ING SECTIONS 16.16.030, 16.16.040 AND OF CHAPTER 16.169 TITLE 169 OF
SECTIONS 16.16.030, 16.16.040 AND.16.16.050
That Sections 16.16.030, 16.16.040 and 16.16.050 of
Chapter 16:16, Title 16, of the Anaheim Municipal -Code be, and
the same are hereby, repealed.
That new Sections 16.16.030,. and
of Chapter 16.16 be, and the .same are hereby, added to Title 16
of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to -read as follows:
16.16.030.Fire Zone No. 1.
16.16.040 Fire Zone No. 2.
16.16.050 Fire Zone No. 3.
16.16.030 FIRE ZONE NO. 1.
The property included in
Fire Zone No. 1 shall be as
.010 Heimann & George's
That portiononof Lot 1 and Lot 5 not
included in Fire Zone No. 2, and all
of Lot 2, all in Block A; Lots
54 to 61, both inclusive, in Block
.020 Subdivision Qf
Vineyard Lot.D- : - . Lots
12 to 16; both inclusive, in Block
G; Lots 1 to 12, both inclusive,
in Block H; said Subdivision of
Vineyard Lot D-3, as shown on a
map recorded in Book 34, page
592 of Deeds, Records of Los
Angeles County.
.030.Resubdivision of
Block F of Vineyard Lot D-3:
Lots 10 to 15, both inclusive.
.040 Track No. 76,
Music _Hall Subdivision, as
shown on a map recorded in
Book 10, page 19, M.M.: All
of said subdivision.
.050 Center Tract:
Lots 26 to 40, both
inclusive, in Block A; Lots
1 to 13, both inclusive, in both
Blocks B and C; and Lots 1, 2
-and 3, in Block N.
.060 Resubdivision -of
Northerly Part of Block A,
Center Tract: Lots 1 to 13,
both inclusive.
..070 Amended Map of
a portion of the Center Tract,
as shown on a map recorded in
Book 1, page 91, M.M.: The
westerly rectangular one
hundred fifty-five feet of
that parcel of said tract
bounded on the easterly side by
South Claudina Street, on the west-.
erly side by South Los Angeles
Street (now known as Anaheim
Boulevard), on the southerly side
by East Santa Ana Street, and on
the northerly side by the south-
erly line of the alley lying along
the southerly boundary of Konig
.080 Vineyard Lots: The
westerly rectangu ar eet of
that part of Lot G-3 lying northerly
of the northerly line of Geerdes
.090 Geerdes Subdivision:
Lots 1, 2 and'the northerly rect-
angular ten feet of Lot' ' 3 .
.100 Vineyard Lots: That
part of Lot G-4 describeff as follows:
Beginning -at the northeast corner of
Lot 32 of Griggs Court; thence
Southwesterly along the northerly
line of said Lot 32, and said line
extended, to the southeast corner of
Lot 23 of said Griggs Court; thence
Northwesterly along the easterly line
Lots 23, 22 and 21, of said Griggs
Court, to the northeast corner of said
Lot 21; thence Southwesterly along
the northerly line of said Lot 21 to
the northwest corner thereof; thence
Northwesterly along the extended
westerly line of'said Lot 21, fifty
feet; thence Northeasterly parallel to
the northerly line of said Lot G-4,
seventy feet; thence Northwesterly,
parallel to the easterly line of said
Lot G-4 two hundred ninety-eight feet,
more or less, to the northerly line of
said Lot G-4; thence Northeasterly
along said northerly line to the west-
erly line to the westerly line of
South Los Angeles Street (now known as
Anaheim Boulevard); thence South-
easterly along the westerly line of
South Los Angeles Street (now known
as Anaheim Boulevard) to -the point of
.110 Original -City -Lots:
Lots 1, 5, 9, 13, the easterly sixty
feet of Lots 10 and 14,'Lots 17 to 24
and Lots 33 to 64.
