USOLt1!IOIIO. 5026
A BlSOU1!IOI or !D CI!!' OOlJI'CIL ~ !'D Clfr ~ AUIIII
II _TAIl .AUAI or !'D Clft. .AID !IA! .&a!ICLI IX. ClJWIUI
LID SAID t'lU&J or zoo.
p1!VW'S. th. OU7 PlaniJIC Co.m...s.OI1 of the Oit7 of "ei. h.. h.re-
tofor. dul7 p...ed and adoptod . r..olutiol1 d.clariJIC i1;. il11;.I11;ioa 1;0 Ckaac. th.
bowa4ari.. of the zoao or '011.. h.r.inaft.r ...tloa8d and de.cri~ed ~ 4i4 fi%
. U.. and. place for the ho14iJIC of . public heariq thereol1 111 'he ....r _4 ..
pr..cribed in ArUcle IX. Cbapter 2 of \h. .bah.1II Manicipa1 Cote. ad 414 4U7
ho14 ad collduct IlUch pubUc hoariJIC to C0I181dor .aid propo.ed chup of .0.. or
zoao., aDd did receive evid.ac. aDd report. fro. per.ol1. il1tero.ted th.roil1; aDd
p1l1IW". withia . period of fort7 (40) 4.,.. followiag the f1ul hearlJIC
thereon. tho P:l.aDaiJIC 00_1I81oa di4 4ulT azmOUI1C. bt foraal resolution it. f1l14-
iJIC. of f.ct. an4 declare it. .opiaio.. ad re..o.. for r.coaa..41JIC _ .......at
to ..id ArUcl. IX, Cb.phr 2 of th. .bah.i. Mlm1cipal Ooto h .ff.ct th. propo..4
chaQl.. ia the boundari.a of th. 10l1e h.r.inafter .0I1tione4ad d..crlbed; aD!
~WDW'S. upon receipt of th. report aDd r.ooamODd.tioa of th. Oit7
Planing Comml..ioa, the Oi1;y Oouncil did 1;hereupo. fix the 3rd ~ of
February , 19 59 i... the U.e ad th. Oouncil Oham'ber in tho OU7
Hall of the CUy of An..i... the pl.co for . public h.aring UpOI1 .aid propo..d
chac. of zone, and did gl'''' 110Uc. thor.of ia th. mazmer and. .. prOTi4e4 1& .aid
Article IX. Chapt.r 2 of the .bah.i. Manicipal 004.; aDd
yvmvW'S. .t the time aDd plac. fix.d for aaid public h.arlal. th'
City Council dld duly hold aDd cOl1duct IlUCk public h.aring and. 4i4 giT. all p.r-
acm. intere.ted therein a oppo"hni ty to be h.ard _d did receiT. evideac. aDd
r.ports. and did thereupon con.ider the rec...el14.tio.. of the Oit7 Planiae
Coam18aiol1; and
~.,', the Oity Council doe. find aDd d.termin. that the prop.rt7
aDd are. propo.ed to be changed fro. the zone in which 11; 18 110W .11;u.'04 '0 ·
diff.r.nt zone, .. hereinafter .et forth, 18 more 111.1 '.bl. for the loa8 or .0...
to which it i. propo..d to chaJa&e a.id property aDd ar.. aDd thd the 1aclu-s.on
of ..id property and are. in such n.w Ion. or 1011.. will incr.... the Talue of
.aid prop.rty and are. III1d will 110t d.pr.ciate th. Talue. of propert7 111 d.j01l1-
lag lone..
lOW, ~.~RI, I~ IT RlSOLTID by the Oi'7 Council of the Oit7 of
.Aubel. that all of the propert7 ad ar.. 811nlah4 111 the CUy of Auh.i., eoutr
of Orc1ce. St.te of C.Uforni., deacrib.4 .. folloWl, to witl
The Southerly 550 feet of the Easterly 281 feet and the Hortherly
100 feet of the Easterly 313 feet of the North i of the s>> of
the SEt of Section 19. Township 4 South, Range 10 WeBt..~J!'f~.. &, M., Orange
Oounty, Oalifornia.
. b. Clbaapcl troa B.-A, lUllSImmTIAL-AGRICULTtm.AL zom: to 0-1, NEIGHBORHOOD-COMMERCIAL
ZONE. upon the following conditionsl
1. That the owners of subject property place Gf reC9rd standard Oi ty
of Anaheim 0-1 Deed Restrictions, approved by the Oity Attorney,
which restrictions shall prohibit the use of said property for
off-sale liquor establishments.
2. That the owners of subject property deed to the City of Anaheim
a strip of land 60 feet in width, from the center line of the
street. along Brookhurst Street for street widening purposes.
J. !rhat all engineeriIlg requirements of the City of Anaheim, such as
curbs and gutters. sidewalks, street grading, paving. draiJ:l.8ge
facilities, or other pertinent work, be complied with as required
by the City Engineer, and in accordance with plans and specifications
on file in the office of the City Engiaeer.
4. '.!.'hat the owners of subject property p~ to the City of Anaheim the
sum of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. .
5. That all of the above conditions be complied with within a period
of 90 ~s, or such further time as the Council ~ grant, from
and after the completion of annexation proceedings now pending in
which subject property is included.
U 1'1' ~D8 BlSOLTB that the Cl1y Atton.y b.. ..d he 1e her.by
.alhor1.ed &D4 directed to prepere..d Bub.lt to the C1t7 Coancll .. ...a4ae.,
,. ~Uc1e IX. lIl.pier 2 of the .bahel. IIludclpal Code to _ead Baid ......1.
-.mlelpal Oo4e to accollJll1eh the object hereb tOlUl.d aa4 dehralned '0 be
Deee.eary aIl4 proper.
., 'l'BIlOIIGOIJD BlSOr.ll!IOI 11 ISped aa4 apprOTed by.. lhil lOth
eorur,. . . 19~.
__fJ _~~ ..~
~ ~ :tft~~.r.~
4.I\T of
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, CITY CLERK of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced end
adopted at a regular meeting of the City Oouncil of the City of
Anahei1ll, tieli:i:Pebfuary 10, 1959, by the following vote of the members
AYES: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte
NOES: Coons
ABSENt: None
AND I FURTHER CERtIFY that'the Mayor of the City of
Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution on'the lOth day of
Februal"y, . 1959.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 10th day of February,
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