4017ORI)INANCF NO. 4017
mlTLF 10 , CITAPTERS 10.1( AND 10.2 0 ; 7TTLF 1.5 ,
CHAPTER 15.1?; 'TmLF 17, CHAPTER`' 17.08, 17 .20,
17 . ? 1t ; AND rI'APTFR 19.011 BY ADDTN x NPP SECTIONS
10.16.ni0, 10.16.0203 10,16.0'0,
ln.lr.n60, 10.16.070, 10.1r.09n,,
19.16.2001 10.1x.2103 10,16,2(0) ln.lr.?Q0,
10,1.6,300, 10.16.310,, 10.16.3705
in.ln.3gn, 10.16.3c0, 10.ir, Imn, 10.1F.1110, 10.16.470,, 10.20.0�0,
10.29.0110, lo. ?0.n9n,, 10.20.070,
10.20.0901 1n.2n,0Q0, 10.20.100, 15.12.0703,
15.12.0`0, 15.12.150, 1.5.1?.170, l7.24.060
ANT SUBSFCTION�' 17.0.6�?n.010, 17,0.600.020,
17,0R,,6nn.0?n, 17.0g.r90,n5n, 17.2_n.0?0.1F03,
17.?0.039.1601°, AND 14.04.080.
'�'Ir ' CITY COt1NCIL OF mI F. nT_mY OF �,li'T ,'TrrTp�R T OFr OT�T�AI^J Ac
khat new Elect -1 -ons 11).16,010, 10.16.0?0, 10.16.030,
I0,16,.050, 19.16.nFn, 10.1F.n7) 19.16.030, lO.lE.100, l .1x.209,
r). Jr.t l0, 10.16.260,, 10.1.6. X00, ln.lti. 310, 10.16. 3.10
1r>,370, 1�.1.3`�n, 10.16.200, 1n.16.1�09, 10.16.l�10, 1n.1..1t'0
-znd 1_!', .1.6 . 117rn of ('hapten I n .1' , Title 1.0 of the Anaheim T?unicina.l
od,- t -e , and t, 1r, :are herebv , added to read as follows:
The following terms wherever used
in this chapter or in resolutions of the Council adop—
ted nursuant hereto, excert as otherwise specifically
indicated t)y the context, shall have the meanings re—
snectively set forth in this section, to wit:
s defined. as the City of Ana.heirr.
n?9 ' 1-Tene .rat. °Tanafrer' is defined as the
Cenera? �nanarer or his c�esi knee of the Public, Utilities
,(')? at, es, Rules and ReFrulations' is defined
as the nate )epartmentf l
and any rules and recrul a.tl ons as approved by the Citi.:
U 011 r] C
. 1)-I onsumerAnv person, whether owner,
Lessee or ranter of real. property, usi.np-- electricity
or water furnished r,.y the City through meters or by
n,�q 'Kilowatt dour' '7he standard unit
of mean rement of electrical work or enemy.
.ro 'Standby Charge' A minimum cha.rFe to
be paid regardless of the amount of electricity or
electrical_ energy consumed.
.07q ' i?orsenower' A unit, of horsepower shall
be determined by the amount of electric current necessary
for the continuous operation of any electric equipment
for one hour, haled upon the consumption of 7)1F watts
Per hour.
.0R0 'Installation Char've' The charge made by
the City is comnensa.tion to it for all labor and material
furnished in making connection with any electric line or
water main in the (_"ity, for electricity or water to he
furnished to any consumer.
.n90 'Size of Pine' When any size of Pine is
mentioned i.n this chanter or In any resolution adonted
pursuant hereto, the same shall mean the nominal Inside
diameter of standardd pipe, measured in inches andfrac-
tions thereof."
r►1C . 1 F , j12C POWERS .
All City Council actions _i_nvestlnf~
any authority or Powers previous to this section to
the !'tilities Director shall be determined vested i_n
the General Manager of the Public i.`tilitles ?%epa.rtment."
►rin1(r, �n FNFO?ICFMENm.
`Phe General. PAanap-er is hereby
directed to enforce the provisions of this chanter and
the Rates, pules and Rep;ulations of the Public Utilities
Department. He is hereby authorized to delegate any of
these powers w-'-th the sole exception of the rower to
adapt and nromul.p-ate rules and regulations, trhich Power
may not be dele79.ted by h -T -m."
"iri, 1r , o90 BOOKKFFPING - BILLINr .
