6575ORDINANCE NO. 6 5 7 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 18.116 (ANAHEIM RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 92-2 (SP 92-2) ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS) OF TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 5453 AND 5454, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED (AMENDMENT NO. 17 TO THE ANAHEIM RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN) (DEV2021-00069) WHEREAS, pursuant to the City's police power, as granted broadly under Article XI, Section 7 of the California Constitution, the City Council of the City of Anaheim ("City Council") has the authority to enact and enforce ordinances and regulations for the public peace, morals and welfare of the City of Anaheim (the "City") and its residents; and WHEREAS, on April 29, 1986, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 4709 to establish uniform procedures for the adoption and implementation of Specific Plans for the coordination of future development within the City, and "Zoning and Development Standards" when the Specific Plan includes zoning regulations and development standards to be substituted for existing zoning regulations and development standards under the Zoning Code, which "Zoning and Development Standards" shall be adopted by ordinance independent of the rest of the Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 18.72 (formerly, Chapter 18.93) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, on September 27, 1994, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 5454 amending the zoning map to reclassify approximately 549.5 acres of certain real property described therein into the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (ARSP) No. 92-2 Zone subject to certain conditions as specified therein, and Ordinance No. 5453 relating to establishment of Zoning and Development Standards for the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 by the addition of Chapter 18.48 [subsequently renumbered as Chapter 18.116] to said Municipal Code (referred to herein as "ARSP Zoning and Development Standards"); and WHEREAS, the ARSP provides a long-range, comprehensive plan for future development within The Anaheim Resort, an area of the City designated on the General Plan for Commercial Recreation land uses. The Specific Plan includes a land use plan, zoning and development standards, design guidelines and a public facilities plan and permits the development of hotel, convention, retail, and other visitor -serving uses as well as the infrastructure improvements that are needed to support future development; and WHEREAS, in connection with the adoption of the ARSP and related actions (General Plan Amendment, The Anaheim Resort Identity Program and The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program), the City Council certified Master Environmental Impact Report (MEIR) No. 313, with a Statement of Findings and a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and adopted Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) No. 0085 by adopting Resolution No. 94R-234 on September 20, 1994. Since being certified in 1994, two validation reports were prepared (1999 and 2004) to evaluate the continued relevance and accuracy of MEIR No. 313; and WHEREAS, since the adoption of the ARSP, the City Council has adopted fourteen (14) amendments and thirteen (13) zoning code adjustments, and two (2) amendment requests have been submitted and subsequently withdrawn, which have expanded the total acreage of the ARSP area to approximately 581.3 acres; and WHEREAS, in support of Amendment No. 14 to the ARSP to update the ARSP to reflect development conditions and regulations, increase the maximum allowable square footage in the Public Recreational (PR) District to accommodate the future expansion of the Anaheim Convention Center and replace the conditions of approval contained in Ordinance No. 5454 with MMP No. 85C in conjunction with related actions (General Plan Amendment, Zoning Code Amendment, The Anaheim Resort Identity Program Amendment and The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program Amendment), the City Council certified Supplemental EIR No. 2008- 340 (Supplemental EIR No. 340), which is a Supplemental EIR to MEIR No. 313, and approved MMP No. 85C by adopting Resolution No. 2012-158 on December 18, 2012. Since being certified in 2012, a validation report was prepared in 2019 to evaluate the continued relevance and accuracy of SEIR No. 340; and WHEREAS, the DisneylandForward Project is proposed to allow continued, long- term growth of The Disneyland Resort. The Project would allow the transfer of uses permitted under The Disneyland Resort Project to Disney Properties in other areas of the DRSP and the ARSP. It would also allow future streamlined review of Disney development projects in these areas. The Project would not increase the amount of development square footage or hotel rooms currently allowed in the DRSP and analyzed in EIR No. 311, which the City certified in 1993, and Addendum No. 1 to EIR No. 311, which the City approved in 1996, or the number of hotel rooms currently allowed in the ARSP and analyzed in Supplemental EIR No. 340, which the City certified in 2012. However, it would permit an increase of 4,376 theme park employee parking spaces in the ARSP and provide for future administrative review by the City of Disney's development projects on Disney Properties within the DRSP and the ARSP. It would also modify the limits of the existing Theme Park and Hotel District boundaries within the existing DRSP perimeter (these two Districts would be combined and the expanded District would be called the Theme Park District) and rename the Future Expansion District to the Southeast District within the DRSP. It would also establish Overlays for Disney Properties in the ARSP (Theme Park East Overlay, Theme Park West Overlay and Parking Overlay). Disney is not seeking additional square footage for theme park uses or retail entertainment uses or additional hotel rooms within The Disneyland Resort as part of this Project. Instead, the Project would allow Disney to move the existing Disneyland Resort approvals for these uses to other Disney Properties governed by the DRSP and ARSP; and WHEREAS, this ordinance is proposed in connection with and is a component of the entitlement of. the DisneylandForward Project, which consists of, among other things, amendments to the City of Anaheim General Plan, Amendment No. 9 to The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan (DRSP) No. 92-1 and the DRSP Zoning and Development Standards (Anaheim Municipal Code Chapter 18.114), Amendment No. 17 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (ARSP) No. 92-2 and the ARSP Zoning and Development Standards (Anaheim Municipal Code Chapter 18.116), Amendment No. 6 to The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program, Amendment No. 4 to The Anaheim Resort Identity Program and the First Amended and Restated Development Agreement No. 96-01 (collectively known as "Development Application No. 2021- 00069" or the "Project"); and WHEREAS, Amendment No. 17 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2, including amendments to Chapter 18.116 (Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SP92-2) Zoning and Development Standards), has been prepared and submitted for the City's consideration pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 18.72 of the Anaheim Municipal Code and is on file with the City of Anaheim Planning and Building Department and incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full; and WHEREAS, Amendment No. 17 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan would update Chapter 18.116 (Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SP92-2) Zoning and Development Standards) of the Anaheim Municipal Code in its entirety to comprehensively update standards to reflect the Project. It would provide for administrative review of Disney's development within the Theme Park and Parking Overlays, provided that the development plans are in conformance with the ARSP, Conditions of Approval, MMP No. 387, and development agreement; revise structural height standards in the Theme Park Overlay; require 360 Degree Architectural Treatments for theme park uses; revise setbacks along certain streets and adjacent to residential zones; enhance screening along public streets and adjacent to residential zones; and, update standards to reflect proposed modifications associated with the Project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.; herein referred to as "CEQA"), the State of California Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations; herein referred to as the "CEQA Guidelines"), the City is the "lead agency" for the preparation and consideration of environmental documents for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on March 11, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., and notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60 (Procedures) of the Code, to hear and consider evidence and testimony concerning the contents and sufficiency of Final Subsequent EIR (SEIR) No. 352, including all written and verbal comments received during the 45-day public review period, the Project, and related actions, and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing and based upon its independent review, analysis, and consideration of the environmental information contained in Final SEIR No. 352 to EIR No. 311 and Supplemental EIR No. 340 prepared in connection with the Project, the Planning Commission found substantial evidence in the record to support its actions and did adopt its Resolution No. PC2024-004 finding and recommending that the City Council certify Final Subsequent EIR No. 352 (Final SEIR No. 352) to EIR No. 311 and Supplemental EIR No. 340, including the adoption of Findings and a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 387 (MMP No. 387), and determining that (i) Final SEIR No. 352 was prepared for the Project in compliance with the requirements of the CEQA and all applicable CEQA Guidelines; (ii) Final SEIR No. 352 reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City; (iii) Final SEIR No. 352 is adequate to serve as the appropriate environmental documentation for the Project satisfying the requirements of CEQA supplemental review; and, (iv) no further environmental documentation needs to be prepared for CEQA for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration, inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing with respect to the request for the Project, recommended that the City Council approve and adopt Amendment No. 17 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 and ARSP Zoning and Development Standards (Chapter 18.116 of the Anaheim Municipal Code), as proposed as part of DEV2021-00069; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of a summary of evidence, and a report of findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission, the City Council did fix the 16'' day of April, 2024, as the time, and the City Council Chamber in the Civic Center as the place for a public hearing on the Project, including Amendment No. 17 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92- 2 and ARSP Zoning and Development Standards (Chapter 18.116 of the Anaheim Municipal Code), and for the purpose of considering Final SEIR No. 352 and the Project, and did give notice thereof in the manner and as provided by law and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60 of the Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against the Project; and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2024, the City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard, and did receive evidence and reports and did consider the Project, including recommendations of the Planning Commission, potential environmental impacts addressed in Final SEIR No. 352, the Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 387; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 2024-029, considered on April 16, 2024 and approved by the City Council on April 17, 2024 concurrently with but prior in time to consideration of this Ordinance, the City Council has heretofore certified FSEIR No. 352 to Final EIR No. 311 and Supplemental EIR No. 340 prepared in connection with the Project and concurrently adopted Findings and a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) No. 387 as the mitigation monitoring program for the Project and determined that: (i) FSEIR No. 352 was prepared for the Project in compliance with the requirements of CEQA and all applicable CEQA Guidelines; (ii) FSEIR No. 352 and MMP No. 387 are adequate to serve as the appropriate environmental documentation for the Project; and, (iii) no further environmental documentation needs to be prepared for CEQA for this Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby determines that the proposed amendment to Chapter 18.116 will implement Amendment No. 17 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council determines that the proposed amendment to Chapter 18.116 will allow properties within the ARSP to be regulated by more detailed ARSP zoning and development standards and design guidelines which would provide more flexibility to develop theme park and hotel uses, while minimizing visual intrusion to neighboring properties by design elements including more site specific height limits, minimum building setbacks, landscape, screening and architectural treatments, the action implements the General Plan and enhances and preserves the general welfare. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the Zoning and Development Standards established by Ordinance No. 5453, as previously amended, contained within Chapter 18.116 of the Anaheim Municipal Code applicable to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 as specified herein; and, WHEREAS, the City Council determines that the evidence in the record constitutes substantial evidence to support the actions taken and the findings made in this ordinance, that the facts stated in this ordinance are supported by substantial evidence in the record, including testimony received at the public hearing, the staff presentation, the staff report and all materials in the files for the Project. There is no substantial evidence that negates the findings made in this ordinance. The City Council expressly declares that it considered all evidence presented and reached these findings after due consideration of all evidence presented to it. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That except as expressly amended herein, Ordinance Nos. 5453 and 5454, as previously amended, shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 5453, as previously amended, be, and the same is hereby amended to revise Chapter 18.116 (Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SP92-2) Zoning and Development Standards) of the Anaheim Municipal Code in its entirety to read in full as indicated in the attachment labeled Exhibit A ("Chapter 18.116 of the Anaheim Municipal Code") and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3. That Ordinance No. 5454, as previously amended, be, and the same is hereby amended to add the Overlays depicted in Exhibit B ("Theme Park and Parking Overlays") to the "SP92-2" (Specific Plan No. 92-2) Zone and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY The City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase, term or word of this ordinance be declared for any reason to be invalid or unconstitutional by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, it is the intent of the City Council that it would have adopted all other portions of this ordinance independent of the elimination herefrom of any such portion as may be declared invalid or unconstitutional. If any section, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (or more) section, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase had been declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 5. CERTIFICATION The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance or a summary thereof to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after its adoption in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days from and after its final passage. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE was considered at a public hearing held at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim on the 161h day of April, 2024 and introduced at the conclusion of the public hearing on the 17a' day of April, 2024, and thereafter passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 7ffi day of May, 2024, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Mayor Aitken and Council Members Kurtz, Diaz, Leon, Rubalcava, Faessel and Meeks NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None CITY OF ANAHEIM By: MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ATTEST: ti CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM EXHIBIT "A" "CHAPTER 18.116 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE" [Behind this sheet.] (DEV2021-00069) CLEAN VERSION (ANAHEIM RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN — AMENDMENT NO. 17) — EXHIBIT A Chapter 18.116 ANAHEIM RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN NO.92-2 (SP 92-2) ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sections: 18.116.010 Purpose and intent. 18.116.020 General provisions. 18.116.025 Changes to Specific Plan Boundaries. 18.116.030 Definitions. 18.116.040 Methods and Procedures for Specific Plan Implementation. 18.116.050 Development Areas. 18.116.060 Development Density Areas — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1). 18.116.070 Uses — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1). 18.116.075 Residential Uses/Amendments. 18.116.080 Structural Heights and Widths — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1). 18.116.090 Structural Setbacks — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1). 18.116.100 Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1). 18.116.110 Land Use and Site Development Standards — Public Recreation (PR) District (Development Area 2). 18.116.120 Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay. 18.116.125 Anaheim Resort Residential (ARR) Overlay. 18.116.126 Theme Park (TP) Overlay. 18.116.127 Parking (P) Overlay. 18.116.130 Central Core. 18.116.140 Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements. 18.116.150 Requirements for Vacation Ownership Resorts. 18.116.160 Sign Regulations. 18.116.170 Reclassification Procedure —Violation. 18.116.010 PURPOSE AND INTENT. .010 Purpose. The regulations set forth in this chapter have been established to provide for orderly development of, and upon adoption of an ordinance reclassifying said property to SP 92- 2 (the "Zone"), shall be applicable to that certain property (hereinafter referred to as the "Specific Plan area") described in that Specific Plan No. 92-2 document (hereinafter referred to as the "Specific Plan") marked 'Exhibit A" and on file in the office of the City Clerk, approved by the City Council on September 27, 1994 (Ordinance No. 5453), and amended on June 3, 1997 (Ordinance No. 5599), amended on May 18, 1999 (Ordinance No. 5685), amended on August 17, 1999, (Ordinance No. 5694), amended on September 21, 1999 (Ordinance No. 5703) and amended on May 1, 2001 (Ordinance No. 5769), amended on April 27, 2004 (Ordinance No. 5910), amended on May 25, 2004 (Ordinance No. 5920) , amended on June 8, 2004 (Ordinance No. 5922), amended on February 8, 2005 (Ordinance No. 5954), amended on September 12, 2006 (Ordinance No. 6036), amended on May 8, 2007 (Ordinance No. 6058), amended on March 4, 2008 (Ordinance Nos. 6098 and 6099), amended on October 14, 2008 (Ordinance No. 6117), amended on March 31, 2009 (Ordinance No. 6141), amended on January 15, 2013 (Ordinance No. 6265), amended on August 14, 2018 (Ordinance No. 6443), amended on September 29, 2020 (Ordinance No. 6494), and amended on [insert date] (Ordinance No. __) as the same may be hereinafter amended. .020 Intent. The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Zone recognizes the uniqueness of The Anaheim Resort as a family -oriented tourist destination and encourages facilities catering to tourist and convention -related events. This zone is intended to provide for and encourage the development of integrated facilities in attractive settings for retail businesses directly related to entertaining, lodging, theme park, and supplying services to tourists and visitors. This Zone is further intended to preserve locally recognized values of community appearance; to safeguard and enhance property values in the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Zone; to protect public investment in, and the character of, public thoroughfares; and, to aid in the attraction of tourists and other visitors important to the economy of the city. Application of these regulations is specifically intended to provide for the most appropriate use of the land, create a harmonious relationship among land uses and protect the health, safety and welfare of the community. .030 Organization. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.72 (Specific Plans), the standards herein are patterned after the zone districts and definitions contained in Title 18 (Zoning). (Ord. 5453 § I (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 1; January 15, 2013.) 18.116.020 GENERAL PROVISIONS. .010 Compliance with Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Code and Conditions of Approval. All uses and development in this Zone shall comply with any applicable provisions of the code expressly referred to in this chapter, including, unless specifically amended herein, the provisions of Chapters 18.92 (Definitions), 18.40 (General Development Standards), and 18.60 (Procedures); provided, however, that in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between any provision contained in any other chapter of this code and any provision contained in this chapter, the provision contained in this chapter shall govern and apply. All Engineering, City and Planning Standards referred to in this chapter are on file in the office of the City Engineer and Planning Director and are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth in this chapter. Where the provisions of this Zone do not discuss a specific condition or situation which arises, the non -conflicting provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code shall apply. All uses and development in this Zone shall further be subject to conditions of approval imposed by resolution and ordinance upon the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan and shall comply with all applicable provisions of Mitigation Monitoring Program Nos. 0085, 0085a, 0085b, 0085C and 387. .020 The Anaheim Resort Design Plan. The site development standards set forth in Sections 18.116.060 (Development Density Areas - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)) through 18.116.160 (Sign Regulations) of this chapter have been adopted to operate in conjunction with the Design Plan for the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan identified in Section 5.0 of the Specific Plan document (hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the "Design Plan") as the same may be hereinafter amended in accordance with the Specific Plan amendment procedures set forth in Chapter 18.72 (Specific Plans). Said Design Plan is incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth in this chapter. All development otherwise permitted by this chapter shall comply with any applicable provisions of the Design Plan. .030 Compliance with City of Anaheim Codes. All grading and subdivision plans shall comply with all applicable regulations and be reviewed and processed in accordance with the procedures contained in Title 17 (Land Development and Resources) of the Anaheim Municipal Code. All construction shall comply with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of Anaheim, and applicable sections of Title 15 (Building and Housing) of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Construction within the Specific Plan area may commence only after the Planning Director finds that the construction proposal is in substantial compliance with these regulations, applicable policies and guidelines of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan. With the exception of exemptions provided in paragraph, Table 116-A (Final Site Plan Exemptions), or in (Theme Park (TP) Overlay and Parking (P) Overlay) below, the issuance of building permits may only occur after Final Site Plan approval has been obtained from the City of Anaheim, subject to the procedures set forth in Section (Final Site Plan Review and Approval). .0301 Theme Park (TP) Overlay and Parking (P) Overlay. Building plans for projects developed pursuant to this chapter shall be submitted to the Planning and Building Department and shall be reviewed for conformance with all applicable provisions of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, this chapter, the Conditions of Approval set forth in Ordinance No. Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 387, and terms of any applicable development agreement prior to issuance of building permits and construction. Building plans within the TP and P Overlays are not subject to the procedures set forth in subsection (Final Site Plan Review and Approval). .040 Specific Plan Boundaries. The Specific Plan boundaries are identified on Exhibit 3.3- 1 entitled "Development Plan" of the Specific Plan document. The Specific Plan area encompasses two land use districts: the Commercial Recreation (C-R) District and the Public Recreation (PR) District. The Specific Plan also includes a Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay, the Anaheim Resort Residential (ARR) Overlay, the Theme Park (TP) Overlay, and the Parking (P) Overlay. These overlays are within the C-R District. The Specific Plan legal description is provided in Section 9.0 of the Specific Plan document. The Zoning Map of the City shall reflect the boundaries of the Specific Plan area. .050 Nonconforming Structures and Uses. The provisions of Chapter 18.56 (Nonconformities) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, shall apply to this zone except as stated herein. .0501 Signs. The provisions of Section (Legal Nonconforming Signs -General) of this chapter shall apply to nonconforming signs. .0502 Landscaping. The site development standards in subsection 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)) shall apply to all landscaping hereinafter installed or modified and to all landscape on any lot or parcel containing a building hereinafter structurally modified to an extent exceeding forty-five percent (45%) of the gross floor area of said existing building within any two-year (2) period. .0503 Structural Expansion. The site development standards in this chapter shall apply to the structural expansion portion of every building hereinafter expanded. The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan encourages the enhancement of all buildings and structures within the specific plan boundaries, including legal nonconforming buildings and structures, in accordance with the following procedures. .01 Buildings with nonconforming setbacks and/or height may be expanded, provided the expansion complies with the provisions of this title, and does not intensify existing nonconforinities. .02 Expansion of nonconforming uses within conforming or nonconforming structures, which bring the use and/or structure into greater conformity with the intent of the Specific Plan, may be permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits). .060 Terms. Terms used in this chapter shall have the same definitions as provided in the Anaheim Municipal Code, including Section 18.36 (Types of Uses) and Section 18.92 (Definitions) unless otherwise defined in Section 18.116.030 (Definitions). .070 General Plan Consistency. In adopting its resolution adopting the Specific Plan, the City Council of the City of Anaheim made certain findings of consistency between the General Plan of the city and the Specific Plan. In granting future approvals as contemplated by this chapter and by the Specific Plan, the particular person or body so acting shall not do so in such a manner as to abrogate or nullify those findings. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 §§ 2, 3; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6286 § 53; September 3, 2013.) 18.116.025 CHANGES TO SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARIES. The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan boundaries shall only be amended or modified by (i) completion of an Environmental Impact Report prepared in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, (ii) completion of a long-term economic impact analysis of the proposed change by an independent financial advisor retained by the City, (iii) approval by the City Council, and (iv) approval by a majority of voters of the City of Anaheim at a regularly -scheduled municipal election. (Ord. 6098 § 1 (part); March 4, 2008.) 18.116.030 DEFINITIONS. .010 "A" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Accessory Use, Permitted." A permitted accessory use is a use which is considered to be compatible with a permitted primary use while also being clearly incidental to and integrated with the permitted primary use. A permitted accessory use is permitted as of right, provided that the specific proposal for such a use conforms to all requirements of the Specific Plan. A permitted accessory use is a use which is secondary or subordinate to a permitted primary use. "Acres, Gross." The total acreage of a parcel or lot measured from the ultimate public right-of-way except that when computing density, properties along the following streets may include the following additional right-of-way widths in their gross acreage due to the enhanced ultimate right-of-way widths required by adopted General Plan Amendment No. 331 to implement the Anaheim Resort Public Realm streetscape program: Harbor Boulevard, between the Interstate-5 Freeway and Orangewood Avenue twelve (12) feet; Katella Avenue twenty-eight (28) feet; Disney Way eleven and one half (11-1/2) feet; Disneyland Drive north of Ball Road ten (10) feet; and Disneyland Drive, between Magic Way and Katella Avenue two and one half (2-1/2) feet. "Acreage, Net." The total acreage of a parcel or lot, excluding the ultimate right-of- way for all public streets. .015 `B" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Back -of -House Uses and Areas." The area of a theme park not normally accessible to theme park visitors which contains maintenance and repair facilities, storage areas, administrative offices, animal storage facilities, including those for local law enforcement and/or on -site security, employee dressing rooms and rest areas, mechanical equipment, and other theme park support facilities. "Banquet/Meeting Room." A room within a hotel/motel that is rented by individuals or groups to accommodate private functions such as banquets, weddings, anniversaries, and other similar celebrations; and/or meetings, conferences, conventions or educational classes. "Breakfast Room." A room within a hotel or motel where breakfast is provided free of charge to the hotel or motel guests and use of the room is limited strictly to the guests and/or employees of the hotel or motel. .016 "C" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Concierge Lounge." A room or outdoor area within a hotel or motel as an amenity for guests in which use of the room or outdoor area is limited strictly to the guests and/or employees of the hotel or motel. Food and beverage service may be offered to guests of the hotel or motel. 