Senior Citizen 2023/03/16MINUTES SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION March 16, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Denise Barnes Wendy Hernandez, Community Services Supervisor Kandee Beas Brian Chwan, Community Services Superintendent Frances Noteboom Maureen Richardson, Community Services Supervisor Victor "Vic" Real Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Janet Brown, Chair (Excused) Steve Brio (Unexcused) AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Wendy Hernandez called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Noteboom led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. SPECIAL ELECTION OF MEETING CHAIR: Wendy Hernandez informed the commission that since Chair Brown is absent and there is currently no vice -chair, the commission will need to vote for a chair to run this meeting only. Commissioner Noteboom nominated Commissioner Real to act as Chair for the March 17, 2023, meeting, second by Commissioner Barnes. Vote was four ayes. Wendy Hernandez introduced new commissioner Kandee Beas, who introduced herself and gave her background. 4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Real presented the minutes of the January 19, 2023, meeting. Commissioner Barnes made a motion for approval of the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Noteboom. Minutes were approved with three ayes and one abstention by Commissioner Beas. 5. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMENTS: A. Joe Pak, from Assemblywoman Sharon Quick-Silva's office, reported that he recently attended a ceremony recognizing Joe Juarez, a 100-year-old WWII Veteran. Senator Josh Newman, Assemblyman Sharon Quirk -Silva and Senior Citizen Commission Chair Janet Brown were also present. Chair Real asked if Mr. Pak could bring a map of Assembly Quirk-Silva's new district when he returns to the commission next. Joe Pak announced an upcoming breakfast club meet -and - greet with the new State Controller; he will send an email with the information to Wendy to distribute to the commission. Commissioner Barnes asked for a contact person to update the status of SB8 regarding rent caps for seniors. Mr. Pak will send that information. Wendy Hernandez introduced Maureen Richardson, the newly promoted Community Services Supervisor for senior programs. She will be transitioning into her position and will attend the commission meetings. She reported she has a passion for senior services, and she is excited to be working in this capacity to be able to expand the programming citywide. Brian Chwan also congratulated Maureen on her promotion and noted they will transition as seamlessly as possible. Senior Citizen Commission March 16, 2023 Page 2 AGENDA 6. NEW BUSINESS: ACTION TAKEN A. Selection of Vice -Chair: Wendy Hernandez reminded the commissioners that Commissioner McCracken declined to continue with the commission until her replacement has been appointed, which leaves a vacancy in the Vice -Chair position. Chair Real nominated Commissioner Barnes for the position of Vice -Chair, seconded by Commissioner Noteboom. Vote was four ayes. Commissioner Barnes is the new Vice -Chair of the Senior Citizen Commission. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discuss Draft Letter to City Council: Wendy Hernandez reminded the commission about the history of this letter to City Council and distributed a draft letter for their review and discussion. She suggested changing the acronym used in line one (ASCC) to SCC, so it is not confused with the partner nonprofit Anaheim Senior Citizen Club whose acronym is also ASCC. Chair Real felt it was appropriate as written; Vice -Chair Barnes stated that since the Club does use that acronym, it would be appropriate to change this to SCC for purposes of this letter. Vice -Chair Barnes stated the importance of having a strategic plan and that the recommendation regarding the strategic plan in the letter needs to be more strongly worded. Commissioner Noteboom stated that she watched the Zoom meeting that Vice -Chair Barnes had shared, and she noted that there is $92 million in funding available for senior programs for housing and related items. Commissioner Beas suggested that the issue of a strategic plan should be addressed in a separate letter so as to not get lost in this letter. Vice -Chair Barnes asked Commissioner Beas if she would like to help formulate that letter; she agreed to do so. Vice -Chair Barnes asked if the Commissioners feel that the letter is what they had envisioned. After further discussion, it was agreed to move paragraph four to the second to last paragraph of the letter and change the wording to: "It is imperative to address" instead of "Foresight will be needed" regarding the strategic plan. Commissioner Noteboom also suggested changing "masks" in paragraph six to "PPE." Vice -Chair Barnes requested a list of agencies that assisted in 2023 with food and other donations so the commission can thank them for what they did. Commission Noteboom made a motion to approve the letter with the suggested changes; second by Vice -Chair Barnes; vote was four ayes. Vice -Chair Barnes would like to have each commissioner sign the letter. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Wendy Hernandez shared the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to the Senior Citizen Commission to add to their notebooks. She also announced that the Downtown Anaheim Community Center will be closed for two weeks for their annual facility maintenance from March 27th to April 7ch B. Vice -Chair Barnes reported that a health fair and boutique will be held at Downtown Anaheim Community Center on April 291h from 10 a.m. — 12 Noon, hosted by Anaheim Senior Citizens Club and the City of Anaheim. Maureen noted that the County representatives have been invited; they hope to have them in attendance. C. Commissioner Noteboom stated her Council Member Kurtz has an interest in the Senior Citizen Commission and she asked how she could be invited. Wendy Hernandez encouraged commissioners to stay in contact with their Council Member to keep them updated on the Senior Citizen Commission March 16, 2023 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN commission's activities. Brian Chwan reported that the department director is currently having meetings with new Council Members to update them on commissions and reminded them that these meetings are open to the public and they are also welcome to attend. D. Commissioner Noteboom reported that some of her neighbors have complained that there is no more access to food distribution at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center. Wendy confirmed that the "grab -and -go" program which was established during the pandemic and was funded through COVID funding with Meals on Wheels OC did end, but the congregate meal program at Brookhurst Community Center has resumed. There is still a food distribution at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center on Tuesdays that is based on donations received. In addition, they can sign up for Dwelling Place food pantry to pick up food. Vice -Chair Barnes noted that Dwelling Place also offers food at Brookhurst Community Center from 9-11 a.m. every Saturday. E. Vice -Chair Barnes spoke about Cal Assist, a grant program for home -delivered food for people on Medi-Medi. Wendy Hernandez noted the department is just beginning a partnership with them and they are working with CalOptima; they will be invited to the upcoming health fair. Wendy stated that they could be invited to a future commission meeting to review their program. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Real adjourned the meeting at 3:40 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.