?'non ascertaininf7 the armount due
the r'ity for electricity and water furnished to the
consumer, the Public "ti_l i ties Department shall render
the consumer a hill for the amount due. `-'he handing
of a 17111 to such consumer in person, or the placim-
of the rill in an envelope or upon a postal card ad-
dressed to the consumer at his last known address as
furnished by the consumer to the Public I1t_iliti es
"_)epartment, affixing the nroner nostare and mi link^
in the `_'nited States Post Office, shall constitute
'renderi n7 a
"1r) ,10 . -1J01,1RFCFTPT, LO"", DESTRI?CTTON OF
Neither the nonreceipt of any bill
nor its misplacement, loss or destruction before pay-
ment, shall constitute a claim by or in behalf of the
consumer for any extension of time in which to make pay-
ment thereof. In case of nonreceipt, misplacement, loss,
or destruction, riunl icatP_ bills wil-11 be furnished upon
relzest to the Pzr1_i_c i'tili It nen,a.rtment."
For the nurnose of complyi_nF with
or enforcing- any of the provisions of thi_s chanter, or
for req di_nFr any meter cr for installin , testing, char�-
i.nr, renai.rins, connecting or disconnectinp- any electric
or %ater meter or service, any designated employee of
the of Anaheim is authori7,ed to enter unon private
nroYrty day r c'tw(,,en tre hour. s o f P : 00 a.m. and
1. ( . r) ?,0 BT;jL" - I+II-IERE PAYABLE.
11 rills for electricity ,i.nd waiver
furnished by the City shall- be na,yable at the office of
' ol_lect .ons of the 1111inance Denartment. "'he City assumes
no responsihlity for payments made elsewhere."
Each applicant will be required to
pay the constituted rates for electric, water, sewer,
sanitation and sewave treatment charges and be woverned
by the Rates, Rules and Regulations of the Public
tilities Department adopted by the City Council. If
the bill for such services is not naid in accordance
with the Rates, Rules and Regulations of the Public
TTtilities Department, the amount of the bill may become
a lien upon the property and be collected at the same
time and in the same manner as all taxes on real nron-
erty in the Cite."
Should the City fail to furnish
electricity or water by reason of breakage of any wire,
pipe or machinery or from any cause beyond its power
or control, the City or any of its employees shall not
be held responsible for any damage or if any consumer
should fail to nay his bill within the time specified
in the Rates, Rules and Regulations of the Public
Utilities Department and any of the employees of the
City disconnect the said electric and/or water service
in compliance with this chapter and/or the Rates, Rules
and Regulations of the Public Utilities '�epartment, the
City or its employees shall not be held responsible for
any damaves that m _rht result from such disconnection."
"10.16.210 77FVICFS* WITH L01,%T POWER FACTORS -
In the case of welding transformers,
neonlamns, mercury vapor lamps, fluorescent lamps and
other gaseous tube lamps or devices having low power
factors, served on general service schedules, the City
may require the consumer to provide, at his own expense,
power factor corrective equipment, to increase the power
factor of any such transformer, lamps or other devices
to not less than ninety (90) percent. Such equipment
shall be sub.iect to the annroval of the General Manager
of the Pi_iblic TJtilities nepartment of the City of
Anaheim, and shall be of such type as not to interfere
with radio or wireless rroadcasting or receiving appara-
tus. "'he City shall not be compelled. to furnish electri-
city for the onerat_on of any such transformers, lamas or
;:devices unless such approved equipment has been installed
and is use(?."
"ln , I(-,. = T�IAT R FOR TRRIGA' -)N - T'IMF OF TTSF..
Service connections sunplyinfr, irriga-
tion w1ater shall only be used by the consumer during- the
hours of r:00 r- Tr to r:00 a.m. unless other hours of use
are authorized by the General r�'anaFer of the Public '_Ttili-
ties ')enartment . "
Public or Private fire hydrants con-
nected to the kl;it,y water system shall be operated only by
the Public Utilities Department, Fire Department or a
person who has obtained a permit frorr the Public r'tilities
T)enartment . Any nerson desirinFr to use ,rater through any
public or private fire hydrant will be required to make a.
hermit annlication and deposit as nrovided for in the Rates,
7iile3 and `?eFula.tions of the Public TTtilities Department."
In the case of a, fire necessitating
the use of water from the City mains, no person shall use
water from the mains if such use would prevent or hamper
the extinFruishment of such fires or the saving of ad,)oin-
inF property in the opinion of the Fire Chief or the
General 1jana7er of the Public Utilities Department or
their desip-nees."
