58R-4901 ,.- RESOLUTION NO. 4901 .-.- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of ANAHEW DETERMWH!G THE NECESSITY FOR, AND DIRECTING THE ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DORffiIN O~, R~L PROPERTY FOR PARK AND RECRE- ATION PURPOSES. Vn1EREJ,S, public convenience and necessity require the acquisition, improvement and maintenance of a public improvement within the City of Anaheim, to wit: A public park, for park and recreation purposes; and 'fn1EH:':AS, the City Council does find and determine that public interest and necessity require the acquisition of all that certain real property herein described by the City o~ j~laheim for the improvement and maintenance of a publ ie parl{ for parl: an(; recreation purposes; :NOVI, THEREFOR'::, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci ty Counei 1 of the City of Anaheim that public interest and necessity require the acquisition of that certain real property situated in the City of Anallcim, County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described as follows, to wit: The '.'Jest half CN~) of the SO\lt:-least quarter (Sf.}:) of the Northeast quarter (NE~) of Section 7, Township', SouLl., Range 10 West, S.B.B. & Ii!.; Excr;PT ING TIER..':FROI:l the Norther ly 548 feet of the Easterly 1?0 feet. BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that the City Counei 1 does hereby find and determine that public interest and necessity require the acquisition of sai~ land by the City of Anaheim for the improvefficnt an~ maintenance of the afore~aid project, and that the takin~ of the property hereinabove described is nec'8ssary therefor, and that the use to which it is to be ap)lied is a use authorized by law, and the taking of said property is nec'3ssary to sue;, use. 1\10;/:, THEH.':r.':):~E, IT IS H::REBY AUTHORIZED that said property be acquired by t'le City of Anaheim, and the City Attorney of the City oT Anaheim is hereby directed to institute an action in eminent domain for the acquisition of the title to said property, and to perform and carry out all of the necessary proceedings and steps incident to the acquisition o~ the title to said property and to obtaining possession t~8rBof. TI-L: ?OREGOIIIG RESOLUTION is ap;Toved and signed by n; tl'ls 2nd day of fJece"lD.er, 1958. ;.;lA YOR ...-- ATTEST: ~ m.!J;d-';~ CITY CLERK Of' THE CITY OF ANAl-IE II,I. .,..-... - STATE OF~UFORJfIA~ COUIn' OF OJW(CI! S8. CIn OF WHlDI , ;f I. IlJKE M~ WI~LT ., City Clerk of the Cl ty of AAahelm, do hereby c:tttify that tll.f.~9.iA9aesol~tion -.as. iRtr~ced '~.dopt.d at an, ad.jOttrHd regu+ar ",UJ1gof theCHYCl>Uacll of the City .f AMhea, Add on the 2Jld day of neeeDiber, 19511, by the following votel . A'(iS I HOES. C01JllCIIJIBlk Borden, Fry,Sclw.tte an~ Coons COUNCIIJUU'" Noae ABSEJITI COUHCIUIEJh Pearson AEl I FUR11IER CDTIFY that th.Jlay~ Pro Tell of. t__ City of Aaahela approvedaRd slgnedsald Resolution qR the 2nd day of De;ceaber, '1958. II WITNESS IHI!RE.OF, I have hereunto set JIl'f 'hand and affixed tile official ..al of the Cl ty of A.ubelm this 2nd day . of DeceJDbtr, 195.8. ~g ?~~"?'~~/ . . CITY CI.EU OF THE ctTYOF WHEDI "IIAL) , J