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Permit Types CITY OF ANAHEIMPLMBLDELEMEC X X BUILDING DIVISION 200 S.ANAHEIM BLVD. (714)765-5153 Permit Number:BLD2022-02650 Issued:06/17/2022 www.anaheim.net/building (714)765-4626 Quarter Section;21 Site Address:817 S MAGNOLIA AVE,ANAHEIM,CA 92804 Legal Description:N TR 1951 BLK LOT 138 APN:12620615 Project Description:Residential Photovoltaic System with Inverters 17,900.00Valuation:Number of Stories:Living Area; Garage Area; Carport Area; Balcony /Deck Area: Cool Roof; Construction Types: Occupancy Groups; Fire Sprinklered: Total Fees paid for Permit:167.00 People Associated with Project: 901 PAGE AVE200809171020478510 FREMONT,CA 92606Contractor Permit Applicant Owner TESLA ENERGY OPERATIONS INC Sergio Cruz NGUYEN KEVIN 817 S MAGNOLIA AVE Mechanical Fixtures QlyQtyTypePlumbingFixturesQtyTypeElectricalFixtures 1Inverter The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance.A new permit is required to commence or continue work. DATE INSPECTORFINALINSPECTIONSCityofAnaheimAllapplicableitemsbelowmustbesignedbeforeutilitiesarereleased Building Division Final Gas Test Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Cross Connection Control (714)765-4280 Do not occupy this building until the final inspections have been made.Engineering Final (714)765-5126 DATE INSPECTOR Fire Sprinkler (ONLY)(714)765-5041INSPECTION Do not pour concrete until the following applicable items have been signed:Fire Dept.Final (714)765-5041 Plumbing (Ground/Underfloor Drain Waste)Water Engineering (714)765-4591 Sub List/Bus.Lie.(714)765-5194 (Allow 10 business days)Electrical Ground Electrode/Ufer Setback/Forms/Trenches (Footings)COA/MIgation Measures Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the foilwing applicable items have been ?innpd’Building Final (714 765-5153) Last Inspection-Final Only After Above CompletedPlumbing(Ground/Underfloor Water) Underfloor Rough Gas PARTIAL INSPECTIONSMechanical(Groundwork) Building InspectionsElectrical(Underground Conduit) PERMIT FXPiP5n —inspection— not completed Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane Reinf.) Floor (Joist/Girders) Underfloor Insulation (Raised Foundation Only) Floor Nailing (Raised Foundation Only) 2nd Floor (Floor Nailing)DATE;D/I^TT?Do not cover or conceal the work below until the following applicable items have been sinned’ 1st Floor Shear Mechanical InspectionsFiresprinkler(Rough)(Fire Dept.) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) Masonry (Reinf./Bond Beam/Pre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Duct (Mechanical) Rough Mechanical Rough Electrical Plumbing InspectionsRoughCOA/Mitagation Measures Framing (Only after PIbg.,Ele„Mec.S Fire) Insulation (Sound/Energy) Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable items have been signed: Drywall Drywall Penetrations (Ele,Mec &PIbg) Interior Lath Electrical InspectionsExteriorLath Electrical Service Meter-(Meter will be set within 2-3 business days after approval)Excludes New Construction Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T-Bar (Struct.,Ele.,or Mec.) Grease Interceptor n.