No person shall_ place on or about
any hydrant or other fire hose connection, any building
material or other obstruction so as to prevent free
access to such hydrant or hose connection except as
provided for in the Rates, Rules and Regulations of the
Public +t _lities Departm_ent."
All electric and water meters and
all materials and equipment installed by the Public
T_itil_ities ; epartment shall remain at all times the
property of the City; and where replacements, repairs,
relocations or ad,iustments of any meter or eauipment
are rendered necessary by the act, negligence or care-
lessness of the consumer, any expense incurred by the
"ity thereby shall be charged against and collected
from the consumer. If the consumer fails to nay such
charp-es upon demand, the electricity or water may be
shut off until the charges are paid as provided in the
?ates, r?ales and ReFulations of the Public Utilities
)enartment. "peters shall not be installed in series."
Any consumer desiring to change
the location of any of the City's equipment that has
already been installed for electric or water service
shall. make anpli_cation in writing to the Public Utili-
ties T.Denartment, and upon payment of the estimated
cost of same, the Public Utilities 'Department shall
cause change to be made. "'he City shall have theri,c-ht
to chan7e the location of any meter or service equin-
ment upon the property occupied by any consumer."
In the event a shortage of water
becomes imminent, or if for any other reason it shall
become necessary to temporarily curtail the supply of
water furnished by the City, the General Manager shall
formulate rules and regulations p-overninp the hours and
quantities of water to be used for sprinklinp- lawns and
gardens, and such other rules and revulations as may be
deemed requisite and equitable for governing the use of
water furnished by the City, provided that such rules
and regulations shall be subject to the annroval of
the Council.
In the event a shortage of electri-
city becomes imminent, or if for any reason it shall
become necessary to temporarily curtail the supply of
electricity furnished by the City, the General Manager
shall formulate rules and regulations governing sign
and show window liFhtina*, and such other rules and reg-
ulations as may re deemed requisite and equitable for
governinp, the use of electricity furnished by the City,
provided that such rules and regulations shall be sub-
ject to the annroval_ of the Council."
The Council is authorized and em-
powered to sell and distribute any surplus or excess
electricity or water outside the corporate limits of the
ity, in such amounts and by such means and at such rates
as the Council. may deem proper for the best interests of
the City; provided that the rates to be charged for such
services shall be fixed by resolution of the Council, and
provided, further, that all such installations and ser-
vices shall in all ether respects be Foverned by the
nrovisi_ons of this chapter and by the Rates, Fules and.
T?egula.t ons of the P,zhlic Ttilj_ties Department ."
►►ln .1 00 STTRPLU57 ELECTRIC ANT) 1,,!ATER -
",he City Council does hereby deter-
mine anO, declare teat if the City, in its operation of
its municipal nuhlic utilities, has developed an excess
Of' 14ater and/or electricity over and above the amount
which is necessary for the use of the City and its in-
hahitants, the Council may, and it is authorized and.
emnowered to sell and distribute any excess water or
electricity outside the corporate limits of the City,
on such terms as may be established and prescribed by
the Council."
`''he General lanaFer of the Public
T_Tt_I_ities Department may, from time to time, make rea-
sonable rules and req-ulations not in conflict with this
chapter, �roverninf-? water and electric service, subject
to the approval of the council, and. all consumers shall.
observe the same to the same extent a.s thou'vh set forth
in this chanter."
"'he 'ouncil shall, by resolution,
establish rules and regulations for the installation
charges to be collected. by the Public Utilities
r:epartment for electric service to be connected to the
distribution system of the City and establish rules and.
re7ulations for the installation charges for water in-
stallations, and the Council shall, by resolution, es-
tablish the rates to be charged by the Public Utilities
Denartment for electricity and water furnished to con-
sumers and for all services rendered in connection
therewith includinrr standby charFres."
In the event that any person ot�Yns or
harbors any dog which bites or attacks or threatens to
bite or attack any meter reader, inspector_, officer or
employee of the P?zblic Utilities Department of the City
of Anaheim while in the performance of his duties as
such, the Pul,11c Utilities Department shall have the
ri7ht to discontinue all electric and water services to
the premises where such dop- is kept and not resume the
same until the doh is disposed of or confined in such
manner as to insure that it will not thereafter menace
such meter reader, insnector, officer or employee.