020 "D" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Density." For purposes of this specific plan, hotel/motel densities are established in Section 18.116.060 (Development Density Areas - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). Any accessory uses, that are not identified as "limited strictly to the use of the guests and/or employees of such hotel" within Table 116-E (Accessory Uses Incidental to and Integrated within a Hotel or Motel Including Suite -Type Hotels, and Otherwise Limited Herein: C-R District (Development Area 1)), shall reduce the otherwise maximum permitted hotel/motel density at the rate of one hotel/motel room per six -hundred (600) gross square feet of accessory use. "Disney Property." The real properties in the DRSP and ARSP owned or leased by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. or other subsidiaries of The Walt Disney Company. 030 " E" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Emergency Medical Facilities." A facility that provides skilled medical services for unexpected and unforeseen events and bodily trauma that demand immediate medical action. 040 "G" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Gross Square Footage." The total square footage of a building or structure, including the exterior walls of all floors. .050 "H" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Headshop. Any commercial enterprise or establishment, whether ongoing or transient, which sells any devices, contrivances, instruments or drug paraphernalia as defined by the California Health and Safety Code. "Hotel Guest Room or Suite." A room, rooms or unit in a hotel or vacation ownership resort, intended for occupancy on a commercial basis, containing sleeping and bathing accommodation, with or without kitchen facilities. A hotel guest room or suite shall be considered one room or one unit for the purpose of total room count permitted in the Specific Plan from the point where private keyed entry occurs from a common hall, or vestibule in the case of a shared entry. .060 "P" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Parking Facilities." An area or structure intended for the temporary storage of automobiles and other vehicles. Such facilities may consist of, but are not limited to, surface parking lots, parking structures and parking areas under buildings. "Public Right -of -Way." Any area of real property dedicated to or owned by the City of Anaheim, or over which the City of Anaheim holds any easement, for public street, alley, sidewalk, landscape, utility or pedestrian purposes; and, accepted by resolution of the City Council. .065 "R" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Recreation Buildings and Structures." Recreational uses associated with hotels and motels, such as tennis and racquetball courts, spas, swimming pools, cabanas, dressing rooms, and play equipment. .070 "S" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Sign." See subsection (Definitions Pertaining To Signs). "Specialty Retail Centers." A retail center where all goods and services are oriented, marketed and intended for tourist, visitor and/or recreational consumers and not oriented to the general public. Such center shall consist of a minimum of five (5) acres; have integrated management; have a "festive theme" orientation; plazas and/or other pedestrian -oriented amenities shall be part of the center's design; and, land uses may include, but need not be limited to: custom print and art shops; souvenir, gift, and/or novelty shops; toy shops; hobby shops; photo supply shops; clothing stores; confectionery shops, including candy stores, ice cream parlors, baked goods (e.g., cookies, muffins, etc.) for on -premises sale or consumption; floral shops; luggage and accessory shops; jewelry stores; sale of beer and wine for off -premises consumption; sale of alcoholic beverages for on -premises consumption; entertainment facilities; and amusement arcades, subject to the provisions of Section 18.16.050 (Amusement Devices). A complete listing of proposed uses shall be submitted with every conditional use permit application. "Strip Shopping Centers." A building or collection of buildings containing retail and/or commercial uses in which the primary orientation of the buildings, entrances, signs, and uses is toward the adjacent public street, and in which parking areas or access to parking areas are prominently displayed to passing vehicles. Such shopping centers contain uses intended to attract either the general public or tourists, visitor and/or recreational consumers. .080 "T" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Temporary Parking Lots." An area intended for the temporary parking of automobiles and other vehicles and not intended to be the ultimate use of the property. "Transportation Facility." Facilities and structures intended to accommodate transportation terminal stations (facilities intended to accommodate the transfer from automobile or pedestrian travel to bus, train or other forms of mass transit), fixed transit guideways, and other structures intended to move passengers or pedestrians from one location to another. "Turf Block." Any one of several paving products made of concrete or plastic which permit turf or other low -growing plant materials to grow through the paving so that the paving is not easily seen. Turf block paving is intended for occasional vehicle traffic, such as required emergency access through landscaped areas. .090 "U" Words, Terms And Phrases. "Ultimate Planned Right -Of -Way." The maximum extent, as provided in a legal instrument or as shown on a City Adopted roadway plan, that a right-of-way may be expanded in the future to serve its intended purpose. The right-of-way designated in the Circulation Element of the Anaheim General Plan as further described in Sections 4.0 (Public Facilities Plan) and 5.0 (Design Plan), of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan document. Required setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate planned right-of-way shown on the General Plan, including any critical intersection standard applicable to the property. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5944 34; September 28, 2004.) .100 "V" Words, Terms and Phrases. "Vacation Ownership Resort." A timeshare facility in which a person or entity receives the right in perpetuity, for life or for a specific period of time, to the recurrent, exclusive use or occupancy of a lot, parcel, unit, space, or portion of real property for a period of time which has been or will be allocated from the use or occupancy periods into which the facility has been divided. A vacation ownership resort interest may be coupled with an estate in real property, or it may entail a license, contract, membership, or other right of occupancy not coupled with an estate in the real property. "Valet Parking." A parking service provided to accommodate users of an establishment, which service is incidental to the establishment and by which an attendant on behalf of the establishment takes temporary custody of the users' vehicles and moves, parks, stores or retrieves the vehicle. (Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 §§ 4 - 8; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6382 § 22; October 18, 2016: Ord. 6432 § 41; April 10, 2018.) 18.116.040 METHODS AND PROCEDURES FOR SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION. The methods and procedures for implementation and administration of the Specific Plan are prescribed as follows: .010 Implementation. The Specific Plan shall be implemented through the processing and approval of Final Site Plans prior to the issuance of building permits except as expressly provided in paragraph (Final Site Plan Exemptions). For uses requiring a conditional use permit or variance to waive code requirements, the Final Site Plan shall be submitted and reviewed for consistency with the Specific Plan in conjunction with the processing of the conditional use permit or variance. .020 Final Site Plan Review and Approval. Final Site Plans, shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 18.70 (Final Plan Reviews) except as provided for as follows: .0201 Site Plan Review. Plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval by the Planning Director pursuant to the requirements in Chapter 18.70 (Final Plan Reviews). .0202 Site Plan Approval. If the Planning Director finds the Final Site Plan to be in conformance with the Specific Plan and the provisions of this Chapter, the Planning Director shall approve the Final Site Plan. The Planning Director's decision shall be final unless appealed to the Planning Commission within ten (10) days from the date of such decision. Plans submitted for issuance of building permits shall be in substantial conformance with the approved Final Site Plan. .0203 Appeal Process. The appeal shall be processed in accordance with Section 18.60.130 (Appeals— Planning Commission Decisions) through 18.60.150 (Scope of Review) in the same manner as appeals for decisions on reclassifications, conditional use permits or variances as set forth in Sections 18.60.130 (Appeals — Planning Commission Decisions) except that the appeal period shall be a maximum of ten (10) days. .0204 Environmental Review. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, Final Site Plan review by the Planning Department under paragraph (Final Site Plan Review and Approval) shall include a ministerial determination whether the proposed building, structure or use has been environmentally cleared on a project -specific level by the Master Environmental Impact Report for the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (MEIR No. 313) and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report For Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (SEIR No. 340), or other final environmental documentation. If not, then the proposed activity shall be subject to the preparation of an initial study and potential further environmental review and mitigation pursuant to the procedures outlined for subsequent projects under a Master EIR in Public Resources Code Section 21157.1. .0205 Final Site Plan Exemptions. The following projects or improvements identified in Table 116-A (Final Site Plan Exemptions) are exempt from the Final Site Plan review and approval process as set forth in subsection (Final Site Plan Review and Approval); however, plans depicting these improvements shall be submitted to the Planning and Building Department for review and approval for consistency with the Specific Plan prior to the issuance of building and/or sign permits: TABLE 116-A FINAL SITE PLAN EXEMPTIONS Exemption Special Provisions Development in the Theme Park (TP) Overlay Building plans shall be reviewed for and Parking (P) Overlay conformance with all applicable provisions of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, this chapter, the Conditions of Approval set forth in Ordinance No. , Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 387, and terms of any applicable development agreement prior to issuance of building permits and construction. Interior building alterations Modifications or improvements that do not result in an increase in the gross square footage of the building. TABLE 116-A FINAL SITE PLAN EXEMPTIONS Minor building additions or improvements to or at the rear of a building or development complex Exterior facade improvements Signage Landscape/Hardscape Provisions Must not be visible from the public right-of- way; do not exceed five percent (5%) of the building's gross square footage or one thousand (1,000) square feet, whichever is lesser; are in substantial conformance with the building envelope; and, are in conformance with the Design Plan and the Zoning and Development Standards set forth in this chapter. Must not add to the gross square footage of a building or development complex; are in substantial conformance with the building envelope; and, are in conformance with the Design Plan and the Zoning and Development Standards set forth in this chapter. Such improvements may include, but are not limited to, the installation of window awnings and/or canopies, replacement of existing doors and windows, and modification, repair or resurfacing of exterior walls and roof areas. Including Anaheim Resort freestanding monument signs, wall signs, and on -site directional/informational signs, which are in conformance with the Design Plan and the Zoning and Development Standards set forth in this chapter except as provided for in Section 18.116.160. Improvements or modifications that are not in connection with building modifications. .030 Development Review and Permits. All building and site plans shall be subject to review by the Planning Services and Building Divisions of the Planning and Building Department for conformance with the Specific Plan and the approved Final Site Plans, if required. Permits shall be issued in compliance with all provisions of Section 18.90.110 (Development Review and Permits). In addition, where there are existing buildings and structures on a site for which more intensive development is proposed under the provisions of this Zone, no building permit shall be issued until the Chief Building Official and the Fire Chief have certified that the existing buildings and structures are safe for occupancy and for human habitation. .040 Landscape Plan Review. The location of all proposed landscaping, including landscaping, irrigation and lighting treatments located within the parkway area (the area within the ultimate public right-of-way and described in Sections 4.0 (Public Facilities Plan) and 5.0 (Design Plan) of the Specific Plan document), shall be shown on a site plan, or building plans if no Final Site Plan is required, drawn to scale, and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City prior to installation. Landscaping plans shall be consistent with required Final Site Plans approved pursuant to subsection (Final Site Plan Review and Approval), approved building plans and the provisions of the Design Plan. Improvements within the parkway area shall be prepared in compliance with City standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer prior to installation. .050 Specific Plan Amendments. Amendments to the Specific Plan shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 18.72 (Specific Plans). .060 Master Planned Developments. .0601 In order to encourage the assemblage of contiguous parcels of land to facilitate master planning and also to recognize and accommodate the uniqueness of land uses (i.e., consolidation of parcels leading to a reuse or intensification of land use), property located in this Zone may be reclassified to its own Specific Plan Zone pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 18.72 (Specific Plans). .0602 Any properties so reclassified shall be subject to the development standards adopted for said zone pursuant to Section 18.72 (Specific Plans); provided, however, that: .01 The height of all structures shall not exceed the maximum heights defined in Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height Limitations - Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area). .02 The landscape and setback requirements for all structures shall be the same as set forth in Sections 18.116.090 (Structural Setbacks - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)) through 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). .03 Development abutting Harbor Boulevard between Interstate-5 Freeway and Orangewood Avenue and Katella Avenue between Walnut Street and Interstate-5 Freeway shall be in conformance with the standards set forth in Section 18.116.130 (Central Core) and the Design Plan. .04 Prior to approving any new development standards for said zone, the Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the proposed standards in light of the goals and purpose identified in the City of Anaheim General Plan for the Commercial Recreation land use designation as well as the goals and objectives of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan as described in the Executive Summary (Section 1.0) and the Design Plan. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 9; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6473 § 47; December 3, 2019.) 18.116.050 DEVELOPMENT AREAS. The Specific Plan area encompasses two land use districts and four overlays as set forth below: .010 Commercial Recreation (C-R) District -Identified as Development Area Ion Exhibit 3.3-1 of the Specific Plan document entitled "Development Plan." Development density areas for this district are set forth in Section 18.116.060 (Development Density Areas - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). Development regulations for this district are set forth in this chapter. .020 Public Recreation (PR) District - Identified as Development Area 2 on Exhibit 3.3-1 of the Specific Plan document entitled "Development Plan." Development Regulations for this district are set forth in Section 18.116.110 (Land Use and Site Development Standards - Public Recreation (PR) District (Development Area 2)). .030 Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay - MHP Overlay boundaries are identified on Exhibit 3.3-3 of the Specific Plan Document entitled "Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay in the C-R District." Development Regulations for the MHP Overlay are set forth in Section 18.116.120 (Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay). .040 Anaheim Resort Residential (ARR) Overlay - ARR Overlay boundaries are identified on Exhibit 3.3-4 of the Specific Plan document entitled "Anaheim Resort Residential (ARR) Overlay in the C-R District." Development Regulations for this district are set forth in Section 18.116.125 (Anaheim Resort Residential (ARR) Overlay). (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6036 § 2; September 12, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 10; January 15, 2013.) .050 Theme Park (TP) Overlay - TP Overlay boundaries are identified on Exhibit 3.3-6 of the Specific Plan document entitled "Theme Park (TP) Overlay in the C-R District." Development Regulations for the TP Overlay are set forth in Section 18.116.126 (Theme Park (TP) Overlay). .060 Parking (P) Overlay — P Overlay boundaries are identified on Exhibit 3.3-7 of the Specific Plan document entitled "Parking (P) Overlay in the C-R District." Development Regulations for the P Overlay are set forth in Section 18.116.127 (Parking (P) Overlay). 18.116.060 DEVELOPMENT DENSITY AREAS — COMMERCIAL RECREATION (C-R) DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1). .010 Purpose. To permit the maximum amount of development in the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area consistent with The Anaheim Resort's infrastructure capacity, the Specific Plan establishes seven (7) density categories in the C-R District. The following criteria establish density modifications for hotel/motel accessory uses and uses other than hotels/motels. .0101 Hotel/Motel Accessory Uses. Up to twenty percent (20%) of each hotel/motel project gross square footage, excluding parking facilities, may be developed with integrated (i.e., included within the main hotel/motel complex) accessory uses. Any accessory use, that is not identified as "limited strictly to the use of the guests and/or employees of such hotel" within Table 116-E (Accessory Uses Incidental to and Integrated within a Hotel or Motel Including Suite -Type Hotels, and Otherwise Limited Herein: C-R District (Development Area 1)) will reduce the otherwise maximum permitted hotel/motel density at the rate of one hotel/motel room per six hundred (600) gross square feet of accessory use. .0102 Uses other than Hotels/Motels. For properties proposed to be developed with permitted and conditionally permitted uses other than hotels/motels with accessory uses, the traffic generation characteristics of said uses shall not exceed those associated with the otherwise permitted hotel/motel (including accessory uses) density as determined by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager prior to required Final Site Plan review and approval or building plan approval. Boundaries of the density areas are depicted in Exhibit, 3.3-2 (Commercial Recreation (C-R) District Development Density Plan) of the Specific Plan document. .020 The maximum number of hotel/motel rooms allowed in each density category is shown in Table 116-B (Hotel/Motel Room Density) of Section 18.116.060 (Development Density Areas - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). TABLE 116-B HOTEL/MOTEL ROOM DENSITY Density Category Maximum Density Low Density Up to 50 rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms per lot or parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (or for amended areas, the date of the adoption of the specific plan amendment), whichever is greater Low -Medium Density Up to 75 rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms per lot or parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, whichever is greater, except that for that area identified in Ordinance No. 5694 as Area 8, the maximum density shall be 75 rooms per gross acre Low -Medium Density (Modified) Up to 252 rooms and 75,593 square feet of accessory uses. Medium Density Up to 100 rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms per lot or parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, whichever is greater Medium Density (Modified) Up to 345 rooms Medium Density (Modified Ay Up to 127 rooms Convention Center (CC) Medium Up to 125 rooms per gross acre (with trip generation Density characteristics mitigated to the equivalent of 100 rooms per gross) or 75 rooms per lot or parcel existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, whichever is greater .030 Exceptions. .0301 For parcels that are developed with hotel or motel rooms which exceed the maximum density designation, the number of rooms existing on the date of adoption of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Ordinance (Ordinance No. 5453, Adopted on September 27, 1994) (or for amended areas, the date of the adoption of the specific plan amendment ordinance) may be rebuilt or modified at their existing density. .0302 Densities of contiguous parcels/lots may be combined for the purpose of developing a master plan project without processing a subdivision map to combine the parcels/lots subject to the following: .01 That the density on one or more parcels/lots may exceed the maximum density allowed for said parcel/lot provided that: the maximum overall density permitted for the combined parcels/lots is not exceeded; the proposed project does not exceed traffic impacts associated with the otherwise permitted hotel/motel density as determined by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager; and, that the environmental effects associated with the proposed project are consistent with those cleared by the Master Environmental Impact Report for the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (MEIR No. 313) and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for Amendment No. 14 to the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan (FSEIR No. 2008-00340), or other final environmental documentation. .02 That the proposed density for each parcel/lot is shown on the Final Site Plan processed in accordance with subsection (Final Site Plan Review and Approval). .03 That an unsubordinated covenant shall be recorded on each of the affected parcels limiting the density of each parcel to that shown on the approved Final Site Plan and that said covenant shall be recorded prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the master plan project. The covenant shall be prepared in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney and shall be recorded with the Office of the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recorded covenant shall then be submitted to the Planning Department. .0303 Properties along the following street segments may include the following additional right-of-way widths in their gross acreage due to the enhanced ultimate right-of-way widths required by adopted General Plan Amendment No. 331 to implement the Anaheim Resort Public Realm streetscape program: Harbor Boulevard, between the Interstate-5 Freeway and Orangewood Avenue twelve (12) feet; Katella Avenue twenty-eight (28) feet; Disney Way eleven and one half (I1-1/2) feet; Disneyland Drive north of Ball Road ten (10) feet; and Disneyland Drive, between Magic Way and Katella Avenue two and one half (2-1/2) feet. (Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 11; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6443 § 1; August 14, 2018: Ord. 6494 § 1; September 29, 2020.) 18.116.070 USES —COMMERCIAL RECREATION (C-R) DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1). .010 Permitted Uses and Structures - General. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the following additional limitations shall apply to the conduct of any use permitted in this district: .0101 All uses except service stations, automobile parking lots, semi -enclosed restaurants, food or beverage carts in conjunction with a hotel, or as otherwise exempted in this chapter, shall be conducted wholly within a building. .0102 All uses shall be conducted in a manner so as not to be objectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, fumes, smoke, gas, vibrations or other similar causes detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. .0103 All stores shall deal primarily in new merchandise, excepting as otherwise specified in this chapter. .0104 Special Provisions. Special provisions related to a use are referenced in the "Special Provisions" column of Tables 116-C through 116-F. Such provisions may include references to other applicable code sections or limitations. .020 Permitted Primary Uses and Structures. Table 116-C (Primary Uses and Structures: C- R District (Development Area 1)) identifies allowable primary uses and structures either singly or in combination, listed by classes as defined in Section 18.36.040 (Non -Residential Primary Use Classes) or in this chapter for the Commercial Recreation (C-R) District. .030 Conditionally Permitted Uses. Due to the uniqueness of The Anaheim Resort as a tourist and visitor center and the associated concerns of the circulation and traffic system and other infrastructure impacts and land use compatibility, certain buildings, structures and uses shall be permitted provided a minor conditional use permit or a conditional use permit as identified in Table I I6-C (Primary Uses and Structures: C-R District (Development Area 1)) is approved therefore pursuant to, and subject to, the conditions and required showings of Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits). .040 The allowable uses in Tables 116-C, I I6-D, I I6-E, and 116-F are established by letter designations as follows: .0401 "P" designates classes of uses permitted by right; .0402 "C" designates classes of uses permitted by a conditional use permit; .0403 "M" designates classes of uses permitted by a minor conditional use permit; and .0404 "N" designates classes of uses that are prohibited; .050 Accessory Uses. Table 116-D (Accessory Uses and Structures Integrated with a Permitted Primary Use: C-R District (Development Area 1)) and Table 116-E (Accessory Uses Incidental to and Integrated within a Hotel/Motel Including Suite -Type Hotels, and Otherwise Limited Herein: C-R District (Development Area 1)) identify accessory uses and structures within the Specific Plan area, listed by classes of uses as defined in Section 18.36.050 (Accessory Use Classes) and in this chapter. .060 Temporary Uses and Structures. Table 116-F (Temporary Uses and Structures: C-R District (Development Area 1)) identifies allowable Temporary Uses and Structures within the Specific Plan area. .070 Interpreting Classes of Uses. The provisions for interpreting the classes of uses in Tables 116-C through I I6-F are set forth in Section 18.36.020 (Classification of Uses) of Chapter 18.36 (Types of Uses) or as otherwise defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions) and Code Section 18.116.030 (Definitions). TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Agricultural crops P Alcoholic Beverage P/C Subject to Section 18.38.025 Manufacturing Alcoholic Beverages — N Except as permitted subject to Section Off -Sale or as an accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel. Alcoholic Beverages — P On -Sale Alcoholism or Drug N Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facilities (Large) Ambulance Services N Amusement parks, theme- C Such uses may include the keeping of animals or birds type complexes, aviaries, used in the operation of the facility, provided that such zoos animals or birds shall be maintained in physical confinement sufficient to prohibit the movement of said animals or birds upon any real property not owned or under the lawful possession or control of the person or entity owning or controlling said animals or birds. Further, no animals or birds shall be confined closer than forty (40) feet from any building used for human habitation, including hotel or motel rooms, and no closer than forty (40) feet from any property line. Conditional use permits for the keeping of animals and birds shall specify the maximum number and type of animals and birds permitted. Any increase in the number and/or variations in the type of animals and birds kept shall require either an amendment to said conditional use permit or a new conditional use permit. Animal Boarding C Animal Grooming N Antennas — Broadcasting C Antennas — T Stealth facilities integrated within a building are Telecommunications permitted subject to Section 18.38.060 and Section 18.62.020. Freestanding ground -mounted facilities including stealth facilities are not permitted. TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit g2guired Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Automated Teller P Shall be located wholly within a building or within a Machines (ATM's) hotel complex in a location not visible from the public right-of-way. Subject to Section 18.36.040. Automotive — Vehicle N/C Car sales are prohibited. Automotive — Rental not Sales, Lease & Rental otherwise permitted by Table I I6-D requires a conditional use permit. Automotive —Parts Sales N Automotive — Public C Parking lots or parking structures/garages not otherwise Parking permitted by Table I I6-D. Automotive — Repair and N Modification Automotive — Service C Subject to requirements of Section 18.38.070 Station (Automotive Service Stations) and subsection Automotive — Washing C In conjunction with an Automotive — Service Station only. TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Retl uired Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Bars & Nightclubs C Bed and Breakfast Inns N Beekeeping N Billboards N As defined in subsection (Definitions