-,,r>.I I'-.ktJl Sewer Water Engineering Backflow (Testable Only) Water Service 1 TOOLKIT DOCUMENT #3 Solar PV Standard Plan —Simplified Central/String Inverter Systems for One-and Two-Family Dwellings SCOPE;Use this plan ONLY for utility-interactive central/string inverter systems not exceeding a system AC inverter output rating of lOkW on the roof of a one-or two-family dwelling or accessory structure.The photovoltaic system must interconnect to the load side of a single-phase AC service panel of nominal 120/240Vac with a bus bar rating of 225A or less.This plan is not intended for bipolar systems,hybrid systems or systems that utilize storage batteries,charge controllers,trackers,more than two inverters or more than one DC combiner {noninverter-integrated)per inverter.Systems must be in compliance with current California Building Standards Codes and local amendments of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).Other Articles of the California Electrical Code (CEC)shall apply as specified in 690.3. MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATION SHEETS MUST BE PROVIDED for proposed inverter,modules,combiner/junction boxes and racking systems.Installation instructions for bonding and grounding equipment shall be provided,and local AHJs may require additional details.Listed and labeled equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling (CEC 110.3).Equipment intended for use with PV system shall be identified and listed for the application (CEC 690.4[D]). 817 S Magnolia Ave,Anaheim,CA 92804,US Permit #:D License #and Class:888104,C-1Q Phone Number: Job Address: Contractor/Engineer Name: Signature: Tesla 5/26/2022Date: (If more than one inverter,complete and attach the "Supplemental Calculation Sheets"and the "Load Center Calculations"if a new load center is to be used.) 7,600 Watts Watts <10,000 Watts Location Ambient Temperatures (Check box next to which lowest expected temperature is used): V 1Total#of Inverters installed: Inverter 1 AC Output Power Rating: Inverter 2 AC Output Power Rating (if applicable): Combined Inverter Output Power Rating: 7,600 1)■Lowest expected ambient temperature for the location (TJ =Between -1 to -5 “C □Lowest expected ambient temperature for the location (TJ =Between -6 to -10 ®C Average ambient high temperature (Th)= Note:Fora lower Tl or a higher Th,use the Comprehensive Standard Plan 47 “C DC Information; Model:T400HModuleManufacturer:Tesla 11.142)Module (from module nameplate):Volts 3)Module 1^,(from module nameplate):Amps 400 Watts (STC)4)Module DC output power under standard test conditions (STC)= 5)DC Module Layout Identify each source circuit (string)for inverter 1 shown on the roof plan with a Tag (e.g.A,B,C,...)Number of modules per source circuit for inverter 1 Identify,by tag,which source circuits on the roof are to be paralleled (if none,put N/A) 1 6 Combiner 1: 2 2 1 Combiner 2: N/A Total number of source circuits for inverter 1;2 6)Are DC/DC Converters used?□Yes D No If No,skip to Step 7.If Yes enter info below. DC/DC Converter Model #: Max DC Output Current: Max #of DC/DC Converters in an Input Circuit: DC/DC Converter Max DC Input Voltage:^^^ Max DC Input Current: DC/DC Converter Max DC Input Power:N/A Volts N/A_Amps Amps Watts 7)Maximum System DC Voltage —Use A1 or A2 for systems without DC/DC converters,and B1 or B2 with DC/DC Converters. X#in series (STEP 5) x#in series (STEPS) 45.30■Al.Module Voc (STEP 2)= □A2.Module Voc (STEP 2)= 6 304.42X1,12 (If -1 £Ti <-5'C,STEP 1)=_ X 1.14 (If -6 <Ti S -lO'C,STEP 1}= V Table 1.Maximum Number of PV Modules in Series Based on Module Rated for 600 Vdc Rated Equipment (CEC 690.7) Max.Rated Module Vqc (*1.12) (Volts)29.76 31.51 33.48 35.71 38.27 41.21 44.64 48.70 53.57 59.52 66.96 76.53 89.29 Max.Rated Module Vq^(*1.14) (Volts)29.24 30.96 32.89 35.09 37.59 40.49 43.86 47.85 52.63 58.48 65.79 75.19 87.72 Max S of Modules for 600 Vdc 