Prior to discontinuance of electric
and/or water services, the Public T.Ttilities Department
shall not fv the consumer where such do.r is kept that
the utilities mar be discontinued in the event the con-
sumer does not make arrangements with the City to in-
sure the saf et.y of such r!eter reader, inspector, officer
or emnlnyee within a. period of thirty (�0) days after
receipt of such. notice."
SEE I013
':,'hat new Sections 10.20.020, 10.20.0 03 10.20,040 3
0.20 0403
,0, .0r .00 10,20.090 and 100.05n.r), . . ,1.0 , 0.20.100
cf ','hapter 1.0, 20, "itle 10 of the Anaheim }runi.cipal Code be, and
:he.a are hereby, added to read as follows:
10, X0.020 i�EF�INTT70T1S.
As used in this chapter, the follow-
inF words shall have the meaninp, provided in this
011� 'Abandoned and Abandonment' 'hese
terms s��all apoly to a well which has not been used
for a period of one year unless the owner declares in
writinrr, to the Ceneral Manager of the Public ?Jti_li_ties
Department, his intention to use the well again for
supnl,yinp- 1,�rater or other associated purpose (such as an
observation i�Jell or injection well) and receives approval
of such declaration from the General Manaver. All such
declgrations shall be renewed annually and at such time
be resubmitted to the general Manager for approval. 'Fest
holes and exploratory holes shall be considered abandoned
twenty -Four hours, after construction work has been com-
pleted, unless otherwise approved by the General Manager.
'A(-ri_cultural Well' A water well_ used
to supply water for irri7a.tion or other agricultural
purposes,, i ncludincr so-called stock wells.
.0�`) I!'athodic Protection Well' Any artificial
excavation in excess of fifty (50) feet constructed by any
method for the purpose of instal_linTr enuipment or facili-
ties for the protection, electrically, of metallic equip-
ment i_n 2ontact with the 7,round, commonly referred to as
a cathodic protection well or a deep anode,
. 01a') 'Community Water Supply Well' A water
well used to supply t,aa.t(-,r for domestic nurposes in systems
subject to Sections 101`) et seq. of the California Health
and Safety f'ode (* he (,all forma Pure Tt'ater Act) .
.05') "onst. -ict, Reconstruct (Construction,
T'econstrur.`ion)' 'o ditr, drive, bore, drill or deepen
a 7el.l, or to renerforate, remove, replace or extend
a well IIas nFr.
.060 'Destruction' The proper filling; and
sealing of a well that is no longer useful so as to
assure that the u*round water is protected and to elim-
inate a potential physical hazard..
.070 'Flectri_cal Grounding Well' Any ar-
tificial excavation in excess of fifty (50) feet con-
structed by any method for the purpose of establishing
an electrical ground.
0 0
'General r,�anager' "''he General Manager
of the Putlic -Ttilities Department of the City of
Anaheim or his designee.
.000 'Individual Domestic Well' A water
well used to suDnly water for domestic needs of an
individual residence or commercial establishment.
.100 'Industrial Well' A water well used
to supnl,y an industry on an individual basis.
.110 'Observation Well' A well used for
monitoring or sampling the conditions of a waterbear-
in� aoui_fer, such as water pressure, depth, movement
or quality.
.120 'Permit' A written hermit issued by
the General Manager permitting the construction, re-
construction or destruction of a well..
.1?10 'Person' Any person, firm, corporation
or governmental agency.
,140 'Public T uisance' "'his term, Tfrhen
applied to a, well, shall mean any well which threatens
to impair the quality of ground water or otherwise
,jeopardize the health or safety of the public.
.150 'Salt (Hydraulic) Barrier Well'
A well used for extractfi..ng eater from or in,j ecting
water into the under round as a means of preventing
the intrusion of salt water into a fresh water bearing
,160 ''Test or F.xnloratory Hole' An excava-
tion used for determining- the nature of undergound
geological or hydrological conditions, whether by
seismic investigation, direct observation or any other
.170 'Udell' Any artificial. excavation con-
structed key any method for the purpose of extracting-
water from or i_nlecti_nFr ?rater into the underp*round,
for nrovidinF cathodic protection or electrical 7round-
inp- of equipment, for making tests or observations of
under7round conditions, or for any other similar pur-
pose. Wells shall include, but shall not be limited
to, community water sunnly wells, individual domestic
wells, industrial wells, agricultural wells, cathodic
protection wells, electrical p-roundinf, wells, test and.
exploratory holes, observation wells and salt water
(hydraulic) barrier wells, as defined herein, and
other wells whose reFulati_on is necessary to fulfill
the Purnose of this chapter as determined by the City
Council. Wells shall not include (a) oil and. P -as
wells, geothermal wells, or other wells constructed
under the ,jurisdiction of the State Denartment of
Ponservation, extent those wells converted to use as
water wells; (b) wells used for the purpose of dewat-
erinp- excavations during construction, or stabi_1i_inF
hillsides or earth errba.nkrrents ; or (c) other wells
whose rerrulation is not necessary to fulfill the pur-
pose of this charter as determined by the City Council."
