20 (08)I
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
Disneyland Forward.
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest~invest~ent in affordable housing for a
non-reside~_.tial pf.qject in the City's history.
DisneylandF0rward would contribute $85 million to
improve traff_ic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 million 't9wards park improvements, amenities,
and potentially new parks throughout Anaheim.
I ho~e you will support Disne~ft'~Jiard which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
'pp.N.\ f. L ¢ $ \.) "Z y G ¤ L I
Print Name---=-----------Zip <\ 2-C, 5
Disneyland Forward
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 million towards park improvements, amenities,
and potentially new parks throughout Anaheim.
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
Print Name -'-~-n_-s_-ti_·r"O __ C_rcA_vE?_z. __ Zip qle:o>
S,goaw,e ~-------
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 million towards park improvements, amenities,
and potentially new parks throughout Anaheim.
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
Print Name JaSD/1 /Zqjr/gu~ Zip q~c.2
S,g"''"" '
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve trafficJl9.~J~d pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 million tm{a_r.df ~ark improvements, amenities,
' ( f'. •
and potentially hew ~rks throughout Anaheim. . .
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit.residents and our city for generations
to come.
' . I Gk~ ?
Zip ~£ Pr,nt Name (
~ (
Disneyland Forward
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
Disneyland Forward.
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
r~venue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential proJect in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 million towards park improvements, amenities,
and potentially new parks throughout Anaheim.
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come .
Pn,•, Name A1t1~ I Le-vlo:a:_
S,goatu,e ~---"-"'---=--~__,,___C)~_
Disneyland Forward
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
Disneyland Forward.
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
cteate thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
\ revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 millio~•t_,owa!ds park improvements, amenities,
.. ....t I
and F\_~,t:entially pew parks throughout Anaheim.
• I
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
Print Name _M_w. __ et._ll_;__1_,_ll.A--o ______ Zip q~o I
Signature ___ ....,__ _____________ _
Disneyland Forward
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
Disneyland Forward.
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandFqry,.,~rd_ ':-'ould contribute $85 million to
improve tr~fff~ flofjf pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 millidr1}oward¥~ark improvements, amenities,
• J ' .,
and potenfilt~¼!·parks throughout Anaheim.
·, -i : '. '·
I hope yoJ ~II s~pport DisneylandForward which will "t -, ,, I \. : ..
directly benefrt residents and our city for generations ,. .,_
to come.
Disneyland Forward
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
Disneyland Forward.
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 million towards park improvements, amenities,
and potentially new parks throughout Anaheim.
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
Print Name ·~Sig cA Yl -
S,gnature ~- =-~__::-____ _
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
Disneyland Forward.
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
Disneylan\::lFo'rward would contribute $85 million to
improve trsffic ~lo~ and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 miln~r:i t,i~~&~~ park improvements, amenities,
and potentially riew ,parks throughout Anaheim.
f I , ,,
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
lft_ I /1/4 If_ , r:-, 1..;;; ,
Print Nam4?fr y i ?1/Cr.... I t::
,,, ~..,
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
f,.s an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public suosidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
_.;) · -to $8 million towards park improvements, amenities,
. ,:;;L _,._
--~t : and potentially new parks throughout Anaheim.
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
Print Name Au.d..r::e-,t a..e-,e., /.J
I 0
Zip ~.i.. lo 1
S,goa<o,e ~--
Disneyland Forward
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I u rge you to support
DisneylandForward .
D isneylandForward wi ll pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
c reate thousands of jobs for loca l residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with mil li ons in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. Accord ing
to experts, thi s would i nclude:
8 ,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
comm itment to fund affordabl e housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the f irst
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project i n the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 mill ion to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 million towards park improvements, amenities,
and potentially new parks throughout Anaheim.
I hope you w ill support DisneylandForward wh ich w il l
directly benefit res idents and ou r city for generat ions
to come.
Print Nam e Ct/t<?./S r'ff/;t.tP)J 5 Zip ~ 5
S,g na turc ~-----....
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 million towards park improvements, amenities,
and potentially new parks throughout Anaheim.
I hope you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
PnatName 11/4. !L~l/,'j z;p~/2-,{y }(-'J a-11-= P
Disneyland Forward
k: Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
Disneyland Forward.
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety in addition
to $8 ~ill~~Uvards park improvements, amenities,
-~ .. _<'., ·,;
and pote~_tially:new parks throughout Anaheim .
.. ; ,.... -.. -~' ...
I hope yov will .?upport Disn·eylandForward which will
directly berief~·re~idents and our city for generations
to come.
Disneyland Forward
Dear Mayor Aitken and City Council
As an Anaheim resident, I urge you to support
Disneyland Forward.
DisneylandForward will pave the way for Disney to
meaningfully invest in the community for decades,
create thousands of jobs for local residents, and infuse
the City's general fund with millions in additional tax
revenue every year; with no public subsidy. According
to experts, this would include:
8,960 new construction jobs
4,584 new jobs during operation
$202 million in additional tax
revenue for the city in the first 10 years
DisneylandForward also contains a $30 million
commitment to fund affordable housing projects in
Anaheim within the first five years alone -the first
and largest investment in affordable housing for a
non-residential project in the City's history.
DisneylandForward would contribute $85 million to
improve tra.HiciflQw and pedestrian safety in addition
l. . ... ;.
to $8 milliori~tqwpr~s park improvements, amenities,
., I • ,
and pote~tiall(n_eW parks throughout Anaheim.
I hr;?e you will support DisneylandForward which will
directly benefit residents and our city for generations
to come.
Print Name _Lem--=---~~--~----'-;______ Zip 9 2-BQ J
•.• -~ . . .. _ .. } -~ . . .
.. -1.