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Use for DC/DC converters.The value calculated below must be less than DC/DC converter max DC input voltage (STEP 6). □Bl.Module Voc (STEP 2}= □B2.Module Voc (STEP 2)= X #of modules per converter (STEP 6) X t#of modules per converter (STEP 6) xl.l2(lf -1<1,<-5X,STEP1)=_ X 1.14 (If -6 <T,<-10°C,STEP 1)= V V ^bl^^^rges^4odul^A^rSingle^h^ul^C/DC Converter Configurations (with 80 VAFCI Cap)(CEC690.7 and 690.11) Max.Rated Module Voc (*112) (Volts)30.4 33.0 35.7 38.4 41.1 43.8 46.4 49.1 51.8 54,5 57.1 59.8 62.5 65,2 67,9 70.5 Max.Rated Module Voc (*1.14) (Volts)29.8 32.5 35.1 37.7 40.4 43.0 45.6 48.2 50.9 53.5 56.1 58.8 61.4 64.0 66.7 69.3 DC/DC Converter Max DC Input (^p #6)(Volts)34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 8)Maximum System DC Voltage from DC/DC Converters to Inverter —Only required if Yes in Step 6MaximumSystemDCVoltage=Volts 9)Maximum Source Circuit Current Is Module Isc below 9.6 Amps (Step 3)?□Yes ■No (If No,use Comprehensive Standard Plan) 10)Sizing Source Circuit Conductors Source Circuit Conductor Size =Min.#10 AWG copper conductor,90X wet {USE-2,PV Wire,XHHW-2, THWN-2,RHW-2) For up to 8 conductors in roof-mounted conduit exposed to sunlight at least Yz"from the roof covering (CEC 310) Note:For over 8 conductors in the conduit or mounting height of lower than Yz"from the roof,use Comprehensive Plan. 11)Are PV source circuits combined prior to the inverter?■Yes □No If No,use Single Line Diagram 1 and proceed to Step 13. If Yes,use Single Line Diagram 2 with Single Line Diagram 4 and proceed to Step 12. Is source circuit OCPD required?□Yes ■No Source circuit OCPD size (if needed):15 Amps 12)Sizing PV Output Circuit Conductors —If a combiner box will NOT be used (Step 11), Output Circuit Conductor Size =Min.#6 AWG copper conductor 13)Inverter DC Disconnect Does the inverter have an integrated DC disconnect?■Yes If No,the external DC disconnect to be installed is rated for _ □No If Yes,proceed to step 14. Volts (DC)Amps (DC)and 14)Inverter Information Manufacturer: Max.Continuous AC Output Current Rating:32 Integrated DC Arc-Fault Circuit Protection?■Yes □No (If No is selected.Comprehensive Standard Plan) Grounded or Ungrounded System?□Grounded ■Ungrounded Model:7.6 kW Tesla Inc 153800(Tesla Amps AC Information: 15)Sizing Inverter Output Circuit Conductors and OCPD Inverter Output OCPD rating =40 Amps (Table 3) Inverter Output Circuit Conductor Size =^AWG (Table 3) Table 3.Minimum Inverter Output OCPD and Circuit Conductor Size 36 40 48242832inverterContinuousOutputCurrentRating(Amps)(Step 14)16 2012 50 60354045MinimumOCPDSize(Amps)20 25 3015 6 6886MinimumConductorSize(AWG,75°C,Copper)12 10 1014 16)Point of Connection to Utility Only load side connections are permitted with this plan.Otherwise,use Comprehensive Standard Plan. Is the PV OCPD positioned at the opposite end from input feeder location or main OCPD location?■Yes □No If Yes,circle the Max Combined PV System OCPD(s)at 120%value as determined from Step 15 (or StepS20),bus bar Rating,and Main OCPD as shown in Table 4. If No,circle the Max Combined PV System OCPD(s)at 100%value as determined from Step 15 (or StepS20),bus bar Rating,and Main OCPD as shown in Table 4. Per 705.12(D)(2}:[Inverter output OCPD size [Step #15 or S20]+Main OCPD Size]<[bus size x (100%or 120%)] Table 4.Maximum Combined Supply OCPDs Based on Bus Bar Rating (Amps)per CEC 705.12(D)(2) Bus Bar Rating 100 125 125 200 200 200 225 225 225 Main OCPD 100 100 125 150 175 200 