Reference is made to Ordinance '7
607, esnecially Section 45.0? thereof, duly adopted.
by the Board of Sunervisors of the County of Orange,
r'alifornia. This section establishes a Well Standards
Advisory Board consistInF of five (5) members j-,Tith
certain qualifications, anpointed. by the County Board
of Supervisors. "he General. 7-ianag'er and City Counci-1
may be �uI(Ied in their determinations by the sup*pes-
tions and advice of the Well Standards Advisory Board
in order to carry out the nurnose of this chapter and
I_ --o effectuate uniformity within the County of Ora.nFe,
relative ti,,ithin the City of Anaheim as to the con-
struction and destruction of wells."
No person shall, within the incor-
Porated area of the City of Anaheim, construct or
reconstruct any well unless such construction or recon-
struction is carried out pursuant to and in conformance
with a written hermit for that rurnose by the General
Tana-er nrovicIed in this chanter.
.or shall any such person allow a
wel-1_ to remain at)aridoned., but shall destroy it, Pursuant
',-Io and in conformance a �,rritten permit issued by
the General Vanauer.
"nor shall any such person violate
the terms of any order issued by the General Manager
pursuant to this chanter."
"10.0.050 PFIR MIT,",'.
Applications for permits shall be
made to the General "IanaFer containing such information
as he shall require. Fach application shall be accom-
panied by a. fee which shall be established by the City
'Iouncil on the basis of the cost incurred in enforcing
the provisions of this chapter. Fifty percent (50°') of
the fee shall. be .returned to the applicant should the
permit re denied or if the permit is cancelled within
sixty (r0) (lays after issuance and no work has been
done. A hermit, shall remain in effect for one (1) year
from date of issuance.
Permits may be issued subject to
any condition or requirement found by the General
"Manager to be necessary to accomplish the purposes of
this chanter.
A permit may be cancelled or the
condi tions amended by the General Manaper if he deter-
mines that to proceed with the work would result in a
public nuisance or the permit holder has violated the
terms of the nermit or this chapter."
"10 . ? n . n F 0COMPI,HT_1 I0I`1 OF THE WORK.
The permittee shall notify the
General Manager in writing upon completion of the work
and no work shall be deemed to have been completed un-
til. such written notification has been received. A
final inspection of the work shall be made by the
General Manager and no permittee shall be deemed to
have complied with this chanter or his permit until
such inspection has been performed and all work
thereon completed to the satisfaction of the General
"lanarrer. . it
In the event a permit is denied
or cancelled, the applicant or permit holder shall be
given written notice by the General Vanap-er, which
notice shall snecif,y the reasons for his action, and
shall. notify the applicant or permit holder of his
right to request a hearing before the City Council
within ten (1-0) days."
"1r). ?0. `) 0 � OTICF - PUBLIC 11`1UISANCE.
In the event the General Vanager
determines that a well constitutes a public nuisance,
the r'it,,T r'lerk shall mail a written notice to the land-
owner and the permit holder if other than the landowner.
A cony of the notice shall be nosted on the affected
property. "he notice shall state the specific facts
p-ivi.nv rise to such nuisance; the corrective measures
deemed necessary; and time, date and place at which a
hearing shall he held by the City Council relating
thereto, which date shall not be less than ten (10)
nor more than thirty (70) days after the date such no-
tice is mailed_. 7'he notice shall state that in the
event the City Council determines that a. public nui-
sance exists, a srecial assessment shall be imnosed
uoon the land 'or an costs of abatement."
If the General Manager finds that
immediate action is necessary to prevent impairment of
the ground water or a threat to the health or safety
of the nubli_c, he may abate the nuisance without giving
notice. Within twenty-four (214) hours after initiating
such abatement, the City Clerk shall give notice of a
hearing before the City Council in the manner pre-
scribed in Section 10.2�.oa." 'ITY COUNCIL 111PARTNG.
