59R-5420 Tt~.;~',OI}~.TIC~~LJO. 5420 ,,, HESOLUTIOlI OF ::::'EE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RESCIUDING RESOLUTION NO. 338Li; AND GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 1131+. TO DONli~LD "21. T:-::REBS. .lli.~::J.i.I~"iS ~ t~l'~ 01 ty Council did on July 28, 1959 adopt ResolutIon No. .';,J0J~ denylnc the P&t t tion for a zoning varianc.e, application no. 113)!, filod b~.' Dmwl,l F. Krebs, 81L~ Hodena street, Ar.aheim, CJ.ltfor1l3a, peques: ing 8. "-]lid. vel' of the height restric- tions for u_ fence to enclose (1 s1rrirnrning pool in the front yard o.r t~e property described &8 Let 79 of Tract 2296, in the City of A:"aheim, after havinc held c, public hearing thereon as required b:r l::n, and the provi;"lons of Section 9200.17 of the Anaheim Muni- cipal Code, and after havinc considered all evidence and reports of'fered at said heu.ring Lind t.he Y'ecommendations of the City Planning C ornTli ~~) si OIl; s.rld i,'HEF[~A.3, a eH'} tten request has been filed wi th the Ci tJl Council aSKing recon oerH.tion of the petition for said variance, and pro'rlding adc1itlo;ml ':'nfo:':nH.:cLon in connection therewith; and \>TflEREAS, the Si ty Souncil having made a further investi- gFd:ion of the matter and havinG ;-:econsidered all of the facts and the add-ttiona1 evidence and information fu::'n:tshed in connection ,vi LL :~a:.d 'Jariance, dC)es find t[;.,,,t Resolution No. 5384 adopted by tr"G 01 ty Council, denying Variance No. 1131.:, should be rescinded 3..n;~~ th.at s.J.id 7(;:,rianc0 s110uldbe gr8.ilted. HO"';-, rmKmF'OIE, BF; IT l-U;jOLVED b;{ the Ci ty Council of tL~ C5.ty or Anaheim thcct Resolution No. 533L~, adopted July 28, 1959, dC."'J..y~rl'" '!"''"';~.;-1~'' '1,10 '1';' he> "'11" t-hp <",'''~<' -1s heneby resc.;ndod' .~,j. ........0 .......~. ....... ._~~ '--'...... . . ...L-_ ___'-j-., "",' ,..., '--'- ~.I. .'_..... '. ,-'-l.~J.,,-" __.1. ..J. ....., 8.,~d that V[,.Y'iancc No. llJ!+ be, and the same is her>eby granted to Donald ? Kreb:;, 8111 >Iodena S tre 8 t, Anaheim, California, permi t ting the construction 07.' s. six-foot fence to extend eight and one-half t',,,.,t .; nto '.h'" ','''''OJ;". .t'"rd of' -'-]:-.e 1"Y'OP _"J.y de"'cribed as Lot 79 of' _ ..... U v .... u~ t; _,_. _ p ;; '''"-, , .J ,._ u... - ~ ... t::J.... u Ii:) .... Tract No. 2'296, '.n the C1.-,y or An','18im, Orange County, California, to e!lclo;~e fi 2~-,.::LnlninG pool. ?he 8i ty Cm.ulCil 1..8N)by !'8Sel"<TeS the r:tght to revoke such variance p'3I'mit for cood Cb.USE' or failure of said owner, :his heirs, succe~)s:)rs:)r assigns, to comply ',J1 th the Anaheim Municipal Code and ,~Ggula tionc', and the conditions herein. Said variance is granted Cer tho '.E:r>:Tl p.r,?scr>ib9d by the .',nn.11€im Nun1cipa1 Code unless other- wise 8pecified hereiL. ':'HS ~"OREGOING HESOLU'l'IOlJ is signed and approved by "1e this 11th day ()f' August, 1959. ~~~~ ; L'Jl... ..:' ~I~ oj ". ~ . ATTEST: ~ - -, "t--, . , / / L6rOF ~~~OF?_UTA~En; SltAT~ G..? CALI:?031>:IA ) COUNTY 0:;.' O:W:CE ) S5. GUY W ANA;-IETI, ) I, DEt<E L. \lILLIAJVB, City Clerk 0:' the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and qdopted at a xegular meeting provided by law of the City Council 0;' the City of Anaheim, held on the. 11th day of August, 1959, by the :>ollo~.,;in[ vote: ~ AYES: COUNCII}i~: Goons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte NOES: COUlJCIUll!:N: Borden ABSE1'\'l': COm;CIll'iEN: loime AND I ,?U1THE;( CERTIFY that the Hayor of the City of Anaheirr: approvsd and siened said resolut:.on on the ll.th day of August, l' 5' . I:-),'iITNESs,mE;mO? I n'11[2 :lereunto set my hand and affixed che Ofl'icial seal of the; City of Anaheim this 11th day of August, 1959. ~- ~ / h- A. ~~~ CITY CL.ERK OF Tfu. CITY Ot ANAHJ:.IM (;:,EAL) --",