B};~.sOLLTrFON NO. 5385
A HESOU,T'ON 0,< 'r'L: CIJ"[ COUNCIL OF 'rm cn'y
BIDDER ,;10F ALL A:)\lLi.T'S",!!~ '1'02 DOlITE; I";Y THE
01'1'[ OC;' AI:iUldN, ~'JECES0A!n arl REQ)iIHED BY LAW
WHEliEAS, the Ci.ty CouDcil of' the City of Anaheim did
cause to be publisht,Q in a newspaper of' general circulation,
printed, published and circ111u ted in the City of Anaheim, to
wit: The Ana':1ein: Gazette. on the 16th ~3nd 23rd days of' July,
1959, 8 notice invitinr sealed Drocosals for furnishing the
['ollovlin- le.'781 advertisinr;:
For all legal advertisin~ to be done by the
City of Anaheim, necessary or required by laH
to be published in a daily news;Japer published
within the City. for' the year commencing
All'J']~st I, 1959 and endiw' Jnly 31, 1960, in
conformity with th8 specifications for such
advertisins, ~ict specifications are marked
and designated ~Specifications for Printing
and Advertisinr of the City of Anaheim,
Series of 1959" on file in the off'ice of the
City Clerk of the GHy of' Anaheim.
AlW ~vdSHEAS, said notice invitin=: sealed proposals
roI' said legal advertlsin~ did provide that sealed proposals
1tJolJld ::18 recei.ved by the Ci t.\" of Anahej_lli at the office of the
Cit~r ClerI-.~ 0:(' the City OJ~ A,n;::.:j(;jl~" up to t1}8 hour of 7:00
o'clock P.N. on tiw 2Fth GUy o~ J'ly, 1959, r'or the furnish-
in 01~ 3.11 18'-al advo'tis'n,' to l)(c) done by the City, necessary
or reg'. ired by lA.w to be p'lblisheci :1.n a daily newspaper pub-
11 shed wi thin said Ci ty, for the year commencinG: AU60~ust I,
1959 and enJin" J"ly 31, 1960; and
WHEREAS, the Ci ty Clerk 0 c' the City of' Anaheim did
receive t~e followin~ sealed proposal prior to 7:00 o'clock P.M.
on the 28th dn'T of July, 195'9, in response to the notice afore-
said invitin~ sealed procosals, to wit:
Anaheim Bulletin
$1.35' pel' column inch for
the first insertion
$1.00 per column inch for
each s~bsequent insertion
AND WEEHEAS, f~he C1. t:T Council finds that the sealed
proposal submitted by the Anaheim Bulletin, 232 South Lemon
Street, Anaheim, California, Is t~e lowest responsible proposal
suomi ted for 'Che furnlsrin- of I!ll leiZal advertisinG to 1>e done
by the Ci t7, necessarv or reql' ired by law to be published in a
daily news;)aper in conF'omlIty wit.-: the specifications for said
8evertisin on f'le in t~A or~ice or the City Clerk of the City
(j Al1!thelm, .~lS soacl Ie6 i.rJ the n::;,;:lce invitiw3 sealed proposals;
an tl.~!t t'18 ,.'d:;l'son, f'irrn 0," C01' ,:;:.t10D S' hn;itting said proposal
~s 2 responsible per cn, fiym or corporation, and that the pro-
posal o~ sa"d q~ove named b16der s~ould be accepted and a con-
tract 8'Narded to ']~'.:; u. ':i:id6er lD nccordance therewith.
NOlv, Tl"~:--,,;HL IOF~.;i;, " l(GSOL'v'ED by the City Council of
-te Ci 0.~ Ana~leimt~ at t~8 SA lnd Dl10posal su})mitted by tbe
Arahei:< f"111et' 11, 2 S..J'lt Lecn ;Sty'eet, Anaheim, California,
r'or t~8 r'lrris in 0' ~ll 12--21 Jdvnrtlsin to be done by the
Clt:.', Dnccssar'y OP ~:~'no i-r'e,d r },~-~'d to be lished in a datly
newsF'2. er p:l'tJlisl:-1ed ":.rJ'j.t '_.,r t '8 :~:1.t~\. o:C' Anahei.nl, -Cor the year
comnenc'n" Au ")st 1, 19~;9 [!D(I 81'1'11[,'- J"ly 31, 1960, in con-
"orn:t.' 'r.r't': t'.e speeif:'cations on fi Ie in the office of the
c;ty C1.'r)c 0" the C:5i:;r 0:" Anche1rr ~dK the notice invitin~
s8al06 ~rupos81s be, aDd t~e same 1s hereby, accepted, and that
2 contn~c'b (or sa~6 18'51 advcrtlsJn be, and the same is hereby,
~.~_;:>tE-tro.ed t :.) t.l~'f:' 38. -}_cl rl,(~ovP nanca ;:d.c~der.
T ~ORiGUT_G RESOL.~ ON is approved and siGned by me
..- is 2;-~tb da:,~ of Jl11."'r, 19~a.
AT~~sir :
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STAT~~; QUI ,~A~._,I .1'OFCjIA '
:.:}[ili[rry J'
,;-T:~ 0" ~.
T, L)~~I< 1\'.. ~rr:-LL.TA},:3, ~ i t~r G lerk of t.he G i ty or
ADfl)1eim, do hereby certify that t~1I3 f01'ei:;,oin,,; Hesolution
Has IntroG.'.Jced ands.dopted at 8. regular meetinc-;, provided
by len,;, of.' Ue City COllDcj.l of the City of Anaheim, held on
the 2Etlc. day 0 f ,)1)1:7, 1 l: !e followiw' vote OI~ the
~embors thereof:
A:{:r~S :
CC'i.iCII.J,J::J: "'orden, Coons, Fry, Pearson
lend Schutte.
l~C ILl.T.b;!'! :
A'.3S2~;T: C 0 :]1-~ C ILli ~rr : l-f on e .
0i'UHTI'~EH C~l-(rIUTi t~).at ttLe I'layor of the City of
Anahe~tC.8pproved ace sic'ned saLi Hesollltion on the 28th day of'
July, 1959.
Ui,JI'l'l'JESb ~~".ER;:';OI;l, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the orficial seal 00 the City of Anaheim this 28th
:.J.ay o.f fJ,11~r, 19S9.
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