66-238RESOLUTION NO. 66R -238 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING VARIOUS CLASSIFICATIONS OF PART- TIME EMPLOYMENT TO BE EMPLOYED AT ANAHEIM STADIUM, AND PROVIDING FOR THE RATE OF COMPENSATION THEREFOR. WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim is constructing and will operate Anaheim Stadium for playing major league baseball, other professional and amateur sporting events, as well as other types of events; and WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim intends to staff and operate said Stadium for said events with employees of the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to establish classifica- tions for personnel to operate said Stadium as well as wages and other working conditions for employment at this Stadium for said part -time personnel; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and Personnel Director have made recommendations for the establishment of classifications, wages and other working conditions for said personnel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the following classifications, wages, and other working conditions be and the same are hereby established: 1. The classifications, wages and hours contained in Exhibit A, which is made a part hereof and incorporated herein as though set forth fully hereat, are hereby established. 2. All employees hired in the classifications described in Exhibit A shall have the right to discuss individual prob- lems of employment with the City of Anaheim. 3. The City Manager, Personnel Director, and Stadium Director are hereby authorized to use the following procedure for the hiring of employees working during sports and public events at Anaheim Stadium: (a) Because of the nature of operating and maintaining Anaheim Stadium for various sports and public events and the difficulties encountered in training and main- taining an available pool of employees trained, experi- enced and qualified to perform the necessary functions of the job classifications covered hereinafter, it is desirable that the City of Anaheim (hereinafter referred to as "Anaheim utilize the experience and special system set up by the Building Service Employees Inter- national Union, Local 399 (hereinafter referred to as "Union for providing skilled and experienced personnel to staff said job classifications in sufficient numbers required for various events. In utilizing such service of the Union, the following conditions shall apply: (1) All personnel employed at Stadium, regardless of source of referral, shall be subject to the selection and training procedure established by Anaheim, and must be acceptable as its employees by Anaheim. (2) The original pool of applicants for said classifi- cations shall be established by integrating applicants referred by the Union to Anaheim, and applicants ob- tained by Anaheim through its own selection process. (3) All such applicants who are referred to herein above, who have been selected and found acceptable by Anaheim, shall be instructed to put their names on the Union's employment list as being available for event time employment at Anaheim Stadium for sports and public events, so as to facilitate the referral of the fluctuating numbers of employees required in the various classifications, from game to game and from public event to public event. (b) In the interest of maintaining an efficient system of operations at Anaheim Stadium, and to provide an orderly procedure of referral of applicants for employment in full conformance of the laws in spirit as well as in letter, there shall be no discrimination in employment because of membership or non membership in the Union, or because of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, or sex. This means, among other things, that Anaheim shall not discriminate in its acceptance of applicants for employment against anyone because of his membership in the Union, and the Union shall not dis- criminate in its referral for employment, at Anaheim Stadium against anyone because of his non membership in the Union. (c) In addition to the pool of experienced personnel set forth hereinabove, when new or additional employees are needed, Anaheim shall notify the Union of the number and classifications required. The Union shall be the source of employees; provided, however, that applicants for jobs shall be referred to Anaheim by the Union for em- ployment on the non discriminatory basis set forth here inabove, and, therefore, without reference to Union membership, or lack of such membership, and provided, further, that such referral shall not be affected in any way by Union rules, regulations, by -laws, constitu- tional provisions or any other aspect or obligation of Union membership, policy or requirement. (d) The Union shall maintain a register of applicants in each category set forth in Exhibit "A" for