175 200 225 Max Combined PV System OCPD(s) at 120%of Bus Bar Rating 20 50 25 60*60*60*40 60*45 Max Combined PV System OCPD(s) at 100%Bus Bar Rating 0 25 0 50 25 0 50 25 0 ●This value has been lowered to 60 A from the calculated value to reflect 10 kW AC size maximum. Reduction of the main breaker is not permitted with this plan.Otherwise,use Comprehensive Standard Plan. 17 &18 &19)Labels and Grounding and Bonding This content is covered by the labels on the next page and the Single Line Diagram(s).For backgroundinformation,refer to the Comprehensive Standard Plan. Solar PV Standard Plan —Simplified Central/String Inverter Systems for One-and Two-Family Dwellings Markings CEC Articles 690 and 705 and CRC Section R331 require the following labels or markings be installed at these components of the photovoltaic system: WARNING DUAL POWER SOURCES SECOND SOURCE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM R.4TED AC OUTPUT CURRENT-32 AMPS AC NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE 240 VOLTS WARNING INN’ERTER Ol TPIIT CONNECTION; DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCCRRENT DEVICE 4 — CEC 705.12(D)(7) |No(required if panelboard is rated not less than sum of ampere ratings of all overcurrent devices supplying it| CEC 690.54 &CEC 705.12(D)(4) I PV STEM AC DISCONNECTRATEDAC01TPUTCl'RRENT - ^-AC NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE 240 VOLTS A M AMPS WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD.THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED C CEC 690.54 WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED, NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED CEC 690.35(F) [Only required for ungrounded systems]INVERTER <— CEC 690.5(C) jNormally already present on listed inverters]WARNING:PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE —-*->h—I WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION ICRCR331.2 and CFC 605.11.1 {Marked on junction/conibiner boxes and conduit every 10’] II yIny I w 'J-A D CEC 690.17icJ/Box ±K PV SYSTEM DC DISCONNECT RATED MAX POWER-POINT CURRENT-2'.54ADC RATED MAX POWER-POINT VOLTAGE-222reVDC SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT-2228ADC MAXIMIIM SYSTEM VOLTAGE-29096VDC CEC 690.53 Code Abbreviations: California Electrical Code (CEC) California Residential Code (CRC) California Fire Code (CFC) Informational note:ANSI Z535.4 provides guidelines for the design of safety signs and labels for application to products..A phenolic plaque m ith contrasting colors between the text and background would meet the intent of the code for permanency.No type size is specified,hut 20 point (3/8”)should be considered the minimum. CEC 705.12 requires a permanent plaque or directory denoting all electric power sources on or in the premises. Solar PV Standard Plan —Simplified Central/String Inverter Systems for One-and Two-Family Dwellings ATA6 1 DESCRIPTION SOLAR PV MODULE /STRING SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM #1 -NO STRINGS COMBINED PRIOR TO INVERTERDC/DC CONVERTERS INSTALLED?2 (IF YES.STEPS 6 &8 REQUIRED)No SOURCE CtRCUrr junction box INSTALLED?:3 N SEPARATE DC DISCONNECT INSTALLED?:4 N CHECK A BOX FOR WHETHER SYSTEM IS GROUNDED OR UNGROUNDED:I IgROUNDED (INCLUDE GEC) r7~|uNGR0UNDE0 INTERNAL INVERTER PC DISCONNECT:5 Y CENTRAL INVERTER6 Y FOR UNGROUNDED SYSTEMS: -DC OCPD MUST DISCONNECT BOTH CONDUCTORS OF EACH SOURCE CIRCUtT -UNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS MUST BE IDENTIFIED PER 210.5(C).WHITE-FINISHED CONDUCTORS ARE NOT PERMITTED. 