.210 Vineyard Lots:
.120 The Langenber-
That part of the easterly 268.25
ger Tract: Lots 7 to 14,
feet of Lot.D-6 lying southerly of
both inclusive,.in Block D-5;
the northerly line of Lots 8, 9 and
Lots 6 and 36, and Lots 41 to
10, of Janss Subdivision, extended
46, both inclusive; and Lots
53 and 54, all in Block E-5.
.220 Vineyard Lots: All
.130 Chestnut Street
of Lot D-5 not heretofore included
Subdivision, as shown on a map
in any other recorded Subdivision of
recorded in Book 6, page 35,
said lot.
M.M.: All of said Subdivision.
.230 New Subdivision of
.140 Tract No. 829:
Vineyard Lot D-5: Lots 9 to 16,
The westerly one hundred ten
both inclusive, in Block G.
feet of said tract.
.240 Konig Subdivision:
.150 Vineyard Lots:
Lots 1 to 9, both inclusive.
All that part of Lot E-5
.250 The northerly three
lying north of Oak Street and
hundred seventy-six feet of Vineyard
westerly of the westerly line
Lot G-4 bounded on the north by
of Lots 15 and 16, in Block
Santa Ana Street, on the east by Los
E=5, of the Langenberger
Angeles Street (now known as Anaheim
Boulevard); and on the west by Lemon
.160 Enterprise
Tract: Lots 1, 2, 3, 24,
25 and 26, i•n Block 2; Lots
5 to 13, both inclusive,
Lots 24, 25 and 26, and Lot
A, all in Block 1.
.170 Vineyard
16.16.040 FIRE ZONE NO. 2.
Lots: That part of Lot E-
The property incltided in
6 lying northerly of the
Fire Zone No. 2 shall be as follows:
northerly line -of Lot A,
.010 Amended map of a
in Block 1, and easterly
portion of the -Center Tract, as shown
of the easterly line of Lot
on a map recorded in Book 1, page 91,'
1, of Enterprise Tract.
M.M.: That parcel of said tract
.180 Resh's
bounded on the easterly side by South
Subdivision: Lots 'S and
Claudine Street, on the westerly side
6, in Block 4.
by South Los Angeles Street (now known
.190 Vineyard
as Anaheim Boulevard), on the southerl,,
Lots: That part of Lot
side by the north line of Santa Ana
D-6, lying south of the
Street and -on the north by the souther
westerly extension of .
line of the alley lying along the
the south line of Lot 4,
southerly boundary of Konig Subdivisio:
Janss Subdivision, and
between the easterly line
westerly rectangular one hundred
of Block 4, Resh's Sub-
fifty-five feet thereof.
division and the westerly
.020 Mary Goodman "Tact,
line of Janss Subdivision.
as shown on a map recorded in'Book 7,
.200 Janss
page 21, M'.M.: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Subdivision: hots 1, 2,
and 6.
3, 8, 9 and 10.
.030 Hart
Subdivision: Lots 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 and 7.
.040 Babin ecerr
Subdivision, as shown on a
map recorded -in Book 7, page 23,
M.M.: All of said subdivision.
.050 Section 3,
Township 4 South, Range 10
West, S.B.B. •& M: The south
one hundred eighty feet of the
southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter of said
section lying between Kemp
Street and North Lemon Street;
that -portion of said section,
one hundred fifty feet in
width, lying northeasterly of
and adjoining the north-
easterly line of North Los
Angeles Street (now known as
Anaheim Boulevard) between La
Palma Avenue and North Lemon
Street; and -that portion of
said Section 3, one hundred
sixty feet in width, lying
easterly of and adjoining
the east line of :worth Lemon
Street, and bounded on the south
by the centerline of .North
Los Angeles Street (now known
as Anaheim Boulevard), and on
the north by a line drawn at
right angles to the east line
of sai3 North Lemon Street
through the point of inter-
section of the east line of
North Lemon Street -with the
southeasterly extension of the
southerly line of Lot 42 of
Hart Subdivision; excepting
any portion of said section
lying northerly of the north-
erly boundary of said last
above mentioned one hundred
sixty foot strip.
