66-401RESOLUTION NO. 66R -401 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CHANGING THE NAME OF MALL LANE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, TO MALL WAY. WHEREAS, Mall Lane is the name assigned to a short cul -de -sac street located north of Broadway and west of Gilbert Street, in the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, the residents on Mall Lane have petitioned for a change in street name to Mall Way by reason of the follow- ing facts: (a) The street sign, which has been installed for some time, indicates the name "Mall Way (b) The postal authorities recognize the street as Mall Way; and (c) It is difficult to obtain police and ambulance service in view of the fact that all maps of the City designate the street as Mall Lane and the street sign indicates "Mall Way." AND WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim has, by Resolution No. 2055—Series' 1965-66, passed on the 23rd day of May, 1966, recommended to the City Council that the name of Mall Lane, as indicated on the maps be changed to Mali Way; and WHEREAS, after a thorough study of the matter, the City Council does find that the assignment of the name "Mall Way" to Mall Lane will result in less confusion to the public, and that, by reason of the foregoing facts, public convenience and necessity require that said name be changed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the name of Mall Lane, located north of Broadway and west of Gilbert Street, in the City of Anaheim, be changed to Mali Way. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 14th day of June, 1966. ATTEST: CI Y CLERK 0 THE CI Y OF ANAHEIM OF HE CITY OF AN PRO TEM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R -401 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 14th day of June, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte, and Pebley NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, and Krein Pro Tem AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor /of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R -401 on the 14th day of June, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 14th day of June, 1966. (SEAL) k-.),/ clte:C2e,a-,,,,,p.,' CI CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R -401 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on June 14, 1966. City Clerk