General (3) Susana Barrios From:davidparkhays@gmail.com Sent:Friday, March AM To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Project DisneylandForward You don't often get email from Learn why this is important Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Good morning, While I want to be optimistic about what the new expansions will be bring to Anaheim, I am concerned on how it is going to be executed by the Walt Disney Company. There are many people, who are longtime Disney fans like myself, for nearly the past 20 years watch and think if Walt Disney were still alive would he approve on the direction Bob Iger and the rest of corporate are taking this company that was known for its top-notch innovative creativity by throwing in cheap, unoriginal, and anti-consumer tactics/ideas at every corner? Because unfortunately I cannot stop to notice these dreadful practices happening, especially after the pandemic, the magic is disappearing more and more because it looking like corporate is limiting what the Imagineers are allowed to do and what not. The international theme park resorts almost play by their own roles and it shows the lack of care and quality the American counterparts have when it comes with new ideas and benefits taken away from consumers. My hope is that creative aspects of this company remain priority, but that just seems more difficult to believe as we watch what this company is failing in doing: bringing new ideas that Walt Disney would create: cancelled ideas like Discovery Bay/Dumbo’s Circus Land/WestCOT, existing ideas like Discoveryland in Paris and Tokyo DisneySea, and unexplored ideas like a Villains theme expansion, not recycling cheap existing ideas from other parks and constantly making IP lands that will become dated and not timeless, since Universal first introduced the Wizarding World which continues to stay popular as Galaxy’s Edge and Avengers Campus are already becoming stale by making Galaxy’s Edge locked in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy instead of Tatooine/Endor and making DCA’s Web Slingers a glorified shooting gallery which is in 3-D and missing other attraction with BlueSky ideas that probably won’t happen just like how Mr. Josh D’Amaro has been doing recent years at D23. Thank you for taking the time read this email as there is plenty of work to do. Please encourage Disney to bring back the magic what people once loved that started to become absent since the beginning stages of Bob Iger’s CEO position. Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world. It is something that will never be finished. Something that I can keep developing and adding to.” - Walt Disney If we can dream it, we can do it. 1 Sincerely, David, partisan signer of Project DisneylandForward Sent from my iPhone 2