.060 Wilke Addition:
Lots 1, 2 and 10, in - Block A;
Lots 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14 and 15, in Block B; and
Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block
.070 Tract No 304, Mil IsPaz
Tract, as shown on a map -recorded in
oS ok-14, page 50, M.M.: Lots 1 to 6,
both inclusive, in Block 1; and Lots
1 to 13, both inclusive, in Block 4.
.080 Anaheim Extension:
That part of Lot 42, lying between West
North Street and the southerly line
of Block C of Wilke Addition, and
between North Los Angeles Street (now
known as Anaheim Boulevard) and the
southerly extension of the easterly
line of the alley in Block C of Wilke
.090 Tract No. 158, Elk_
Park Tract, as shown on a mate recorded
in book 12, page 8, M.M.: Lots 1 tp 15,
both inclusive, in Block A.
.100 Tract No.•23, Ze n
Tract Annex No. , as Shown on a map
recorded. in B8ok 9, page 24, M.M.: LotE
1 to 15, both inclusive, in Block E.
.110 Zeyn Tract Annex, as
shown on a map recor ea in Book '7 ,
page 5, M.M..: Lots 1 to 5, both
inclusive,'in Block A, and Lots 1 to
8, both inclusive, in Block B.
120 Tract No. 135, Elliott -
Anderson Sub.,'as s own on a map re-
corae-a in Book 11, page 24, M.M.:
Lots 1 to 5, both inclusive, in Block
.130 Rothaermel's Addition,
as shown on a map recorded in Book 4,
page 82, M.M.: All except the east-
erly fifty feet of Lots 1 and 2, in
Block 3; and all.of Lots 1 to 6, both
inclusive, in Block 4.
.140 Heimann & George's
Addition: The easterly one hundred
Meet of the northerly one
hundred feet, and the easterly one
hundred ten feet of the southerly 81.5
feet, of Lot 1, and all of Lots 3 and
4, and the easterly sixty feet of Lot
5, all in Block A; Lots 62 to.68, both
inclusive, in Block E.
.150 Subdivision of Vinegar
Lot D-3:, Lots 1 to ]5', all inclusive,
in Block D; and all of Block B.
-b-.. - - .
.160 Sunrise•Tract, as
both inclusive, in Block A; Lots 14
shown on a map recorded in
to 22, both inclusive, and Lots 30
Book 3, page 38, M.M.: All -of
to 38, both -inclusive in both Blocks
-- said Tract.
B and C; and Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, in
.170 Resubdivision of
Block N.
Block F of Vineyardo D - J:
.260 Resubdivision of '
Lots o 9, both inclusive.
northerly part of Block A Center
.180 Resubdivision ofTract:
Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17.
Block E - Vineyard Lot D-3,
.270 Konig Subdivision:
as shown on a map recorded in
Lots 10 to 18, both inclusive.
Book 28, page 63, M.R.: Lots
.280 Geerdes Subdivision:
7 to 16; both inclusive.
Lots 4 to 8, -both inclusive.
.190 Nemetz Addition,
.290 Tract No. 373, Berger
as shown on a map recorded in
Tract, as shown on a map recorded in
Book 4, page 54, M.M.: All of
Book 15, page 49, M.M.: Lots 1 to 7,
said subdivision.
both inclusive, in Block A.
.200 Santa Fe Tract,
.300 Carroll Subdivision:
as shown on a map recorded in
Lots 1 to 7, both inclusive, in Block P
Book 21, page 49, M.R.: The
.310 Tgzv�t�y
southerly 192.25 feet of Block
part of Lot H-3 of Lot
1; Lots 11 to 31, both inclusive,
7, in Block A, of Carroll Subdivision
in Block 3, and Lots 11 to 24,
and westerly of the southerly extension
both inclusive, in Block 5.
of the easterly line of said Lot 7.
.2'10 Vineyard Lots;
..320 Stueckle Subdivision,
The southerly 151.5 feet of the
as shown ori a map recorded in Book 81
westerly 125.25 feet of Lot D-1;
page 43, M.M::, Lots 1 to 7, both in -
the westerly one hundred twenty-
five feet of the northerly one
.330 Vineyard Lots: The
hundred firty-six feet of Lot
easterly159 feet of the northerly hal:
E-1; and the northerly one
of Lot 11-4, and the easterly 165 feet
hundred forty-six feet of the
of the south half of Lot H-4.
easterly 125.25 feet of Lot E-2.