Pertaining to Signs). Boarding House N Building and Material N Sales Cemeteries N Commercial retail centers N Including commercial retail centers, strip shopping centers, mini -malls and other shopping centers not in conformance with the requirements of a Specialty Center, as defined in Section 18.116.030 (Definitions) and detailed within this table (Table 116-C). TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Community and Religious C Assembly Community Care N Facilities —Licensed (Large) Community Care N Facilities —Unlicensed ( Large ) Computer Internet & N Amusement Facilities Convalescent & Rest N Homes Convenience Stores N Exce )t as allowed by Section Conversion of hotels or N Except a caretaker/manager unit may be provided as motels to semi -permanent specified in Table I I6-D, or vacation ownership resorts or permanent living as detailed within this table (Table 116-C) "Vacation quarters Ownership". Dance & Fitness Studios — N Large Dance & Fitness Studios — N Permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and Small integrated within a hotel or motel Day Care Centers P/C Permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel; permitted by CUP as a primary use Drive -Through Facilities N Dwelling units N Single-family or multiple -family, except caretaker/manager units allowed as an accessory use integrated within a hotel, motel or vacation ownership resort. Educational Institutions — C Business Educational Institutions — C General Emergency Medical C Facilities Entertainment Venue C Equipment Rental — N Lar�,e TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Equipment Rental — N Small Golf Courses & Country C Clubs Group Care Facilities N Headsho2 N Heliport N As defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions). Helistop C As defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions) shall be located a minimum of one thousand (1,000) feet from any residentially zoned proeea. Hotels and motels located P Including suite type hotels north of Orangewood Avenue Hotels and motels located C Including suite type hotels south of Orangewood Hospitals N As defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions). Markets — Large N j Markets — Small N Medical & Dental Offices N Mobile home parks N Except as otherwise permitted by Section 18.116.120 (Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay) for parcels encompassed by the MHP Overlay as identified on Exhibit 3.3-3 of the Specific Plan document (Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay in the C-R District). Expansion of existing facilities to increase the number of mobile homes or mobile homes aces is prohibited. Mortuaries N Nonconforming C Provided that the expansion brings the use and/or Structures and Uses — structure into greater conformity with the intent of the Expansion of Specific Plan. nonconforming uses and structures Nonconforming Structure P Provided that the improvements are in substantial — Facade improvements conformance with the building envelope, do not not exceeding 5% of the adversely impact any adjacent parcels and are in building floor area conformance with the Design Plan. If the Planning Director determines that adverse impacts would occur from the improvements or if the TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District improvements are not in substantial conformance with the building envelope, the plans shall be referred to the Planning Commission as a conditional use permit. Nonconforming Structure C Facade improvements exceeding 5% of the building floor area Nonconforming Structure C — Office uses in a legal nonconforming= buildinc Non -publicly operated C Including exhibition halls and auditoriums convention centers Offices — Development C Office buildings when accessory to, and integrated as part of, an on -site permitted primary or when located in a legal nonconforming building. Offices — General C Office buildings when accessory to, and integrated as part of, an on- site permitted primary or when located in a legal nonconforming building Oil Production N Outdoor storage yards N Except as otherwise permitted in this Zone Personal Services — N Permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and General integrated within a hotel or motel Personal Services — N Restricted Plant Nurseries N Public Services C Recreation — Billiards C Recreation Buildings and Structures, as defined by Section 18.116.030, are permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel Recreation — Commercial C Recreation Buildings and Structures, as defined by Indoor Section 18.116.030, are permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel Recreation — Commercial C Recreation Buildings and Structures, as defined by Outdoor I Section 18.116.030, are permitted by right as an TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel Recreation — Low Impact C Recreation Buildings and Structures, as defined by Section 18.116.030, are permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel Recreation — Swimming C Recreation Buildings and Structures, as defined by & Tennis Section 18.116.030, are permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel Recreational vehicle and C Limited to use for short-term visits, not to exceed 30 campsite parks days in any calendar year, by tourists and visitors. Recycling Services — N General Recycling Services — N Processing Repair Services — General N Repair Services — Limited N Research & Development N Restaurants — General P Enclosed and with outdoor dining Restaurants — Drive- N through Restaurants with C Pursuant to and as defined in Chapter 18.92 accessory entertainment (Definitions) with cover charge Retail Sales — General N Permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel or subject to the requirements for a specialty retail center Retail Sales — Kiosk N Permitted by right as an accessory use incidental to and integrated within a hotel or motel or as part of a conditional use permit for a specialty retail center Retail Sales — Outdoor N Retail Sales — Used N Merchandise Senior Living Facilities N (l.arv-e) Sober Living Homes N (Large) TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Req uired Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Self Storage N Sex -oriented businesses N As defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions). Specialty retail centers C Where all good and services are oriented, marketed and intended for tourist, visitor and/or recreational consumers and not oriented to the general public. Such centers shall a Consist of a minimum of five 5 acres; b Have integrated management; c Have a "festive theme" orientation; (d) Plazas and/or other pedestrian -oriented amenities shall be part of the center's design as set forth in the Design Plan; and, (e) Land uses may include, but need not be limited to: custom print and art shops; souvenir, gift, and/or novelty shops; toy shops; hobby shops; photo supply shops; clothing stores; confectionery shops, including candy stores, ice cream parlors, baked goods (e.g., cookies, muffins, etc.) for on -premises sale or consumption; floral shops; luggage and accessory shops; jewelry stores; sale of beer and wine for off -premises consumption; sale of alcoholic beverages for on - premises consumption; entertainment facilities; and amusement arcades, subject to the provisions of Section 18.16.050 (Amusement Devices). A complete listing of proposed uses shall be submitted with every conditional use perrmit application. Structures — Height C Structures within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of any exceeding 1/2 the distance single-family residential zone boundary (other than from the building or property under a resolution of intent to any commercial structure to a single- zone), or, for property located south of Orangewood family, multi -family Avenue, within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of any and/or MHP Overlay zone multi -family residential zone boundary (other than boundary. property under a resolution of intent to any commercial zone), or property within the Specific Plan area encompassed by the MHP Overlay as shown on Exhibit 3.3-3 (Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay in the C-R District) exceeding a height equal to one-half (1/2) the distance from said building or structure to said zone or overla • boundary. Dedicated streets shall be included in TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit ReE uired Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District calculating distance. Heights shall not exceed the maximum heights defined in Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height limitation - Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area). Structures — Height Limits N exceeding the maximum heights defined in Section 18.40.080 (Structure Height Limitation — Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area). Structures — Interior N Interior setbacks less than two (2) times the height of Setbacks any proposed building or structure when such building or structure is within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of any single-family residential zone boundary (other than property under a resolution of intent to any commercial zone), or, for property located south of Orangewood Avenue, within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of any multi -family residential zone boundary (other than property under a resolution of intent to any commercial zone), or property within the Specific Plan area encompassed by the MHP Overlay as shown on Exhibit 3.3-3 (Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay in the C-R District). Studios — Broadcasting C Including accommodations for filming/taping in front of live audiences. Studios — Recording C Including accommodations for filming/taping in front of live audiences. Towing Services C Permitted only in conjunction with Automotive — Service Station. Transitional and N Supportive Housing Transportation facility C As defined in subsection (`T' Words, Terms and Phrases) of this chapter. Truck Re lair & Sales N Uses or activities not N Uses or activities not specifically listed in this chapter listed which are inconsistent or incompatible with the intended purpose of the Specific Plan are prohibited. TABLE 116-C P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District C Uses or activities not specifically listed or prohibited in this chapter may be established by conditional use permit when determined by the Planning Commission to be consistent and compatible with the intended purpose of the S )ecific Plan. Vacation ownership P/C Subject to compliance with the requirements of Section resorts 18.116.150 (Requirements for Vacation Ownership Resorts) Permitted in the Theme Park and Parking Overlays and on Disney Property as defined in Section 18.116.030 (Definitions); otherwise a CUP is required Veterinar- Services N Warehousing & Storage — N Enclosed Wholesaling N TABLE 116-D ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES INTEGRATED WITH A PERMITTED PRIMARY USE: C-R DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1 ) P Permitted by Right C Conditional Use Permit M Minor Conditional Use Permit N Prohibited T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Administrative, service, P Those uses necessary to support the operation of a storage and maintenance primary use. areas and loading docks Shall be positioned to prevent disruption of the traffic flow by service vehicles to and from the site. Shall be located entirely on -site, including space for truck maneuvers; off -site vehicle loading is prohibited. Shall be located on interior, side, or rear yards, concealed from public view. Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Recreation C-R District (Development Area 1 ) TABLE 116-D P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES INTEGRATED M Minor Conditional Use Permit WITH A PERMITTED PRIMARY N Prohibited USE: C-R DISTRICT T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit (i)EVELOPMENT AREA 1 Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Agricultural Workers N Quarters Amusement Devices P Antennas — Dish P Subject to Section 18.38.050. Antennas — Receiving P Subject to Section 18.38.050. Automated Teller P Subject to Section 18.36.050. Machines (ATMs) Automotive — Rental P Subject to a maximum of three (3) parking spaces for on -site parking of vehicles available for rental in reserved parking spaces in a location not visible from the public right-of-way. Said spaces shall be in addition to those required by Chapter 18.42 (Parking and Loadim, ). Bingo Establishments N Entertainment — P Subject to Section 18.16.060 Accessory Fences and walls P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)) Landscaping & Gardens P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Recreation r C-R i District (Development Area 1 Mechanical and Utility P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Equipment — Ground Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Mounted Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1 Mechanical and Utility P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Equipment — Roof- Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Mounted Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1 Mural P/M Permitted by -right if not visible from public right-of- way; a minor conditional use permit is required if visible from the ublic right-of-way. Outdoor Displays N Office uses P Only those accessory to and integrated as part of, an on - site permitted primary or conditional use. Parking Lots & Garages P To provide off-street parking spaces as required by this Code, to serve the on -site uses permitted under this chapter. TABLE 116-D P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES INTEGRATED M Minor Conditional Use Permit WITH A PERMITTED PRIMARY N Prohibited USE: C-R DISTRICT T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit DEVELOPMENT AREA 1 Reg uired Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Petroleum Storage — N Incidental Portable Food Carts N Recycling Services — N Consumer Retail Floor, Wall & N Window Coverings Retail Sales — Kiosk C May be permitted as part of a conditional use permit for a s pecialtN retail center Solar Energy Panels P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting) Sigms P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Signs) Thematic Elements P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Signs) Valet Parking M Vending Machines P Shall be screened from view from public rights -of -way and shall not encroach onto sidewalks. Warehousing & Storage — N Outdoors TABLE 116-E P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES C Conditional Use Permit INCIDENTAL TO AND M Minor Conditional Use Permit INTEGRATED N Prohibited WITHIN A HOTEL OR T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required MOTEL INCLUDING SUITE -TYPE HOTELS, AND OTHERWISE LIMITED HEREIN: C- R DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREAI) Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Alcoholic Beverages — P Off -Sale Alcoholic Beverages — P On -Sale TABLE 116-E P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES C Conditional Use Permit INCIDENTAL TO AND M Minor Conditional Use Permit INTEGRATED N Prohibited WITHIN A HOTEL OR T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required MOTEL INCLUDING SUITE -TYPE HOTELS, AND OTHERWISE LIMITED HEREIN: C- R DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1 Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Amusement Devices P No public access directly from the exterior of the building. Subject to Section 18.16.050 (Amusement Devices). Animal Boarding P Limited strictly to the pets of guests and patrons of such hotel or motel, provided such kennels shall not be located closer than forty (40) feet from hotel/motel guest rooms or residentially zoned property. Antennas — Dish P Subject to Section 18.38.050 Antennas - Receiving P Subject to Section 18.38.050 Automated Teller P Shall be located wholly within a building or within a Machines (ATMs) hotel complex in a location not visible from the public ri ght-of-wa . Subject to Section 18.36.050. Automobile — Rental P With a maximum of three (3) parking spaces for on -site parking of vehicles available for rental in reserved parking spaces in a location not visible from the public right-of-way. Said spaces should be in addition to those required by Chapter 18.42 (Parking and Loading) and subject to 18.116.140 (Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements). Banquet/Meeting Room P Bini7o Establishments N Breakfast Rooms P As defined in subsection Business & Financial P Including automated teller machines located wholly Services within a building or within a hotel complex in a location not visible from the public ri ht-of-waN . Caretaker Unit P One unit Limited to less than one thousand two -hundred twenty- five (1,225) gross square feet in size Must comply with the parking standards for dwellings under Chapter 18.06 (Multiple Family Residential Zones). TABLE 116-E P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES C Conditional Use Permit INCIDENTAL TO AND M Minor Conditional Use Permit INTEGRATED N Prohibited WITHIN A HOTEL OR T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required MOTEL INCLUDING SUITE -TYPE HOTELS, AND OTHERWISE LIMITED HEREIN: C- R DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1 Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Concierge Lounge P Limited strictly to the use of the guests and/or em loti ees of the hotel or motel in which it is located Dance and Fitness Studios P Limited strictly to the use of the guests and/or — Small employees of such hotel or motel Day Care Centers P Limited strictly to the use of the guests and/or employees of such hotel or motel Entertainment — P Subject to Section 18.16.060 Accessory Fences and walls P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1 Landscaping & Gardens P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1 Mechanical and Utility P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Equipment — Ground Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Mounted Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1 Mechanical and Utility P Subject to Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Equipment — Roof- Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Mounted Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1 Murals P/M Permitted by -right if not visible from public right-of- way; a minor conditional use permit is required if visible from the Cublic right-of-way. Outdoor Displays N Parking Lots & Garages P To provide off-street parking spaces, as required by this Code, to serve the on -site uses permitted under this chapter. Personal Services — P General Petroleum Storage — N Incidental TABLE 116-E P ACCESSORY USES C INCIDENTAL TO AND M INTEGRATED N WITHIN A HOTEL OR T MOTEL INCLUDING SUITE -TYPE HOTELS, AND OTHERWISE LIMITED HEREIN: C- R DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) Permitted by Right Conditional Use Permit Minor Conditional Use Permit Prohibited Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District Portable Food Carts C In conjunction with a hotel and subject to the following: (a) The design of the cart shall be compatible with the architectural design and/or theme of the hotel. (b) The cart shall not be permitted to encroach into any required setback areas. (c) One (1) non -illuminated business identification sign, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area with a maximum letter and/or logo height of 10-inches, may be displayed on or below the valance of the roof canopy. (d) One (1) menu pricing sign, not to exceed 12- inches in width by 18-inches in height, may be displayed on the cart below the roof canopy. (e) One (1) trash receptacle shall be provided adjacent to the cart. The trash receptacle shall be decorative and designed to complement the design of the cart. The trash receptacle and the area around the cart shall be permanently maintained and kept clean by the cart operator. (f) The precise size, number and location of carts shall be determined by conditional use permit, provided that the cart(s) shall not be visible from the public right- of-way. (g) All equipment, products and/or supplies shall be stored wholly on or inside the cart at all times. (h) When not in use, all carts shall be stored in an on -site commissary approved by the Orange County Health Department and specifically shown on plans submitted in connection with a conditional use permit. Such commissary shall be fully enclosed and shall not be visible from any public right-of-way or adjacent properties. TABLE 116-E P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES C Conditional Use Permit INCIDENTAL TO AND M Minor Conditional Use Permit INTEGRATED N Prohibited WITHIN A HOTEL OR T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required MOTEL INCLUDING SUITE -TYPE HOTELS, AND OTHERWISE LIMITED HEREIN: C- R DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1 Classes of Uses C-R Special Provisions District (i) The cart operator shall obtain all applicable State and/or local licenses and/or permits and shall prominently display such current and valid licenses and/or permits on the cart at all times. Recreation Buildings and P Limited strictly to the use of the guests and/or Structures employees of such hotel or motel. Restaurants — Drive- N Through Restaurants — General P Enclosed or with outdoor dinin,, Retail Floor, Wall & N Window Coverings Retail Sales — General P Retail Sales — Kiosk P Retail Sales — Outdoor N Retail Sales — Used N Merchandise Signs P Subject to Section 18.116.160 (Signs) Thematic Elements P Subject to Section 18.116.160 (Signs) Valet Parking M Vending Machines P Shall be screened from view from public rights -of -way and shall not encroach onto sidewalks. Warehousing & Storage — N Outdoors Table 116-F P Permitted by Right TEMPORARY USES AND C Conditional Use Permit STRUCTURES: C-R DISTRICT N Prohibited [ DEVELOPMENT AREA 1) Classes of Uses I C-R I Special Provisions District Carnivals & Circuses N May be permitted as part of a conditional use permit for an Amusement Park, Theme -Type Complex, Aviary, or Zoo Christmas Tree & N Pumpkin Sales Contractor's Office and/or P Temporary structures including the housing of tools and Storage equipment or containing supervisor offices in connection with construction projects may be established and maintained during the progress of such construction on such projects, provided the time of such use shall not exceed one (1) year unless a request for an extension of time for good cause is approved by the Planning Director. Special Events and P The temporary use of premises for special events as Temporary Signs, Flags, defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions), shall be subject Banners and Balloons to compliance with the provisions of Section 18.38.225 (Special Events — Flags and Banners), Section 18.38.230 (Special Events — Outdoor Activity), and Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs - Special Event Permit), provided that the following additional limitations shall apply in this District: (a) One banner may be displayed upon the premises provided the banner is used in association with an on -site convention, a grand opening or any other event that is determined by the Planning Director to be in conformance with the goals and policies of the Specific Plan. The message on the banner shall be limited to the name, logo of the business and/or the event. The banner shall be securely attached to the building wall on which it is displayed. (b) The following uses or activities are specifically prohibited: (1) Any outdoor display and/or sales of merchandise or promotional materials in a location that is visible from a public right-of-way and/or adjacent property, unless associated with a convention being held at the Anaheim Convention Center on a property with frontage on Convention Way, in a location not visible from Harbor Boulevard; 2 Inflatable advertisin,- dis,la\ s; (3) Outdoor advertising of merchandise, products and/or services, including, but not limited to, merchandise promotions, sales, pricing, etc., unless associated with a convention being held at the Anaheim Convention Center on a property with frontage on Convention Way, in a location not visible from Harbor Boulevard; (4) Roof -mounted displays of flags, banners, balloons, inflatable devices, or similar promotional displays; (5) Display of pennants or pennant - type banners in a location that is visible from a public right-of-wayand/or adjacent property; (6) Flags, banners or balloons displayed in a landscape area or on a fence; and, (7) Worn, frayed or faded flags or balloons shall not be permitted. Open -Air Festivals N May be permitted as part of a conditional use permit for an Amusement Park, Theme -Type Complex, Aviary, Zoo or S ecialn Retail Center Real Estate Tract Office N Real Estate Tract Sigi s N Temporary Parking Lots P Subject to review and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager in accordance with subsection (Temporary Parking) and Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). .080 General Building Site Requirements. The size and shape of the site proposed for the use shall be adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner consistent with the stated purpose and intent of this Zone. Adequate provision shall be made for the safe and orderly circulation of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic between the proposed site and all streets and highways. The proposed development shall not limit or adversely affect the growth and development potential of adjoining lands or the general area in which it is proposed to be located. .090 Automotive — Service Station, subject to the requirements of Chapter 18.38.070 (Automotive Service Stations) (except as certain associated uses are conditionally permitted or prohibited in this subsection) provided that site development shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter and the Design Plan. New service stations shall be designed so that buildings are located adjacent to the front setback areas abutting the street, and pumps, service bays and other functions are located behind the building. As a condition of granting any conditional use permit for an automobile service station, the property owner shall record an unsubordinated covenant against the property agreeing to remove all structures, including underground tanks, in the event that the station is closed for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months or longer. A service station shall be considered closed during any month in which it is open for less than fifteen (15) days. .0901 Convenience markets or mini -markets with or without the sale of beer and wine for off -premises consumption may be permitted in conjunction with a service station facility, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit and the following requirements. (1) Such convenience market or mini -market has a maximum floor area of 3,200 square feet, provided that this use is only permitted in connection with the relocation of an existing service station facility with frontage on Harbor Boulevard to another location in the Anaheim Resort not adjacent to Harbor Boulevard, and further provided that: (2) Prior to issuance of a building permit for the relocated service station, the property owner shall record a covenant on both the existing and the new service station properties satisfactory to the Planning Department and the City Attorney's Office that prior to final zoning and building inspections of the relocated service station, the existing service station shall be closed, demolition of the existing service station building, canopy and site improvements completed and removal of the underground storage tanks commenced in accordance with a permit issued by the Anaheim Fire Department. The covenant shall further provided that the site shall be screened by a chain link fence with green scrim on the side oriented towards the public right-of-way and adjacent properties while demolition and tank removal is in process, and that within a period of sixty (60) days following the completions of demolition and tank removal activities, the site shall be screened by a minimum 3-foot wide, 3-foot high landscape berm or shrubs adjacent to the public right -of way. The site may be additionally screened by a 6-foot high chain link fence with green scrim oriented towards the public right-of-way located behind the landscape berm or shrubs. .0902 Tow truck operations may be permitted in conjunction with a service station facility, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit and the following requirements. (1) A maximum of one (1) tow truck shall be permitted. (2) When on -site, the tow truck shall be screened from view of the public right-of-way at all times. (3) All vehicles towed to the site shall be stored indoors in a service bay. Under no circumstances shall outdoor storage of the towed vehicles be permitted. (4) No additional signage advertising tow truck operations shall be permitted. (Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6245 § 108; June 5, 2012: Ord. 6261 § 6; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6265 §§ 12 - 16; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6269 § 1; February 19, 2013: Ord. 6274 § 1; May 14, 2013: Ord. 6286 § 54; September 3, 2013: Ord. 6317 § 27; March 3, 2015: Ord. 6382 § 23; October 18, 2016: Ord. 6432 §§ 42 - 44; April 10, 2018: Ord. 6461 § 28; April 16, 2019: Ord. 6473 § 48; December 3, 2019: Ord. 6493 § 29; September 29, 2020: Ord. 6506 §§ 61, 62; February 9, 2021.) 18.116.075 RESIDENTIAL USES/AMENDMENTS. Residential uses may only be conditionally permitted in limited areas of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area as specifically provided by and in accordance with the Anaheim Resort Residential Overlay (Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.116.125) in effect as of March 19, 2007 and may also be permitted as provided by and in accordance with the Mobile Home Park Overlay (Anaheim Municipal Code Chapter 18.26) in effect as of March 19, 2007. No other residential uses shall be incorporated into the Commercial Recreation land use designation and/or allowed within the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan area and no amendment to the Anaheim Resort Residential Overlay (Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.116.125) in effect as of March 19, 2007, shall be approved without (i) completion of an Environmental Impact Report prepared in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, (ii) completion of a long-term economic impact analysis of the proposed change by an independent financial advisor retained by the City, (iii) approval by the City Council, and (iv) approval by a majority of voters of the City of Anaheim at a regularly -scheduled municipal election. (Ord. 6098 § 1 (part); March 4, 2008.) 