59R-5254 J__ RESOLUTION NO. 5254 A RESOLUTION OF 'l'RE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY 0' ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GIWlT DDDOONVEYING TO TO CITY OF' ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AX EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PU.!)POSES WHEREAS, the City Council o~ the City o~ Anaheim 1. desirous of purohasing the hereinafter described real property ~or pubU4 purposes, to vit: An easement for road and Dublic utility . pl''''pnaA. ; all4 WHEREAS, the OVDer s of said prC)perty ha ve o~t"'ired to .el1 and convey the same to the City; aD4 --- WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim fInds that it is for the benefit and best interest or the City o~Anah.1a to accept said orrer and purchase said real prop'~~7. BOW, THEREFORE, BE IT baOl,VIP bJ' the Oi t7 Coumcl1 o~ the City or Anaheim that the o~ter otNATIVIDAp A. RIOS and I~ABETr ~f RIOS husband and wife .... . .. to ..li to theOity ot Anaheim tbe following described real ~~operty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State ot Oall- fornia, to be used tor . 1'DSlil-anrl Pl1}l -i! "to" 1" +:1' p"...pn...... . J' aDd more particularly described as 01 ows: An easement for road and public utility purposes over, under and across that parcel of land des- cribed as follows: The Easterly 53.00 feet uf the Easterly 260.00 feet of the North half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast qurater of the Southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M. Excepting therefrom the Northerly 235.60 feet. Also excepting therefrom that portion described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section 2, 1031 feet North of the South- east Corner of said Section 2; thence West 110 reet; thence South to the South line or the North half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 2; thence East along said South line to the East line.of said Section 2; thence Northerly along the said East line of Section 2; to the point of beginning. .~ --, am. the same is hereby,acoepted b7 the Oity Counoil o~ the City ot Anaheim, and that the Oi1iy ot Anahe~ ao.eFt a oODveyamce o~. -.1.. pzoopert,... ..1- .' ~- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor or the Citt. or Anaheim be, and he is herebYt authorized to pay to the owners ot said real property~ out of General Funds of the City or Anaheim, the Bum ot One Dollar ($1000)9 . . THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by .e tlais 26~:Q, day or M9;Y" J I fI 19 59. nilOF~ ~~. A'f~a ;---)--,-,---::--. . d:;;~;:'OF~~AHEm S'fA'l'B OF OALIPORllIA ) COull'h OF ORANGE ) 88. CITY OF AlIAHEIM ) . I. DENE M. WILLIAMS fI City Clerk or the ctt,. .t ADahelm, do hereby certity that the tore&oing resolution was pat... aDd adopted at a re~ular .eeting otthe Cit1 Oo~&, Hld Oil the 26th ...,. of May., 1922-. by \be f".:J,.- . lowing vote of the members thereor: AYU3 COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. lOBS: COUNCILMEN~ None. the ..al 19 S9 . AB8J:BT: CGUNCILMEN: None. AHl) I FURTHER CERnFY that the Mayor or the CIty ot Anah.1. and signed said resolution on the ?~'GQ day of , 19 590 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I haTe he1"ewato .et my hand &J:Id. at'tlxe" or the 01 ty ot ~.1a this ~6th cia}' or May LL I. I .' approved ~v ~ . '-, <-);----:-, - /' )Jf ~ . ~~ OF l'.tUIi.~.LIl (SIAl. ) ,-..... -2- or .