.340 Vineyard Lots: The
.220 Kroeger's
southerly 126.69 feet of the easterly
Subdivision, as shown on a map
209 feet of Lot G-4, and the westerly
recorded in Book 5, page 34,
226.83 feet of the northerly 376 feet
M.M.: Lots 1 to 9,• both
of said Lot G-4.
inclusive, in Block A.
.350.Gri as Court: Lots
.230 Hotel del Campo
32 and 33.
Tract, as shown on a map re-
.360 Mary Strobel Estate:
corded in Book 24, pages 69
Lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10 an 1; and tha
and 70, PI.R.: Lots 48 to 58,
portion of said estate described as
both inclusive, in Block B; and
follows: Beginning at the intersectio
47 to 56, both inclusive,
of the northerly line of Elm Street
in Block C.
with the westerly line of South Lemon
Tract No. 303,
Street; thence northerly, along said
Rimpau Square, as shown on a
westerly line of South Lemon Street,
map recorded in Book 15, page
242.8 feet.; thence southwesterly,
20, M.M.: Lots 1 to 5, both
parallel to the monumented
of West Broadway between South Lemon
inclusive. s
Center Tract:
Street and South Clementine Street, tc
Lots 18 to 25, both inclusive,
a point in the easterly line of Tract
No. 119, Trudeau and Wilcox Sub., as
in Block A;
shown on a map recorded in
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Book 11, page 18,.M.M.i thence
.450 Anaheim Extension:
southeasterly along the
All of Lot 34, between Villa Place
easterly line of said Sub.,
Addition and Boege's Subdivision.
to the northerly line of
.460 Boege's Subdivision:
Elm Street; thence north-
Lot 10.
easterly along said north-
.470 Tract No. 28, Sophia
erly line of Elm Street to •
Rees Subdivision, as shown.on"a map
the point of beginning.
recorded in Book 9, page 30, M.M.:
.370 The Langen-
Lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9.
berger Tract: Lots 55 to 64,
.480 Helen & Lynch Addition,
both inc usive, in Block E-5.
as shown on a map recorded in Book
.380 Tract No. 829:
442 of Deeds, page 158, Rebords of
All of said tract, except
Los Angeles County, California: All
the westerly rectangular
of Lot 1 lying northeasterly of
110 feet thereof.
Manchester Boulevard.
.390 Enterprise
.490 Anaheim Extension:
Tract: Lot B, and Lots -T4 to
That portion of Lot 35 lying southerly
23, both inclusive, in Block'
of the westerly extension of the north
line of Lots 19 to 36, in Block 3, of
.400 Vineyard Lots:
Summerfield and Oppenheimers Sub.
All that portion of Lot E-6
.500 Summerfield and
lying westerly of the west-
Oppenheimers Subdivision: Lots 18
erly line of Enterprise Tract
to 36, both inclusive, in Block 4,
and between West Center Street
and Lots 19 to 36, both inclusive,
and the alley having a general
in Block 3.
easterly and westerly direction
.510 Tract No. 254, Five
through the southerly portion
'Points Subdivision, as shown on a map
of said Lot E-6.
recorded in Book 13, page 35, M.M.:
.410.Burkle's Sub-
All of said subdivision.
division: Lots 1 to 5, both
.520 Vineyard Lots: That
part of Trot D-7 lying southerly of
• .420 Vineyard Lots:
the southerly line of Lot 5, of Max
That part of Lot E-7 bounded
Junge Subdivision and said line ex-
on the northerly side by
tended easterly and westerly.
