59R-5015 ,,--,. USOLU!IOJ: 1:0. 5015 A. DSOLU'fIOJ: or _ CUY COlJI'CIL or !II CIn or .A.I.UIIII rIIDIIG .AJ:l) DlmJlIJ:II:G !JU! A. ClUBGI or zoo II DCnlat IJr _UII .AUAS or !II CIn. .AJ:I) !BA! .Aa!IOLI IX. CJWI!II 2 OJ mJ AOUIJI JmB:I CIPAI. CODl 1IOUL1) JI .>>t~_"'1D !O A.CC()D. LISB SAID I1UHI or ZOD. ynmll1&e. the CU7 Planiag Oo.m.e1on of the oU7 of _.ei. It... It.ere- tofore dull' p....d and adopted a re.olation declariag it. intention to ObaDce tlle baaD4arie. of the lone or lone. hereinafter .entione4 and de.cri'e4 ... di4 fis . ti.e ad place for the holdine of . pUllc hearine thereon in the ....r _d .. pre.cribed in Article IX. Chapter 2 of \he Anahei. M1m1cipa1 Code. ad 414 h17 hold aud collduct IIUch pu.bl1c heariag to cone1der laid propo.ed chaDp of ..u or lones, and did receive evidence and report. fro. per.on. intere.ted therein; and yav.R_l'. within a period of fort7 (40) ~I followine the f1aal heariag thereon, the Planning Co..ilsion did dull' aanounce b1 formal relolution it. fiD4- iagl of facts and declare its .opinioas and re.sonl for reco..endiDg an ..eD4aent to I.id Ar~icle IX, Chapter 2 of the __ei. Municipal Code to effect the propoled chances in the boundaries of the zone hereinafter mentioned and 4elcribed; and ynm_l~, upon receipt of the report and recoamend.tioa of the Oit7 Planning Commis.ion, the Cit7 Council did th.reapon fis the 3rd a.r of Februarv . 19 tl9 ,as the time and the Oouncil Chaa....r in the OU7 Hall ot the C!i ~y of An_eilt al the place for a pu.bl1c hearine upon .aid propo.ed chauce of zene. and did giTe notice thereof in the JR&Dner and .. p1"OTicled i. s.id Articl. IX, Chapter 2 of the ~eilt Municipal Code; and lfBJl!'R'lS. at the time and place fised for .aid pu.bl1c hearlq. th_ City Council did duly hold and conduct nell public hearing and did giTe all per- lonl interested therein au opportunit7 to be heard and did receiTe evidence aa4 ~eports. and did thereupon co..ider the recommeD4ation. of the Oit7 Planiae Oo_illion; and. WHlPI~Q. the Cit7 Council does find and determine th.t the propert7 and area plrOpOled to be changed from the zone in which it 11 now e1 tu.ted to . different lone. a. hereinafter let forth, is more suit.ble for the zone or lonel to which it h Fopoled to change sai4 property and are. and th.t the acl...ion of s.id property and. area in IUch new zone or zonel will incre..e the Tal... of laid property and are. ad will not depreciate the TalUI of propert7 in ad.1oi:a- iag zonel. liOW. l!IIlft1l!1'OU. l3Jl IT USOLTID by the 01t7 OoUJlcil of the 01_7 of An_etm that all of the propert7 and are. IUU.'ed in the CU7 of Aubei.. Cnatr of Orange. State of California, delcribed a. follows. to viti The Westerly Two-Thirds of Lot 3 of Orange Grove Acres, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, as per map thereof recorded in Book 6, Page 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. ..,.-. -1- F-58-59-49 .- ,-.. . 'be cUap4 fro. R-A, RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL ZONE to M-I, l:.IGHT- MANUFACTURING ZONE, upon the conaitions hereinafter set forth, with the exception of the North Half thereof, which shall remain R-A, RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL ZONE. That the South Half of said property shall be reclassi- fied to M-1, LIGHT-MANUFACTURING ZONE, upon the following conditions: 1. That the building to be constructed on subject property be erected and the property landscaped in accordance with the plot plan and renderings sub- mitted to the City Council and on file with the City of Anaheim, and that that portion of said building actually fronting on the Freeway shall be "dressed up" or beautified. 2. That the owners of subject property place of record standard City of Anaheim M-I Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit the M-1 uses of the property to a truck terminal only. BI If J'tJK!IDIIJl BUOLTB \hat the CU7 A.hne7 be, &ll.d h. 18 h.r.b7 ...~orl..d &ad d1rec'ed to prepar....d .ub.1' to t~e 01'7 0~cl1 ... aaeD4ae.' ,. Azo\lcb IX. Cb.ap,er 2 of U1e Aaahei. IlwAicl;pal Code '0 ...a4 .aid -'a_.1. IIaIllc1pa1 Cod. t, accoaplhh \h. obj.ct hereta found lUl.d deteralned ,. be ..c...ar,v &D4 proper. _ of !HI JOUGOIJD BIIOImIOI 11 ,Sped aDd apprOTed by.. \hi, 3rci Februar.y ,l'~, CJ-J ~('~~ JU.TOJl 0 CI!! o} AJWII~.. ;- ~c I ~)7-- , / . ". ?V--/~--?..... ~ _.N___ en. t'lft_W OJ !II CI!!' rg' .AJI.&RIIK. -2- - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) """" I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 3rd day of February, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIIJolEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutt. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 3rd day of February, 1959. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 3rd day of February, 1959. il' -hi ~L . t L- /; - ~?~ CITY CLERK or THE CITY OF ANAHElM (SEAL) ~