59R-5117 -, ~. USOLUfIC3 10. 5"7 A USOLUfIOI OJ' !BII CUI OOUICIL 0-. !ill CIft 0-. .AIABII. IIIDI. .dD Dlf.lBMIIIIG 'BUf A CIUlla OJ' ZOD II DC.laY II CD!1II .ADU OJ' 'fD CI!!. .dD 'BUf Ja!ICLI IX. C1W'DIl 2 OJ' !D .AUUI. MUlIOIPAL CODa EOULD D MuLl" to AOO()JlPoo.. LID SAID ClUlGa OJ' ZOD. yvmR~l'. the C1t7 PlaaniDe Oo-.1..ion of the Oit7 of Jaaheiaka. h.re- tofor. dulT p....d and adopted a r..olution declariDe it. intention to ChaDCe the bOUDlari.. of the lone or lone. hereiaattor ..ntioned ea4 do.cri~e4 ... 4i4 tix a U.. and plac. for the holdinc ot a public h.arinc ture.n iJl the -.u.er ad a. pr..cribe4 in Article IX. Chapt.r 2 of \h. Auhe1m MlUlicipa1 Code. aa4 4U. 4tl7 hold ad coll4uc:t .uch public h.arine to condd.r .aid propo.ed chaDce of IU.. or Bone.. an4 did r.ceiv. ....id.nc. and reports fro. per.on. inter..ted therein; aII4 pmlWllA, within a period of fort7 (40) 4q. followine the tinal hMl'inc thereon. the PlaDnine C~i..ion did du17 announce bt for.a1 re.olutioa it. fll14- iDe. of fact. an4 d.clare it. .opiaio.. aa4 rea.one for r.co..endlDg a ...D4aea' to eai4 Article XX. Chaphr 2 of the Jaahei. MlUlic1pal Code to .tfect the propo.ed chaDl;'s ilL the boull4arie. of the Bone h.reiDd'hr m..tionedad de.cribed; u4 ~WllS. upon receipt of the report and reco..endatioa ot the 01\7 Plannlne Oommi.sion. the Oit7 Oouncil dld th.reupon fl% the '~A 4q of March. . 19!B ,ae the ti.. and the Onacn Char....r iJl the Cn7 Ball of the City of Analaelll ae the place for a public hearine upon eaid propo.ed chaC. of lone. and did give notice th.r.of in the ..nIl.r and as prOTldM 1& eaid Article IX. Chapt.r 2 of the Auheia Muicipal Code; aII4 WFWll.S. at the time and place fued for .aid publlo he_lN. the Cit7 Council did dul7 hold and coD4uct each public hearine and did giTe all per- eon. intereeted ther.in an opportunit;y to be h.ard and did reo.1Te eTi4..co aa4 reporte, and did thereupon coasld.r th. r.c....ndation. of the Oit7 Pl...i.. eo-1esion; and ~I... th. Oit;y OOUAcil do.e find and det.rmine that the propert7 u4 area propo.ed to be chaIlged froll the Bon. in which it i. no" .ituated to a differ.nt Ion., ae h.reinaft.r eet forth. i. mol" euitable for the Bon. or .on.e to which it 111 propo..d to change eaid propert;y and ar.a and that the iacbel.. of eaid propert;y and ar.a in .uch n." Bon. or BO." will ilLcr.a.. the Talue .f .ai4 prop.rty and area ad will not depr.ciate the Tal..... of propert;y ia ad.101.- iac Ion... BOW, ~~~KI. BS If USOLTKD b;y th. Cit7 Council of th. Oit7 of ......i. that .J.l of the prop.rt;y and ar.a .1 t....ted in the Oi t7 of Aub.l.. Cnatr ot O~.. !tate of California. d.scribed as follo"e. to viti The East i of the Northeast * of the Southeast * of Section 12, TownBhip 4 So:a.th. BaDge 11 West. S. B. B. .. M. ; uceptiDg therefrom that portion ly1nc North of a line parallel with and distant 666.00 teet South of the North line of said East i of the Northeast ! of the Southeast * of Section 12. .- I%cepting therefroll a strip of land described as follo",: CoJllllenciD& at a point of the South line of the East i of the Northeast l- of the Southeast l- of said S.ction 12. distant 210 teet West from the Bast line of said Section 12; numing thence North parallel "ith the East line of said Section 12, 22 feet; thence West at right augles 60 feet; th.nc. South parallel "ith the East line of said Section 12. 22 feet; thence East 60 feet to the point of beginning. :r-5a-~ -1- - f' . '- *-&e4 fro. J.-A BllSIIlD!I.A.L-A4RT~.TT1lil" ZOD!O :1-'3 M.ULTIP.LB-1.AMILY 'RllIIilI_ DlftUIo ZOD, UPON !BE FOLLOWIlIG COIDI!IO.S: 1. !hat the owners of subject property place of record Staadard City of Anaheim R-J Deed Restrictions, approved "y the City Attorney, 1rilich restrictions shall limit all d"elliDgs erected. on subject property to one story in heient. 2. !lI.at the owners of lIIlbject property p~ to the City of Anaheim the ..... of $2 per front foot for street l1ghtiDg purposes. 3. !hat the owners of abject property p~ to the City of Anaheim the SUI of $25 per family unit for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. 4. That the owners of subject property deed to the City of .&naheim a strip of land .53 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Mai;- nolia ATe. for street widening purposes. 5. !hat all e~ineering requirements of the City of Anaheim, along Macnol1a ATe. 8llch as ClU"bs and gutters. sidewalks, street grading and paTillg, uainece facilities, or other pertin..t work, be complied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifi- cations on file in the office of said City Bngineer. 6. That all buildiDgs erected on subject property be constructed 81lbstantial1y in accordance with the plans on file with the City of Anaheim; and that car ports with 9-foot parkiDg spaces be peni tted. 7. !hat the requirement of an alley along the west boundary of the preposed deve10pBent be waiTed. 8. !hat all of the aboTe conditions. with the exception of Conditions 110. 3 and 6. be complied with within a period of 90dlQ"8 from date hereof. or neb fvther time 'as the Ccnmcll may grant. BI If J'UR'fIJII UIOLlB that the OU7 AU.ne7 be. ..4 he 18 hereb7 ..~ri.e4 aDd 4irec'e4 to prepare..4 sUbmi' to the Oit7 Council .. ...aa.e.' 'e ArUcle IX. OI1ap,er 2 of \he AaaJ:lei. IIluaicipal Code to .ed. ,ai4 AaUeim ...loipa1 Code '0 accompli" \he object hereh. fO'1Ul4 aDd dehrmh.ed. to be Jl.eoe..ary aZlI1 proper. _ .f !BI JOBIQOI. BIIOLU'fIO. 18 .Sped. aDd apprOTed. by .e 'hi. lJ..s.t, M~cj:t . 19..$... ..../1 J dxft ~~~ ,,- ~I' . hi - ~~ . . ~,. JOt!!' ,. .ADDI., ~ .. .i-r ~~ - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 31st day of March, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry and Schutte h'p.,IJ'P^ '11. ~QES: Borden COUNCIlMEN: ABSENT: COUNCI1ME.l'l: Pearson AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 31st day of March, 1959. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heraunto set my hand and aff'iXed the official seal of the City of Anahaim this 31st day of March, 1959. k hr ~/~; ~.~ CITY CLERK OF THE .CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) ,\'1;;':~Y~; 1 ."