West Center Street, on the
.530 Resh's Subdivision:
westerly side by South Ohio
Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, in Block
Street, on the easterly
side by Burkle's Subdivision,
.540 New Subdivision of
and on the southerly side by
Vineyard Lot D-5: All of Blocks E and
the extended southerly line of
F; Lots 1 to 8, both inclusive, in
Lot 5•, of Burkle's
Block G; Lots 15 to 22, both inclusive
in Block H; Lots 9 to 16, both
.430 Anaheim Villa
inclusive, in Block I; and Lot 3, in
Tract, as shown on a map re-
Block K.
corded in'Book 14, page
.550 Original City Lots:
44, M.R.: Lots 1 to 6, both
Lots 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,.8, the westerly 60
inclusive, in Block A, and
feet of Lots 10 and 14, Lot's 11, 12,
Lots 1 to 6, both inclusive,
15 and 16.
in Block B.
.560 Max Junge Subdivision:
.440 Villa Place
Lots 1, 2 and 3. '
Addition: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
.570 Reiger Subdivision:
Lots 1 through 7, as shown on
a map recorded in.Book 6,
page 37, Miscellaneous.Maps,
records of Orange County.
.580 Davis Brothers'
Addition: Lots 1 t roug ,
as shown on a map recorded in
Book 1, pages 19 and 20,
M.M., records of said Orange
.590 Tract No. 497:
Lots 1 through 9, as shown
on a map recorded in Book 17,
pages 37 and 38, M.M.,
records of said Orange
.600 Fairview Colony
Tract: Lots 3 and 4 in Block
14 , ' as shown on a map -re-
corded in Book 1, page 33,
M.M:, records of said Orange
portion thereof lying within
the Southern California Edison
Company Right of Way.
.610 Vineyard Lot
C-4: The east half of
Vineyard Lot G-4, as shown
on a map recorded in Book
1, page 38, M.M., records
of said Orange County.
portion thereof lying within
Tract No. 497, as shown on -a
map recorded in Book 17, page
38, M.M., records of said
Orange County.
.620 Tract No. 212:
Lots 32 and 33, as shown on
a map recorded in Book 13,
page '1, M.M., records of
said Orange County.
..630 Tract No. 1591:
Lots 40 through 71, as shown
on a map recorded in Book
54, pages 36 through 39, M.
M., records of said Orange
Section 9,
Township 4 9-outh, Range 10
West, S.B.B. & M. Southwest Quarter:
T�iat portion o the Bout west
quarter of said Section 9,'bounded
on the west by Euclid Street, on the
east by Loara Street, lying between
Crescent Avenue on the north and the
north line of the Santa Ana Freeway
on the south. -
Section 9, Township '4 South,
Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M. Northwest
quarter: Tat portion of the northwest
quarter of said Section 9, lying south-
erly of the -land conveyed to the Orange
County Flood Control District.
.640 Tract No. 2517: Lot 70,
as shown on a map recorded in Book 133,
pages 40 through 42, M.M., records of
said Orange County.
.650'Tract No. 1565: Lots 94,
95, 96, 97, as shown on a map recorded
in Book 49, pages 20 through 24, M.M.,
records of said Orange County; includir
that certain parcel shown as not a
part of said Tract 1756, lying between
Lots 94 and 95, of said Tract 1565.
.660 Tract No. 1843: Lots 13,
14 and 15, as shown on a map recorded
in Book 53, pages 45 and 46, M.M., re-
cords of said Orange County, and that
portion lying southerly of Lot 13 and
westerly of Lot 12 of said Tract -No.
Section 12, Township 4 South,
Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M., described
as o ows: Beginning at the centerli
intersection of Lincoln Avenue and
State College Boulevard, as shown on a
map of Survey, filed in Book 22, page
22, Record of Surveys, in the office c
the County Records of said Orange Cour
thence southeasterly along the
centerline of said Lincoln Avenue; a
distance of 2,025 feet, more or less,
an intersection with the northerly prc
longation of the west line of Tract Nc
4717, as shown on a map recorded in
Book 169, pages 11 and 12, M.M., reco3
of said Orange County; thence souther:
along said prolongation and a portion
the west line of said Tract No. 4717
distance of seven.hundred eighty-five
feet, more or less, to an intersectio:
with the easterly prolongation
of the southerly line of
Westport Drive; thence'
westerly along said prolong-
ation, a distance of 661.08
feet, more or less, to an -
intersection with the east
line of Tract No. 1782, as
.shown on a map recorded in
Book 110, pages 25 and 26,
M.M., records of Orange
County; thence northerly
along the east line of said
Tract No. 1782, a distance of
332.80 feet, more or less,
to the northeast corner of
said Tract No. 1782; thence
westerly along the north line
of said Tract No. 1782, a
distance of 665 feet, more
or less, to the northwest
corner of said Tract No.
