDd de.Z':Lbed. ~.th.. W:lth the 'ap~t.- ..... . tIt..to. and a. .pec:Lfled :L" th. DOt:Lc. :lav:LtlDa ..1ed . ~..l.. ... that .ald pnpo.al of .aid. above......V".d. i:L..... .boiald be MCept" aDd a .OODtZ'act _ded to .aid blddR ill . Mecmlaac. th__:Ltb; aDd .ea1ed p=::'I. t~_ Ct2.:U::~~=t. t=:,oC::l-=r.l=t=- tbat eM per.OD, fin 01: oOl:,oZ'atloD .ubld.ttlita .aid ~po..l :L. . Z'~.poD.:Lbl. ~.., fim OZ' coZ'~Z'atiaD aid that th. pnpo- u1 aaIIIdtted :L. th. be.t .a:Lted .. f:Ltt" fOl: th. pabl:lo . lIIph~._D.t to be.o.atnat". . .. t . 1'1 U80L9D b7 the City eo..e:Ll of tile C:Lt, of la;b.1a, . tut the ...led pZ'opo.a1 .ubIIltted by . ~~ SIHOnCIl . fiii"Che ~1."'s.aa o:f a~~laDt. ~abOZ', aens.o_. _t_1a~. aDd eqa:L..-t, all atl1:Lt:L.. tZ'aD.poZ'ta- tiaD. :lacludiDI poIfH. fuel aDd _t.. aDd perfonl. a11'WOZ'k -2- .- nee....rI tQ construCt 'and colllPiete~ :1.11 a fOod aDd workman1:1.k. _Diler ~ ft' strict accordance witb the spec ficatloDs,. plaD. and dr_i.... therefor on file in' th. Office of" .the City Clerk of ~he City of ADabeim and the notice lnv:l.tlDl s..led propo..1.{' the ",- public work. ad illpZ'Ov8lll8llt berei~e, IDOre partle'u1.r 7 ..- tionecl and described.. tOletber wlth the .ppurteDaDce.' thereto, be, .nd tbe ... 18 _ ner.by, accepted, ancI that . cODtr_t for' , ' the conltruct:LOD ad complet:l.oft of laid ~lic' illpr~t be,' acI the ... :l.s hereby, .ardecl to the. .~.ld .bf?ve-na.. bl~~. .. ' am 81 IT PUa'DJI1. 'IISOLVID 'that the laceellfu1 bidder"or b1dclerl upon each contract _arded .s bereinabovtt .et forth" .ha11 bel aDd they are berebI requlred to aacute a cODtraet :La tne re- qu red form witb . the C ty of ADaheill upon tbe tens ad cOlUlitloa.s Ipecified In tbe notice invitina sealed .propos.1s and the propo.a1 su~tted by s.id successful bidder or bidders and in accordance witb -"tbe plans and specifications for said public improVement be~e- iDabove clescribed, and in accordance with tbe terM, conditi~,' .and prov1.iODs of this resolution, and tbat said succes.fu1 bidder or bidders . to whom each contract :l.a ..rded shall be r~uir.ed, to fur- nish . surety bond in _ aaamt equ1 to one bUnd~ed 'per cmt (1001) of the contract price for all labor" _teri.1e ad eq..i,.ent to be fami.hed and perforaed, as eet forth ln the s..led propo..1 sub- laitted by s.ld bidder for the cODstruction of .aid pub11c improve- MDt, toletber with the apPlLlrtenances tbereto, or each portion thereof,.. .is covered by said contract, .s aeeur.ity for the faitb- fu1' perforDlaJ1Oe ~f s.id contract and . s~paZ'.t. surety bond iD .n .~t equal to. em. hundred per cent (100'1) of the cODstruction coet of s.iel pub.1ic improvement covered by s.leI ,ccmtr8Ct, a. see..- rlty for tbe paJlleDt of all persons perfonalDa labor and fuml.~ _teru1 for ,.aid projeCt. - AID . IT PURTBBB. RESOLVED tbat s.id .ucce..fu1 bidder or b~~rs be, and they .re bereby required to fumieb to the City of ADabe:l.ll 'in ,coaapanlea satisfactory. to the CitJ of AnabeilD, public liability, property d...e, compensation, 8DiI other inaur~e in the ..ate and for the purpose. as 'set fortb ad specified in tbe notice iaviti. sealed propo..1s, .nd subject to the approv.1 of the C,ity Attorney .s to form and sufficiency. aD _. IT l1IJI.TBII. USOLVID that tbe .yor ad tbe City Clerk of tbe City of Anaheim be, ad they are bereby, autboriziecl and .dil'8Cted to make, execute and enter Into, for aDel em beb.1f of the. City of AnabeilD, . written contract wltb eald succeasfu1 bidder or bidders for the furni.hlq of all plant, labor} mate- . rial., and 'equlpaaea.t and perforad. all work, ae bereiuDOVe IIIOr. partlcu1ar1y.' describlld1 for the construction, inst.11ation and c0llt1etion Of said pub ic ilDprov__t bereinabove described upon the terms and conditions .s specified in the notlee inv1tina ...led propo8al., the detal1ed de.laD, plans, profile., drawi.e aDd .__.1 speeificatlO1lle and'detal1ed specifiCations and dr_- l~e, aDd all addenda thereto, and 811 modification. incorpor.ted there1n prlor to tbe elate of the op.l. of blele, on file in tbe Office of the City Clerk of the City of ADabei. and in strict accordance witb the teru, conditions aDd provi.ion. of tbl. reeo1utlO1l, _d in accordace wlth all of the contrllCt documenta berein epecified. !II roaGODG DSOUJTIOR is slaDed ad .pproved by - tbl. 15th clay of March c.?6. J.. . ~~~rs&~~ A~T: j -3- - - Sf ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COONTY OF mANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) -.... I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R-190 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 15th day of March, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof. AYES. COONCILMEN. Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein NOES. caJNCILMEN. None ABSENT. COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R-190 on the 15th day of March, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 15th day of March, 1966. ~(-" k "-.;.,~ ~ . , ) . -;.-- ~ . iIlI&.c. , . ~~.. ... c...A(.;r...1 CITY' CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R-190 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on March 15, 1966. ~... '- I \ ~--, - /?t. \ ", .........,~_.... . . I ... h' ~ ,.~- CITY CLERK ..... ~ ~.