7 LOAD CENTER INSTALLED?:N PV PRODUCTION METER INSTALLED?:8 N ●SEPARATE AC DISCONNECT INSTALLED?:9 Y CONNECT TO INVERTER #2 (USE LINE DIAGRAM 2)10 *Consult with your local AHJ and /or Utility RSO unit installed per 2019 CEC A a 200 MAAAAMAINSERVICEPANEL3 L MAIN OCPDfiMODULES AI6MODULES 5E ■A PVOCPDMODULES 403*V"MODULES C A B IF OC/DC CONVERnRS ARE USED.CHECK THE BOX BELOW THE CORRESPONDING CONFIGURATION INVHRTE^INVERTEi it2o pCONOUCTOR/CONDUIT SCHEDULE CONDUCTOR NUMBEROF CONDUCTORS CONDUIT/CABLE□TAG DESCRIPTION AND CONDUCTOR TYPE CONDUITSIZESIZETYPE USE-Zn OR PV-WIREBA *10 2 FVWfB M'EWT EGC/GEC «6 1 6 PVWRE 410 2 THWM-2 WEMT EGC/GEC «6 1 THWN-2C SB 2 THWN-2 yv EMT □□EGC/GEC ●10 1 ENTER 'N/A'WHERE SUITABLE FOR WHEN NOT USING CONDUIT OR CABLE AS PERMITTED BY CODE PARALLEL OC/OC CONVERTERS ON ONE SOURCE ORCUIT (FIXED UNIT VOLTAGE OC/DC CONVERTERS) DC/DC CONVERTERS ARE ALL RUN IN SERIES (FIXED SOURCE CIRCUIT VOLTAGE DC/DC CONVERTERS) 0 THWM-2 ●8 2 THWN.2 W6MT EGC/GEC #10 1 SOLAR PV STANDARD PLAN Roof Layout Diagram for One-and Two-Family Dwellings T I I w 00I LEGEND-r-r /t/7J/rrst/.I o yRB I (E)nuvEVrtr/● ©o (E)UTIUTY METER &WARNING LABEL INVERTER W/INTEGRATED DC DISCO i WARNING LAnaS OC disconnect &WARNING LABELS -i O I j>T■Is © \nz Siiteko\I AC DISCONNECT &WARNING LABELS OC JUNCTICN/COWBINER BOX &LABELS 0o E3H @ ?i 9 Front Of HouseACo DISTRI3UT1CN PANEL i LABELS LOAD CENTK i WARNING LABaS9 Inv G DEDICATED PV STSTEM METER 90O RAPID SHUTDOWN -4 -STANDOF LOCATIONS CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE/FENCE HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED I3*FSB 9 o r--?4I, Items required:roof layout of all panels,modules,clear access pathways and approximate locations of electrical disconnecting means and roof access points. Photovoltaic Module ~400H.and T405H Module Specifications Electrical Characteristics 0««;T39SH T4C0H Tt *●*HK^ce iK.STI -■:oGfr‘> ifta ●- Mechanical Loadin9 Temperature Rating (STC) ●*»^5 r Mechanical Parameters r- M4 ●412 -.● Operation Parameters ife - Unear Power Warranty »*rn II IV Curves '»n:wi»Tt ■rr9v r , 1"ho Tosla So'a'Shutdown Dovico is n M'd-Circu-t 'rtorrjD'.Gr fMCO ar='5 Dari of PV svsIot '■acd snutdown (PSD>functton in accordarze wi'h A'tickj 690 c‘the aopli-ablo NEC.When oairod i«ilh tho Tosla Solar Irrvc'to'.solar arrav shutdown is 'nitiatod bv anv loss ol AC ODVior f electrical SPEC'FlCATiONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model Number MCI-'Electrical ConnectKms MC<Comeaor Nominal Inout DC Current RaDng (i^HousingMaximuminputShortCircuitCurrent(1^)*r.’asi'c Maximum System voltage hoo V !xr Dimensions Y -SO ●rr ■L.in X G n X -ml Weight itog(0,77ibi Mounting Ootions .'{'P Hor-e P_-C o Mr.Screw fC'Oi MB Boi- ●Ji‘>VOOO'TCi,V PSD MODULE PEP-ORMANCE Maximum Number or Devices ber string Control '(V- Qassfve State ■'ncor Maximum Power Consumotion _5T-mrr Warranty Screw AUCE information 650 mm o MR 3o’Certmcations Ul 'T.1-PV-RSf,III jrr. PvnsA rP'oiovoitac R.IDIC :'t.jIOcw * PSD mttiatton Mettv>d I".'em fiC RroariM C'-w ■od Sc'owCoriDatitmEauipmentjccC-omcaf.b,'.:v'.'dO'c ENV'R r:TAL SPECIF'CATiONS 125 rr-mAmWentTemperature22mm■.I’'■“●-.iO’'r rr> Storage Temperature Enclosure Rating .'j-c -77-r to 1S8-T- 1 /IOKp UL 374T PV MAZAPO CON^POL fAND PVRSA):OMPATiBILITV ●-●icwT';roOLi!i>s3'pcer.rflGioL:37^-and ul 1741 pvrsa wno-ms:.i ec wn-t-e *esa Soa- -●r-n fn r'~i-c-'r inv i---o;;aron Man_a'’o'oetaiieo ● '■>’.Mth —■■aouif"- 1".j‘d So .1 .:arv f .-ac/,●.