UlIOLt1!IOI BO. 4973
I. _WI .uus OJ !D CI!!. AID '!JU.t ""ICLI IX. ClW'!II
pn'.I. the OUy PlaniJIC o...i..ion ot the Ci~y ot .b..ei. h.. here-
totore 4uly p...e4 and adopte4 . re.olutio. declariac i h intenUon to ch&IICe the
boaDAarie. ot the Ion. or lone. herelaafter .entlon.d and d..crl\84 ... dld tlx
. ti.. &ad plac. tor the holdiac of . public h.aring th.r.en in ~he .....1' and ..
prucr1\84 in ArUca IX, Chap~.r Z of \h. .Aaaheb M\1n1clpa1 Code, &ad did d1Lly
ho14 and. COMuct nch pabl1c h.ariDe to con.ider .ald proposed chaDce ot Ion. or
z..... and did rec.iT. eTit.nc. and. report. fro. per..n. inter.st.d th.r.in; and
pn-.S. "ithiD . period ot tor~y (40) dq. tolloriDe the fiDal hearing
thereon, the Plan:alJIC O...h.io. did du17 announce by toraal reulutioa u. tb4-
iDS. ot t.ct. aDd d.clar. its opi.l... and r...on. tor r.co..endiac an ....a.e.t
to .ai4 -'zoUcle IX. Chapter 2 of the .....1. Mu.icipa1 Cod. to .ff.ct ~he propo..d
chaac.. in the boundaries ot the lone h.r.inaft.r .en~loned and d..cribed; and
WVWDW.S, upon r.ceipt of the report and reco..endation ot the Oity
Planaing Oo..i..io., the Ci~y Oouncil did th.reupon tix the 6th dq ot
J'_uarT ,1' 59 ,.. the U.. and the Oouncil 0.....1' iD the OUy
Hall ot the OUy ot ._d... the plac. tor . pabl1c h.aring upon .aid propo..d
chance ot Ion., aDd diel g~:,.. noUc. th.r.ot in the .....1' and .. prOTid84 ill .aid
Articl. IX, ~ter 2 ot the .Aaahei. Maaicipa1 Code; and.
~.e, .t the time aa4 plac. fixed tor .ald pabllc h.arlaC, th,
City COUIlcil did dwly hold aa4 coatuct nch Jablic h.ariac and. did giT. all per-
.on. inter..ted th.r.in an oppor~'lUl.Uy to b. h.ard aa4 did rec.iTe ",ld..ce ad.
reports, and did th.reupon cOR.id.r the r.coaaeat.tloll. ot the City Planiag
Oo..i88ion; and
~.... the Oity Oo'IUI.cil do.. tiD! and det.raine th.t the prop.rty
and are. propo.ed to b. chaaged tro. the Ion. b _iell U 18 no" ei tuat84 to .
difter.nt Eon., .. h.re1nalhr ..t tor~h, h "1'. .uUabl. tor the Ion. or .on..
to which it h propo..d to ehaqe .ald ]lZ'operty ad. ar.. ad that the acludoll
at .aid property an4 are. ln .uch n." lone or l!tlle. rill incr.... the TalU ot
.ald prop.r~y aa4 ar.. ad will IlO~ d.pr.ci.t. the TalU.. ot propert7 i. adjoin-
iag lone..
IOW. ~'WOBl, II If 1180LTID DY the City Council ot the Oity ot
.Aaah.i. that allot tho pr.per~y ad. area eihate4 ill the 01t7 ot .Aaahei., Co1I.D.t7
ot O~., Itat. ot CaUtoraia, d..cr1\84 .. tollo"., to wit:
That portion of the lortheast quarter of the Northeast quarter
at Section 19. Township 4 South. Range 10 West. S.B.B. & M.. de-
scribed as tollowa:
PAliCIL 1:
Beginning at the Southeaat corner at land deaoribed as Parcel 1
in deed to Hugo R. Hille and wife. recorded March 27. ,~~, 4~ book 2164.
page 356 of Otficial Records. said point being On the .aat line ot said
Section 19 and diatant South 00 27' 00" West 400.00 teet from the
Northeast corner ot said Section 19: thence South 890 '4' 40" West
parallel with the lortherly line of said Section 19. a distance ot
175.00 feet: thence South 00 27' 00. West 100.00 feet to the lorthvest
corner of land de.oribed aa Parcel 1 in deed to Leebman H. V~an
and wife. recorded March 26. 1951 in Book 2164. page 13 ot Otticial
Record.: thence lorth 890 541 40. East 175.00 feet along the lortherly
line of sai! land of Leebman H. Vaughan to the EaBterly line ot said
Section 19; thence lorth 00 27' 00" maBt 100.00 teet to the point ot
Bsginning at a point in the last line of said Section 19. South
o 271 West 600.00 teet trom the lortheast corner ot said .ection. Baid
point being the South...t corner of the land described in the deed to
Earl Singleton and wife. recorded May 16. 1949 in Book 1843. p~e 420 of
Otticial Records; thence tram said point at beginning South 890 54' 40.
West along the South Une of said land conveyed to :Blarl Singleton u.d
wite. 175.00 teet: thence lorth 00 27' East along the West line at said
Singleton land. 100.00 teet; thence lorth 890 54' 40" East parallel to
the South line of said land of Singleton. 175.00 teet to the last line
thereof: thence South 00 27' West along said East line. 100 teet to the
point of beginning.
Said land is shown on a Licensed Surveyor's Map filed in Book 21.
page 7 of Record of Surveys in the otfice ot the County Recorder ot
Orange County. California.
PAliCEL 3:
Beginning at a point in the East line at Baid Section 19. South 00 27'
West 280 teet from the lortheast corner of said Section 19. said point
al.o being the lorthea.t corner ot the lu.d described in the deed to
Earl Singleton and wife. recorded May 16. 1949 in Book 1843. 8age 420.
Otficial Records: thence tram said point of beginni~ South 0 271
West along said East line. 120 teet: thence South 89 54' 40" West.
parallel to the lorth line of said Section 19. 175 teet to a point in
the West line of said land conveyed to Singlet'on and wife: thence
North 00 27' East along the West line of said land conveyed to Single-
ton and vife. 120 teet to the lorthwest corner thereat; thence lorth
890 54' 40" East along the Borth line of said land conveyed to Single-
ton and wife. 175 feet to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the East line ot Section 19. 759 teet South of
the Bortheast corner thereot: thence South 563 teet to the South li.e
of the Borthea.t quarter of the Bortheast quarter: thence West 923 feet:
thence Northeasterly 1090 feet to the point ot beginning:
lIlXOlIPTIIG TB:IlUJ'ROM TBJ: J'OLLOWIIG: Beginning at a point on the lut
line of said Section 19. 766.25 feet So~th ot the Bortheast corner ot
said section: thence South along the last line of said section 237.09
feet; thence at right angles to the last line ot said section 387.88
feet; thence Northeasterly 454.57 teet to the point of beginning.
ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion included in Tract 2273 as per
map thereof recorded in Book 63, page 27, of Miscellaneous Maps,
Records of Orange County.
ALSO EXCEPTING TRlREFROM that portion included in Tract 2473 as per
map thereof recorded in Book 72, pages 27 and 28 of Miscellaneous
Maps. records of Orange County.
PARCllL 5:
Beginning at a point in the lalt line of Section 19. Township 4
South, Range 10 Welt, S.B.B. & M., laid point being South 00 27'
West 600.00 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 19.
running thence from laid point of beginning South 890 54' 40" Welt
parallel to the North line of said Section 19. 175.00 feet to a
point; thence South 00 271 West, parallel to the East line of said
Section 19. 265.91 feet to a point in the Northerly line of that
certain parcel of land described in deed recorded July 28. 1897 in
Book 31. page 62 of Deeds; thence North 580 38' 20" Ealt along said
Northerly line 205693 feet to a point in the East line of said Section
19; thence Nortr 0 27' mast along said East line. 159.00 feet to the
point of beginning.
PAi.CiL 6:
The Easterly 175.00 feet of that portion of the Northeast quarter
of the Northeast quarter of Section 19. Tovnship 4 South, Range 10
Wut, S,.a.B. & Mol in the Rancho Los Coyotes, County of OrlUl&e.
State of California. as said section is shown on a map recorded in
book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, recordl of Orange County.
California. described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the East line of said section 766.25
feet South of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South along said
East line 237.09 feet; thence Westerly at right angles 387.88 feet;
thence Northeasterly in a direct line 454.47 feet to the point of
be chaced frOll R-A, :US1~IJL-AGRlctlLm:RALZODl t. 0-1. JlEIGB:BOEBOOD-
COIOIIIRCUL ZOD. up" the f.llowi~ coJldi Uo..:
1. !'hat the onere of subject property place of record
standard City of Anaheim 0-1 Deed Restrictions.
approved by the City Attorney.
2. !'hat the oners of subject property deed to the City
of Anaheim a strip of land 60 feet ia width from the
Center line of the street along Brookhurst Street, for
street wid.Ding purposes.
3. !hat all engaeeriag requlremeJlh of the Oity of Anaheim,
I5U.ch as carbs aa.d gutters, sidevalk., street grll4iag and
paviDg, draiJLa,ge fac1li Ues or other pertiJlent work be
coaplied with as required by the Oity lIlDgiJleer, in ac-
cordance with plaa.s and specification. on file in the
office of said City Engineer.
4. !'hat the owners of subject property Pill' to the City of
Anaheim. the saa of $2.00 per front foot for street
lighting purpose..
5. !'hat all of the above conditions shall be complied with
vi thin a period of 90 dqs from date hereof, or such
further time as the City Council ~ grant.
BI If J'UIl!Ba BUOLTD that the Oit,. AUone,. be. _d he is hereb,.
aatberi.ed an4 directed to prepare _d sub.it to the Oity CORneil _ ..eD4ae.t
to Article lX, Chapter 2 of the .Aubei. haicipal Code h ..e. sai4 -'aabei.
Mnaicipal Code to accoapli8h the object herei. foaad and deterained to be
nece.aary aDd proper.
dq of
!BJl J'OlmGOIJD USOLtJ!IOB is siped and approved by .e this 11th
Janury . 19.22-.
~, g"LJ{;
JU.YD O:r Ol!!' O:r .ADDI..
'-- ~. ...-
01 Cr.al:/{1-mlC:~/C::'.u~I.~.-'
I, DENE M., WIL.LIAJIS, Ci t:y Clerk of the Ci ty of An41heim,
do hereby certify that'the foregoing Resolution was' introduced
and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Anahai., held on: the 13th, day of Janllary, 1959, by tpe following
COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Pearson and Schutte
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and 'signed'said Resolution on the 13th day of January, 1959.
-, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haye hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the city of Anahei. this 13th day of January,
i "-., -) 5-: .
,/C~:.?:><-<- )/f. /-&~~