At the time fixed for the hearing,
the City ("ouncil shall hear and consider all relevant
testimony a.nd evidence offered by the landowner, and
by any other interested person. Ir the event the City
-ouncil Finds that a, public nuisance exists, it shall
direct the General "anager to take any necessary action
to protect the prround -water or the health and safety of
the niablic, unless the situation is corrected by the
landowner on or before a date to be specified by the
("'ity Council. `7he costs of such corrective v;,ork bpi the
"eneraJ - anager shall_ become a sneclal assessment upon
{he 'Land pursuant to Section
If the City ouncil finds that a
Permit u.,a.s improperly deniedor cancelled, -it shall
order the 13enpral T"anarrer to issue or reinstate such
perrr.i t. "
5I.,(,10 .
What new Sections 15.12.070, 19.12.080, 15.12.150 and
1F).12.170 of r..haoter 15.12, "'itle 15 of the Anaheim 7unicipal Code
be, and they are hereby, added to read as follows:
Where no standards have been ado nted
for any such materials., devices or appliances, the Chief
3uildinF Inspector may require that such materials, de-
vices or appliances be submitted to a testinp- laboratory
or laboratories deemed aual_ified by him for testing same.
',pon receipt of a renort from such laboratory or labora-
tories, he may designate a standard for each such article
submitted and tested, ,,ih .ch desi_Frnation shall be in Writ-
ing and shall be adonted and nromulFated as a rule or
regulation in the manner herein provided. Any such stand-
ards so prescribed shall be desigrnated to provide as a
minimum the degree of safety to life and. property as is
reauired by the standards hereby adopted for rrateria.ls,
devices or appliances of similar or related character
or nature."
Any approval Pranted by the Chief
Building Inspector may be revoked by him if the elec-
trical materials, devices or appliances are found. to be
hazardous to life and property for the purpose used or
intended, or do not conform with the standards under
which they were approved. for use. Before any approval
may be withdrawn, the Ph3_ef Building Inspector shall
Five notice in writing to the person to whom apnroval
was granted of his intention to withdraw approval and
shall afford such person an opportunity to be heard
with respect thereto at a public hearing to be held
thereon. Ir_ the event that approval is withdrawn or
modified by the Chief BuildinF_ Inspector after such
hearing, any person aggrieved thereby may appeal from
the rulinFr of the 'hief Building Inspector to the
Council in the manner provided in this chapter for the
consideration by the council of appeals."
"1 .12.150 E,TFORCFMFNT.
The Chief Building Inspector is
hereby directed to enforce the provisions of this cha.p-
ter. He is hereby authorized to delegate any of his
powers under this chapter to any of his assistants,
with the sole exception of the power to adopt and pro-
mul7ate rules and recrulations, which power may not be
delegated by him."
In the event that any person be-
lieves that unreasonable restrictions or unnecessary
and extraordinary hardship or damage will be imposed
unon him by the enforcement of any of the nrovi_si_ons
of this chapter or by the annlication of any of the
standards hereby adopted or by the adoption or annli-
Cation of any rules or re'7ulati_ons b7 the Chief Build.-
in, Insrector or from any _rulings or determinations of
such inspector, each person may appeal therefrom to
f he Council in wri_ti np- and renuest a public hearing
`'hereon , �, the Council .
In the event of such appeal, the
Council shall fix a time and place .for a public hear-
inF thereon and shall Five notice thereof in writing
to the person renuestinp� such hearing by mail, postage
orenaid to the address shown in such .request, and.
shall also give notice thereof to the Chief Building
Insnector. At the time fixed for the hearing or gt
any Later time to .%Thich the hearing may be ad.j ourned,
the Council shall proceed to hear the testimony of
,the appellant and of others in his behalf and of the
Chief Buildin, Insnector and others in his behalf and.
of other competent persons who may he present and de-
sire to testify or who may be called by the Council to
�3ve testimony at such hearing. upon the conclusion of
the hearinp-, the ouncil shall, by resolution, declare
its findings and decision in the matter. If it finds
that unreasonable restrictions or unnecessary and ex-
traordinary hardship or damage will be imposed upon
the appellant, then it may mra.nt an exception from.
