1967-100 Ii.ESOLU'l'ION NO. 67R-- 100 1\. RESOLU'l'ION OF '.rIlE CITY COUi:JCIl.. OF 'l'EE CI'l'Y OF ANAHEL.i ACCEPTI:NG A GP..AN'I' DEED CONVEYING TO 'rEB CI'rY OF ANAI-IEIii CERT.hIlJ REAL Pl-10PERTY FOR LiUNICIPAL PURPOSES. vJHEREAS, t!1e City of Anaheim 6.id acquire certain real property for municipal purposesr and ~'JI-IEREAS, FlumERICKS Di.:VBLOPI1ELJT CORPORATION ana. SECURITY TITLE INSUHAi;rCE COilPANY did aC::luire title to the property con- tiguous to the City property; and "\\fI-iEREAS, the description of t..1e property acquired by the FREDERICKS DEVELOPLiEN'I' COli.POl~'I'ION and SECDRI'l'Y O:eITLE INSURl-il'JC:C COiIPANY did overlap upon tile property acquired by tile Ci t:i of Anaaeir.l thereby creating a cloud on t,ne -title of the property mmed by tile City of Anaheim;: ai1d vJHEREAS, a dispute existed as to the true ownersi.--lip of the overlapping portion of property and a question existed as to whether or not the description of the City's property included said overlapping strip, and \\fHER8l'iS, tile FREDERICKS D:t~VELOP~.:EN'll CORPORl~TION and SECURITY TITLE IHSUP...Al.\JCE Cm'IPANY in a spirit of cooperation recog- nized the claim of -t.itle of the City of F..naiwim; and WHEREAS, ble Fl=(i;D~IUCKS DEVi:LOPi,IENT CORPORA'llION and. SECURITY TITLE INSURill~CE CO~~illiY in order to clarify the records and clear any cloud of title on the City's property and in a true spirit of cooperation have executed and tendered a need to the City of tile disputed property; and 'WHEREl-\S, the City Council of the City of Anahe:L'1l finds that it is for the :benefit and best interests of the City of Anaheim to accept a grant deed for said real property. ~\Jm-J, THEH.EFOHE, BE IT :RESOLVED by the Ci-ty Council of the City of Anaheim tha-t tile offer of FHEDElUCKS DEVELOPllENT COLU>O&1.TION, a corporation, and SECURITY 'I'I'l'LE I1:JSURl'..NCE COI-IP1\.NY 1 a corpora-tion, -to convey to tile City of l\naheim the following described real property situated in the City of 1\.aaheim, County of Orange, State of California, to be used for municipal purposes, and more particularly described as follows~ The Easterly 30 feet of the westerly 313.0 feet of -the Soutilerly 250.0 feet of Lot 27 of Ana~leim Investmen"t Comj?aEY, as sJ.10wn on a map b1ereof recorcied in Book 7, Pages 33 and 34, l.liscellaneous I-laps, records of said Orange County. .be an<..&. 1:11e same is ilereby, accepted by t.l:..e City Council of the City of Anaheim, and tha-t the City of Zij,1al12im acce:?t a conveyance of said property. BE I'll F'URTiiEI{ HESOLVED -that -the City Council express its deep and sincere a",)Drecia'tiol1 to the FP-EDERICKS DEVELOPllENT COIZPOP..ATION and. SECUEI11Y TITLE INSURA1:<CE COU;PANY for -their spirit of friendliness and cooncration in resolving this situation and clearing the cloud. on the -ti-tlc:: -to the ci-ty' property. -1- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 21st day of February , 19 67 ~. ~a -/Ud@0 j, ~~ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF AHEIM ATTEST: L ~ '2J.:7~;7'~../ CIT CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ) ss. ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 21st day of February , 19 67 , by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Chandler, and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 21st day of February , 19 67 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 21st day of Februarv , 19~ ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 67R-IOO duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on February 21, 1967. ~A-. ~~ City Clerk -2-