“"d nuioance o-lasto ●'g tesia 5oa'r Brand Model Reouired Solar Shutdown Devices ,,t ,1'0r<“*L ■Solar Shutoow-Dovce ov 10 modijiej ;'titr I ■●■■■to mcreme-tsf*!',’Solar Shut cow-Devce oer i rodulos' 'or-.i »tniiLV.’,imrem-e-tsor5;■Solar Shutdown Devce cxy 3 modules H;-.%rj-m,'.ripir.g:.-Solar Shuioow-Devce oer 3 modules ll.t'W'.T Q.f;-=;-,ri G.r,●■Solar Shutocw Dev re oer 3 modules Exception r..mreemoduli;i'.voes’gn ''tmeertture-oxerw;'' SOLAR INVERTER Tesla Solar Inverter orov-des OC to AC conversjonand irvcerates '/nth the Tesla ecosystem, 'ncluding Solar Panels,Solar Roof.Powerwall.and vehicle chargmg.to provide a seamless sustair'aWe energy exocnor^e. KEY FEATURES Integrated rapid shutdown,arc tault.and ground fault protection No neutral wire simplifies installation 2x the standard romper of MPPTs lor nigh production on complex roofs / ●V ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS MODEI.NUMBED 1S34000-xx-y 1538000-xx-y Dimenstons v:o-i-Ti 1711"X 158 i-m (?G in T ’C m X 6 I OUTPLTT (AC)3.8 kV-Weight■«kW V?IS'\Nominal Power 3.B00W 7.C0OW Mounting options Wj I (arsckeri Maximum Apparent Power i.lTBVAal 2C0V C,6L£VA*MBV iwo VA at ?40 V r.cso va at Jio v ans CTAcliet t.rc weight o'57 t I'-'-TMaximumContinuousCurrent1CA53A =S;V"Breaker coyercurrem Protection)30 A 10 A /Y ■■k nNominalPowerFactor1-0.9flMC ng /Lagg-gi THO (at Nominal Power)'St =sINPUT(DO 6S0 mmMPPT4 Input Connectors per MPPT 1-7 1-2-1-3 Maximum input Voltage 600 VDCI OC input Voltage Range DC MPPT Vowge Range BO-DM VDC I 00 ●<eo vDc‘± Maximum Current per mppt (|^> Maximum Short Circuit Current per MPin"(1^ ■3A lw 411 mm U_'M.■1*7 AL"h-.n ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature -30'y:ioid"c f-7?"P to nsic' Peak cmciency PSlai 70S V 58.H3I 740V 9a-isat?oev 98C»at3«)V operating Humidity (RH)uo to 'OO*.cendensmg VERTER storage Temperature -x-c to rcrc (-73'y to IDStiCECEmctency97i»at 308 V 97J»3t2ao'» 9/.5KaC 7CSV 9am*340 V Maximum Elevation 3000 -n (984J rt'. AHowaoie DC/AC Ratio/Enytronment 10000-and outdocr rated Customer interface Enciostire RatingTesiaMapeApo VD0 3R er oamotetes the Tesla nomc spiar system,converting OC cower from solar to AC oerwer for home consumption,Tesla's !se r power electromcs has Oeoncorrb'nod with robust safetv feat ures and a simple rrstaMation process to produce an 'inve-e-thfli is compatible with both Solar Roof and traditional sder panels.Once installnd,nomeowmers use the Tesla inage their sola-system arvdmomlor energy consurnption,resulting in a truly unique ecosystem exocnerxre. internet Connectfvity wi-Tic 4 GHa,ao7,i;D/g,'r). Elhemec,Cetiuttr aTT/iCy ingress Raong IP'S (Winng compartmer-t' Ponutton Ratmg PD7 for powe-oioctimics and te-r -a w;f-v comparvnent.P05 for a'l orner ctrrponertsACRemoteMeteringSupportWl-ru(2.1Girz,933.v D/g/->. R5-4K operating Norse cr 1 m ●40 OKA)"ominji,<sodKAirartr-umProtectionsiTegnreda-c lauit c-Tiutt intirruptw rAFO),Paexa ShL-Oow-●r-.r *"e 7.C kw Swa'Tve^of,tjer'fy-na'cpmav he de-rateo loG.3 <●*’; 3«)Vo-L.37 xw at 308 Vvs-ren oomfigai tc*—aeraiures mwe-th* ID-CSupportedGridTypesCOHZ.740 V salt p-aw> eoHz.TCGVwye"rwail 2 technologv for jfficiencv and re'iaC'lity lot.and cc'lularcnrinecttvitv or-iheairi^xdates Designed to Ttcgrate with Tesla Poworwa'I and Tesla Aoo 3.B kW and 7.6 kW models available COMPLIANCE INFORMATIONCUf^WT V(SoP«thpOC.ntxrt cjjnorf mppt r»trs9.a*cw a MPOT to rtatra aoetioml DC eufn/1 uc fa ?C A i^CoiKitar ccn*«ocfv»?v s<^iocl * be uMd o r e>opera or wjros e coveraqa at«3 Grid Certmcanons UL 174T.UL T741 SA.ittV 11hS7.JCCE safety Certmeanons UL i74i PVRSS.UL 'CseB.iJL 1998 (USXUL 3.v Emissions hN6iOOO-G-3 rBesdentqi),FCCITCFP'D 1091a HAZARD CONTROL SYSTEM I ZS PVHCS PV HAZARD CONTROL SYSTEM PVHCS |CERTiFICATrONRFPORTDATF●n-20-2UAPPl ICABl F TO ZS COMP,/S SPAN ZSRAMP ANDZSSFAM-, APID SHUTDOWN ARRAY.Ul ^7A^CATFGORv OJP UL 37A1 RFPORT DATE 8-12-2' PV RAPID SHUTDOWN ARRAY.Ul 17/1 CATEGORY OUR.REPORT DA7T.2021-06-11 (RFV 8-10-2' I'NG To *o0uce the n»k of «)ury,read all mtruoiorts WARNING To rwXice the riak of m|ury,read al matroctions TAZARD CONTROL EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS PV HAZARD CONTROL EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS P>*Tware VsrsonsorModelNc C«<T*c»or Standaro Finnware Verw* and Cl'edtsvns FuncOor Manutaoure'Model No CeriAcaMn Sv>oardEM-d Orouil Tnu N'A U.1741 PVRSEc«>"wa!PVRSEU^CraM lntafnjo(*r (WCI1 MCI-1 fMOSTO'Tf«la WA Ul 1741 PVR SE7e»w -ssaow SSkM ’;3400Q 7ak«y TSSOQOO V4 CEA4FS0: V4 FF7BE4EI V4 CEA4FS03 K or Ponemid*Ul I74t 19M PVRSS.PVRS6 Tevj 76kw luaaoo' 3SkW 1534000' 7 0kW 1950000' V4,CEA4FB(C V4,FF7B£4g1 V4,CEA4F0C UL 1741.1009 PVRSSIPVRSE Tt«la Q PEAK DUO BLK-G5«C310-3rC jGPEAKDUOBLKG0WSC330-3»‘iT^aTroS ioa =405 »450'I 7*^TFirf»(Dtits305to4Ifl ] SR90T1.SR73T1 SR72T2 Harer-a'Q-CELL3 I PVMoome Tesla N/AUltTTO UL 61730KATestaUL51730RodeHarness lNt»awtoeiie B SRTrrS)Tesla SROTH N/A ULP703 SR-ej2X.SR-8J3X. SR-BJ4X SR-BJMaPVWreAeiBe^s'T v»imo>Ped^jBd PV \YS»m AC eecue breaker or AC drscorirwel IjbelM per NEC 660 13 Tesla N/A UL6703NA Pass-Threu^8e>Tesla SRPT&4 WA Ul 1741ji^jkor rwaarj E«-ie»Ver<y sms devie*/NBOF Ls»d 'Emefoency Sep Bu»r'or ‘Erneryeney SlopDerca'or Smerpency Stop Up<"UL !Oe or UL 60047 Parts 1 5-1 and 5-5 PVHCS ineaker (PV Irwerteri Dedicaied PV stsae<>i AC cweuit breaker or AC osccrr«ct switch,labeled per NEC600.12 reouremercs N/A es »vanations o'ths part -v^er w4h suff*oT two rtjrce^»io ore 'eCer. ®VHCS irsU«a«H3n regyre-wrei may reduce »ie effeoeve E ramgs m order «atf>wve PVHCS Shoo*hatard redwctw PVHCS Irrtascr (Pewcfw^M Emergency sso deirc*(NlSD>-Listed -Emergency Stop Button-or -Emergeney S*e«Device'or -Emergency Slop UmT Ul 508 or UL 600*7 Parts 1.5-1 and 6-feouome*HarW compooewrjfmgspeBwinerndvHiua'eqiwimeotardcorrootren t ■Appkes »vanatorrs o'tf»s pan number wiP\si^o'two nunBers and one lederreoueemems Note PVHCS nsW*«n regueements rnay r«AM tw eAecfnre equvrrwnt and cemoonere ratings below »w rtfwiduR eguvmere and cgrBorw PVR5E raengs n crow B artwve PVHCS s»»e*nas«reduebonCSINSTALLATIONREQUIREMENTS reouremenM jysfern Voltage 600 Voc PVHCS INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS :S Manmum CinaM VoAage iA-ray internal VOItage A*e»Actuaoof»i 165 Vdc (cow weat'er ooe"crcut)Max Sysom Voibge 600 VocJenes-Cormected Modules Setween MCte »en Tesla 5-Ser*s (TnoSimodules msiaSed’P Beat^s ■rweS'e ma«VOC 1^3esa*otw design teriBer»vre erceeds *55V shal be i»m*d to 2 modules between MS's PVHCS Maximtfn Crcurt Voltage (Array 'riemal Voflage After Achieboni 165 Voc (coW weather oeen orcurtl Max Sene*-Conrtected Panels between MCte 10 ER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS OTHER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MCI nwst be connecied la one end d each senes string or mounting plane lub-arrey string 1 An MCI must be connected to one end of each senes strvtg or mounbng plane sub-array stmg -#caoon that MCls are nstafled wth 3 or fewer ●nodutes between MCls shan be aocu-ented for uremem logs aiWw as-Ou't stnng layout diagrams. inspecbon.by votcjge 2.Venficaoon that MCls are