_,he application in whole or in part of such provisions
of this chapter or of such standards, rules and regu-
lations, rulings or determinations, or It may modify,
rescind or otherwise alter the standards, rules and
re7ulations, rulings or determinations, provided. that
in 7rantin7 an exception or in taking such other ac-
tion as -11t, may neem Justified, it may do so only in
uhe event ;hat such action may be taken in harmony
with the 7eneral purposes and objectives of this chan-
4;er to preserve the nublic health, safety and welfare.
`he decision of the "ouncil rendered after a hearinp-
held in the manner nrescri.hed herein shall be final
and conclusi-ve."
SEC171 I
.. I0'
That newSubse^ti_ons 1?. 0`x.600.010, 17.0,', r 00. 0?0,
7 � '�"
and 17.0'{ . 600. 050 of Section 17.08. 600, Chapter
"itle 1? of the !.naheirr �iuni_c.inal. Code be, and they are
�er,ehv, added to rear: as follows
It 17 . 0 �} . �;'' � " I TMV AND SE!,'.'E� FAQ;EMFNTQ .
.:�1 "`tili_ty lines includinp-, but
not limited to, electrical, telephone, street livhts,
water and cable television shall be placed under-
ground. 'lecessary surface -mounted transformers,
pedestal-riounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets,
ducts, street lip7htinF or signal control cabinets and
other associated, e(iiiipment in an underground system
rna.y be nlaced. above 7round. The General Manager of
the Public utilities ?)enartment may waive the .require-
ments of this para�-rraph if topop_ranhical, soil or
other conditions make such underFround Installations
impractical. rI'hi_s paragraph shall not apply to util-
ity lines which do not provide service to the area
bei nm subdivided or developed.
.020 1.�lhere alleys are not provided,
sewer, nuh1 _c uti.l.ity and/or draina7e easements shall
be provided and shall be of such width, type and loca-
tion as determined to be necessary by the General
71ana7er of the Public ?ltilities Department and the
i-i.ty Fncyineer or servi.nF_ utility as the case may be.
.,r)30 fTnderground utility easements
shall be nrovided and shall be of such width and loca-
tion as determined to be necessary by the General
"Tana.p-er of the PAblic TTti_lities Penartment or serva np-
ut li.ty as the case may be."
50 `ncrnachments are not permitted
into easements."
Sr.,. riI n C
`What new Subsections, and
.7 Jin n30, 160x, of Section 17." 0.0?0, Chanter 17.20, '?�itle i_7 of
_ tle Anaheim"unici r?al "ode be, and thew are hereby, added to
-ad ad 'Is fellows
"17. Street 1-i_phting f aci.liti_es and
;ATV underp-round stri ctures shall_ 1,e installed in
accnrr?ance the of fic al street lif-r.ting plan
' ''A"'' ::�peci�' cat; ons a�pnroved by the General
"ana,r .er t. he Puh i. i c i i 1 z_f,'_es Department. per-
f'ormance, cash or suret.v, Y.ond shall be required in
an amount established by the (leneral 7anarer and in
a form anY)rc;ve� Y,y the 71 ty ''attorney to cover the
'nrt;a-1--e "a.ci?il -s required. In lieu
of ina-ta-111tl_or� of r��Pr 1:1, htinfr f ci.11ties, the
xenera nar ;aE c`r rra,- re: -,u. ire street 1 '11 rhtinFr fees
7n a `'rant-' not. charp-e for, an`t abuttinp- street or
an a- :ar:�oi.int to recover the estimated cost;
fnr the street i�htinr "acil.ities required in ac-
�ordance w .4 tt-e offi ci< J street li titin elan
az)moved by the General '/Ianaver.. rT'he requirement
for installation or nayment of street liFhtinFr fac-
ilities front -foot feP may be waived by the General
la.nac er if y; je sulk -:i ect pronertY has previously been
r.7es ec_ `'ee for 4;he street lirhtinpr facilities,
but none were nstall.ed (1tie to the existing street
__.Lahti n , systen ^om-n1vintr with the official street
li-htinr� �i.ar: <Y,provec? by the General ".1anaFer.
L 0'= I Iubl-ic l)tility easements neces-
sa.ry to ,erve tare ;=,itt ,,ect, property and/or area. n
Wh' ;:h the s-ul,,i fact nronerty Is situated shall be-
Jefaicater tr> the "'i.tv of Anaheim in accordance with
-he rF,c7u rear^int;. ' the r{eneral. Manane.r of the
Iz} 1_Zt, t , tz-es ?-.art mert
"he Buildi_nlr Tnsnector shall not
grant firia.l release nor issue a final certificate of
oc�cunanc�,, u
to a.n�� structre, n)- huildinf, constructed
iron any oronert.y coverec, by this chanter until the
"itly Fm ineer blas certified to the compliance with
--ondi t ons, if reciu red, set, forth in .1601 and .1r 2.
