Senior Citizen 2023/08/17MINUTES SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION August 17, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Janet Brown, Chair Brian Chwan, Community Services Superintendent Denise Barnes, Vice -Chair Maureen Richardson, Community Services Supervisor Sue Baltazar Beth Lapkowski, Administrative Assistant Kandee Beas Steve Brio VISITORS PRESENT: Frances Noteboom City Council Member Norma Campos Kurtz Victor "Vic" Real AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Brown led the Commission in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Chair Brown presented the minutes of the June 15, 2023, meeting. Commissioner Noteboom made a motion for approval of the minutes, seconded by Vice -Chair Barnes Minutes were approved unanimously. 4. SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: 5. UNSCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Chair Brown welcomed City Council Member Norma Campos Kurtz to the meeting. She also introduced the newest Senior Citizen Commissioner, Sue Baltazar, and asked her to introduce herself to the Commission. Commissioner Baltazar is a lifelong Anaheim resident who worked for the Anaheim Union High School District and has been involved with the Anaheim Senior Citizens Club for many years. Council Member Campos Kurtz is very happy to report that additional staff for senior services were approved at the June City Council meeting and is interested in hearing the status of filling the positions. 6. NEW BUSINESS: A. Caregiver Resource Fair — September 9, 2023: Chair Brown provided a flyer for the Caregiver Resource Fair and announced that Council Member Campos Kurtz will be a speaker at this event. B. Recap of Anaheim Senior Citizen Commission Presentation to City Council: Chair Brown noted that the presentation was well received by City Council. Brian Chwan thanked everyone for sending their information to him for the Power Point and Chair Brown for her presentation. C. Senior Center Signage Update — Commissioner Noteboom wrote to the Mayor and City Council about signage at the senior center and asked Brian Chwan to report on the results. Regarding the signage, he and Maureen Richardson are working with vendors and facilities staff to put signage outside of the building for the Senior Center. They will bring samples to the commission to review before it is finalized. Commissioner Barnes stated that it would be very nice if they could include a canopy at the entrance. Senior Citizen Commission August 17, 2023 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN D. City Council Communications — Chair Brown stated that Commissioner Real had wanted to report that City Council Member Diaz was very pleased with the commission's presentation and would like to receive updates from them. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Senior Services Website Upgrade/Discussion/Expansion — Commissioner Brio reported that they are working on integrating changes to the website. He had a conversation with Irene Rose from the ASCC and stated that he would like to have a meeting with the Club, Community Services, and the web designer to work together on what needs to be included on the website. Commissioner Brio hopes to have a mock-up by the next meeting of the information that can be accommodated on the website. Maureen Richardson has started working on an outline for the sections that will be included. Currently new flyers have been posted and the calendars for each site will be posted in the next few days. She asked for their input for additional items they would like to see included. Commissioner Real joined the meeting. B. Steps to Create Anaheim Strategic Plan — Chair Brown added the word "Senior" to the strategic plan. Although the City is planning to update their strategic plan, there is continued plans to work on the Report on Aging in Orange County by the Orange County Aging Services Collaborative and Alzheimer's Orange County. Part of their focus is doing studies on homeless seniors because that population is growing faster than any other homeless population. She asked if staff or commissioners had suggestions on where to begin working on this Senior Strategic Plan. Brian Chwan stated the commission has an opportunity to provide the input for the senior portion of the overall Citywide Strategic Plan. Chair Brown asked what the status is. Brian Chwan indicated it is currently in the discussion phase; he will inquire on the status and report back to the Commission. Chair Brown distributed some links for commissioners to look at the report she mentioned. Vice -Chair Barnes said the Office on Aging has a board that has been working on a report for Orange County and she would like to work in the same fashion they do so it can be easily integrated with theirs. Maureen indicated that there are different needs in different parts of the City, and she would like to have those referenced as well. Maureen stated that Irene Rose will be a representative on SCAC for Housing and Transportation. Chair Brown stated it would be helpful if she could make periodic reports to the Commission. Vice -Chair Barnes will look into appointments by Board of Supervisor members to SCAC. 8. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: A. Active Older Adult Services and Staffing Levels Update — Brian Chwan thanked City Council Member Kurtz for her support and assistance in increasing senior staffing. He reported there will be two additional full-time coordinator positions, making a total of three full-time, and five additional 30- hour senior program specialists to staff Miraloma Park Family Resource Center, East Anaheim Community Center, West Anaheim Youth Center, Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center, and Brookhurst Community Center. Human Resources will begin recruiting for the new positions today. Maureen stated they are open to suggestions, but they will begin at the Downtown Anaheim Senior Center and expand from there. In West Anaheim the Persian population has special requests and she anticipates receiving different requests from other populations as well. Senior Citizen Commission August 17, 2023 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN B. AARP Presentation — Brian Chwan reported that Leigh Broadway will make a presentation at the next commission meeting. Chair Brown also asked for suggestions on speakers for future meetings. C. Commissioner Noteboom stated that she feels there is a need for a blood pressure monitoring station here at the senior center. Maureen noted that there was a volunteer who came in weekly to do blood pressure checks, but she has retired, and Irene Rose from the Senior Club is currently working on finding a replacement. D. Vice -Chair Barnes asked about partnering with a City Council member such as the events recently hosted by Council Member Leon where organics recycling containers were distributed. Maureen reported that the Senior Health Fair will occur on September 161h and Republic Services will have a booth. In addition, the City and the ASCC will have a booth on September 231d at Council Member Leon's appreciation event at Modjeska Park that is partnering with Republic Services; the commission is welcome to attend and sit at the booth if they would like. E. Chair Brown announced that she and her family attended the Pageant of the Masters, and they received a backstage tour by Commissioner Brio. Commissioner Brio suggested possibly having a group tour for the Anaheim Seniors in the future. F. Commissioner Real announced that he has been selected to be a member of the Honor Flight to Washington D.C. next month and he will report on it at the next meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Brown adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 2:00 p.m.