18.116.080 STRUCTURAL HEIGHTS AND WIDTHS —COMMERCIAL RECREATION (C-R) DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1). This section contains general building height and parcel width requirements that apply to this Zone, except as otherwise provided by this chapter. .010 Maximum Permitted Structural Height. The maximum structural height of any building or structure, including roof -mounted equipment, shall not exceed the maximum heights defined in Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height Limitations - Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area). For those properties located south of Orangewood Avenue, the maximum height shall be the same as the height defined in Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height Limitations - Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area) for the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Orangewood Avenue. .020 Height Adjacent to Residential Zones and the MHP Overlay. The height of any building or structure within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any single-family residential zone boundary (other than property under a resolution of intent to any commercial zone), or, for property located south of Orangewood Avenue, within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any multi- family residential zone boundary (other than property under a resolution of intent to any commercial zone), or property within the Specific Plan area encompassed by the MHP Overlay as shown on Exhibit 3.3-3 of the Specific Plan document, (Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay in the C-R District) shall not exceed a height equal to one-half ('/2) the distance from said building or structure to said zone or overlay boundary, unless separately addressed under the TP Overlay as specified in Section 18.116.126. Dedicated streets shall be included in calculating distance. Heights greater than one-half the distance from said building or structure to said zone or overlay boundary may be permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit as set forth in Table 116-C (Primary Uses and Structures: C-R District (Development Area 1)), provided that the maximum height shall not exceed the maximum height set forth for the property in Section (Maximum Permitted Structural Height). .030 Minimum Lot Width. Each lot shall have a minimum width at the street frontage of not less than one hundred seventy-five (175) feet. This requirement shall not apply to any lot lawfully created prior to the effective date of this chapter and shall not render any such lot nonconforming to this chapter for purposes of applying any other requirements contained herein. (Ord. 6031 § 64; August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 17; January 15, 2013.) 18.116.090 STRUCTURAL SETBACKS —COMMERCIAL RECREATION (C-R) DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1). .010 Structural Setback and Yard Requirements. Buildings and structures within this Specific Plan area shall be provided with open yards and setbacks extending across the full width of the property as provided herein. All setbacks shall be fully landscaped, irrigated, and maintained in a manner in compliance with the Design Plan, including, but not limited to, the Layered Landscape Concept and the Minimum Tree Density. The following minimum setback requirements set forth in Table 116-G (Minimum Setbacks: C-R District) shall apply to permanent buildings and structures constructed within this Zone, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (Special Intersection Landscape Treatment) and elsewhere in this chapter. .020 Minimum Required Building and Landscape Setbacks. Table 116-G provides specific setbacks for certain streets including major, primary, secondary roads and local streets. Such setbacks as indicated in Table 116-G shall be measured from the ultimate planned right-of-way as designated on the Circulation Element of the General Plan and as further described in Sections 4.0 (Public Facilities Plan) and 5.0 (Design Plan) of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan document. Table 116-G Minimum Setbacks: C-R District Street Buildings up Buildings Buildings Special to 35 feet in 35-75 feet in greater than Provisions height height 75 feet in height Acama Street 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet Private property located 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet immediately adjacent to the ultimate right-of- way line of Interstate 5 Freeway. Alro Wav 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet Ball Road 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet Casa Grande Avenue 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet Casa Vista Street 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet Cast Place 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet Chapman Avenue 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet Clementine Street 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet Convention Way 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet As measured from the right-of-way as shown in Exhibit 5.8.1 s — Convention Was: Table 116-G Minimum Setbacks: C-R District Street Buildings up Buildings Buildings Special to 35 feet in 35-75 feet in greater than Provisions height height 75 feet in height Full Cross Street Section of the Specific Plan Disney Wav 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet _ Disneyland Drive, 11 feet 11 feet 11 feet between Katella Avenue and Ball Road Disneyland Drive, north 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet of Ball Road Gene Autry Way 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet (Alignment shown on the Circulation Element of the City of Anaheim General Plan Harbor Boulevard 26 feet 26 feet 26 feet between the Interstate-5 Freeway and Oran ewood Avenue Harbor Boulevard, north 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet of I-5 Freeway and south of Orangewood Avenue Haster Street/Anaheim 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet Boulevard Katella Avenue between 11 feet 11 feet 11 feet Walnut Street and Interstate-5 Freeway and Orangewood Avenue Mallul Drive 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet Manchester Avenue 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet between Katella Avenue to the southern border of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan. Manchester Avenue 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet (between Harbor Boulevard and the Table 116-G Minimum Setbacks: C-R District Street Buildings up Buildings Buildings Special to 35 feet in 35-75 feet in greater than Provisions height height 75 feet in heir ht northern boundary of the P Overlay)_ Manchester Avenue 14 feet 14 feet 14 feet (adjacent to the P Overla Mountain View Avenue 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet Orangewood Avenue 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet Vermont Avenue 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet Walnut Street 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet West Place 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet West Street, south of 20 feet 20 feet 30 feet Katella Avenue Wilken Way 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet Ze n Street 10 feet 20 feet 20 feet .030 Setbacks — Interior. A minimum ten (10) foot wide fully landscaped setback shall be required within the area abutting any interior lot property lines; except that when an interior lot property line is within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any single-family or multiple -family residential zone (excepting a T Zone, which has a resolution of intent to a zone other than residential) or any property encompassed by the MHP Overlay, an open side yard setback area, with not less than twenty (20) feet of landscaping adjacent to the property line, equal to two (2) times the height of any proposed building or structure as measured to the highest point of the building, including any penthouse or other structure, shall be provided, unless separately addressed under the TP Overlay as specified in Section 18.116.126 (Theme Park (TP) Overlay) and the Parking Overlay as specified in Section 18.116.127 (Parking (P) Overlay). Such setbacks shall be measured from the interior property line. Setbacks less than two (2) times the height of any proposed building or structure may be permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit as set forth in Table 116-C (Primary Uses and Structures: C-R District (Development Area 1)). .040 Permitted Encroachments into Required Yard and Setback Areas. Allowable encroachments into required setback areas are contained in Table 116-H. Buildings shall comply with the provisions provided herein. Table 116-H Permitted Encroachments: C-R District �I Encroachments I Special Provisions Parking in Interior Lot Setbacks I Where an interior lot property line abuts a single- family or multiple -family residential zone, the required Table 116-H Permitted Encroachments: C-R District Encroachments j Special Provisions setback area adjacent to such interior lot property line may be used as part of an automobile parking area provided that trees are planted and permanently maintained in compliance with the Design Plan adjacent to the residential zone property line on maximum fifteen (15) foot centers; and, further provided that such parking area does not encroach within the required twenty (20) foot landscape setback area as specified in Table 116-I of Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). Decorative Elements Fountains, planters, and sculptures (not to exceed thirty-six (36) inches in height) and, decorative paving, walkways and ponds shall be permitted within the required front yard setback, provided they are an integral part of the landscaping plans and comply with the vehicular sight distance requirements. Signs I Signs shall be permitted as provided in Section 18.116.160 ( Sign Regulations) of this chapter. Flagpole A maximum of one (1) flagpole for the display of a maximum of three (3) flags shall be permitted within the required front yard setback provided said flagpole does not exceed fifty (50) feet in height and is set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line abutting a public -right-of-way; and, further provided each flag displayed thereon has a size dimension not to exceed five (5) feet by nine (9) feet. All flags shall be kept in good repair. Fences and walls Fences and walls in compliance with Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)) may encroach into any required setback. Driveways and Walkways Entrance and exit driveways and walkways into buildings or parking areas, including driveways and walkways that provide reciprocal access between adjacent properties, shall be permitted subject to the approval of the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager. Table 116-H Permitted Encroachments: C-R District Encroachments Special Provisions Balconies, Awnings, Trellises and _ A maximum three (3) foot encroachment into the Architectural Projections required minimum building setback area adjacent to the ultimate public right-of-way shall be permitted for balconies, awnings, trellises, and architectural projections. Tree shrubs, flowers or plants Permitted in any required setback in compliance with Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation C-R) District (Development Area 1)). Walkways Limited to walkways leading from parking areas and public sidewalks provided the walkway is integrated with the landscape design and does not significantly reduce the landscape area. Light fixtures Permitted in any required setback except within required minimum 20-foot wide interior landscape setback areas adjacent to residential uses and/or zones. Utility Elements and Associated Permitted to encroach into the required interior setback Decorative Screening Walls/Fences areas, provided such utility elements shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and shall not be visible when the site is viewed at any point measured six (6) feet above grade from any public right-of-way or adjacent property, and such associated walls or fences do not prohibit access to utility devices or facilities or block access or egress from any emergency exit or exit way. Utility elements, devices or facilities are prohibited from encroaching into the front setback area. Outdoor Dining in Street Setbacks Up to eighty percent (80%) of the required landscape setback area adjacent to the ultimate public right-of- way may be comprised of outdoor dining area(s) connected to a restaurant, hotel lobby, or hotel accessory use, provided: (1) Landscape shall be designed and installed in conformance with the tree density requirements identified in the Design Plan and may use smaller -scale trees and shrubs within the required landscape setback area; (2) The paved area includes cutout areas for trees (minimum of one tree per 200 square feet), planters, pots, colored or enriched paving, and other pedestrian - oriented amenities; (3) Shrubs, decorative walls, and fences may be used as barriers within the Setback Realm to create Table 116-H I Permitted Encroachments: C-R District Encroachments Special Provisions �I enclosure for outdoor dining, provided that any barrier eater than 42 inches high shall be transparent. Bridges and Associated Abutments Bridges on private property that connect two sides of and Vertical Circulation Elements the public right-of-way are permitted to encroach into (on Harbor Boulevard, between required setbacks. Bridge abutments shall comply with Manchester Avenue and Disney street setback requirements. Vertical circulation Way) elements, such as stairways and ramps, may encroach up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the required setback depth, provided that any railings or support systems are no more than fifty percent (50%) opaque. .050 Vehicle Sight Distance to be Maintained. No landscape materials or other elements exceeding twenty-four (24) inches in height shall be permitted within the "Commercial Drive Approach" area as defined by engineering standards on file in the City. All living landscaping must be maintained, pruned or trimmed in a manner which complies with the requirement contained in this chapter. .060 Parking in Required Setbacks Prohibited. Parking of privately owned and operated automobiles is not permitted within the required setbacks. (Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 18; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6506 § 63; February 9, 2021: Ord. 6555 § 70; April 4, 2023.) 18.116.100 SCREENING, WALLS, FENCES, LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING — COMMERCIAL RECREATION (C-R) DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 1). .010 Screening. Table 116-I (Required Site Screening: C-R District) provides required site screening within the Specific Plan Area: Table 116-I Rec uired Site Screening: C-R District Abutting Residential Zone or Except as otherwise provided herein, a landscape buffer MHP Overlay Property shall be provided along and immediately adjacent to the site property line abutting any residential zone boundary as set forth in Section 18.116.090 (Structural Setbacks — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). The buffer shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained. Eight (8) foot high masonry wall located at property line, and an adjacent twenty (20) foot wide permanently planted, irrigated and maintained landscaped area required. Said wall shall be with clinging vines whereby growth occurs on both sides of wall. The height of an\ such wall and/or berm shall be measured from the Table 116-I Required Site Screening: C-R District highest finished grade level of the subject or adjacent properties, whichever is the higher. Abutting Freeway Except as otherwise provided herein, a landscape buffer shall be provided along and immediately adjacent to the site property line abutting any freeway boundary as set forth in Section 18.116.090 (Structural Setbacks — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). The buffer shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained. Minimum ten (10) foot wide landscape buffer required. Said buffer shall be permanently planted, irrigated and maintained. Walls are not permitted to encroach within this required buffer. Automotive Related Uses Including service station auto working bays, truck loading docks, service entrances, rental car storage areas, storage of transit vehicles, and similar uses shall be screened so as not to be visible from adjacent public streets or adjacent properties. Parking Areas Where parking is visible from a public right-of-way, the parking shall be screened with a landscape area in compliance with the Design Plan. Said landscape area shall consist of the following: (1) Shrubs or bushes that can attain a minimum height of thirty-six (362 inches within two (2) years of installation. (2) Landscaped berms with a minimum height of thirty- six (36) inches (including the mature height of landscape planted thereon); or, (3) Decorative walls or fences upon which are planted clinging vines, and shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained in compliance with this Chapter and engineering standards on file in the City. Exception: Surface parking areas adjacent to Casa Grande Avenue shall be screened by an eight (8) foot high decorative masonry wall. Said wall shall not encroach into the required front yard setback area and shall be planted with either clinging vines and/or fast-growing shrubbery which will screen the wall surface within two (2) years of installation. Utility Equipment Utility equipment and communication devices shall be screened from public view so that such devices are not visible when the site is viewed at any point measured six (6) feet above grade from other public or private property. These devices may include, but are not limited to: dish -type and other antennae, cross connection devices, stand pipes, back flow assemblies, cable TV ec ui pment, gas meters, Table 116-I Required Site Screening: C-R District ventilating fans, microwave and cellular transmitters, and electrical transformers. Utility equipment attached to walls shall be painted the same color as the wall. Roof -Mounted Equipment Shall be painted the same color as the roof, Shall be screened from view of adjacent public rights -of - way and from adjacent properties at any point measured six (6) feet above grade, Shall be screened from nearby taller buildings with screening devices, Shall be screened on buildings two stories or less on all sides, including from above, Shall be integrated into and screened by the architectural design of the building, and Shall be considered as part of the total building height. Equipment penthouses or screening components which are not an integral part of the architectural design of the building, are prohibited. Refuse Container and/or Trash Refuse container and/or trash compactor enclosures are Compactor Enclosures required and shall be screened from public view and shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in compliance with the Public Works Standard Detail entitled "Solid Waste Container Enclosure" on file in the Public Works Operations and Maintenance Division. Locate refuse collection areas in an accessible interior, side, or rear yard to the satisfaction of the City Maintenance Department. Screen refuse collection areas from public view with a solid wall (minimum six (6) feet, maximum eight (8) feet high) using materials and colors compatible with those of the adjacent buildings. Refuse container and/or trash compactor enclosures shall be constructed with a roof, and the exterior walls shall be landscaped and maintained with clinging vines or fast- growing shrubbery which will cover the exterior walls of the enclosure within two (2) years of installation to eliminate L7affiti opportunities. Vacant Land Vacant land shall be screened from view from the public right-of-way by one of the screening methods set forth in the following sub -paragraphs (a) or (b) or the vacant land shall be planted with temporary landscaping or groundcover complete with temporary irrigation and maintained until such time as a valid grading or building permit has been issued for construction on the site and such work commences. Weed abatement shall be enforced at all Table 116-I uired Site Screening: C-R District times. Any temporary landscaping that is removed shall be replaced by permanent landscaping upon completion of construction for the portion of the site where construction has not occurred. This requirement shall be in addition to the landscaping requirements for the site as otherwise required by this chapter. Agricultural use for the purpose of growing field crops, trees, vegetables, fruits, berries or nursery stock is not subject to the screening requirements contained herein. (a) Land which is vacant for under one (1) year may be screened with a six (6) foot high chainlink fence adjacent to all public rights -of -way and adjacent properties with green scrim securely attached to the street side and adjacent ro ertv side of the chainlink fence. (b) Land which is vacant for over one (1) year may be screened by a chainlink fence and green scrim as required in .01 above; however, the fence shall be relocated so that a minimum three (3) foot high and minimum ten (10) foot wide berm, or a minimum three (3) foot high hedge screen located in a minimum three (3) foot wide landscape area shall be planted adjacent to the public right-of-way in front of the chainlink fence with scrim. Landscape on said berm or hedge screen shall be maintained in a healthy condition as described in subsection 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)), and shall conform to the Desijzn Plan. Service, Storage and Screen all service, storage and maintenance areas and Maintenance Areas and loading docks from public view from adjacent buildings, Loading Docks streets, freeways, sidewalks, and driveways. If these areas cannot be screened by adjacent structures, screen these areas with walls, berms, and landscaping. Screening walls shall be a minimum of six feet and a maximum of eight feet high. Construct architectural screening of the same materials and finishes compatible with the adjacent building and designed and placed to complement the building design. All screening walls shall be planted with clinging vines. Store materials, supplies or equipment inside an enclosed building to prevent visibility from neighboring property and streets. Service, storage, maintenance, parking, and loading areas are prohibited from extending into a required landscape area. .020 Walls and Fences. Walls and fences shall be planted with either clinging vines or fast- growing shrubbery which will screen the wall or fence surface within two (2) years of installation so as to eliminate graffiti opportunities. The maximum permitted wall or fence height shall not exceed eight (8) feet adjacent to commercially and/or residentially -zoned properties. The use of chain link fencing (with the exception of temporary chain link fences used to screen vacant land as set forth in Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)), barbed wire and/or razor wire is prohibited. .0201 Retaining Wall Treatment. In instances where a retaining wall is required between adjoining properties, and where other walls are required on one or more of the adjoining properties, said walls shall be offset a minimum of two (2) feet between the retaining wall and the other required wall or walls; and, said walls shall be decorative and landscaped with clinging vines. The two (2) foot offset area between the retaining wall and the other required wall or walls shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained. Where a slope exists, any required wall shall be erected at the property line with the slope itself, permanently planted, irrigated, and maintained. .0202 Within Front Yard Setback. Within any required front yard setback area, walls and/or fences shall be permitted to a maximum height of thirty-six (36) inches with the exception of walls and/or fences used as barriers to create enclosure for outdoor dining areas, which shall be permitted to a maximum height of forty-two (42) inches. All walls and/or fences within the vehicular line -of -sight area, as described in paragraph (Vehicle Sight Distance to be Maintained), shall be a maximum of twenty-four (24) inches. Walls and/or fences shall be decorative. .030 Landscaping. .0301 Compliance with Design Plan Required. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all required setback areas shall be fully and permanently landscaped with lawn, trees and shrubs and may include walkways, plazas, fountains, and other similar materials (not including turf block) in accordance with the Design Plan. This includes, but is not limited to, the Design Plan's Layered Landscape Design Criteria, Minimum Tree Density, and Plant Selection Matrix. A minimum of eighty percent (80%) of the required setback area, excluding driveways perpendicular to the street, on all lots abutting all public streets shall contain live landscape materials; plants used within this area shall be selected from the Design Plan's Plant Selection Matrix. .0302 Maintenance of Landscaping Required. Prepare and show on landscape plans, maintenance specifications describing the irrigation, pruning, weeding, fertilizer application and other pertinent maintenance criteria for all landscaped areas. All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained in a neat and orderly manner as a condition of use and in accordance with the following: (1) Maintain all landscape materials, including trees, shrubs, ground covers and vines in a healthy condition at all times. (2) Remove overgrown, oversized, or hazardous plant materials when they cannot be pruned to a safe condition and threaten public health, safety or welfare. .0303 Required Size of Plant Material. All required trees shall be of a size at the time of planting not less than the minimum size specified in the Design Plan. If not specified in the Design Plan, the trees shall be fifteen (15) gallon. All required shrubs shall be of a size at time of planting not less than the minimum size specified in the Design Plan. If not specified in the Design Plan, the shrubs shall be five (5) gallon. .0304 Replacement of Damaged, Diseased, or Dead Plant Material. Any required plant material planted on -site which is subsequently removed, damaged, diseased and/or dead shall be replaced on -site in a timely manner with comparable plant material with a minimum size specified by the Design Plan. .0305 Coverage. Groundcover shall be planted and maintained where shrubbery and/or trees are not sufficient to cover exposed soil. Mulch may be used in place of groundcover where groundcover will not grow or where groundcover will cause harm to the plant materials, subject to the approval of the Planning Department. .0306 Irrigation. All required landscape areas shall be provided and maintained with a permanent, automatic irrigation system in accordance with the following: (1) Irrigate all permanently landscaped or required landscape areas with a permanent, underground irrigation system that is operated by an automatic irrigation controller. pop-up body- (2) Irrigate turf areas with low gallon spray heads with a minimum six-inch (3) Use triangular spacing of spray heads in turf areas whenever feasible. (4) Irrigate shrub areas with low gallon spray heads. When appropriate, drip irrigation should be provided in shrub areas. (5) Irrigate individual shrubs with a pressure compensation bubbler with low flow characteristics. (6) Irrigate at night and early morning to reduce evaporation due to sun and wind. (7) Apply irrigation water in multiple short applications to reduce runoff on to areas not needing irrigation. (8) Ensure that irrigation water is not applied to walks, driveways, walls, fences and building faces. (9) Provide methods of retaining irrigation runoff water on site; it should not flow on to other property or the public right-of-way. (10) Provide approved backflow preventers on all systems. (11) Screen from public view all irrigation equipment including backflow preventers and controller boxes. (12) Install automatic valves in valve boxes, and use pop-up spray heads, whenever feasible. (13) The irrigation system shall incorporate water conserving features. .0307 Minimum Landscape and Open Space. The minimum landscape and recreation area for any hotel or motel use shall be fifteen (15%) percent of the total area of the site. Such minimum landscaped open space may include: landscape areas with plantings of trees, shrubs and groundcover; water features including, but not limited to, swimming pools, spas, ponds, lakes, and fountains; pedestrian walkways and patios; landscaped areas within parking facilities; and, areas intended for emergency access paved with turf block. Paved areas intended primarily for vehicular traffic including, but not limited to, temporary and/or permanent parking facilities; driveways, and porte-cocheres shall not be considered as landscaped open space for the purposes of this requirement. .0308 Special Intersection Landscape Treatment. Special intersection landscape treatment is required for the following special intersection landscape areas, which are either entry points to The Anaheim Resort or major intersections within this area. The special intersection landscape area shall consist of a fifty -foot triangular area, except for critical intersections where eight feet of additional landscape will be required. Property owners shall landscape this area with the same type of parkway trees as required on the adjacent streets as shown in the Design Plan. All of these intersections are within the Central Core except for the Ball Road intersections. Implementation shall be concurrent with the construction of any building hereinafter erected in this Zone or the improvements of any building structurally modified to an extent exceeding forty-five percent (45%) of the gross floor area of said existing building within any two (2) year period, and which building is located on any lot abutting any of the following intersections: .01 Ball Road and Disneyland Drive. .02 Ball Road and West Place. .03 Harbor Boulevard and Orangewood Avenue. .04 Harbor Boulevard and Manchester Avenue. .05 Katella Avenue and Haster Street/Anaheim Boulevard. .06 Katella Avenue and Disneyland Drive/West Street. .0309 Pedestrian Paving. Stamped concrete or unit pavers with deep, rounded joints, or score lines and joints that are wider than 1/4-inch and turf block shall not be used for paved areas on private property intended for use by pedestrians, including areas to be used by both pedestrians and vehicles. Pedestrian pavements may include, but are not necessarily limited to: sidewalks, paths, walkways, courtyards, and plazas. .040 Exterior Lighting. Decorative lighting such as tree uplights, tree downlights, small lights in trees or on shrubs, outdoor string lights that outline building masses, and similar lighting effects are permitted and may be visible from the public right-of-way. All exterior lighting shall conform with the following: .0401 Exterior lights should be predominantly incandescent or metal halide and have a "warm" color; high pressure sodium fixtures may be used where they are visible from the public right-of-way, but should be limited to areas which are not visually prominent; fluorescent, low pressure sodium, and mercury vapor fixtures shall not be visible from the public right-of-way. .0402 Illuminated areas shall be localized as much as possible; light fixtures which broadcast light over large areas, or are a source of glare are not permitted. .0403 Exterior building illumination shall be focused at the pedestrian level - storefronts, building entries, porte cocheres, and other comparable locations. .0404 Special accent lighting may illuminate unique architectural details where appropriate, but such lighting should be focused and used sparingly, night lighting effects, which illuminate entire buildings, or large portions of buildings will not be permitted where such buildings are prominently visible from adjacent public streets. .0405 Except for small, bare -bulb and "twinkle" lights, all landscape light fixtures, including tree uplights, shall be concealed from view by burial in the ground or by locating them in landscaped areas. (Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6141 § 2; April 14, 2009: Ord. 6265 § 19, January 15, 2013.) 