59R-5260 - .",- IISOLU!IOI .0. 15260 A BIIOLU!IO. OJ !D CI!!' cotJI'CIL 0-. !D OI!!' OJ AIAIIIIt lIDI& .AID .-r"'I.ID !BJ.! A Cl.AaJ OJ lOa II DC.un U .fAU .ADAS OJ !D OI!'!. .An !IJ.! .AJ1fICLI IX. CBUf.R 2 OJ !HI jOUIIt ItUIUIPjI, CODl 1I011LD JJ .6...,bl[) !O AOOOJlJloe. LID SAID CllAleJ OJ ZOD. pnl'9. the CU7' Plan1q Co-.t.81on of the OU7' of -"e1* ha. here- tofor. 4uJ.T pa..e4 and mophd a re.ol.tio:a d.clar1q 1 h 1nhnUoa \0 chUC. \h. bOll.lllarl.. of the Ion. or IGIle. herelaaf\er .eat1ened and de.crl\84 ... d14 f1x a U.. end place f.r the hold1ne of a public h..r1ne there.n 1IL ,he --..r and. a. pre.cr1bed 1n Art1cle IX. Ch~ter 2 of the Anah.1m MaDic1pa1 Cole, aa4 414 talT hold an4 ooDduo1; n.ch public hear1ne h conl14or .aid propo.ed chaDce of I." or 10.... aDd 41d r.c.1ve eY14.nc. end report. from per.on. 1nt.re.ted th.l'.lnJ aD! pn"'. w1thin a period of fort7 (40) 4q. followllLg the f1ul hOU'lq th.r.on. the PlaDa1ng O...l..lon 414 du17 announc. bt foraal r..olut1.. 1t. f1al- i%IC. of f.ch .nd declare 1 h .oplaloa. and. re..on. for reco_eadbg an ........nt to .aid Articl. IX. Chapter 2 of th. ADab.l. Man1clpal Col. to .ff.et the propo..4 chanc.. 1IL the boundarl.. of the lone herelnafter mentlonedan4 d..crlbed; aD! wvmaw,S. upon rece1pt of 'h. report an4 recoamendat10n of th. Cit7' Plannine COlllllll..ion. the OU7 Oouncil 41d th.rnpon f1% the 26th. a..,- ef May . 19 59 . al th. U.. and. the Onne1l Cham....r 1a the CU7 Hall of th. CU;y of An_d... the pl.c. for . public hear1ng upon la14 pr.po..4 chMc. of lone, and. d14 give noUcl th.reof 1n the aazmer and. .. prov1ded 1a ..14 Article IX. Chapt.r 2 of th. J.nah.1. Man1c1pal CoAe; and. pnw'S. .10 the Ume and. 'plac. f1%.4 for .ai4 pa.blic hear"" th. Cit7 Cnnc11 did dul7 hold and. con4uct n.ch JU\llc h.ar1J1.1 and. 414 glve all p.r- IOU 1ntereste4 there1n an opportuni t;y to b. h.ard and. cl1d rec.iv. eY14.:ac. and. r.portl. ead cl1d th.reupon c011114.r the r.comm.A4ati.n. of th. C1t7' Planlae Co_1..ion; an4 pn,'-, the C1t7 Cou:acll do.. f1al and. d.t.rmin. th.t the pl'op.r'7' and. ar.. propoled to b. cha:D.ge4 fro. \h. lone In whlch U h now 11 tuated t. . dlff.r.nt Ion.. .. h.reinafter ..10 forth. h .ore I'II,U.ble for the .... or .on.. to which ii i. propo..d to chaqe .ai4 prOpert7 ad. ar.. ad. th.t the 1I1c1...81.. of .aid propert;y ad. are. In .uch n.w .on. or son.. will lner.... the val.... .f .aid prop.rty and. ar.. and will not d.pl'.c1.te the value of prOP.rt7 1n m~o1a- lag lone.. BOW. 'IVIlIIJl'OU. III If USOLTE b7 the CUT Co1mcll of the CUT of Anah.im that all of the prop.rt7 and. ar.. 11 t...h4. In the CU7 of Anah.i., Cnntr of Orenge. State of C.l1forn1.. d..cr1be4. .. follow.. to wit. That portion or Vineyard Lot Bl, in the City or Anaheim, as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Pages 629 and 630 of Deeds, in the ofrice or the County Recorder or Los Angeles County, California, described as follows: /""", Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of said Vineyard Lot "BI"; thence NortherlK 404.05 feet along the Westerly line of said Vineyard Lot IBl" to the Southerly line of the Northerly 10 acres of said Vineyard Lot "Bl"; thence East- erly 100.00 feet parallel with the Northerly line of said Vineyard Lot "Bl"; thence Southerly 404.12 feet parallel with said Westerly line to the Southerly line of said Vineyard Lot "Bl"; thence Westerly 100.00 feet along the Southerly line to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the Southerly 7.00 feet thereof as conveyed to the City of Anaheim for widening Sycamore Street. -1- F-58-59-83 -- be changed from R-I, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE to M-l, LIGHT MANUFACTURING ZONE, upon the following conditions: 1. That all buildings erected on subject property be constructed in accordance with the plot plan sub- mitted by the applicant on June 2, 1959 and on file with the City of Anaheim. 2. That there be provided one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. 3. That the building setback line shall be 10 feet back of the property line; and that the area between the building setback line and the property line shall be landscaped. 4. That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim, along the alley on the east side of said property and along Sycamore Street, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other pertinent work be complied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. S. That the owner of subject property deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet in width from the center line of the street along East Sycamore Street, for street widening purposes. 6. That the irrigation line located on subject property shall be relocated and protected in accordance with Anaheim Union Water Company and City of Anaheim spec if ica ti ons. 7. That all buildings erected on subject property shall be limited to a maximum height of 14 feet from the floor to the lower chord of truss. 8. That the owner of subject property place of record standard City of Anaheim M-l Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit the height of all buildings constructed on subject property to a maximum of 14 feet from the floor to the lower chord of truss, and shall limit the M-l uses of the property to wholesale busi- nesses, storage buildings and warehouses. 9. That the owner of subject property construct a 6-foot concrete block fence between subject property and the residential area on the north. 10. That all of the above conditions, with the exception of Conditions Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 7, be complied with within a period of 90 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City Council an amendment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to .amend said Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the object herein found and determined to be necessary and proper. -2- ,,- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 2nd day of June, 1959. ,u~~ MAYO /' E' CITY OF ANAHEIM ATTEST: ~ ~ -z!=~- . ..il;. O. THE CiTf~1>~I~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s s . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, nENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 2nd day of June, 1959, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. AND 1 FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 2nd day of June, 1959. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 2nd day of June, 1959. ~R~-T~~1'~IM ( SEAL ) ...---~ -3-