59R-5012 ..."'" - ,.-.. USOLU!Itm BO. ~012 A DIOLU!IOB OJ !D CI!! COtJJ:OIL or !II CI!!' or .......1. lIBDIIO .AD DlDIIIIB1BG !lU.f A ClIAIGI or ZOD II DC.'.DT IB aDfAII .lUll or !D CIn, .AID BA! ""ICLI IX. CJWI!:JI 2 or !BI ....ABIIJ( IItlBICIPjI, CODl 1I0ULD U MUDID !O ACOOJlP-. LISB SAID ClUHI 01 zou. ~11&$, the CU7 Pl.-nlng Oo..haion of the Oi~7 of Anaheia h.. h.re- tofore du17 p....d and adopt.d . resolution d.clarinc ita int.ntion to Chaace the bO'lUldarlo. of the lIOn. or zone. h.r.inathr ....tton.d and do.er1'be! ... 4i4 fis . Un and plac. for the holding of . ~bl1c hearinc thereon in ,he .....1' aa4 .. pre.cribed in ~ticb IX, Ch.pter Z of the Anah.im Municipal 004., .... tit d'417 hold and coDduct .uch ~blie hearlng to con.id.r .aid propoI.d ehaDce of .... or zon.I, and did receive evld.nce and r.port. from per.on. inter..tad th.r.in; aa4 ~11&$. withln . period of forty (40) d~. following the fiDal h.aring th.reon, the P1annlng Oool.lio.. did du17 announc. b1 formal r..o1utioa it. fint- ingl of f.ctl and d.clare It.oplnloal &ad r..lon. for reco.....diDg an ...a4aeat to said Article IX, Ch.pter Z of the .b.ah.ill Manicipal 004. to .ff.ct th. propOled chances In the boundaries of the zone hereinatter menUoned aad do.cr1bed; aa4 ~lI&S, upon recelpt of th. report &ad reco..end.tioa of the Cit7 Planning OOJlJlllillltOll!., the Clt7 Oouncil dld thereupon tis the ird ~ of Februarv , 19 S9 ..s the t1l1e aad the Oouacil Cha111Ier ill the Cit7 Ball of the CUy of .b._eia .. the p1.c. for . ~bl1c h.aring upon ..i4 propo..d chanc. of zone, and dld glve notic. th.reof ln the mann.r and .. prOTided 1.. ..id Articl. IX. Chapt.r 2 of the Anah.ill Manicipal 0048; &ad 1fBP!1l'&S, .t the time and p1ac. fu.d for .aid ~b1ie h.arl.... the C1ty Council did dul7 hold and conduct ~ch pab11c h.aring &ad did give all per- Ion. lnterelted therein an oppo~tunlt7 to b. heard and did r.c.ive eTil...c. &ad report I. and did th.reupon con.id.r the r.eOllll!eDdatioaa of the Cit7 Plaaniag Oo_lIl1on; and p1IllIJ&q, the 01t7 Council do.. fint and d.torain. th.t the prop.rty and are. p't'opo.ed to be changed from the .one in which it 11 now 11 tuated to . dlff.rent zone, .. her.inaft.r s.t forth. 11 more luit.b1e for th. .on. or zon.. to whlch it 18 propo..d to chaace .aid propert7 and ar.. and that the lae1ul1oa of laid property an4 are. in IUch n.w zone or lone. will incr.... the value of .aid property and ar.. end will not depr.ci.te the val... of prOpert7 1a ad~oill- lng 1I0ne.. wow, 'l'SJDlIJOaa, BI If USOLTID b7 the Cl t7 Oauacil of the Oit7 of Anahei. that all of the prop.rt7 and are. 11tuated in the Cit7 of Anah.im, Couat7 of Orange. State of O.llforni., delcribed .. follows. to witl PARCEL 1: - The East 70.00 feet of the West 202.00 feet of the East Half of the North Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as said section is shown on a map recorded in Book 51, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said county. EXCEPT the North 180.00 feet thereof. PARCEL 2: The East 70.00 feet of the West 272.00 feet of the East Half of the North Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter -1- F-$8-59-36 ...... - of the Northwest Quarter of Seotion 12, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as said section is shown on a map recorded in Book 51 ,Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said county. EXCEPT the North 180.00 feet thereof. . 'b. ahu&ed frOll R-A. RESIDENTIAL-AGRlCULT\lRAL ZQ~E to R-l. SINGLE- FAMILY-RESIDENTIAL ZONE, subject to the following conditions: 1. That sidewalks be installed along Redwood Drive as required by the City Engineer. 2. That the owners of subject property deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 5 feet in width along the northerly boundary of subject property for an easement for pUblic utility purposes. 3. That the owners of subject property pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25.00 per lot, for each lot cut off, for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. 4. That any houses erected on subject property shall contain a minimum livable floor area of 1,525 square feet, and shall be comparable fn size, quality and design to those in the immediate area. 6. That the owners of subject property place of record standard City of Anaheim R-l Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall provide that any houses erected on subject property shall contain a minimum livable floor area of 1,525 square feet, and shall be comparable in size, quality and design to those in the immediate area. That all of the above conditions, with the exception of Condition No.4, shall be complied with within a period of 90 days from date hereof, or such further time as the Council may grant. 5. D I! I'tmDJa 1lI80LTID that the CU7 Athne7 be, aad he 11 here'b7 __thori.ed aad directed to prepU'...d lub.it to the Clt7 Coaacl1 .. aaeD4aea' '0 ArUcle IX. Cbap"er Z of the .b.ahei. Jlaaiclpal Oode to ..en4 laid ~ei. Jlaicipal Code to accollp11lh the ob~ect hereill found and de'erabed b be aec...ar.v aDd proper. 4Ilr of fBI J'OB:JOOI. Bl80LU!IOB 11 11ped and apprOTed by .e "h1l 3rd Februar,v . 19~. ~~~ . ('\ () KATa 0'1 01!! 0 .ABAD~I. ,- ~ -]x . /.d~~~...' _ wj . or _ CI!!' OJ. .ADDII, -2.- ... - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk ot the City ot Anaheim, do hereby certify t~at the foregoing r,solution was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting provided by law ot the City Council of the City ot Anaheim, held on the 3rd day of February, 1959, by the following vote: .~. AYES: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor ot the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 3rd day ot February, 1959. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and. affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 3rd day of February, 1959. LL- k. ~~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY or ANAHEIM (SEAL) """