18.116.110 LAND USE AND SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS —PUBLIC RECREATION (PR) DISTRICT (DEVELOPMENT AREA 2). .010 Maximum Development. The maximum development density permitted for the PR District is up to 2,158,363 square feet of convention center/meeting space, 100,000 square feet of outdoor programmable space, 2,500 hotel rooms, and 180,000 square feet of commercial space. .020 Development Standards. Parcels encompassed by the PR District shall be subject to the standards and regulations of the "PR" (Public Recreational) Zone as set forth in Chapter 18.14 (Public and Special Purpose Zones) of the Anaheim Municipal Code. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 20; January 15, 2013.) 18.116.120 MOBILE HOME PARK (MHP) OVERLAY. Parcels encompassed by the MHP Overlay shall be subject to the procedures and regulations set forth in the Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay Zone as set forth in Chapter 18.26. The underlying Zone designation for the MHP Overlay is the C-R District. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006.) 18.116.125 ANAHEIM RESORT RESIDENTIAL (ARR) OVERLAY. .010 Purpose. The purpose of the ARR Overlay is to provide the opportunity to develop residential units in conjunction with high -quality, luxury hotels (Hotel Residences). .020 Approval. Projects that are developed according to the standards of the ARR Overlay as Hotel Residences require approval of a final site plan and a conditional use permit as provided for in Section 18.116.040 and may require a development agreement as determined by the Planning Director and processed according to the procedures set forth in Resolution No. 82R-565 (Procedures Resolution) adopted by the City of Anaheim pursuant to Section 65865 of the Development Agreement statute. .030 Location. The residential overlay boundaries are identified on Attachment A to Ordinance 6036 adopted on September 12, 2006 (Amendment No. 7 to The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2) and include those areas within the C-R District located east of Anaheim Boulevard/Haster Street and those areas within the C-R District located south of Wilken Way. .040 Option to Use Underlying Zone. The provisions of this section shall not apply to parcels that have been or are proposed to be developed entirely pursuant to the underlying C-R District, provided that all requirements of the underlying District are met by the project except as specifically approved otherwise by variance or other official action by the City. .050 Residential Zone. The ARR Overlay shall not be considered a residential zone, where such designation requires properties that develop adjacent to residential zones to meet additional setback and height restrictions. .060 Uses. Projects developed pursuant to the ARR Overlay may include any of the uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the underlying C-R District and shall include a minimum three hundred (300) room full -service hotel that complies with California Civil Code Section 1940(b)(2) and may include residential uses as accessory to the hotel. .070 Development Standards. All development standards established for the C-R District shall be applicable to the ARR Overlay. In addition, Hotel Residences shall meet the following requirements: .0701 New Construction. The Residential Overlay shall apply to new construction only and not to projects that are renovations or remodels. The conversion of existing hotels rooms to dwelling units is prohibited. .0702 Integration of Uses. All residential units shall be physically integrated into a hotel development as defined in Section .0703 Maximum Number of Residential Units. The project's total number of residential units shall not exceed the proposed development's total number of hotel rooms. .0704 Location of Residential Units. Adjacent to the public right-of-way, residential units shall be located at least two floors or twenty-five (25) feet above ground -level. .0705 Infrastructure and Service Impacts. The proposed development shall not result in infrastructure impacts greater than those associated with the subject property's permitted hotel/motel density, as allowed by the property's underlying C-R District density designation, unless such impacts are duly analyzed and mitigated pursuant to subsequent environmental review. Such impacts shall be determined through a sewer and traffic impact analysis to be submitted to the City Engineer. Additional infrastructure studies may be required as determined by the Planning Director. .0706 Parking. Due to variations in parking demand and the needs of each project, vehicle parking requirements, the demand for drop-off and pick-up locations and the design of the parking areas, including ingress and egress, shall be determined as part of the final site plan review based upon information contained in a parking demand study prepared by an independent traffic engineer, as approved by the City of Anaheim. The parking demand study shall be prepared at the property owner/developer's expense and provided as part of the final site plan application. Parking spaces specifically designated for non-residential and residential uses shall be marked by the use of posting, pavement markings, and/or physical separation. Parking design shall incorporate separate entrances and exits or a designated lane for residents. .0707 Floor Area The minimum floor area for residential units is shown in Table 116-J (Minimum Floor Area: Anaheim Resort Residential (ARR) Overlay Zone). For purposes of this section, a "bedroom" is a private habitable room planned or used for sleeping, separated from other rooms by a door or a similar partition. Further, all rooms (other than a living room, family room, dining room, bathroom, hall, lobby, closet, or pantry) having seventy (70) square feet or more of floor area, or less than fifty percent (50%) of the total length of any wall open to an adjacent room or hallway, shall be considered a "bedroom." TABLE 116-J MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: ANAHEIM RESORT RESIDENTIAL (ARR) OVERLAY ZONE Minimum Floor Area Studio units 600 square feet. The number of studio units shall not exceed 20% of the total number of residential units. One -bedroom units 700 square feet Two -bedroom units 825 square feet Three -bedroom units 1,000 square feet More than three- 1,000 square feet plus 200 square feet bedroom units for each bedroom over three .0708 Minimum Landscape and Recreational -Leisure Areas. In addition to the minimum landscape and open space required by Section, recreational - leisure area shall be provided equal to a minimum of ten (10) percent of the total area of the site. This recreational -leisure are may be provided in private areas, common areas, or a combination of both. .01 Common Recreational -Leisure Areas. All common recreational -leisure areas shall be conveniently located and readily accessible from all residential units located on the building site and shall be integrated with and contiguous to other common areas on the building site. The common recreational -leisure areas shall not include any required setback areas, any driveways or parking areas, trash pickup or storage areas or utility areas. Areas counted toward meeting this requirement may be located inside or outside the building, subject to the approval of the Planning Director. .02 Private Recreational -Leisure Areas. In order for private patios and balconies to count toward the Recreational -Leisure Area requirement, they shall not be less than thirty (35) square feet in area, with a minimum dimension of five (5) feet. .0709 Loading Areas. Residential uses shall have one (1) off-street loading space or moving plaza for every one hundred and fifty (150) units. Loading spaces or moving plazas shall be located near entries and/or elevators and shall be incorporated into the design of vehicular access areas. Decorative paving, removable bollards and potted plants are permitted and encouraged to enhance loading spaces or moving plazas. .0710 Private Storage Facilities. General storage cabinets with a minimum size of one hundred (100) cubic feet capacity shall be required for each residential unit. Provision of said storage areas shall be in addition to the minimum floor area of the unit. Storage areas may be located inside the dwelling unit, adjacent to the dwelling unit's balcony or patio, in close proximity to the dwelling unit, or in close proximity to an elevator. .0711 Security. Residential units shall be designed to ensure the security of residents through the provision of secured access points/lobbies, entrances and exits that are separate from the non-residential uses and are directly accessible to residential parking areas. .0712 Restriction on Activities. Commercial uses shall be designed and operated, and hours of operation limited, so that residents are not exposed to offensive noise, especially from traffic, trash collection, routine deliveries or late night activity. No use shall produce continual loading or unloading of heavy trucks at the site between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. .0713 Vibrations and Odors. No use, activity or process shall produce continual vibrations or noxious odors that are perceptible without instruments by the average person at the property lines of the site or within the interior of residential units or recreational -leisure areas on the site. .0714 Lighting. Outdoor lighting associated with commercial uses shall not adversely impact residential uses, but shall provide sufficient illumination for access and security purposes. Such lighting shall not blink, flash, or oscillate. .0715 Windows. Residential windows shall not directly face loading areas and docks. To the extent windows of residential units face each other or hotel rooms, the windows shall be designed and/or oriented to maximize privacy." (Ord. 6036 § 3; September 12, 2006: Ord. 6058 § 3; May 8, 2007: Ord. 6099 § 3; March 4, 2008: Ord. 6265 § 21; January 15, 2013.) 18.116.126 THEME PARK (TP) OVERLAY. .010 Purpose. The purpose of the TP Overlay is to provide the opportunity to develop theme park attractions, including restaurants, retail and entertainment facilities, and public parking. The TP Overlay includes the TP East Overlay and the TP West Overlay, as described further below. .020 Approval. Projects that are developed according to the development standards of the TP Overlay are required to be implemented as set forth in subsection (Implementation) for approval. Development within the TP Overlay is exempt from the requirements of a Final Site Plan, subject to subsection (Final Site Plan Exemptions). .030 Location. The TP Overlay boundaries are identified on Exhibit 3.3-6 (Theme Park (TP) Overlay in the C-R District) in the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan and include those areas within the C-R District generally located south of Katella Avenue and east of Harbor Boulevard (TP East Overlay) and those areas within the C-R District generally located north of Katella Avenue and south of Paradise Way on the west side of Disneyland Drive (TP West Overlay). .040 Option to Use Underlying Zone. The provisions of this section shall not apply to parcels that have been or are proposed to be developed entirely pursuant to the underlying C-R District, provided that all requirements of the underlying District are met by the project except as specifically approved otherwise by variance or other official action by the City. .050 Primary Uses and Structures. Projects developed pursuant to the TP Overlay may include any of the uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the underlying C-R District, and those uses listed in Table 116-TPO-1 below: TABLE 116-TPO-1 P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND STRUCTURES: C Conditional Use Permit TP OVERLAY N Prohibited T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Special Provisions Classes of Uses TP Overlay Hotels P Parking Facilities P Theme Park Refer to subsection (Theme P Park — Permitted Uses and Structures) for definition and list of uses. Transportation Facilities p Retail Entertainment Center The amount of restaurant square footage in P the TP East Overlay shall be limited to up to 20% of the allotted theme park square footage in the Overlay. Vacation Ownership Resorts Subject to compliance with subsection P 18.114.120 Requirements for Vacation Ownership Resorts). .060 Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures. Table 116-TPO-2 below identifies the accessory uses that may be conducted where clearly incidental to and integrated with a permitted primary use: TABLE 116-TPO-2 P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: C Conditional Use Permit TP OVERLAY M Minor Conditional Use Permit N Prohibited T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses TP Overlay Special Provisions Accessory Uses Incidental and Refer to Table I I6-E for Permitted, Integrated within a Hotel or P Conditionally Permitted, and Prohibited uses Motel Gateway Facilities Gateway facilities which provide pedestrian and/or vehicular access to the ticket booths/entry areas that serve theme parks or P entry areas for a retail entertainment facility on Harbor Boulevard are subject to the provisions of subsection Murals Permitted by -right if not visible from public right-of-way; a minor conditional use permit P/M is required if visible from the public right-of- way. Theme Park Accessory Refer to subsection Support Facilities P (Theme Park Accessory Support Facilities) for definition and list of facilities. .070 Development Standards. The following development standards are applicable to projects utilizing the TP Overlay. 0701 Maximum Intensity. .01 Theme Park (TP) East Overlay — Up to 840,000 square feet of theme park uses and up to 3,348 hotel rooms. The amount of restaurant square footage in the TP East Overlay shall be further limited to up to 20 percent of the allotted theme park square footage in the Overlay, if developed as a Retail Entertainment Center. .02 Theme Park (TP) West Overlay — Up to 80,000 square feet of theme park uses and up to 564 hotel rooms. .03 Any amount of theme park square footage constructed in the TP Overlay will result in an equivalent amount of potential theme park square footage removed from the allotment for The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Theme Park District, such that the maximum theme park square footage in the Theme Park and Southeast Districts of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan and the TP Overlay of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan, shall not exceed 6,850,000 square feet. 0702 Structural Height Limitations. .01 Maximum Permitted Structural Height. Except as limited by the provisions of subsections .0703 and .0704, the maximum structural height shall be in accordance with the following: (a) Within Area D shown on the Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area Maximum Permitted Structural Height Map: two hundred fifty (250) feet. (b) Within Area E shown on the Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area Maximum Permitted Structural Height Map: one hundred seventy feet (170), except that one structural thematic element as part of a theme park use may have a height of two hundred (200) feet. 0703 Maximum Permitted Structural Height at Required Setback: .01 Harbor Boulevard: Seventy -Five (75) feet. .02 Disneyland Drive. Two -Hundred and Fifty (250) feet. .03 Abutting Residential Zone: Fifty (50) feet. .0704 Sky Exposure Plane. The maximum height of structures adjacent to the following street and/or zone shall not exceed one (1) additional foot of height above the maximum permitted height at the required setback for each two (2) additional feet of setback: .01 Harbor Boulevard. .02 Abutting Residential Zone. .0705 Interior Structural Setback and Yard Requirements. The following minimum setback requirements shall apply to permanent buildings and structures constructed within the TP Overlay. Such setbacks shall be measured from the interior property line. .01 From interior lot property lines wholly within the same TP Overlay: zero (0) feet minimum, provided the minimum distance between structures is consistent with applicable building and fire codes. .02 From interior lot property lines in an adjacent District within The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan area: zero (0) feet minimum, provided the minimum distance between structures is consistent with applicable building and fire codes. .03 From interior lot property lines in the C-R District identified in Section (Commercial Recreation (C-R) District): ten (10) feet minimum. 04 From interior lot property lines abutting Residential Zone: fifty (50) feet minimum .0706 Setbacks -Lots Abutting the Public Rights -of -Way. .01 Lots abutting the public right-of-way shall adhere to the setback provisions of Section 18.116.090 (Structural Setbacks — Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). .0707 Screening, Fencing and Walls. Unless specifically addressed below, the screening and fencing and wall requirements of Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)) shall also apply. .01 Screening. (a)A landscape buffer shall be provided along and immediately adjacent to the site property line abutting any residential zone boundary. The buffer shall be landscaped, irrigated and maintained. A masonry wall up to sixteen (16) feet high shall be located at property line, and an adjacent twenty (20) foot wide, permanently planted, irrigated and maintained landscaped area is required. Said wall shall be planted with clinging vines whereby growth occurs on both sides of wall. The height of any such wall and/or berm shall be measured from the highest finished grade level of the subject or adjacent properties, whichever is the higher. (b) Utility and roof -mounted equipment on a Disney Property, as defined in Section 18.116.030 (Definitions), are exempt from the provisions of Table 116-I (Required Site Screening: C-R District) when viewed from another Disney Property. .02 Walls and Fences. Walls and fences containing solid surfaces accessible to the public, with the exception of walls that are part of an entry monument design, shall be landscaped with either clinging vines or fast-growing shrubbery which will screen the wall or fence surface within a period of two (2) years of installation so as to eliminate graffiti opportunities. The maximum permitted wall or fence height shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet, provided that heights in excess of twelve (12) feet for walls other than sound attenuation walls required by a Noise Study shall be subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Sound attenuation walls shall be screened from public view with landscaping, including vines and shrubs. .0708 360-Degree Architectural Treatments. Buildings and structures within the TP Overlay shall comply with the requirements of Section (360 Degree Architectural Treatments) and the Design Plan of the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan. .0709 Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements. .01 Parking spaces for theme parks and associated uses in the TP Overlay shall be provided subject to subsection (Parking Requirements for Theme Parks and Associated Uses). .02 Parking spaces required for hotel uses in the TP Overlay shall be provided subject to subsection Said parking spaces may be located in the Parking Overlay or the East Parking Area of the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Parking District or the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Southeast District for hotel uses in the Theme Park East Overlay; or, in the West Parking Area of the DRSP Parking District for hotel uses in the Theme Park West Overlay, subject to the submittal of a Letter of Justification for the review and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. The Letter of Justification shall include the following information: (a) Name of the District where the parking spaces are proposed to be located and a map showing the proposed number and location of the parking spaces and distance to the hotel; (b) Reason why the parking spaces are proposed to be located in another District, including whether the request is to address a temporary event or a permanent location; (c) Documentation demonstrating that locating hotel parking spaces in another District will not result in a reduction in the number of code required spaces for that other District; (d) Pedestrian path of travel; and, (e) Other information. Such other information as is deemed necessary by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. If the distance between the hotel and the parking lot in the other District is not a reasonable walking distance, as determined by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager, a shuttle service shall be provided between the parking lot and the hotel ongoing during operation of the hotel. .0710 Sign Provisions. .01 Signs located in the TP Overlay shall subject to Section 18.114.130 (Sign Regulations). .02 Freestanding monument signs and business identification wall signs for hotel uses on Disneyland Drive shall adhere to Anaheim Municipal Code Section (Exhibit 7.OB). 18.116.127 PARKING (P) OVERLAY. .010 Purpose. The purpose of the P Overlay is to accommodate Parking Facilities and Transportation Facilities to support The Disneyland Resort. .020 Approval. Projects that are developed according to the development standards of the P Overlay are required to meet the submittal requirements of Section 10.0 101 (Theme Park (TP) Overlay and Parking (P) Overlay) for approval. Development within the P Overlay is exempt from the requirements of a Final Site Plan, subject to subsection (Final Site Plan Exemptions). .030 Location. The P Overlay boundaries are identified on Exhibit 3.3-7 (Parking (P) Overlay in the C-R District) in The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan and include those areas within the C-R District generally located east of Harbor Boulevard and north of Ball Road and those areas within the C-R District located just north of the East Parking Area of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Parking District along Manchester Avenue and east of Harbor Boulevard. .040 Option to Use Underlying Zone. The provisions of this section shall not apply to parcels that have been or are proposed to be developed entirely pursuant to the underlying C-R District, provided that all requirements of the underlying District are met by the project except as specifically approved otherwise by variance or other official action by the City. .050 Primary Uses and Structures. Projects developed pursuant to the P Overlay may include any of the uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the underlying C-R District, and those uses listed in Table 116-PO-1 (Primary Uses and Structures: P Overlay) below: TABLE 116-PO-1 P Permitted by Right PRIMARY USES AND STRUCTURES: C Conditional Use Permit P OVERLAY M Minor Conditional Use Permit N Prohibited T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Special Provisions Classes of Uses TP Overlay Hotels P Parking Facilities At the northeast corner of Harbor Boulevard P and Ball Road, non -hotel parking shall be limited to em loti,ee parking Transportation Facilities P Vacation Ownership Resorts Subject to compliance with Section P 18.114.120 (Requirements for Vacation Ownership Resorts) .060 Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures. Table 116-PO-2 (Accessory Uses and Structures: P Overlay) below identifies the accessory uses that may be conducted where clearly incidental to and integrated with a permitted primary use: TABLE 116-PO-2 P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: M Minor Conditional Use Permit P OVERLAY C Conditional Use Permit N Prohibited T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Classes of Uses TP Overlay Special Provisions Accessory Uses Incidental and Refer to Table 116-E for Permitted, Integrated within a Hotel or P Conditionally Permitted and Prohibited uses Motel Animal Boarding Subject to the provisions of subsection P (Animal storage facilities) Back -of -House Uses and Subject to the provisions of subsection Areas, incidental to a Parking P Facility Gateway Facilities One gateway facility, either in the P Overlay or East Parking Area of the Disneyland P Resort Specific Plan Parking District, is permitted, subject to subsection TABLE 116-PO-2 P Permitted by Right ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: M Minor Conditional Use Permit P OVERLAY C Conditional Use Permit N Prohibited T Telecommunications Antenna Review Permit Required Special Provisions Classes of Uses TP Overlay Kiosks Permitted as an accessory use incidental to a P Parking Facility, provided the kiosks are not visible from the public right-of-way. Murals Permitted by -right if not visible from the public right-of-way; a minor conditional use P/M permit is required if visible from the public right-of-way. Limited Retail, Dining and Subject to the provisions of subsection Entertainment uses P .070 Development Standards. The following development standards are applicable to projects utilizing the P Overlay. .0701 Maximum Intensity. .01 P Overlay (northeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Ball Road) -Up to 5,700 employee parking spaces and up to 534 hotel rooms. .02 P Overlay (Manchester Avenue and Harbor Boulevard) - Development of a portion of the parking spaces allocated to the East Parking Area of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Parking District and up to 1,116 hotel rooms. Any amount of parking spaces constructed in this P Overlay will result in an equivalent amount of potential parking spaces removed from the allotment for the East Parking Area of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Parking District. .03 For any square feet for back -of -house uses or limited retail, dining and entertainment uses, the traffic generation characteristics of said uses shall not exceed those associated with the otherwise permitted hotel/motel (including accessory uses) density as determined by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager prior to approval of building plans. Further, the proposed development shall not result in infrastructure impacts greater than those associated with the property's permitted hotel/motel density, unless such impacts are duly analyzed and mitigated pursuant to subsequent environmental review (such impacts shall be determined through a sewer and traffic impact analysis to be submitted to the City Engineer). Additional infrastructure studies may be required as determined by the Planning Director. 0702 Maximum Permitted Structural Height. .01 The maximum height of any building or structure, including roof -mounted equipment, shall not exceed the maximum structural height defined in Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height Limitations — Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area). .02 The maximum height of a parking facility in the P Overlay shall be further limited to sixty-five (65) feet with a maximum of six levels at the P Overlay located at the northeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Ball Road and to seventy-five (75) feet with a maximum of seven levels for the P Overlay located north of and adjacent to the East Parking Area of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Parking District. The exception is that appurtenances to a parking facility may exceed these maximums, providing they do not exceed by more than twenty (20) feet the maximum heights provided herein or the provisions of Section 18.40.080 (Structural Height Limitations — Anaheim Commercial Recreation Area). .0703 Interior Structural Setback and Yard Requirements. The following minimum setback requirements shall apply to permanent buildings and structures constructed within the P Overlay. Such setbacks shall be measured from the interior property line. .01 From interior lot property lines wholly within the same P Overlay: zero (0) feet minimum, provided the minimum distance between structures is consistent with applicable building and fire codes. .02 From interior lots in the adjacent East Parking Area of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Parking District: zero (0) feet minimum , provided the separation between buildings is consistent with applicable building and fire codes. If developed together as a parking structure, the separation between parking structures within the Parking Overlay and the East Parking Area of the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Parking District may be zero feet, unless required otherwise by applicable building and fire codes. .03 From interior lot property lines in the C-R District identified in Section (Commercial Recreation (C-R) District): ten (10) feet minimum. .0704 Setbacks -Lots Abutting the Public Rights -of -Way. .01 Lots abutting the public right-of-way shall adhere to the setback provisions of Section 18.116.090 (Structural Setbacks - Commercial Recreation (C-R) (Development Area 1)), excluding Section (Setbacks — Interior). .0705 Pedestrian Circulation Improvements. Structures related to the operation of any people mover/moving sidewalk, including pedestrian access ramps and/or stairways and elevated pedestrian bridges, shall be permitted to encroach into required setbacks, except that pedestrian bridge abutments located on private property shall be in conformance with the minimum setback requirements adjacent to the public right-of-way required for the property. .0706 Screening, Fencing and Walls. Screening and fencing and walls shall comply with the requirements of Section (Screening, Fencing and Walls). 0707 Architectural Design. .01 Parking Facilities and other structures containing uses accessory to a Parking Facility within the P Overlay shall comply with the relevant Parking Structure Appearance Guidelines of Section 5.0 (Design Plan) of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan. .02 Hotel buildings within the P Overlay shall comply with the relevant requirements of Section 5.0 (Design Plan) of The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan. 0708 Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements. .01 The P Overlay, in conjunction with the East Parking Area of the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Parking District is intended to provide a portion of the parking spaces required for theme parks and associated uses. .02 Parking spaces required for hotel uses in the P Overlay shall be provided subject to subsection apply. .0709 Parking District Requirements. The provisions of subsection shall .0710 Sign Provisions. 