Y;r1ve and theI"�ener<a1 iTanaer of the Public Utilities
)eoartmiient has cern Vied to the compliance with con -
_.ions, ;-f re�,uir�e�:_i, set; forth in ,IrO0 and .i.r,011
,a t c) v e .
'Y'h,it nevj Fection 17.21' . 000 of Chapter 17. Ph 11_t ' e 17 (-)f
lt: 1 .'l�ir!elln T'"t r �_ClT) 3 _ ��J!�c? � , ri{ 1_ lS hereby, added to read as
�!I 11TT r
"ot,v, .' thstandin t -he n- ovis - nns of
c'r, ! 1t Les irc`IV be lnstalleC an(l.
i__i.c ��='ir X�,�)r i 0(1 11n, to ex>cee'��_ ten (In) days �
-CJ, f �'c 2 :.t;';v; '� t ie �it;;`I ou.nc1� , irl Or(�er to
P1,ovi de, emery-Tencv service The General I-Ianafer of the,
_1 -ti f F r arti �ent may P -rant special perrni-ss I -ori,
rr as ",c �ra°"anarrer may deem a.Y.nror r, -
E l 1 , U .. ,, t a n l �..> , J� _i_ �, i 1 U U i_L sr' x
rr! ^?' ',at;ll _t , tO e-, ect, constr!ACt,
orcrate no ._es, over,. eat.rs
,-;ver1�Ea �: : trli tures,,
.-�_ ,
.. L . T -j''
t1; �1';t. „:; e�'on',i�!�•n�•��� or lection
the A-,aheZ,n "i.,nlcz_-pal Code be, i.nd st
11 �. ;� • ` r; fl`.reet Facilities.
'treet 1 irjltimr- facilities and
~'ti`1'T' .,�nOer,~ -oun(struct ures shall be installed in ac-
,' wthtrie official street litrhtinr elan and
TzT s ecificat ons annroved by the General Tanager
1' -ab �i_c ", i I1 t ; es department . A performance
hone shall be required in an amount established by the
Genera. 1. tanager and in a form approved by the City
Attorney to cover the installed cost of the facilities
required. In lieu of installation of street lightinF,
facilities, the General 'Janap7er may require street
:rL:Y,irsr fee t', front -foot charge basis for anv
,(,h�,�.tti_':~.ih�• s`:reet or �-..i_-..hwa.�r i..n an amount to recover
he estimated cost for the street 117hting facilities
required in ac-ordance with the official street light-
ing r?Ian a.r -,roved rr,l the General Manager. The require-
ent for i nst:a l lat;_on or na-Irlent of street liFhtin
f'ac ; 1 i t is s front-{ o -)t fee may be waived bythe General_
;anap-er i f the u� ,I Fact r)ronerty has previously been
assessed a fee for the street lighting facilities,
but none were .nstalled due to the existing; street
li htinr s.xlstem: comi)lyin7 with the official street
liFtitin.r, plan approved by the General rZanaFer."
The City Clerk shall certify to the nassa� -e of this or.-
inance and shall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen
if>) -ays grter itsi.n the Anaheim Bulletin, a ne,.,isnapc-r
k}neral _rc �1_at1_r;n, r rioter,
purl i sne 1 and circulated in saidFT'
it:k'7, a-nd thirt-7 (30' `aYs from and after its final passage, it
r,r 1 , tai:e eff( t a.nc he In full force.
`'FE FOREGOING ORDINANCE:. is annroved and dopted by the
it'y Council of the City of Anaheim this�th/�daf o 'June, 1979.
rr�mr �+r;i
C2LAL2'0& �Zntj�SAJ M-�
A T, R: fm
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify
that the foregoing Ordinance No. 4017 was introduced at a regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 29th day of May, 1979,
and that the same was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said
City Council held on the 5th day of June, 1979, by the following vote of the
members thereof:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour
AND 1 FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said
Ordinance No. 4017 on the 5th day of June, 1979.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of the City of Anaheim this 5th day of June, 1979.
�-� e& g444.4'-�
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify
that the foregoing is the original Ordinance No. 4017 and was published once in
the Anaheim Bulletin on the 15th day of June, 1979.
4CIT ;?rh,4R��