RESOL:~nOli lifO. 5381
'rAT A CEANG.c; oe ZOlJ::<, SBOiJLD ImT BE
GHANT;C;J) IN A rJEW~'An. A.iL:!.A 01<' 'I'FB Crry
WI'E!i'~A.s, the Ci.ty Planning Commission or the
~'ty of Anaheim did heretofore fix a time and place for
t'le ;,oJ.o:Ln" of 8 ,Jublic he~.u':;n" upon a proposed change in
tIle bound.ar-ies of the zone 0]< zones hereinafter mentioned
and described in the mannorand as prescribed in Article
IX, Chapter 2, of' the Anaheim ],.'Iunicipal Code, and did duly
hold and COl1dlct sucf' [mtlic hear'Lng to consider said pro-
::-;oseo C:l,en;.re of' z one or' :cones, and did T'ecei ve evidence
~Dd re or~s CrOIn pcr30ns intf)I)A3'ted 'th,erein; and
wrfE'iKLI.::', within a pen'lod of forty (40) days
follol.;in::' the hearil1' thereon, the Planning Commission
did dnly anno'mce by formal J'esolution its findinp;s of
facts and did refer the matter of said proposed change
01' zone or zones to the City Council wi thout recommenda-
tion d',IO to the lack of a two-thirds majority vote of the
n1embt-")rs oP the-:::lty P1.anniD:.~ Comrr,issj_on; and
WH::-:RE:J\.S, l.lpOn I'eee'?t of the report of the
City Plannin~ Commission tte City Council did refer said
application for a chance of zone back to the City Planning
r; ommi s 3 i. on -POl'o\ ;'e e ol11.lllen6 ~l t' on 'Ci t its next me e t i.ng; and
1,VIIi-.r';EAS, tie pel" od <) ~ t1.me having elapsed
ci'th:Ln whIch the Gitf Plannin Commiss.iDn must take action
nnc rrw.ke its l'epo.rt and l'eC0rln'lL' ,:10n to the City Council,
sai d f)l'oposed chcon:J'8 of zonE" Hi).,' ;',:a1n y'ererred to the
01 ty Counell 'Ni tho'..1t reCOl'll"1fjtJC'8.t i on; and
WEEEEAS. upon y'e,:eLpt or the retlJrn of said
J"epoJ"t of the City ?lannin Corr~'Y!ission to the City Council,
the City Council did thereupon fix the 28th day of July,
1959, as the time and tne Cannc:'.l Chamber in the City Hall
of tl-e C'i ty of Al1:1hE" m aT) tit: ,:lae8 :for a public hearing
'.l:Jon said iJy'oposed c ;arF"e of zone or zones, and did give
notj.ce thereof in tJe manner and as provided in said
.'il't:icln IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim IJhnicipal Code; and
~V-LREAS, e.t 1.,-:8 Linle and place fixed for said
~;ublic ,"sarin.", t''1e C1 ty Council did dlly hold and conduct
s:.lch hear'n:: and did. :'ive al] 'Jepsons Interested therein
'3D opport'mI ty to be 11O')1'(i and did receive evidence and
r'eports, ~;nd did thel'eupon Gonslder the recommendations
,)1" the:;j ty Planniw' Com'1Jiss:i on; and
WIiEF/EAS, t)~e Ci.ty Cou,ncil does f:i.nd and
determine that the property and area proposed to be
chanred f'l'om the zone in 1.;i-,j.C1 :i t Is now S1 t-lated to a
o:tj'l>~rent zone:: or zones, E~,:31er~C2.nFfter' set forth, is
IYlore::; itable fox' tele zcneLll VJ'ic it is now incorporated
anCI trLJt ;J c;an~~e of' ZCD'~' s' ()\;1(i n~)t be granted.
.('.,j 0'vJ, :_ F'::JJ LL~;'Uil~'~,
COl).ncil ate tile City of Anatle~rr
:;;.tJCL area sjtr.1.~ted .~n t}~e C:T
State ~f Calj.~ornia, descrj.bed
j' HESvl,VED by the Ci ty-
ths, tall of' t he property
of Anaheim, County of Orange,
as follows, to wit:
T e l'J,.Jy.t. 'C~i~t ',.J L~le southVIest
CJ 'arter of t.:':.o ~_~J)'-l~J-'l4e st c~u.arter of tb.e
SO')tileast qlJ.sr'te::-' of section 17, TO"L'ln-
srli '~J L~ SO]] t'n" P n.{j'(; 10 We st, in t~r.e
R2DC~O Los Co~ott~S, cO~Jnty of Orarlge,
Sta.te of CBl~.;orilj.a, as said section
j_s j.ndi.c~}ted on e mE'. '-, recol'deti in book
51, ,'a:'e 10 Ol~ j, :,t"cellaneol)s haps, in
t. 8 offi.ce of L,}t.~ eC;.J.(j.~-,Y r8col.(~er of
S~ 5"G. IJo!~nt:I.
r'erta:'.n ~Ln R-A, HhSI'J.si'(eIAL-A~.fEI0 riLrJ.l~rHAL ZO.i:{E, in whic!l it
is now incorporated, ~nd t~8t t~e reclassification to R-3,
_l.j'2I~<LE-?AJ' --L~( i~.2STL~;~;1,]11TAL .~. je den:T~ed.
.8'':'" r:~n '~1 c.
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u:c: tis ?,~..:;}~
i~,,:",~.OL __ ~QN is approved
0"' J"I':r, 19S9.
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S'J.1AT_;~~' J.h.UJ.; \,jf:~.i.~~~A
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.~, Dene Willj.;j,rns, ~lty Cle~k of the City of
A:-J[;.jlej_ , ".1,0 h0-1"'eby certif':.r thu t L he .rorei~;;oinr~ resolution
was )assed and adopted at F ~e lar meeting of the City
C'.)11D",; 'I r,'~l"i AY. Y'le ?Ht>. ria" cO .T',', '..7 lCJC::O ~,'T t"le Pollow-
j "-~. '. -.., .,.'-- '.,.. V.i. ...1 ,," ~. . '... -^ n,; U U '.~ .;... .' , ..'../ /, '-.~.} 1 .l
lnr vote 0f' C'"S meml~or8 t1.Cl"~~of:
,~, ..
"I:'T .',
-' v __'.i..~
~l j~b: ~orden, Coons, Fry, Pearson
,;[Id Schlltte.
;' ;c,' '.
l~ v~..:;;..J .
A. ~j.w{,i e: ,.,.; (?Ji.~ . LL1l" .;:.,L: None
, -
A U J.
'~.i;" Ans.. C:!r1 U~Jci"oved LiDQ
c_r:~:,r oL' ,July, 1959.
C~, lJ.l,1 t-:;.at the 1~'Tayor of t11e City
3'5 "neo s't:ld PGsolution on the 2eth
;..., d:- 'j.I~{t:,;j oJ ~'J
.~_~.di.:~!\-.)..c" ,
e (;J. t~..-"
J LaVE: ner's"nto set mv hand
'J~' Anehe'm tLis 26th" day of
D n ( :;1..~--">'1 y <) a.
J'1ly, )CJS9.
ths St1f:l ().!'
( 3BAI, )
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ik~~, LiL_4/A./L.... ~'
C=:'l''{ CLEHK ceo' THE CITY 08' ANAHEnI