01 Signs located in the P Overlay shall be subject to Section 18.114.130 (Sign Regulations). .02 Freestanding monument signs and business identification wall signs for hotel uses shall adhere to Anaheim Municipal Code Section (Sign Standard Matrices). 18.116.130 CENTRAL CORE. .010 Purpose. The purpose of the Central Core is to create a consistent, high quality pedestrian environment that reinforces the character established by the landscape and other streetscape elements identified in The Anaheim Resort Identity Program. The Central Core boundaries encompass lots or parcels with frontage on Harbor Boulevard between Interstate-5 Freeway and Orangewood Avenue and on Katella Avenue between Interstate-5 Freeway and Walnut Street. The following subsections apply to this area as follows: .0101 Subsections .020 and .040 below apply to the minimum required setback areas adjacent to the ultimate public right-of-way. .0102 Subsection .030 below applies to the area between the ultimate public right-of-way and the actual (constructed) building setback. .0103 Subsections .050 through .070 below apply to development encompassing lots or parcels with frontage on both Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue, identified as the "Harbor Boulevard/Katella Avenue Intersection Area" and depicted on Exhibit 3.3-8 (Central Core Plan). 0104 Subsection .080 applies to all properties within the Central Core. .020 Required Landscape Setback Area. The required landscape setback area within the Central Core shall comply with the following: .0201 Up to eighty percent (80%) of the required landscape setback area adjacent to the ultimate public right-of-way may be paved provided: .01 The paved area will serve pedestrian -related activities (outdoor dining, access to retail stores integrated with hotel/motel developments, and similar uses); .02 Landscape shall be designed and installed in conformance with the tree density requirements identified in the Design Plan; .03 The paved area includes cutout areas for trees (minimum of one tree per 200 square feet), planters, pots, colored or enriched paving, and other pedestrian - oriented amenities; .0202 Shrubs, decorative walls, and fences may be used as barriers within the Setback Realm to create enclosure for outdoor eating and pedestrian gathering areas, provided that any barrier greater than 42 inches high shall be transparent. .0203 Areas that have a more intimate scale, such as those oriented towards pedestrians (outdoor eating areas, for example), may use smaller -scale trees and shrubs within the required landscape setback area. .030 Parking Areas, Structures and Circulation. Parking and circulation for properties within the Central Core shall comply with the following: .0301 No parking areas shall be located between the ultimate public right-of-way and the actual (constructed) building setback. .0302 Parking structures shall be located in separate buildings at the rear portion of the site unless more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the parking structure building wall facing the street contains pedestrian oriented uses, which have openings to the adjacent Central Core street. .0303 Curb cuts separated by less than forty feet are prohibited. .040 Lighting. .0401 Exterior lights may be incandescent or metal halide. Fluorescent, low pressure sodium, high pressure sodium, and mercury vapor are prohibited in the front setback areas. .0402 Decorative lighting with a festive "Tivoli Garden" character is permitted within the front setback areas. It may include: tree uplights, tree downlights, small lights in trees or on shrubs, outdoor string lights that outline building masses, and similar lighting effects. Visible light bulbs shall be incandescent, or shall have a warm lighting characteristic similar to incandescent fixtures. .0403 Lighting that illuminates building walls is not permitted. .050 Required Landscaped Setback Area Within the Harbor Boulevard/Katella Avenue Intersection Area. The minimum setback along Harbor Boulevard may be reduced to eleven (11) feet. .060 Permitted Encroachments Within the Harbor Boulevard/Katella Avenue Intersection Area. Canopies and balconies may encroach three feet into the required setback along both Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue. Canopies for ground floor seating and dining areas may encroach within the required setback along Katella Avenue to the property line. .070 Paving within the Harbor Boulevard/Katella Avenue Intersection Area. Development of properties within this area shall comply with the landscape, hardscape and urban design elements described in Section 5 of The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program. Up to one hundred percent (100%) of the setback area may be paved provided: .0701 The paved area will serve pedestrian -related activities (outdoor dining, access to retail stores integrated with hotel/motel developments, and similar uses); and .0702 Landscaping shall be designed and installed in conformance with the tree density requirements identified in the Design Plan. Trees may be provided in decorative containers consistent with the architecture of the project. 080 Site Planning. Properties within the Central Core shall comply with the following: .0801 Ground -floor uses, such as restaurants, retail stores and other similar types of businesses that attract pedestrians adjacent to the right-of-way, shall be provided adjacent to Central Core streets. .0802 Direct pedestrian access shall be provided to uses on the ground floor of buildings from the sidewalk adjacent to the street. Accessory uses for hotels may also provide entries and openings from inside the hotel building. .0803 Buildings shall be placed on parcels so that a minimum of 60% of the property frontage is occupied by building; if this is not possible, closely spaced vertical trees shall be planted at the building setback line in order to create a "green mass" which has the effect of enclosing the street in a manner similar to the effect of a building mass. .0804 New buildings added to existing development sites should be located adjacent to the setback line, and parking concealed from view; .0805 Uses likely to attract pedestrians, such as outdoor dining should be placed within the setback area along Harbor Boulevard. .0806 Uses intended primarily to attract automobiles are prohibited, such as drive -through restaurants. .0807 Large, blank, undifferentiated building elevations and monolithic building masses that would be visible from the public right-of-way are prohibited. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6141 § 3; April 14, 2009: Ord. 6265 § 22; January 15, 2013.) 18.116.140 OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS. All vehicle accessways and parking and loading areas shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18.42 ( Parking and Loading) of this code, except as provided herein. .010 Location of Required Parking Spaces. All parking areas shall comply with the provisions of subsection 18.42.050 (Location of Parking and Shared Parking Arrangements); provided, however, that: .0101 Parking areas shall be permitted to encroach into required setback areas in compliance with the provisions of Section 18.116.090. (Structural Setbacks - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). .0102 No parking is permitted between the ultimate right-of-way and the building setback line. .0103 Parking maybe located between the front building setback line and the building face provided it is screened by a continuous hedge, wall or berm (or combination thereof) with a minimum height of 36 inches. .0104 Arrival and visitor drop-off areas maybe located adjacent to the front building setback and are not subject to the screening required for parking areas, provided they present an attractive "front door" appearance as visible from the adjacent public right-of-way. .020 Layout and Design. Layout and design of parking areas and vehicle accessways shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18.42 (Parking and Loading). .030 Hotel/MotelNacation Ownership Passenger Drop -Off Areas. All hotel/motels and vacation ownership resorts shall have a passenger drop-off area located on -site. Passenger drop- off areas (which may include a covered area or porte-cochere) shall be for the purpose of dropping off and picking up passengers and luggage, accommodating valet parking, pedestrian access and safety, and fire access while providing free flow of vehicles. Such areas shall not encroach into the required front yard setback, except as provided in Section 18.116.090 (Structural Setbacks - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). .040 Parking Lot Plan Review. Parking lot plans, including parking facilities, shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning and Building Department and the City Traffic and Transportation Manager during Final Site Plan Review, if required by this chapter, and building plan review and prior to issuance of building permits, and shall, at a minimum, incorporate all applicable City Standards and shall contain the following information. trucks; .0401 Dimensions for internal spacing, circulation and landscaped areas; .0402 Curbing, stall markings, signing and other traffic control devices; .0403 Location and height of lighting fixtures; .0404 Location, dimensions and accessibility of trash containers for refuse .0405 Location of fire hydrants and fire accessways; .0406 Location and height of perimeter walls; .0407 Tour bus and/or shuttle parking and loading; .0408 Grade elevations and ramps associated with parking facilities; .0409 Location of utility devices and other related above -ground features (i.e., utility poles); and .0410 Delivery truck parking/loading areas and bicycle racks. .050 Paving. All permanent off-street parking facilities, including access aisles and driveways, shall be permanently paved (not to include turf block). Such surfacing, as well as striping, signing, and directional markings, shall be maintained in good condition at all times. .060 Temporary parking. Temporary parking facilities shall be paved and screened with landscaping in accordance with Section 18.116.100 (Screening, Walls, Fences Landscaping and Lighting - Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)) and shall be subject to the review and joint approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager and the City Manager. Such facilities shall be permitted for a period not to exceed one (1) year, but may be renewed for up to a total of five (5) years in one (1) year increments subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. Permitted fencing shall be in accordance with the following: .0601 The location, height and color of fencing/walls for temporary parking facilities shall be approved in connection with the temporary parking lot plan. .0602 Permitted fence/wall materials include, but are not limited to, decorative wrought -iron, coated chain link and decorative masonry blocks. .0603 Scrim, in a color and design approved in connection with the temporary parking lot plan, shall be affixed to the exterior side of the chain link fencing facing the public right-of-way and adjacent properties. .0604 The maximum fence/wall height shall be twelve (12) feet; except that within a twenty (20) foot setback from an adjacent residential zone boundary or property within the Specific Plan Area encompassed by the MHP Overlay as shown on Exhibit 3.3-3 of the Specific Plan document entitled "Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay in the C-R District", the maximum fence/wall height shall be eight (8) feet; and further provided that fence/wall heights greater than eight (8) feet shall not cause a shade/shadow impact on adjacent properties wherein outdoor active areas or structures that have windows that normally receive sunlight are covered by shadows for more than 50 percent (50%) of the sunlight hours. (Ord. 5769; May 1, 2001.) .070 Parking Markings and Separations. All parking spaces shall be clearly and permanently outlined on the surface of the parking facility in accordance with City Standards on file with the City. Parking shall be separated from buildings, sidewalks, and plazas by landscaped areas having a minimum width of five (5) feet. A six-inch continuous raised curb shall be provided on all parking stalls (except parallel parking) heading into a sidewalk, planting area, or setback area. Parking shall be separated from any abutting property line by sideyard setback landscaping and, by a minimum six (6) inch curb. Parking shall be screened from view of public rights -of -way and adjacent properties in compliance with Section 18.116.100 (Screening Walls, Fences, Landscaping and Lighting, Commercial Recreation (C-R) District (Development Area 1)). (Ord. 5998 § 74; October 25, 2005.) .080 Driveway Abandonment. When use of a driveway to a public street is abandoned or otherwise discontinued, the owner, upon receipt of notice from the Public Works -Engineering Department, shall remove all driveway pavement, curb and gutter; and, shall replace the curb, gutter and sidewalk, and landscape the area to match the adjacent landscaped areas. .090 Required Improvement of Parking Areas. All parking areas shall be improved in compliance with Section 18.42.090 (Parking Lot Improvements and Landscaping); provided further that all portions of vehicular parking lots not used for parking stalls or circulation shall be planted, irrigated and maintained in accordance with the standards listed below. .0901 Minimum Number of Trees. Surface parking lots shall be landscaped and maintained with a minimum of one (1) twenty-four (24) inch box tree per each five (5) parking spaces, which trees shall be equally spaced. Trees shall have a spreading canopy that is sufficient to cover at least thirty percent (30%) of the parking surface with the tree canopy within five (5) years of installation. Tree wells shall be designed with decorative paving and/or landscaped with shrubs and/or ground cover. .0902 Size of Planters. There shall be an average of forty-eight (48) square feet of planter area provided for each tree required in the above subsection with a minimum dimension of five (5) feet, provided that the planter area for new trees planted in existing legal nonconforming parking lots may be reduced to a minimum dimension and design approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. .0903 Tree Branches. Tree branches shall be trimmed to ensure that the lowest tree branches are more than six (6) feet above the finish grade at the base of the tree to prevent damage from automobiles. .100 Conformance with the Design Plan. Tree, shrub and ground cover selection and planting design shall conform with the Design Plan. .110 Parking Space and Access Design. Layout and design of parking areas and vehicle accessways shall comply with the requirements of Sections 18.42.060 (Parking Dimensions and Access) and 18.42.070 (Parking Lot Design), and City Standards on file with the City, except as follows: 1101 Maximum Curb Openings per Street Frontage. The maximum number of curb openings per street frontage shall not exceed the following standards: .01 Parcel width three hundred (300) feet or less: One (1). .02 Parcel width over three hundred (300) feet: Two (2). .03 One (1) additional curb opening may be allowed if it is used as legal access to one (1) or more adjacent parcels. .1102 Driveway Separation and Spacing. There shall be a minimum distance of thirty-six (36) feet between driveways (nearest driveway edge to nearest driveway edge) serving the same parcel, and a minimum distance of forty (40) feet between driveways (nearest driveway edge to nearest driveway edge) serving adjacent parcels. .1103 Driveway Width Dimensions. Driveways shall be a minimum of twenty- four (24) feet wide, and a maximum of thirty-five (35) feet wide, with wider widths subject to the approval of the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager based on sound engineering practices. .1104 Curb Return. The curb cut shall provide a minimum radius curb return and sight distance clearance in accordance with engineering standards on file with the City, or as otherwise approved by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager based on sound engineering practices. .1105 Entry Drive Dimension. The following minimum entry driveway (throat) length shall be provided as indicated below, measured from the nearest point of the ultimate street right-of-way line to the nearest point of the on -site parking area or on -site vehicular accessway to said parking area. Parking shall be designed so as to preclude a car from backing out of a stall and into the entry driveway in accordance with City Standards on file with the City. .01 A forty (40) foot -long driveway is required to serve sixty (60) or fewer parking spaces; 02 A sixty (60) foot -long driveway is required to serve sixty-one to one hundred twenty (61-120) parking spaces; and, .03 An one hundred (100) foot long driveway is required to serve greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. .120 Minimum Parking Requirements. The minimum number, type and design of off-street parking spaces shall comply with the requirements of Section 18.42.040 (Non -Residential Parking Requirements), except as provided for below. .130 Truck Loading. Truck loading facilities shall comply with the requirements of Section 18.42.100 (Loading Requirements) and City Standards on file with the City. A minimum of one (1) truck dock or truck loading area shall be provided for each hotel or motel. .140 Bus Parking Areas. Hotels/motels shall provide space for on -site bus parking subject to the approval of the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager and the Planning Department in accordance with the latest Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Bus Facilities Handbook Guidelines, or as otherwise approved by the City's Traffic and Transportation Manager and Planning Director based on sound engineering practice. 150 Parking Structures. Parking structures shall comply with the following requirements: .1501 Parking structures shall have a landscaped area with a minimum width of ten (10) feet provided along the peripheral edges of the parking structure. Such areas shall be landscaped and maintained with a combination of shrubs, ground cover and trees. Adjacent to any parking structure, trees shall be provided an_d maintained consisting of at least one (1) twenty-four (24) inch box tree for each ten (10) linear feet of parking facility perimeter. Such trees may be either grouped informally or formally. .1502 Vehicles parked in parking structures shall be concealed from view through a combination of visual barriers, planting, or other means; open sided facilities that allow complete views of parked vehicles are not permitted. .1503 The elevations of parking facilities visible from public streets shall be articulated; such articulation may consist of indentations in the structure, changes in color, addition of applied elements to the surface of the facility, or other devices, including the provision of a landscape buffer with a minimum width of ten (10) feet. .1504 Parking structures shall be constructed of masonry materials that are predominantly light in color. .1505 Pedestrian and vehicular entrances shall be clearly identified and easily accessible to minimize pedestrian/vehicle conflict. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 23; January 14, 2013: Ord. 6286 §§ 55 - 59; September 3, 2013.) 18.116.150 REQUIREMENTS FOR VACATION OWNERSHIP RESORTS. .010 Purpose of Section. The City Council has determined that vacation ownership resorts constitute a commercial use similar to hotel/motel facilities. Due to the mixed method of operation, hybrid ownership, the potential generation of large numbers of people and vehicles, and the potential impact on the city's tourism -related facilities, special criteria are warranted for the development of vacation ownership resorts in addition to the requirements of the underlying zone. Vacation ownership resorts in the Theme Park (TP) Overlay and the Parking (P) Overlay and/or otherwise developed on any Disney Property shall comply with Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.114.120 (Requirements for Vacation Ownership Resorts). .020 Limits on Occupancy. Occupancy, or right of occupancy, of any vacation ownership resort unit (including different units within the same facility) in a vacation ownership resort facility by a person or entity shall be limited to no more than thirty (30) consecutive days nor more than a total of sixty (60) days during any consecutive twelve (12) month period. Units which do not meet such criteria shall be considered to be residential units and shall be prohibited. .030 Required Zoning. Vacation ownership resorts and conversions to vacation ownership resorts shall be permitted in the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Zone, excluding property encompassed by the Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay as identified on Exhibit 3.3-3, (Mobile Home Park (MHP) Overlay in the C-R District) of the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan Document, subject to obtaining a Conditional Use Permit and the requirements of Section (Development Standards). The conversion of vacation ownership resorts to residential condominium use is prohibited. .040 Related Uses. Vacation ownership resorts may include other uses, either as accessory uses to the vacation ownership resort use or as independent facilities, so long as the specific use is allowed by the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan zone designation. Such uses shall meet all city laws and requirements. .050 Development Standards. The development standards established in the Anaheim Resort Specific Plan zone designation shall be applicable to vacation ownership resorts and the conversion of existing facilities to vacation ownership resort use. Additional requirements may be imposed by the Planning Commission/City Council as follows: .0501 Required facilities. The Planning Commission and/or City Council may require the provision of facilities, amenities, or design features usually associated with hotels/motels (for example, lobbies, check -in areas, registration desks, service closets, laundry facilities, and the like) to ensure that the vacation ownership resort will adequately function in the same manner as a hotel/motel facility. .0502 Parking. Additional parking may be required if the design of the facility and units indicates that additional parking is necessary. .0503 Setback, height, landscaping, signage requirements and recreation amenities. Additional restrictions may be required to ensure that the facility is adequately buffered from surrounding uses. .0504 Kitchen facilities suitable for visitors may be permitted by the Conditional Use Permit permitting the vacation ownership resort. .060 Conversion to Vacation Ownership Uses. The following standards shall apply to conversions of existing facilities to vacation ownership resort uses. Any conversion of an existing facility to vacation ownership resort use shall be required to meet the same standards as new facilities. .0601 The conversion of any type of existing unit or facility to vacation ownership resort use shall be subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Conversion shall be evaluated in terms of the physical suitability of the units or facilities for vacation ownership resort use. Items to be considered shall include the general maintenance and upkeep of the structures; general physical condition of the facility; age of the structures; suitability of the units for the type of occupancy proposed; the age, condition, and general repair of any recreational facility; and, conformance with appropriate building, safety and fire standards. The facility shall be upgraded to mitigate any identified deficiencies. Conversions shall also be evaluated to ensure that the conversion does not create or add to the shortage of the particular type of unit proposed to be converted in the city as a whole or in any particular area of the city. .0602 All facilities converted to vacation ownership resort use shall meet all applicable city requirements, including building, safety, and fire standards, as well as the other requirements of this section. .0603 Conversions which would significantly reduce the overall number of conventional overnight accommodations in the city for visitors shall not be allowed. The effect of the conversion on existing conventional overnight accommodations shall be quantified by means of a survey prepared to the satisfaction of the city. The survey shall include a representative sample of the existing unit supply in terms of location, price and type of unit. (Ord. 5769 § 1; May 1, 2001.) .070 Information Required for Applications. In addition to any information requirements established by other applicable Sections of the Anaheim Municipal Code, the following information shall also be submitted as part of any application to develop or institute a vacation ownership resort: .0701 Typical floor plans for each vacation ownership resort unit type; .0702 The phasing of the construction of the vacation ownership resort use; .0703 The type of vacation ownership resort method to be used (fee simple, leasehold, tenancy -in -common, license, membership, and the like) and how such use may be created; .0704 The identification of vacation ownership resort intervals and the number of intervals per unit; .0705 Identification of which units are in the vacation ownership resort program, the use of the units not included in the program, and the method whereby other units may be added, deleted, or substituted; .0706 A description and identification of any accessory uses which are proposed in conjunction with the vacation ownership resort; .0707 A description of the availability of the vacation ownership resort project, including accessory uses, to the general public; .0708 The provisions made for management and maintenance of the project and indication of a contact person or party responsible for the day-to-day operation of the project; .0709 A description of the type and operation of any other uses (commercial and/or recreational) which are included in the facility; .0710 The formula, fraction or percentage, of the common expenses and any voting rights assigned to each vacation ownership resort unit and where applicable, to each unit within the project which unit is not subject to the vacation ownership resort program; .0711 Any restrictions on the use, occupancy, alteration, or alienation of vacation ownership resort units; .0712 A parking demand study prepared by an independent traffic engineer licensed by the State of California or such other study as approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager and provided to the city by the applicant at applicant's sole expense; .0713 A description of the method to be used consistent and in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2.12 (Transient Occupancy Tax) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to collect and transmit the transient occupancy tax to the city; .0714 Any other information or documentation the applicant, city staff, the Planning Commission and/or City Council deems reasonably necessary to the consideration of the project, including any required environmental or fiscal impact report documents; .0715 Applications for the conversion of any portion of an existing facility to a vacation ownership resort shall include the following information, as well as the other information required by this section: .01 A property report describing in detail the condition and useful life of the roof, foundations, and mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and structural elements prepared by a licensed engineer or architect, .02 A comprehensive list of all improvements, upgrading, and additional facilities proposed, and .03 A report prepared by a licensed engineer or architect describing all repairs and replacements needed, if any, to bring all structures into substantial compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Housing Code, National Electrical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Fire Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, and any other uniform building related codes as modified and adopted by the city. Approval shall be subject to receipt of such information and applicant's failure to submit such documentation may be grounds for disapproval. .080 Building Permits. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the legal property owner shall be required to provide the following: .0801 Copies of all relevant enabling documentation, including, but not limited to, articles of incorporation, bylaws, declarations of covenants, conditions, and restrictions, and membership or license agreements; and .0802 Copies of all State Department of Real Estate applications and permits, including any public report issued. .090 Findings of Fact Necessary for Approval. In addition to the findings of fact otherwise required by any other provision of the Anaheim Municipal Code, approval of any conditional use permit for a vacation ownership resort shall require the following finding: That there are adequate visitor -serving facilities in the City and that the project will not preclude or significantly reduce the development of other needed tourist facilities or hotel or motel facilities. .100 Vacation Ownership Resort Subject to Transient Occupancy Tax. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Anaheim Municipal Code, all vacation ownership resort units shall be subject to the payment of the transient occupancy tax as otherwise prescribed by Chapter 2.12 (Transient Occupancy Tax). No vacation ownership resort shall be established as a conditional use unless the property owner/developer establishes and implements a method of ownership acceptable to the city which guarantees the city's collection of Transient Occupancy Tax for all vacation ownership units as if they were hotel rooms. The city reserves the right to audit all such vacation ownership resorts. The manager of the facility (or if the facility has no manager, the owner of the facility) shall be deemed the "operator" within the meaning of Chapter 2.12 entitled (Transient Occupancy Tax) of the Anaheim Municipal Code for purposes of collection and remittance of the tax. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 § I (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6265 § 24; January 15, 2013.) 