59R-5319 ,~.,-... UlOLt1!IlD 10. 5319 J. DlOI.l1!IOI OJ !'II OIn ClOtJIOlI. ~ !'II OIft 0'1 AIAIIII J'IlIIDII& -'II) DlDIIIIIIlf SA! J. ClWDI OJ IOD II DCUUU II 0Il!.u1 J.UAI OJ !'II OIn, .AID !JIJ.f ...fIOLI IX, 0JWIIa 2 OJ !ID .A3WlJIK IlOIIOIP.AI. OODl 1Il0l1IJ) U >>-..,.. to AOCoo.. 1.1111 SAID CUIII OJ ZOD. yvwR,'S, the Clt7 Plaanime 00-.1..10n ot the 01t7 ot Aaak.i.~. ~.r.. totor. tal7 p...ed and adop.ed a re.ol.tlon d.clarlme It. lnt.ntion t. Ob.... t~. baaa4arl.. of the .on. or .on.. h.r.lnaft.r ...t14n.4 and d..crl\e4 ... 4i4 tlz . . U.. u4 plac. for the ho14ime ot a public h.arlne turoon i. the .....r ..4 .. pr.lcribed in Articl. IX, Cbapt.r Z ot \h. ADah.l. NDa1cip&1 0040, .at 414 ta17 holt and coaduct -.ch ~blic h.arime to con.lder laid propolea ohaDce ot .... or zone., u4 did rec.ive lTid.nce u4 report. troa per.on. inter..tea therein; AD! yvwRue, within a perlod ot tort7 (40) dq. tollow1ac the tlu1 hoariDe thereon, the PlaDaiac Ooamilelo. did du17 &Daounoe b7 foraal re.ol.tlo. It. tlD4- iDCI ot tach aa4 declare its .opinlo.. u4 re..on. tor r.co....dlDc _ .........t to laid J.rUc1e IX, Ch.pter 2 ot the Aub.ia Mu.icipal 004. to .tt.ct the propoI.d chance. in the boundaries of the lone herelnafter .entioned..d d..crl\e4; &14 yvwR1!'R, upon receipt of the report and reoo..lD4atio. ot the 01t7 Planning Co..i..ion, the Clt7 Councll did thereupon flz the 30th ~.t June . 19 59 ,.. the Ume aDd th. Oouncil Ohalllhr 1a the OU7 Hall of the C11;7 of .In_ei. .s the place tor a publiC hearlng upon .aid prop..od chuc. ot zone, aad did give noUce thereot 1a the !lUner aDd .. provlded 1a .aid Article IX, Chapter 2 ot the AAaheia Maaiclpal Code; and ~..S, at the time u4 place tis.d tor .aid publio h._lac. the Oi1;7 Council dld dul7 hold and conduct eucA ~~lic h.arlme and dld giv. all p.r- .on. lntere.hd therein an oppo~1;unit7 to be h.ard _d did rec.ive ",lde.c. .... report.. and did thereupon co..ider the reooameadatlo.. ot the Oit7 Plaaniac Co_h.ion; and WRiAI.R, the Cit7 Council doe. find and d.termine that the propert7 and area propoled to be chazIged troa the sone in which it h now .ituated to a ditterent lone, a. hereinafter .et forth. h .ore .ui table tor the 10.. or ..... to which it h propo..d to chaace .aid property u4 ar.a u4 that th. lacl..io. of .ald prOpert7 and area in .uch n.w son. or son.. will increa.. ~. val.. of laid prop.rty ad area IIII.d will not depr.ci.te the val... ot propert7 1a ad~o1a- inc lone.. NOW, ~1!'I'()D, D IT U80LTml b7 the Oi t7 Council ot the OU7 of Aubei. that all of the propert7 .... are. snuated in the OU7 of AaU.la, Coot,. ot Or.Dg., 8tate ot Oalitorui., de.crib.d .. tolloWl, to wit. Lot 5 of Tract No. 2637, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 80, pages 1 and 2 of Miscellaneous Maps, re- cords of Orange County, California. ....- -1- F-5B-59-100 - . It. .....~1"4 froa R-l. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENfIAL ZOO. to 0-1. <NEIGHBOR- HOOD OOMMEROIAL ZOlfE, upon the. following conditions: 1. That the building to be erected on subject property be con- structed essentially in accordance with renderings or plans this day presented to the Oity Oouncil and on file with the Oi ty of Anaheim. 2. That improved off-street parking be provided as shown on the plot plan this day submitted to the Oity Oouncil and on file with the City of Anaheim. 3. That the owners of subject property place of record standard Oity of Anaheim C-l Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit the 0-1 uses of the property to professional offices only. q If J'UIlfBa USOLTB that tho CU7 Ation07 be. aad ho 18 horolt7 ..tbori.ed aDd directed to prepareaad lubait to the C1t7 Council aa ..e.a.e.t to .ArUcle IX. Chapter 2 of the .b.aboia IIlul1cipal Code to ..ed. lald "ola Maaictpal Code to acco~li" the object hereia found aDd deterai.ed ,. bo .eco.aar,v aD! proper. u.r of fBI J'OUOOIJD DSOLU!IOI il 11pe4 ad apprOTed by at .hil 30th June . 19.59-. ,~ CJ-J, ~a4J;& JUTcm 0 ,CI'!'!' 0 .ADD~I. ~!I. .il. .k,~~~~ ~ ~ (g eI'!'!' o..AOBIII. -2- .. ") STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) : · I, !ENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of tHe City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was" introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council oftha"City of Anaheim, held on the 30th day of June, 1959, "by the following vlDte of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Fry, Pearson" and Schutte NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Borden and Coons AND I F~THER CERTIFY that the M~yor of the City of Anaheim approved" and signed said Resolution Oft am the 3Qth day . ~ '. of June, 1959. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 30th day of June, 1959. ~L JK ~~~ CITY CIERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) -,