General (2) Susana Barrios From:Tristan Jacobo <tnj.jacobo@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, January To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Public Comment for the City Council Meeting on 1/23/2024 Attachments:Tristan Jacobo Public Comment Parking Situation in District 4.pdf You don't often get email from Learn why this is important Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hi there, I am submitting a public comment for the city council meeting today. Feel free to get back to me via email if there is a response from the council about this matter. Thank you for your time. -Tristan Jacobo 1 Good evening Council, Over the past year and half of living here in the apartment complexes between Orangewood,Haster,Gene Autry Way and Manchester in District 4,I have been charged $652 in parking citations/towing fees just to park where I live.I have another $147 that I will be contesting.My neighborhood,including me last week had our cars towed for parking in curbs marked in the red.Obviously that’s a no no but if you consider that all legal parking spots within a 15 minute walking distance to our doors are occupied from 3pm to 5am the next morning then I would ask for you to consider how frustrating of a situation that is for the residents here. These apartment complexes I’ve noticed have more people living in them than are allowed because housing prices keep increasing.Our parking spots have been marked red for a reason,for emergency vehicles but the city takes away half of the parking in the area and doesn’t add any additional parking anywhere making people park in the red,negating the attempt altogether and costing your taxpayers easily tens of thousands a year just in our neighborhood for parking in the red. Now I work at varying times of the day so I am never guaranteed a spot.My wife occupies the single apartment management designated parking spot so I’m on my own searching desperately for parking when I get home. I understand you folks most likely own homes and are therefore out of touch with us apartment dwellers who have been priced out of the California housing market for years now but this parking situation is frankly unacceptable and dastardly for the city to kick us while we’re down.I already have a minimum 5 minute walk to my car and then on top of that I get cited frequently.This is just my situation however,I have no idea what it’s like for other folks that live in our area.I believe this predicament is underrepresented as most of the people living here don’t speak English and are probably not even U.S.citizens so it’s in their interest to remain silent and just pay your silly fees. I think a great solution to this would be to not ticket cars that are permitted to park in the area and/or create a parking lot that is close by,perhaps at Ponderosa Park that is designated for the apartment complexes. Which City Official can I contact and how do I get into contact with them regarding the permanent resolution of this parking crisis? Thank you for your time,thank you for charging me $652 and for charging this community tens of thousands of dollars to park their cars in their neighborhoods.I’m looking forward to seeing your invoice for breathing in the Anaheim air. -Tristan Jacobo