18.116.160 SIGN REGULATIONS. The purpose of this section is to recognize the function of signs in this Zone, to provide for their inclusion under this section of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and to regulate and control all matters relating to such signs, except the construction thereof. All definitions in Chapter 18.44 (Signs) shall apply except as listed below. .010 Definitions Pertaining to Signs. For the purpose of this chapter, the following abbreviations, terms, phrases and words shall be construed as specified below: .0101 "Animated Sign." Any sign that uses movement or change of lighting to depict or simulate movement, action or to otherwise create a special effect or scene. .0102 "Area of Sign." The area of a sign shall include the entire area within any type of perimeter or border which may enclose the outer limits of any writing, representation, emblem, logo, figure or character. The area of the sign having no such perimeter or border shall be computed by enclosing the entire area constituting the advertising message within the smallest polygon required to enclose all typographic/graphic elements, in compliance with the Design Plan. .0103 "Area of Sign Face." Refers to the permitted sign copy area as shown on the Anaheim Resort Sign Standard Details on file in the Planning Department. .0104 "Beacon." Any light with one or more beams directed into the atmosphere or directed at one or more points not on the same parcel as the light source; also, any light with one or more beams that rotate or move. .0105 "Business Information Sign." Any informational sign (not a project identification sign) on the project premises that relates to the principal business or use of the premises upon which the sign is erected. This sign type may include signs which direct attention to a business commodity, service, or other activity which is sold, offered, or conducted on the premises upon which the sign is located, or to which it is affixed. .0106 "Can -Type Sign." A box -shaped sign which has copy on the outside of its surface and is intemally illuminated. .0107 "Canopy Sign." Any sign that is a part of or attached to an awning, canopy, or other fabric, plastic, or structural protective cover over a door, entrance, window, or outdoor service area. A marquee sign as defined herein is not a canopy sign. .0108 "Cornice." Any prominent, continuous horizontally projecting feature extending from a wall or other structure. .0109 "Dual -Lit Channel Letters." Individual letters formed as a sign can structure, composed of opaque sides and transparent acrylic plastic on both the front and back of the letter. Lighting from within the sign can structure creates an illuminated face and a halo around the letterform. .0110 "Emitting Sign." Any sign that releases smoke, steam, water, bubbles or other solids, liquids or gases as a device for advertising. .0111 "Entrance/Exit Sign." A sign located at a driveway entrance displaying a directional symbol and/or directional copy and which may include the name and/or symbol/logo of the business. .0112 "Exposed Neon Sign. A sign where the neon or argon/mercury illuminated glass tubing is visible and not shielded from view by any material or sign structure. .0113 "Flag." Any fabric attached to a flagpole and containing distinctive colors, patterns, or symbols, and used as a symbol of a government or other entity. .0114 "Informational, Regulatory and Directional Sign System (IRD Sign System)." Any group of signs that are intentionally designed to be a unified family of signs through a consistent use of color, typography, graphics, design detailing and structural detailing. .0115 "Landscape Sign." An arrangement of any plant type (flowers, shrubs, etc.), which spells out words or resembles a symbol or a figure. .0116 "Magnetic Sign." A sign which is magnetically attached to a surface. .0117 "Noncommercial Message Sign." A sign displaying political or social (public information) messages. .0118 "On -Site Directional Guidance Sign." Any sign located on -site and not visible from the public right-of-way, giving direction for on -site pedestrian or vehicular circulation. .0119 "On -Site Directory Sign." Any on -site sign exhibiting the names and locations of on -site uses and/or facilities, and intended to facilitate the movement of patrons or visitors throughout the site. The sign may display a site map. .0120 "Open Pan Channel Letters With Interior Neon Illumination." Individual channel letters formed as a sign can structure with neon tubing molded to fit the interior wall of the sign can and fitted with a clear transparent face panel allowing the halo from the neon tubing to be visible through the transparent face panel. .0121 "Outdoor Advertising." Advertising on any board, fence, sign device, structure or building, or the placing thereon of any poster, bill, printing, painting, device or any advertising matter of any kind whatsoever; and the pasting, posting, printing, painting, nailing or tacking or otherwise fastening of any handbill, card, banner, sign, poster, advertisement or notice of any kind upon any property or place. Said term shall not include any signs or notices posted or displayed by any public officer in the performance of a public duty or a private person in giving a legal notice. .0122 "Parapet Sign." A sign attached to a vertical wall extending from and above the actual roof line and intended to visually heighten the building. .0123 "Pole Sign." A sign which is affixed to one or more poles attached to the ground and which is constructed in a manner which does not fully obstruct the view of the area between the sign and the ground. .0124 "Raceway." A metal box containing wiring, transformers and housings for a sign. .0125 "Restaurant Menu Board." An illuminated or non -illuminated glass case which is used to display a restaurant menu. Said case may be built-in, visible through a window or affixed to the exterior building wall and shall be located immediately adjacent to the main entrance to the restaurant. .0126 "Reverse Pan Channel Letters with Neon Halo Illumination." Individual letters formed as a sign can structure where the front surface is opaque and the back is open. Neon tubing is molded to fit the form of the can structure and is placed inside the can structure. The light from the neon shines out the opening in the back of the letter and reflects off the surface of the building or structure where the letter is mounted. At night, this reflection appears to be a halo around the opaque letterform. .0127 "Storefront." A wall of a business containing display windows and a public entry. .0128 "Structure." The supports, uprights, bracing, guy rods, cables and framework of a sign or outdoor advertising display. .0129 "Typeface." The general form, structure, style, or character common to all elements comprising an alphabet. .0130 "Window Identification Sign." Any sign bearing only the name and/or logo and/or address of the business occupying the premises; and, consisting of letters and/or numbers permanently affixed to the window, and made of gold leaf, paint, stencil, or other such material. .020 Signs - General. .0201 Application. Sign standards and regulations contained within this section apply to properties within the Specific Plan area. .0202 Administrative Provisions - Sign Regulations. The location, size, type, construction and all other matters relating to signs in the Specific Plan area shall be regulated and controlled exclusively by the provisions of this chapter except to the extent reference is expressly made in this chapter to any other provision of the Anaheim Municipal Code. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this chapter and any other provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code so referenced herein, the provisions of this chapter shall govern and prevail. All signs and all applications therefore shall be exclusively administered by the Planning Director except those signs which may be sought in conjunction with a conditional use permit or a zone variance. .0203 Coordinated Sign Program. All signs on a property shall be designed as part of a coordinated architectural, informational, regulatory and directional sign system with a consistent design detailing, typeface and color system. The capital letter height of all tenant identification copy shall be the same on a single multi -tenant sign face. Multi -tenant wall signs shall either be all wall signs or all canopy signs except as provided elsewhere in this chapter for hotel/motel accessory uses. While not required, all multi -tenant signs are encouraged to consist of one consistent typeface for all tenants or one color for all sign copy. .0204 Resolution of Inconsistent Provisions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, all provisions governing signs or advertising structures of any type in this Zone shall be contained within this chapter; provided, however, the provisions of Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs - Special Event Permit) and Chapters 4.04 (Outdoor Advertising Signs and Structures - General) and 4.09 (Outdoor Advertising of Motel and Hotel Rental Rates) of the Anaheim Municipal Code shall apply to signs and advertising structures in this Zone to the extent such provisions are not inconsistent with this chapter. .0205 Variances From Sign Requirements. No person shall install or maintain any sign in this zone, except as permitted herein; provided, however, that any requirements or restrictions may be waived, in whole or in part, upon such conditions as may be imposed by the Planning Commission or the City Council, by a zone variance processed and approved in accordance with all procedures, requirements and restrictions established for variances pursuant to Chapters 18.60 (Procedures) of the Anaheim Municipal Code. .0206 Signs Approved in Conjunction with Conditional Use Permits. Approval of any conditional use permit shall be deemed to constitute approval of any on -site signs which are otherwise permitted in the Specific Plan area unless, as part of the action approving the conditional use permit, more restrictive sign requirements are imposed. .0207 Legal Nonconforming Signs - General. Any sign or other advertising display or structure of whatever type or nature, other than an illegal sign, which violates or otherwise does not comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter shall be subject to compliance with the regulations prescribed herein in the time and manner hereinafter set forth. .01 Legal Nonconforming Signs - Continuation and Termination. Any legal nonconforming sign or sign structure in existence on the effective date of this chapter which violates or otherwise does not conform to the provisions hereof shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter (hereinafter the "abatement") in accordance with the following: (a) For signage on properties adjacent to Harbor Boulevard between Interstate-5 and Orangewood Avenue and Katella Avenue between Walnut Street and Interstate-5, the signage shall be removed, altered or replaced within five (5) years after the date said sign first becomes nonconforming to the provisions of this chapter, or on or before December 31, 1999, whichever is later; (b) For signage on properties other than those adjacent to Harbor Boulevard between I-5 and Orangewood Avenue and Katella Avenue between Walnut Street and I-5, or identified in Table I I6-N (Real Estate Signs), the signage shall be removed, altered or replaced within eight (8) years after the date said sign first becomes nonconforming to the provisions of this chapter, or on or before December 31, 2002, whichever is later; (c) For signage on properties adjacent to the south side of Orangewood Avenue; adjacent to Harbor Boulevard, south of Orangewood Avenue; adjacent to Wilken Way; and, adjacent to Chapman Avenue, the signage shall be removed, altered or replaced within fifteen (15) years after the date said sign first becomes nonconforming to the provisions or this chapter, or on or before December 31, 2019, whichever is later; (d) Provided, however, in no event shall such abatement be required unless and until the owner of said sign has received not less than one (1) year's advance written notice from the Planning Director requiring the removal or alteration of sign. .02 Notwithstanding the foregoing: (a) Any advertising display which was lawfully erected which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, but whose use has ceased, or the structure upon which the display exists has been abandoned by its owner, for a period of not less than ninety (90) days, shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter within six (6) months from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the Planning Director requiring such abatement. Costs incurred by the city in removing an abandoned display shall be borne by or charged to the legal owner of the real property upon which said sign is located. (b) Any advertising display structure which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter which has been more than fifty percent (50%) destroyed, and the destruction is other than facial copy replacement, and said structure cannot be repaired within thirty (30) days of the date of its destruction shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the provisions of this chapter within six (6) months from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the Planning Director requiring such abatement. (c) Any advertising display which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, whose owner, outside of a change of copy, requests permission to remodel and remodels that advertising display, or expands or enlarges the building or intensifies the land use upon which the advertising display is located, and the display is affected by the construction, enlargement, or remodeling, or the cost of construction, enlargement or remodeling of the advertising display exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the cost of reconstruction of the building, shall remove, alter or replace such sign so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter in conjunction with said project. (d) Any advertising display which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, whose owner seeks relocation thereof and relocates the advertising display shall be required to conform said relocated advertising display to the provisions of this chapter within six (6) months from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the Planning Director requiring such abatement. (e) Any advertising display which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter for which there has been an agreement between the advertising display owner and the city for its removal as of any given date shall remove such sign in accordance with the provisions of said agreement. (f) Any temporary advertising display erected pursuant to a special events permit issued by the city shall be removed as specified under Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs - Special Event Permit) or within such other time as expressly authorized by the city. (g) Any advertising display which may become a danger to the public or is unsafe shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of a written order of abatement from the Planning Director requiring such removal or alteration. Any advertising display which poses an immediate danger to public health or safety, shall be abated as provided in the written order of abatement from the Planning Director. (h) Any advertising display which is determined by the City Engineer to constitute a traffic hazard not created by the relocation of streets or highways or by acts of the city shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter as provided in the written order of abatement from the Planning Director requiring such removal or alteration. (i) Any other advertising display which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter for which the city is exempt from the payment of compensation in conjunction with requiring its removal as specified in Chapter 2.5 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, or any successor provisions thereto shall be subject to removal as specified in said code. 0) Illegal Signs. "Illegal Signs" as defined in Section 18.44.030 (Definitions) shall be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform to the requirements of this chapter within six (6) months following the effective date of this chapter. .0208 Minimum Sight Distance Requirements for Freestanding Signs. A line -of - sight triangle is hereby established at each corner of every intersection of two streets. Two legs of the triangle shall extend twenty-five (25) feet along the ultimate right-of-way line of each street right-of-way (except at the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Katella Avenue where the legs of the triangle shall extend twenty-five (25) feet along the back of the sidewalk) and the third leg shall connect the termini of each of the other two legs. No sign above twenty-four (24) inches in height (as measured from the finished grade of the adjacent sidewalk) shall be permitted within the line -of -sight triangle. Any freestanding sign installation located within fifty (50) feet of any driveway, including driveways on adjacent properties, shall meet the provisions of engineering standards on file in the City. .0209 Lighted Signs. No artificial light of whatever type or nature used in conjunction with, or for the purpose of, lighting any sign shall be so erected or constructed or placed, nor shall any substance or material capable of reflecting light be so placed, as to result in directing such artificial light into any structure used exclusively for residential purposes. For the purpose of this provision, structures devoted to hotel and motel use are not to be construed as structures used exclusively for residential purposes. .01 Indirect Lighting. No sign lighted by any type of indirect lighting shall have any such lighting which exceeds eight hundred (800) milliamps rated capacity nor shall any sign lighted by neon or similar materials have any such neon or similar material which exceeds thirty (30) milliamps rated capacity. .02 Intensity of Illumination. The approval of any illuminated sign shall not be final until thirty (30) days after installation, during which period the Planning Director may order the dimming of any illumination found to be excessively brilliant and no sign permit shall be valid until such order has been carried out to an extent satisfactory to the Planning Director. For purposes of this section, illumination shall be considered excessively brilliant when it prevents normal perception of objects or buildings beyond or in the vicinity of the sign, or when it shines directly onto any residentially developed property. .0210 Signs Required By Law. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent the erection, location or construction of any sign on private property where such erection, location or construction of said sign is required by any law; provided, however, no such sign erected, placed or maintained pursuant to this provision shall exceed four (4) square feet in area except to the extent a greater sign area is expressly required by law. .0211 Signs in the Public Rights -of -Way. Signs shall be prohibited in any public rights -of -way as provided in Section 4.04.130 (Prohibition of Signs in the Public Right -of -Way) of the Anaheim Municipal Code except signs and gateways as described in the Design Plan and private Anaheim Resort business identification freestanding monument signs within the ultimate public right-of-way along Katella Avenue, provided an Encroachment License is approved for such signs by the Public Works Department. .0212 Address Identification. Identify the address of each building and each tenant with an exterior public entrance in six-inch (6") high numbers, a maximum of three (3) feet above the main entry doorway or within three (3) feet from either side of the main entry. .030 Permitted, Conditionally Permitted and Prohibited Signs. Table 116-K contains permitted and prohibited sign types. It also includes sign types permitted subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to and in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapters 18.60 (Procedures), 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits) and this chapter. This section is not intended to conditionally allow signs prohibited by this chapter or to change the standards contained herein, but is intended to provide a mechanism to address special circumstances. Business and identification signs shall consist of permanent non -changeable copy except as provided for changeable copy signs as set forth in Table 116-K. Table 116-K P Permitted by Right Permitted, Conditionally Permitted and C Conditional Use Permit Prohibited Signs N Prohibited 1 Sign Type C-R Special Provisions J District A -frame or "sandwich board" N signs Animated signs N Attachments or "riders" to sins N Automotive Service Station C Subject to Table 116-L of Section Signs (Automotive Service Station Sims) and Plannin,2 Standard Detail No. 7. Awning (Canopy Signs) P Canopy signs on awning valances are considered wall signs and are subject to the provisions of wall signs as provided in Section 18.116.160 Table 116-R; Table 116-S; and Table 116-T; and, the followingprovisions: (a) Such signs shall be permitted on awning valances, provided awnings shall not be permitted to project over or into a public right-of-way and the awnings shall be an integral part of the building design:; Table 116-K P Permitted by Right Permitted, Conditionally Permitted and C Conditional Use Permit Prohibited Signs N Prohibited f Sign Type I C-R I Special Provisions District (b) Said signs shall be pedestrian oriented; (c) Said signs shall not be internally illuminated; (d) Only fifteen percent (15%) of the entire surface of the awning may be utilized for ,I �I the sign; (e) Said sign may include the company name and/or company symbol/logo; and, (f) Up to one canopy/awning may have "The Anaheim Resort®" logo located on the canopy/awning in a size and location approved by the Planning Director. Beacon lights or beacon signs, N when the intent of such signs is advertising and not entertainment, which shall not have adverse glare on adjoining properties. J Billboards N J Business information signs N Can -type signs which N incorporate translucent copy and translucent background. Changeable copy signs C Including electronic message boards for a theater, entertainment facility, convention center, amusement park; for hotel complexes and recreational vehicle or campsite parks provided the site on which the use is located is a minimum of four (4) acres in area; or, for hotel complexes when the sign is not visible from any public right- of-way, as may be seen from a point six (6) feet above ground level. In addition, the following rovisions shall apply to such signs: (a) In addition to the permitted business identification wall signs, changeable copy signs shall be wall signs provided the top of such sign is below the cornice of the building or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is lower, except theaters or entertainment Table 116-K P Permitted by Right Permitted, Conditionally Permitted and C Conditional Use Permit Prohibited Signs N Prohibited Sign Type C-R Special Provisions District facilities, which may have a changeable copy sign which displays identification and program information, the name of the theater or auditorium and it may be a marquee sign. Changeable copy signs for hotel complexes which are not visible from any public right-of-way, as may be seen from a point six (6) feet above ground level may exceed the twenty-five (25) foot height limitation subject to compliance with applicable height standards. (b) Such signs shall not be visible from residentially developed properties. (c) The design of such signs shall be integrated I IL with the architecture of the building. (d) Animation and bare bulbs are allowed as they pertain to bulb matrix technology (a technology used for reader board changeable message signs). Except under the above provisions, no other changeable cop}, signs are otherwise permitted. "Come-on" signs (e.g., "Sale N Today," "Stop," "Look," "Going out of Business," etc. . J "Closed and Open" Signs P Subject to Table 116-P of this Section. J Dual -Lit Channel Letters N Emitting signs Exposed neon signs. N � Flashing or traveling light signs. ,1 N Fluorescent colors on signs N except for colors on company sr mbols. Freestanding Monument Signs. P „ Subject to Table 116-Q of Section and Planning Standard Detail Nos. 5, 6, 7 or 8. Inflatable advertising display N Informational, Regulatory and P Subject to Table 116-0 of Section Directional (IRD) signs NOT (Informational, Regulatory and Directional (IRD) signs). Table 116-K P Permitted by Right Permitted, Conditionally Permitted and C Conditional Use Permit Prohibited Signs N Prohibited Sign Type C-R Special Provisions District fvisible from the Public Right- of-Way. Informational, Regulatory and P Subject to Table 116-0 of Section Directional (IRD) signs (Informational, Regulatory VISIBLE from the Public and Directional (IRD) signs). Ri ht-of-Wa% Landsca e signs. N � f Magnetic signs. Off -premises or off -site directional sip=ns. On -site directional guidance N and on -site directory signs which are not part of a coordinated architectural, informational, directional and reRulatory sign system. Paper, cloth and plastic N streamer signs, and flags, banners and fixed balloons except as otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs — Special Event Permit). ! Painted signs on exterior walls. N Parapet signs N _ Except as otherwise permitted for automotive service stations pursuant to section (Automotive Service Station Si ns). Pennants or pennant -type N Where visible from a public right-of-way and/or banners adjacent property, except as otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 18.44.170 (Temporary Signs — Special Event Permit). [ Pole signs N I Political Campaign signs P Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, political campaign signs shall be permitted on private property subject to (Political Signs) with the exception that such signs shall comply with the following: Table 116-K P Permitted by Right Permitted, Conditionally Permitted and C Conditional Use Permit Prohibited Signs N Prohibited Sign Type C-R Special Provisions 1 District (a) Sight Distance. Such signs shall comply with the minimum sight distance requirements set forth in paragraph (Minimum Sight Distance Requirements for Freestanding Signs); (b) Code Compliance. Such signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 4.04.130 (Prohibition of Signs in the Public Right -of - Way); and (c) Compliance with Title 15. Any structure to which a political sign is attached shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 15 "Building and Housing" of the Anaheim Municipal Code, except that no building permit shall be required for a temporary political campaign sign having a surface area of thirty-five (35) square feet or less and which structure is removed within one hundred and twenty (120) days of its erection or placement, or within thirty (30) days after the election to which the sign relates, whichever occurs first. J Portable signs � N PI Product advertising signs (e.g., I N Jsoft drinks, cigarettes, etc.). 