1782, said northwest corner
also being the northeast
corner of Tract No. 3288,
as shown on a map recorded in
Book 1.04, pages 14 and 15,
M.M., records of Orange
County; thence westerly
along the north line of
said Tract No. 3288, and
the westerly prolongation
thereof,. a distance of 640
feet, more or less, to
an intersection with the
centerline of State College
Boulevard; thence northerly
along .the :centerline of
said State College
Boulevard, a distance of
1000 feet, more or less, to
the point of beginning.
EXCEPTING therefrom any
portion thereof lying
within said State College
Boulevard and Lincoln
.670 Janss
Subdivision: Lots 4, 5,
1, 12, 13 and 14% as
shown on a map recorded in
Book 8, page 5, M.M.,
records of Orange County, and Lots 1,
2, 4 and 4, and the north 65 feet of
Lot 5 of Block 4 of Resh's Subdivision,
as shown on a map recorded in Book 4,
page 52, M.M., records of Orange
County, and the east 695.29 feet of
the north 353 feet of Vineyard Lot
D-6, as shown on a map recorded in
M.M., records, of Orange County:
.680 Anaheim Extension, Lot
11: That portion of Lot 11 of Anaheim
Extension, bounded on the north by
Center Street, bounded on the south by
Lincoln Avenue, bounded on the east by
State College Boulevard and bounded on
the west by the centerline inter-
section of Center Street and Lincoln
Avenue, as said streets are shown on
Record of Surveys, filed in Book 28,
page 40, and in Book 20, page 23,.
Record of Surveys, in the office of
the County Recorder of Orange'County.
EXCEPTING therefrom any -portion of
thereof, lying within said streets.
.690 Subdivision of Vineyarc
Lot D-3: Lots 1 to 11, both inclusive,
oF-B-I-ock G, as shown on a map recorded
in Book 34, page 592, of Deeds, Record:
of Los Angeles County.
.700 Original City Lots 25
through 32.
.710 The Langenberger Tract
Lots 7 through 34, inclusive.
.720 New Subdivision of
Vineyard Lot D-5, Lots 3 to 21, in
Block K and Lots 23 -to 28, in Block H.
.730 Kroeger Hall Subdivisi(
as shown on a map recorded in Book 7,
page 11, M.M., records of Orange
County, all of said Subdivision.
16.16.050 FIRE ZONE NO. 3 .
The property included in Fire
Zone No. 3 shall be.'as follows:
All property within said City n
included in Fire Zone No. 1 or Fire.Zo
The City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby declares
that should any section, paragraph, sentence or word of this chap-
ter of the Code, hereby adopted, be declared for any reason to. be
invalid, it is the intent -of the Council that .it would have passed
all other portions of this chapter independent of the elimination
herefrom of any such portion as may. be.declared invalid.
Neither the adoption of this ordinance nor the repeal
hereby of any other ordinance of this City. shall in any manner
affect the prosecution for violations of ordinances, which viola-
tions were committed prior to the effective date hereof, nor be
construed as a waiver of any license -or penalty or the penal pro-
visions applicable to any violation thereof. The provisions of
this ordinance, insofar as they are substantially the same as
ordinance provisions previously adopted by the City relating to
the same subject matter, shall be -construed as restatements and
continuations,- and not as new enactments.
The City Clerk shall certify to.the passage of this or-
dinance and shall cause the same to:be printed once within fifteen
(15) days after its adoption in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper
of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said
City, and thirty (30). days from and after its final passage, it
shall take effect and be in full -force.
THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and adopted by the
City Council of the City of Anaheim this 9th da of October, 1979.
MES: fm