employment as event -time employees established on the basis of the groups listed below, and said register of applicants shall serve as the basis for the Union's referral of applicants to Anaheim for such employment. Each appli- cant for employment shall be registered in the highest priority group for which he qualifies in order to pre- serve, to the fullest extent possible, the legitimate interests of employees who are experienced in such work and who reside within the local area: Group 1. All applicants who are residents of the local labor market and have worked for Anaheim at the Anaheim Stadium. Group 2. All applicants who are experienced in the classifications covered herein, or have been trained by Anaheim and who have been tested and found qualified as competent in the trade through Anaheim's standard selection procedures. Group 3. All applicants with experience in the classifications covered herein who are residents of the local labor market. Group 4. All applicants with experience in the trade. Group 5. All applicants without prior experience in the trade who are residents of the local labor mar- ket. The Union shall refer applicants to Anaheim for each game or public event, and the number in each classification requested by Anaheim by first referring applicants from Group 1, then from Group 2, Group 3, Group44, and Group 5, in successive order, and in order oof t e dates su applicants shall have registered their availability for employment. In order to maintain an adequate register of appli- cants in Groups 1 and 2, the Union shall refer applicants from Group 3 to Anaheim, at Anaheim's request, for test- ing and qualifying them through Anaheim's standard pro- cedures. Upon certification of competency and accept- ance by Anaheim, they shall be registered in Group 2. If the Union is unable to refer applicants from Group 3 in any category for testing and qualification so as to be assignable to Group 2, and the number regis- tered in Groups 1 and 2 in the various classifications is less than the number determined by Anaheim as being necessary for efficient operations of the Stadium, then Anaheim may test, qualify, train and select applicants from any source and such applicants found qualified and competent by Anaheim shall be registered by the Union in Group 2. (e) Anaheim shall be the sole judge of the testing, quali- fication and acceptance procedures of all applicants for employment at the Stadium, and Anaheim retains the right to reject any applicant for employment, provided, however, that no test or qualification procedures utilized by Anaheim or refusal to accept for employment shall be done arbitrarily or to discriminate for or against an applicant because of Union or non -Union mem- bership or because of race, color, creed, national origin, religion or sex. (f) The Union shall maintain its register so as to be cur- rent and shall remove from such register of applicants and available personnel anyone, who, by assignment to other employment in the trade or removal from the local trade market, would not be available for referral to Anaheim as event -time personnel. (g) Whenever the register of applicants who qualify for assignment to Groups 1 and 2, as set forth hereinabove, and any classification is less than the number deter- mined by Anaheim to be essential for efficient operation of the Anaheim Stadium, the Union shall notify Anaheim of such fact and shall list the number of applicants, by name, who are available in Groups 1 and 2, in each classification. (h) Anaheim shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of all applicants and retains the right to reject, except in an arbitrary manner, any applicant for game and /or public event employment referred by the Union. Anaheim will, once each month, furnish the Union a list of all persons hired for events at the Stadium during the previous calendar month. (i) A copy of the referral procedures herein covering all provisions relating to the functioning of the hiring arrangement shall be posted in the office of the Union where the employment process referred to hereinabove shall take place, and in the office of Anaheim where notices to employees and applicants for employment are customarily posted. (j) If the Union is unable to refer acceptable applicants for employment to Anaheim, Anaheim will then select applicants from other sources in accordance with the above procedures, provided that Anaheim shall forth- with notify the Union of the name and address of each person so selected and the classification to which such person is assigned to work. 4. Any representatives of employee organizations to which any of the employees hired under the classifications contained in this resolution belongs, shall be permitted to visit the operations covered herein for the purpose of observing con- ditions under which the employees are working, provided such visits shall not interrupt the work of such employees. 5. The employees hired under the classifications created by this resolution shall have the right to elect and appoint shop stewards. 6. Regular employees are employees who are hired to work the year -round on a full -time eight hour per -day basis, or its equivalent. Event employees are employees who work on an event -to -event basis. The City will furnish and maintain uniforms for event employees, except sweepers, without cost to the employee. The City will furnish and maintain dress- ing quarters, parking facilities, rest room and locker room facilities for all employees hired in classifications created by this resolution. 7. The City Manager and Personnel Director are authorized, where there are express authorizations signed by each employee covered, to submit to the Union Trust Fund a list of all event -time employees who have worked a sports or public event at Anaheim Stadium during the preceding month. For employees listed in Exhibit "A" under "Per Diem Employees Classifications" and who have signed said express author- izations, the City Manager and Personnel Director are authorized to transmit to the Trust Fund Fifty Cents (50) for each employee shift listed, for each event -time employee who worked on a per diem basis. ATTEST: For the employees listed in Exhibit "A" under "Hourly Employees Classifications," the City Manager and Personnel Director are authorized to submit to the Trust Fund a list of employees who have. signed said express authorizations and who have worked and /or been paid for the equivalent of Eighty (80) hours or more during the preceding month and to transmit to the Trust Fund the sum of Fifteen and 70/100 Dollars ($15.70) for each listed employee. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 29th day of March, 1966. CIT CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM MAYOR /OF THE CITY OF AN PRO TEA STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 66R -238 was intro- duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 29th day of March, 1966, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 66R -238 on the 29th day of March, 1966. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim, this 29th day of March, 1966. (SEAL) CITY 'CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 66R -238 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on the 29th day of March, 1966. PER DIEM EMPLOYEES CLASSIFICATIONS EXHIBIT 'A" CLASSIFICATIONS, WAGES AND HOURS EVENT EMPLOYEES Per Diem 2/15/1966 2/15/1967 Usher L$ 9%00 9.00 Director or Gateman 11.00 11.50 Usher Captain 15.00 15.50 Information Guide 9.00 9.50 Information Guide Captain 15.00 15.50 Press or Employees' Gateman 12.00 12.50 Ticket Taker 11.00 12.00 Gate Captain 12.00 13.00 Head Usher 22.00 23.00 Head Ticket Taker 22.00 23.00 Ticket Seller (Gen. Admission) 12.50 13.50 Ticket Seller (Reserved and Box) 13.85 14.85 Ticket Seller (Advance /Exchange) 27.00 30.60 Ticket Seller (Exchange) 13.85 14.85 Money Counter 21.00 22.00 Wardrobe. Attendant 14.00 15.00 (All classifications above are not restricted to any specific hours, but as required by Anaheim for each event.) Double Headers $3.00 additional for all classifica- tions listed above, except Money Counters and Ticket Office Employees. World Series Games Time and one half. All Star Games Time and one -half. Two Separate Events Double pay. In case of rain out or cancellation of event, and if Anaheim does not give reasonable notice, either personally or through public communications, Anaheim will pay to per diem employees ONE -HALF (1 /2) DAY'S PAY if the employee reports for work and FULL PAY if the gates are open, and to hourly employees TWO AND ONE -HALF (2 -1/2) HOURS PAY if the employee reports for work and FIVE (5) HOURS PAY if the gates are open. In the event per diem employees are required to report earlier than TWO AND ONE -HALF (2 -1/2) HOURS BEFORE the event starting time, the employees shall be paid in quarters of unit, the equivalent lead rates of such classifications, in addition to their per diem rate. This provision shall not apply to the head usher and head ticket taker. HOURLY EMPLOYEES CLASSIFICATIONS Utility Man (Groundskeeper) Per Hour 2/15/1966 2/15/1967 2.83 2.93 Head Utility Man (Groundskeeper Lead) 2.98 3.08 Elevator Operator 2.15 2.30 Sweeper 2.25 2.40 Porter 2.25 2.40 Maid 2.15 2.30 Watchman 2.00 2.10 Nurse (minimum) 3.00 3.15 If leadmen are used and designated by Anaheim in any of the above hourly classifications, they shall receive FIFTEEN CENTS (15) PER HOUR over the above rates. Sweepers shall receive a minimum of EIGHT (8) HOURS PAY. All hourly employees shall receive TIME AND ONE -HALF for work in excess of EIGHT (8) HOURS in any ONE (1) DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS in any ONE (1) WEEK. -2-