1 Projecting signs I C I As defined in subsection 18.44.030 (Definitions) and subject to the following provisions: I I (a) A maximum sign area of four (4) square feet; (b) One (1) per business or store front (c) Limited to the business name and/or logo � I (d) Lowest point of sign shall be eight (8) feet above Eround level directs below sign. (e) Maximum height to be determined by Conditional Use Permit. (f) Sixteen (16) foot minimum distance l between signs on the same parcel. Table 116-K P Permitted, Conditionally Permitted and C Prohibited Signs N Permitted by Right Conditional Use Permit Prohibited Sign Type C-R Special Provisions District (g) Thirty (30) inch maximum projection from building face. (h) Externally illuminated signs one. �I Replicas of official traffic N control signs or signs so similar as to be confusing or hazardous to traffic. Restaurant Menu Board P Subject to the following provisions: (a) One (1) per main entrance to restaurant; (b) Limited to display of restaurant menu only; (c) Shall be permanently affixed to building wall adjacent to main entrance; (d) A maximum sign area per face of 4 square feet; (e) A maximum 3-inch projection from building face; (f) May be internally illuminated. �. Roof sip_=ns N Rotating or revolving signs Signs attached to trees or I N landscaping Signs neither otherwise C expressly permitted nor otherwise expressly prohibited in this Zone. Signs projecting over or into the N public right-of-way except as otherwise expressly permitted herein. Statues utilized for advertising purposes. I N f �I Temporary signs except as N otherwise expressly permitted herein. Vehicle entrance or exit signs N which incorporate business name(s) or other advertising not Table 116-K P Permitted by Right Permitted, Conditionally Permitted and C Conditional Use Permit Prohibited Signs N Prohibited Sign Type C-R f Special Provisions District in compliance with Section (Informational, Regulatory and Directional (IRD) Signs) and Table 116-0. Vehicle signs (signs mounted or N displayed on a vehicle for advertising purposes) or the parking or storing of advertising vehicles on public or private property - Wall Signs P Walls located below the third (3rd) floor level of a building and which signs are located on a property adjacent to and visible from residentially developed properties are not permitted. Subject to Table 116-R, Table 116-5 and Table 116-T of Section (Business Identification Wall Signs - General). Window Identification Signs I P Subject to the following provisions: (a) A maximum sign area of ten percent (10%) of the area of the largest glass windowpane or four (4) square feet, whichever is less, positioned so that views into the premises are not obstructed; (b) The maximum number of signs per lot is subject to the provisions for wall signs indicated in Tables I I6-Q, 116-R and 116- �I S; (c) Sign copy is limited to the business name and/or logo; (d) Painted, screen -printed or leafed — � letters/symbol on to interior surface of glass. Window Signs N Including neon signs and plaques of signs suspended behind the glass and signs painted on display windows with day-glo, or temporary paint (other than permitted window identification signs as defined above (Window Identification Sign)). .0301 Automotive Service Station Signs. All Automotive Service Station Signs shall comply with Table I I6-L: Table 116-L Automotive Service Station Signs Sign Type Provisions �IBusiness Identification Freestanding (a) The sign design and materials shall be subject to Monument Sign Planning Standard Detail No. 7. (b) Information on the sign shall include only the company symbol or logo, company name, special services (such as car wash) and pricing information. (c) If the automotive service station is located on a corner lot, either one of the following shall be permitted: one (1) double-faced freestanding monument sign located at the corner or one (1) double-faced freestanding monument sign per street frontage with each sign located at least seventy-five (75) feet from any intersection. (d) If the automotive service station is not located upon a corner lot, one (1) double-faced freestanding monument sign shall be permitted, located in the approximate middle forty (40) percent of the street frontage of said lot. (e) Pricing signs shall conform to the provisions of Division 5, Chapter 14, Article 12, Code Sections 13530-13540, of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, or any successor provisions thereto. The height of any pricing numbers shall be a minimum of six (6) inches and a maximum of ten (10) inches provided the height is less than the height of the company name and shall be either manually or electronically changeable. (f) Said signs shall be illuminated internally; however, the permanent background portion shall be opaque, with only the message portion being illuminated. Said signs shall be constructed of materials Canopy, Wall, and Parapet Signs f (a) Signs shall consist of individually fabricated letters and/or company symbol or logo. (b) Lighted signs may be internally illuminated only. Table 116-L Automotive Service Station Signs � Si_n Tv ve I Provisions (c) All signs shall be attached to the building or pump island canopy face without the use of visible supports or raceways. (d) Letter height shall be a maximum of eighteen (18) inches. Company symbol or logo height shall be a maximum of twenty-four (24) inches. (e) Signs shall be limited to one (1) exposure for each direction of traffic flow, up to a maximum of four (4) exnosures. Lighter Box Gasoline Service Station Lighter box gasoline services station signs, as defined Signs in Section 18.44.030 (Definitions), shall be permitted in service stations; provided, that said signs shall be subiect to the followinLi provisions: (a) Shall onIN be internally illuminated; ( b 1 Shall be either sine le -faced or double-faced; (c) Advertising thereon shall be limited to the company name or company symbol or logo; (d) Such signs have dimensions not exceeding four (4) feet in height and the span of the working area or thirteen (13) feet, whichever is; and (e) Said name or logo shall not exceed twenty (20) eercent of the total area of each face of said sicn. Pump Top and Pump Face Signs No signs other than instructional or operational signs (e.g., "Self Service," "Pay Cashier First") shall be permitted on the pump top or pump island canopy, unless they are part of an overall, designed corporate identity program for signage. .0302 Future Establishment Signs. The future establishment of a business or other activity on a parcel or lot may be advertised by means of on -site signage, which shall comply with Table 116-M (Future Establishment Signs). Table 116-M Future Establishment Sins Sign Type Provisions Maximum Sian Area Per Sign Face Sixt 60 square feet Maximum Height Four (4) feet with a two (2) foot berm, for a maximum total height of six (6) feet. Maximum Number of Signs One single -faced or double-faced freestanding si:�n •)er each street or highway frontage. Table 116-M Future Establishment I Sian Tvne I Provisions I Location Time Limit Names and Dates Required on Signs Ownership of Property Sign Permit Fees and Deposits All future establishment signs shall be located in the middle thirty (30) percent of the street frontage except for corner lot locations where said sign may be located at the corner. One (1) year from date of construction or erection unless prior to expiration, approved by the Planning Director for an additional period not to exceed one (1) year. The name of the sign owner, property owner or sign builder along with a phone number, as well as the date the sign is erected, shall be securely [laced on each sign. _ The subject property upon which the sign is located must be owned in fee interest, or must be under lease for a minimum ten (10) year period (from the date of issuance of the sign permit), by, or for the purpose of, the future business or establishment referred to upon the copy of said sign. Proof of compliance with this subsection shall be submitted to the Building Division of the Planning Department prior to issuance of a permit. For each and every on -site future establishment sign, a sign permit fee and cash deposit to guarantee removal of each sign shall be paid to the Building Division of the Planning Department. The amount of said fees and deposits shall be as specified by City Council Resolution. Further, all such signs shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) Return of Deposit. If said sign is removed within thirty (30) days following the expiration date, the removal deposit shall be refunded to the depositor in full. (b) Failure to Remove. If said sign is not removed prior to or upon the permit expiration date, the city or its agents may enter upon subject property and remove the sign, the cost of the removal to be deducted from the removal deposit, and the remainder of the removal deposit, if any, to be returned to the depositor. The sign owner, property owner or sign builder whose name appears on the sign (collectively Table 116-M Future Establishment Signs Sign Type Provisions "person") shall be notified of the city's intent to remove the sign not less than fourteen (14) days prior to removal by the city. Following removal by the city, said person shall be notified of the removal and said sign shall be retained for a minimum of ten (10) days following the date of such notice after which said sign may be dis )osed of by the city. Authority Before a permit for such a sign is issued, the owners of record of the premises and the person proposing to erect the sign must furnish the Building Division written authority granting the City of Anaheim or any of its agents or employees irrevocable permission to enter upon the premises and irrevocably appointing the Chief Building Official as the agent of the owners with permission and authority to remove such sign pursuant to the provisions of this section. .0303 Real Estate Signs. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, temporary real estate signs advertising property for sale, lease, rental or for inspection by the public shall be permitted on the property on which such sign is located subject to the following limitations in Table 116-N. Any such sign(s) may also include the name, address, and phone number of the person, firm, entity or agent offering said premises for sale, lease, rental or other disposition. Table 116-N Real Estate Signs Parcel Size Sin Size Provisions Parcels less than twenty-two thousand (22,000) One (1) unlighted, single -faced or double-faced square feet in area. freestanding sin per each lot or parcel. Maximum sign area shall not exceed ten (10) square feet per si ii face. Maximum height, as installed, shall not exceed four (4) feet. Parcels of between twenty-two thousand One (1) unlighted, single -faced or double-faced (22,000) and forty-three thousand (43,000) freestanding sign per each street or highway square feet in area. frontage of the lot or parcel. Maximum sign area shall not exceed twenty- four (24) square feet per sign face. Maximum height, as installed, shall not exceed four t 41 feet. Table 116-N Real Estate Signs Parcel Size Sign Size Provisions Parcels forty-three thousand (43,000) square One (1) unlighted, single -faced or double-faced feet or more in area. freestanding sign per each street or highway fronta.-e of the lot or parcel. Maximum sign area shall not exceed twenty- four (24) square feetper sin face. Maximum height, as installed, shall not exceed four (4) feet. .0304 Informational, Regulatory and Directional (IRD) Signs. All IRD Signs shall comply with Table 116-0 (Informational, Regulatory and Directional Signs): Table 116-0 Informational, Regulatory and Directional Signs Sign Requirement Signs Visible from the Public Signs Not Visible from the Right -of -Way Public Right-of-WaN Maximum Sign Area Per Face Eialit (8) square feet Not applicable Sign Copy Limitations Be designed as a coordinated Be designed to direct architectural, information, pedestrians and/or vehicular directional and regulatory sign traffic while said traffic is on system for the project with the parcel on which said consistent design detailing and signage is located. color scheme. Limited to the directional Be designed as a coordinated, symbol or directional copy and architectural, informational, may include the business name directional and regulatory sign and/or logo. system for the project with consistent design detailing and color scheme. If a company symbol or logo is If a company symbol or logo is part of the sign copy, it may part of the sign copy, it may occupy up to a maximum of occupy up to a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of fifty percent (50%) of the sign the sign area. copy area. Table 116-0 Informational, Regulatory and Directional Signs Sign Requirement Signs Visible from the Public Signs Not Visible from the Ri(ght-of-Way- Public Right -of -Way Maximum Height As required by local, state or As required by state or national national code. code. Illumination Sign cabinets with Not applicable letters/s3 mbols routed from opaque background with internally illuminated copy. Other Limitations No more than two (2) Signs shall be located outside directional (entrance/exit) any required setback area. signs per driveway. May be designed per Planning May be designed per Planning Standard Detail No. 8. Standard Detail No. 8. On -site directional (entrance/exit) signs located within the setback area adjacent to a public street shall comply with the minimum setback requirements for monument signs and shall comply with vehicular line -of - site requirements; all other on - site directional, informational or regulatory signs visible from the public right-of-way shall not be located within the setback area adjacent to a public street. .0305 Open and Closed Signs. All Open and Closed signs shall comply with Table 116- P (Open and Closed Signs). Table 116-P Open and Closed Signs Sign Requirements Provisions Maximum Sign Area Per Face Two (2) square feet Maximum Number of Signs Per Lot One 1per main entrance Sign Copy Limitations Message limited to "open" and/or "closed" onl• Illumination MaN be internally illuminated or exposed neon No bare bulbs or flashing signs No can signs with translucent back -lit panels. Other Limitations Placed inside the building adjacent to the main entrance. .040 Freestanding Monument Signs. Freestanding signs shall be monument signs except as provided elsewhere in this chapter and shall comply with Table I I6-Q (Freestanding Monument Signs). Table 116-Q Freestanding Monument Signs Street Frontage 0-60 ft. >60-150 ft. >150-300 ft. >300 ft. Maximum Sign None See Planning Standard Detail Nos. 5, 6 and 7 on file in the Area Per Sign Planning Department. Face Maximum None One (1) per street frontage. (A) One (1) per six Number of Signs hundred and sixty Per Lot (660) feet of street frontage. B Minimum Not Applicable Two 2 feet Setback From Except adjacent to Harbor Boulevard between Public Right -of- Orangewood Avenue and Interstate-5 Freeway and Way adjacent to Katella Avenue between Walnut Street and Interstate-5 Freeway where it shall be zero 0 feet. Maximum Not Applicable Nine 9 feet oriented on a horizontal format. Eleven and one half (11.5) feet oriented on a vertical Height to Top (C) format. Sign Copy Not Applicable Name and/or logo of the development and/or name and/or logo of up to three (3) tenants/accessory uses. D) Total area for sign copy shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of total sign face and shall not be closer than ten (10) inches to any edge. Illumination Not Applicable Illumination Limitations No bare bulbs, exposed neon, animated or flashing signs. Allowable illumination Letters/symbols routed from painted opaque background with internally illuminated push -through copy. Ground mounted spotlights screed from public view by landscaping. Other Not Applicable All signs to be mounted on the standard Anaheim Resort Limitations (E), sign base which is not included in the area calculation of (F) the sign. Standard sign base shall be precast colored concrete as specified in the Anaheim Resort Identit , Program. An Anaheim Resort logo shall appear on three sides of each column on the standard si« Tp base. Signs shall identify development address in the location specified on sign details on file in the Planning Department, using the typeface consistent with the identity sign elements for the street address. All signs except corner locations shall be located in the middle 40% of the street frontage. For corner locations signs may be located at the corner. Anv attachments or "riders" to signs shall be prohibited. All signs shall be placed perpendicular to the street. (A) For corner lots, one freestanding monument sign is permitted on each street frontage (up to two (2) signs per lot), provided that if two (2) signs are installed, each sign shall be located a minimum distance of seventy-five (75) feet from the intersection and the sign copy of both signs is not legible at the same time from any point on the adjacent rights -of -way. If one sign is installed, it is permitted to be installed at the corner or along either street frontage. (B) Maximum of two (2) signs per street frontage with a minimum distance of three hundred (300) feet between signs. (C) Signs located adjacent to Harbor Boulevard, between Orangewood Avenue and Interstate 5 Freeway; Orangewood Avenue; Walnut Street; and, West Street, south of Katella Avenue shall be oriented on a horizontal format, signs on all other streets in the District shall be oriented on a vertical format. (D) Multi -tenant signs are encouraged to use one consistent typeface for all tenants or one color for all sign copy. The capital letter height and logo of all tenant identification copy shall be the same on a single sign face. If a retail business within the Hotel/Motel is identified on the sign, the sign shall be considered a multi -tenant sign. (E) A special district has been created on Convention Way and Disneyland Drive between Katella Avenue and Ball Road. Hotels/Motels developed in this district may integrate the allowable sign area specified for freestanding monument signs into a feature landscape element, such as a wall or other landscape feature that expresses the architecture or thematic character of the development or establishment. This sign area shall be defined according to Code Section "Area of Sign" in the Sign Code. This feature landscape element shall be used for identity signage in lieu of the standard monument sign base and can include the street address, professional affiliations, and vacancy information. These feature landscape elements are to frame the entry drive of each major hotel and can occur on one or both sides of the main driveway entrance to the hotel. The landscape element can extend into the required landscape setback, with the provision that: (a) a minimum 7-ft. setback from the public right-of- way be maintained; (b) that the landscape element does not violate the City's vehicle sight distance standards; and, (c) that it does not create a continuous wall along the Convention Way or the Disneyland Drive frontage. The maximum height of the landscape element within the required landscape shall not exceed 10 ft. and there shall not be more than two sign faces per hotel entry drive, consistent with the Design Plan sign standards. The type of sign illumination permitted shall be the same as those permitted under FREESTANDING MONUMENT SIGN listed above. (F) For development located within the Harbor Boulevard/Katella Avenue Central Core Intersection Area as depicted on Exhibit 3.3-8 (Central Core Plan) of the Specific Plan, Multi -Tenant Signs integrated with the building architecture may be permitted in lieu of a Freestanding Monument Sign subject to approval of a conditional use permit. The sign(s) must be integrated into the design of the building, consistent with project architecture and designed in accordance with the following: (i) One sign is permitted on each street frontage (up to two (2) signs per lot), provided that if two (2) signs are installed, each sign shall be located a minimum distance of seventy-five (75) feet from the intersection. If one sign is installed, it may be installed at the corner or along either street frontage. (ii) Unless installed at the corner, the sign must be oriented perpendicular to the adjacent street. (iii) The maximum permitted height is fourteen (14) feet and maximum permitted width is 11 feet. (iv) The sign may be single or double sided. (v) The total area of tenant copy may not exceed 135 square feet per side. Up to four tenants may be advertised. .050 Business Identification Wall Signs - General. Business Identification Wall Signs shall comply with Table 116-R (Business Identification Wall Sign) except for Hotel/Motel Business Identification Wall Signs which shall comply with Table 116-S (Business Identification Wall Sign — Hotel/Motel). Table 116-R Business Identification Wall Sign Street 0-30 ft. >30-60 ft. >60-100 ft. >100-150 ft. >150 ft. Frontage Maximum 30 square feet 60 square 100 square feet 140 square feet 160 square Sign Area feet feet per Sign Face Maximum Mid -block Locations One (1 ) per building or store front. Number of Corner Lots Signs per Lot One (1) per building or store front; or, one (1) per building per each street frontage as long as only one sign is legible at any time from any point on the adjacent public ri ht-of--wa . Sign Copy Number of Stories Maximum Letter/ Symbol Only Maximum Symbol Height Height 1 - 2 24 inches 36 inches Over 2 36 inches 48 inches Sign copy limited to building name and/or logo, individual business name and/or logo, or generic name (i.e., Pizza, Gift Shop) and/or logo. Sign copy shall be located no closer than one-half the size of the largest letter/symbol to the top and sides of the building wall. Sign copy shall be located at the cornice line or twenty-five (25) feet from the round, whichever is lower. Illumination Illumination Limitations No bare bulbs, exposed neon, animated or flashing signs. No internally illuminated canopies/awnings. No white or light colored translucent back lit panels. All raceways shall be concealed. Table 116-R Business Identification Wall Si n Street 0-30 ft. >30-60 ft. >60-100 ft. >100-150 ft. >150 ft. Frontage No dual -lit signs. Allowable Illumination For symbols only, sign cabinet with letters/symbol routed from opaque background with internally illuminated copy. Reverse metal pan channel letters/symbol with neon halo illumination. Internally illuminated channel letters/symbol with translucent face panels. Open pan channel letters/symbol with clear translucent face panels. Other 12-inch maximum projection from building face. Limitations Projection over the public right-of-way is prohibited. There must be a minimum distance of 16 feet between signs on the same parcel. Canopy and awning sign design must be an integral part of the building design and are in lieu or permitted wall signs. Wall signs located below the third (3) floor level of a building and which signs are located on a properly adjacent to and visible from residentially developed properties are not permitted. .060 Business Identification Wall Signs —Hotel/Motel. Hotel/Motel Business Identification Wall Signs shall comply with Table 116-5 (Business Identification Wall Sign — Hotel/Motel). Table 116-5 Business Identification Wall Sign —Hotel/Motel Number of 1-2 3-4 5-9 10-14 Over 14 Stories Maximum Sign 160 square feet 200 square feet 250 square feet 300 square feet 350 SF Area per Sign Face Maximum 2 feet 4 feet 4 feet, 6 inches 5 feet, 6 inches 7 feet Letter Height Maximum 3 feet 7 feet 8 feet 10 feet 10 feet Symbol Height Maximum Two (2), except that for hotels or motels located on a corner property, up to four (4) signs may Number of Signs be permitted. per Building For buildings at mid -block locations, signs shall be located on non -adjacent building elevations; provided that for buildings over five (5) stories in height, the two wall signs may be located on adjacent building elevations as long as only one sign is legible at any time from any point on the adjacent public right-of-way. Buildings over five (5) stories may have one additional wall sign located on the porte-cochere with a maximum letter/symbol height of twenty-four (24) inches and one additional wall sign located above the main lobby pedestrian entrance with a maximum letter/symbol height of twenty-four (24) inches. Sin Coy Sign copy limited to hotel/motel name and/or logo. Table 116-S Business Identification Wall Sign —Hotel/Motel Number of 1-2 3-4 5 — 9 10-14 Over 14 T Stories L- Sign copy shall be located no closer than one-half the size of the largest letter/symbol to the top and sides of the building wall or fascia or to the closest window line adjacent to the sign. Sign copy shall be located below the top of the building eave line or roof line, whichever is lower. Illumination Illumination Limitations No bare bulbs, exposed neon, animated or flashing signs. No internally illuminated can signs displaying corporate hotel/motel affiliations. No internally illuminated canopies/awnings. All raceways shall be concealed. No dual -lit signs. Allowable Illumination For symbols only, sign cabinet with letters/symbol routed from opaque background with internally illuminated copy. Reverse metal pan channel letters/symbol with neon halo illumination. Internally illuminated channel letters/symbol with translucent face panels. Open pan channel letters/symbol with clear translucent face panels. Other 12 inch maximum projection from building face or from architectural projection. Limitations Projection over the public right-of-way is prohibited. Signs shall be attached without visible supports or raceways. Canopy and awning sign design must be an integral part of the building design and are in lieu of permitted wall signs. Wall signs located below the third (3) floor level of a building and which signs are located on a property adjacent to and visible from residentially developed properties are not permitted. .070 Accessory Business Wall Sign—Hotel/Motel. Hotel/Motel Accessory Walls signs shall comply with Table I I6-T (Accessory Business Wall Sign — Hotel/Motel). Table 116-T Accessory Business Wall Sign — Hotel/Motel Maximum Up to eighty percent (80%) of the tenant storefront length. Length of Sign Maximum One (1) sign that is visible from the public right-of-way per business. If a Number of business has frontage on two streets, two (2) signs may be permitted, one facing Signs Per each street. An additional sign may be permitted on the corner, if the main Business entrance to the business is located on the corner. Sign Copy Limited to business name and/or logo. Limitations Shall be located below the second floor line. Maximum Letter Height: thirty-six (36) inches for the first letters, twenty-four (24) inches for copy. Maximum Symbol Height (when used with a company name or logo): thirty-six (36) inches S� mbol Only Maximum Height: thirty-six 36) inches Other No flashing signs, exposed neon or bare bulbs. Limitations Signs shall be attached without visible supports or raceways. Signs shall be installed directly above or adjacent to the main entrance of the business. Wall signs are permitted for restaurant or retail shops with a GFA of less than 10,000 square feet when it has a separate entrance other than through hotel/motel lobby; businesses with a GFA of 10,000 square feet or more may have one wall sign per street frontage whether or not it has a separate entrance other than through the hotel/motel lobby. Accessory business wall signs not visible from the public right-of-way are exempt, provided they are part of a coordinated sign program. .080 Anaheim Resort Nonconforming Signage Program — Replacement Signs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for participants in the Anaheim Resort Nonconforming Signage Program, modifications (size, location, design) to freestanding monument signs and wall signs may be permitted subject to the approval of the Planning Director to comply with the Anaheim Resort Nonconforming Signage Program adopted by resolution of the City Council concurrently with adoption of SP92-2. The Planning Director's decision shall be final unless appealed to the City Council within ten (10) days from the date of such decision. .090 Sign Materials. All signs, with the exception of Canopy and Window Signs shall be constructed as follows: .0901 Construct street number and main identity sign boxes of fiberglass or aluminum materials. All other materials, including wood and steel are not allowed. .0902 The sign face shall read as a single surface with sign copy applied by silk screening or push through acrylic flush to the surface. .0903 Fiberglass signs shall be constructed of fiberglass reinforced plastic with a smooth surface prior to painting. Coloring integral to the fiberglass material is also acceptable. .0904 Aluminum signs shall be of an appropriate thickness to avoid oil canning or buckling. A 1/8 inch minimum thickness is required. All seams shall be filled and ground smooth. There shall be no visible fasteners and all edges shall be eased. .0905 All surfaces shall be thoroughly prepared and appropriately primed and painted conforming to industry standards to prevent oxidation, pitting or rust. .0906 Identification of sign fabricator credits shall be hidden from public view. .0907 Construct signs of permanent exterior sign materials. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006: Ord. 6141 §§ 5 - 7; April 14, 2009: Ord. 6156 § 47; September 22, 2009: Ord. 6265 §§ 25 - 32; January 15, 2013: Ord. 6274 §§ 2, 3; May 14, 2013: Ord. 6506 §§ 64 - 67; February 9, 2021.) 18.116.170 RECLASSIFICATION PROCEDURE —VIOLATION. Concurrent with or subsequent to introduction of an ordinance adding this chapter to the Anaheim Municipal Code, the City Council may introduce an ordinance to reclassify the property covered by Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SP No. 92-2) and this chapter to the zoning designation SP No. 92-2. Such reclassification shall be subject to each of those certain conditions of approval of SP No. 92-2 as set forth therein. Any violation of any of said conditions shall be deemed a violation of this chapter as well as of the reclassification ordinance and shall be punishable as set forth in Section 1.01.370 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. (Ord. 5453 § 1 (part); September 27, 1994: Ord. 5920 § 1 (part); June 8, 2004: Ord. 6031 § 64 (part); August 22, 2006.) EXHIBIT "B" "THEME PARK AND PARKING OVERLAYS" [Behind this sheet.] (DEV2021-00069) .,, M ,� Ve�n'onl Pve Ball RdZRV--� I �- Dls-neyland I ';FLagic-yJapy rhorrii Park r.��. m i e N RKRI 5 -W EXHIBIT B City of; Anaheim Ball Rd a Ce¢ltos Ave n1 ■ rl CA AJ� v AnaheiCitym - L `{�<<• Katella Ave __ _ L —_ —I l 3 r : 1 ICotella Ave Nl\:2 I • rHEMEPARKEASr 7 ®.:gsyveg'd ` OVERLAY - .....� .�.} cmeoueo_w— Orangewood Ave r N City Of CnYROUNDARY' --------I Garden Grove 1 y r--__I I City of it I- Orange r1_ I Chapman Ave '— — — — — — LEGEND The Anaheim Resort Boundary The Anaheim Resort C r Specific Plan Boundary C J City Boundary MAP FEATURES _Parcels subiect to the Theme Park Overlay Nal■.rsau tee: (East and West) Zone In the C-R District cllr rasa) lm Data, 2o24 cnY "indary Data. 2022 Parcels suhlect to the Parking Overlay Zone in the C-R (strict 0 750 1,500 O Feel APRIL 2024 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM CLERK'S CERTIFICATE ss. I, THERESA BASS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original Ordinance No. 6575 considered at a public hearing at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 161 day of April. 2024, and introduced at the conclusion of the public hearing on the 17'h day -of April, 2024, and that the same was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 7t' day of May. 2024, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: Mayor Aitken and Council Members Kurtz, Diaz, Leon, Rubalcava, Faessel and Meeks NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8'h of May, 2024. ACITYERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) ANAHEIM BULLETIN RNEWSE See Proof on Next Page Anaheim Bulletin 1920 Main St. Sufte 225 Irvine , California 92614 {714) 796-2209 r 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 217 Anaheim, California 92805 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Orange County I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above -entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper that has been adjudged to be a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Orange County, State of California, on December 28, 1951, Case No. A-21021 in and for the City of Anaheim, County of Orange County, State of California; that the notice, of which the annexed is a true printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: 05116/2024 I certify (or declare) under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct: Executed at Anaheim, Orange County, California, on Date: May 16, 2024. ORD-6575 (5190168) - Page 1 of 2 SUMMARY PUBLICATION CITY OF ANAHEIM ORDINANCE NO. 6575 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 18.116 (ANAHEIM RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 92-2 (SP 92-2) ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS) OF TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 5453 AND 5454, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED (AMENDMENT NO. 17TO THE ANAHEIM RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN) (DEV2021-00069) This ordinance amends various and numerous provisions of Chapter 18.116 (Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2 (SP 92-2) T1tIe 18 (Zoning) of the Anahelm Municipal Code to comprehensively update text, graphics and imagery throughout to reflect Disneyland Forward, an update to the Disneyland Resort Project, including providing administrative review of future development In the Theme Park and Parking Overlays, revising structural height standards in the Theme Park Overlay, requiring 360 Degree Architectural Treatments for theme Park uses, revising setbacks along certain streets and adjacent to residential zones, and updating standards to reflect proposed modifications associated with DisneylandForward. I, Theresa Bass, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a summary of Ordinance No. 6575, which ordinance was considered at a public hearing held at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim on the 16th day of April, 2024 and introduced at the conclusion of the public hearing on the 17th day of April, 2024, and was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 7th day of May, 2024 by the fol lowing roll call vote of the members thereof: AYES: Mayor Aitken and Council Members Kurtz, Dtaz, Leon, Rubalcava, Faessel and Meeks NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The above summary is a brief description of the subject matter contained In the text of Ordinance No. 6575 which has been prepared pursuant -to Section 512 of the Charter of the City of Anaheim. This summary does not include or describe every provision of the ordinance and should not be relled oil as a substitute for the full text of the ordinance. To obtain a copy of the full text of the ordinance, please contact the Office of the City C lerk, (714) 765-5166, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. There Is no charge for the copy. Anaheim Bulletin Published: 5/16/24 ORD-6575 (5190168) - Page 2 of 2 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, THERESA BASS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original Ordinance No. 6575 and was published in the Anaheim Bulletin on the 16tn day of May, 2024, pursuant to Section 512 of the City Charter of the City of Anaheim. CITY LERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL)