59R-5195 - - RESOLUTION NO. 5195 A RESOLUTION OF' T:HE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY 0' ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRAJlT DEEDOONVft'ING TO THE CITY OF' ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND rollLIC UTILITY PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City Council of the CitY' of Anahe1m 18 desirous of purchasing the hereinafter described real property tor publi4 purposes, to wit: An easement for road and 'DUblic ntilitv ~po se J a1'll! WHEREAS, . the owner s of said preperty ha~ off.red to .ell and convey the same to In. City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City ot Anaheim finds that it is for the benefit and best interest of the City o~Anah.1m to accept said offer and purchase said real prope~t7_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT aEaOl,VJ;l bJ' the City Cowncl1 ot the Ci ty of Anaheim that the of tel' of LOUIS ~. )UJ.BIN AND Rtl1'B RUllIll, httsband and wife, ... .. . .0... to.ell to the City of Anaheim the following described real ~rop.rty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State or Oali- fornia, to be used for road ~ rOliC UYlity uurnoses .. aDd more particularly descr . as fo lows: That portion~ of the Northeast quarter of Section 27. Township 4 South. Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M.. des- cribed as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the North hal.f of the North half of said Northeast quaDter of Section 27. said point being South 10 21' 00' East 656.l0,~eet from the Northwest corner of said Northeast quarter; thence North 890 491 28" East 460.01 feet along the Southerly line of said North half of the North half to the true point of beginning; thence North 10 21' 00" West 390.36 feet parallel with the Westerly line of said Northeast quarter to a line parallel with and distant Southerly 265.00 feet. measured at right angles from the North- erly line of said Northeast quarter; thence North 890 51' 30" East 967.75 feet along said parallel line; thence North 10 20' 15" West 265.06 feet to the North line of said section; thence North 890 54' 30' East 100.00 feet along s&1dsItrth line; thence South 10 20' 15" East 265.06 feet; thence North 890 54' 30" East 1114.70 feet parallel with the Northerly line of said section to the Easterly line of said section; thence South 10 19' JO" East 387.16 feet to the South- east corner of said North half of the North half; thence South 890 49' 28' West 2182.22 feet to the true pUnt of beginning. .- H, uti the l!I&me 1l!I hereb,., accepted by the Oi ty Counoil of the City or hahe1m, and that the ClU)' ot ADahe~ aoeept a e~llve,.qCe of. u.1.4 property_ ..1- - "-- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor ot the Clt1. ot Anaheim be; and he is hereby. authorized to pay to the oVDera or said real property. out of GeDeralFunds of the City of Anaheim. 1ll:te awn or One Do l.lar (.1.. 00 ) l> . . THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by ae Cia 28~ day of Anril, L ~L ' 19~. ~ ~ . . -). . .~ F'j 'C~~ 4'~1 ~- -L .. /. //1 / /- .: . . HIt OF .~ ~ O'nN'AHEIM afAR OF. OALIPHlrIA ) OOun'x OF ORANGE ) sa. CITY OF AUHJCIM ) . I, Den. M Wi 11 \ii. AIlaheim, do hereby certify at the bd adopted at a reo!ro.~ar lMld .. the 28th <<a:r 0 April lowing vote of the members thereof: 9 City Clerk ot the Oity .e foregoing resolution was pai... DeUng ot tu 01 t1 Onal&. f 19~, 'by the rtl.. . ADS: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte ltOBS: COUNCILMEN ~ None AB81!:NT: OOUl'CILMEIl: Coons All) I FURTHER CER!IFY that the Mayor ot the Oi ty of ADah.1.a approved ar:ad signed said resolut10n 013 the 28th j day or ~nrll , 19 59 0 III WITNESS WHEREOF , I UTe ureuto set my hand q4. ..ttl~.' 'lib. .eal of the 01 ty ot 41:1~.Ae1a th1s28th day ot April , 1 . rr II .. 1. S~ . ! / ~- ... '-.- cr--'. . 4 7f~ . ~ OP . . .. PM.!::)". (au. ) "... -2- , . ,-, .