installed wrtMO or fewer modules betereen MCls shall be documented (tor Bspecbon.by voltage measuremert logs and/or as-binft strmg layout diagrams. ●PV Inverter The pvhc S vibator (AC breaker or swtcht shal be sired and mstased m accordance with NEC reowements. oecfic part shall be Ktenblted on the as-buiit system cbawuigs ●PowerwaH*The PVHCS emergency slop initiator shat have the otllowing m*wnum rasngi Outdoor (Type 3R or higher),12V, nd than be mstaied m accordance with NEC reourements The speofic pah shal be Wentifted on the as-buM system drawingstothePowerwe'H nttaitoxin manual otr further oetaH 3.For PV Inverter The PVHCS iniMtor (AC breaker or switch)she*be seed and inslalted m accordance with NEC regusememsThespecificpahshallbeidentifiedonthea$-buM system ftrewmgs 4 For Poweruul*-The PVHCS emergency Mop xnbator shal have the otlowvig minimum rabngs Outdoor (Type 3R or fugher).f1A,and shal be nstaOed m accordance wtoi NEC reguirements The loeoAc part shall be xJentfied Refer ot the Powerwal*nttaOalion manuaf for further detaite on the ts-buill system drawm L SfCtUo"Mart CT U.cn ew mttocn wwuuww 1 Pw only nwWBO arwrww bv UL B oww*|r .q Cwrtc^or jnd XcaMrlto Swvic*Th*CwtIcMr Mwk otr Pwm pmoucti nduort tw UL symbol ot*wves XERTtREO-»»0 -SAF E TV -ot*gro^^McBorwAwi s L arw A ●●'XWB4T CntTiFIID OrvSc*on Mark U.on »w rwa«<ir>nwruewos I*tw or*y nweioo eromded by Ul B otw*6»eraduets m»wtoe«ww5 WWW « Cwt*c»on»wFe«w4*Swv>e*Th»(>mlto»onMafktortw«*p>oaucn«ie)ki(i««t wULtWT«oi tw worts 'CERTlMEr WB ■SAFCTV,-At p»oofast«.e BwWiwfSL ana a Ito nunBw i E51533« 'I/S-OS00JO71 < Solar Permit Structural Criteria for Residential Flush-Mounted Solar Arrays Please answer ALL of the questions. 1.Roof Checks A.Visual Review/Contractor’s Site Audit of Existing Conditions; 1)Is the roof a single roof without a reroof overlay? 2)Does the roof structure appear structurally sound,without signs of alterations or significant structuraldeteriorationorsagging,as illustrated in Figure 1?B.Roof Structure Data: 1)Measured roof slope (e.g.6:12): 2)Measured rafter spacing (center-to-center); 3)Type of roof framing (rafter or manufactured truss): 2.Solar Array Checks A,Flush-mounted Solar Array; 1)Is the plane of the modules (panels)parallel to the plane of the roof?2)Is there a 2"to 10”gap between underside of module and the roof surface? 3)Modules do not overhang any roof edges (ridges,hops,gable ends,eaves)?B.Do the modules plus support components weigh no more than;4 psf for photovoltaic arrays or 5 psf forsolarthermalarrays? C.Does the array cover no more than half of the total roof area (all roof planes)?D.Are solar support component manufacturer's project-specific completed worksheets,tables with relevantcellscircled,or web-based calculator results attached? E.Is a roof plan of the module and anchor layout attached?(see Figure 2)F.Downward Load Check (Anchor Layout Check): 1)Proposed anchor horizontal spacing (see Figure 2);2)Horizontal anchor spacing per Table 1: 3)Is proposed anchor horizontal spacing less than Table 1 spacing?G.Wind Uplift Check (Anchor Fastener Check): 1)Anchor fastener data (see Figure 3): a.Diameter of lag screw,hanger bolt or self-drilling b.Embedment depth of rafter: c.Number of screws per anchor (typically one); d.Are 5/16"diameter lag screws with 2.5''embedment into the rafter used,OR does the anchor fastenermeetthemanufacturer's guidelines? YES YES YES YES 2;I2 24 in Rafter YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 4 ft 6 ft YES YES YES screw:5/16 in 2.5 in YES